Mature / Thirty+

School-gate Mum

I’m Joseph Clark, or was, most people know me now as Josephine or Jo. Tragic events turned my life around to a new direction and I now know where I am headed.


Not What We Expected - 02

NotExpected 02

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

I first truly fell in love at this very place twenty years ago today. Only then, I was the tall, handsome young man. I married that girl the next summer.

The Maitre d' showed us to the very same table that I had shared with Sandra that night long ago. A strong sense of déjà vu washed over me.

Can history be repeating itself, after a fashion?

If so, can it turn out differently this time around?


Chapter 2

Castle The Series - 0005 Incursion 568





Three hundred or so persons from various places and times on Earth arrive on Castle, and they must begin life anew or die.

Though there are numerous prequels and pages of explanation in my manuscript that occur before this, Hwijje and Travisher and First Incursion were examples of prequel chapters and I am currently working to make the explanations suitable for posting, this is where the series begins. Marcy, chapters 1-6, was posted out of order, early, in order to provide some story first, so that the explanations make sense, even though it would be done the other way around in printed format.

Where necessary or possibly helpful to some, there are notes at the end on word usage.

The Other Woman Chapter 1

The other woman

by Julia Christine

In this story, we have a princess raised in a cruel male dominated culture looking for a subservient husband that wont take everything she has from her. And we have a submissive man in a free culture half way across the world trapped in a cruel loveless marriage to a woman who only wants to demean and crush him. His wife has stolen everything from him.

And I guess I must give readers a warning. While this story is brutal. There is no TG element in this chapter. Sorry. There is forced homosexuality and humiliation on the hero.

Chapter 1


But Satan never rests, and he sent an imp to whisper temptation in our good Rabbi’s ear. Sitting all unfelt on his shoulder, the imp whispered, “You have the rest of the day to yourself, your golf gear is in the car, and no one who knows you will be on the golf course. And of course you pass it on your way home. You may as well play a round as be sitting at home doing nothing.”

“Impossible,” The Rabbi muttered, though he was tempted. “Today is Yom Kippur. Impossible!”

Ignorance is No Excuse for Hating Someone Part 7

Bishop Henri Residence, Brooklyn, New York:
“What are we looking for, Hatter?” Shade looks over towards Aylin as they sneaked around inside Bishop’s Henri’s place.

Carla, himself and Aylin were sent by Anika to Bishop’s Henri’s place. He couldn’t believe they were searching a holy man’s place.

“Concealed vaults, ledgers, anything that ties Bishop Henri to the Hunter organization.” Carla was helping.

“We already know he is the one that ordered the hit against Mrs. Bounty’s family and associates.” Hatter tossed a bible she had flipped through.

Masks 22: Part 4

Part Four

"I didn't realize you didn't have one of these stealth suits until you said you'd meet me on the way," said Energia, as she caught up with Template.

The older super was flying slowly, waiting for her niece.

"Yeah," said Template, with a shrug, as the duo picked up speed. The older woman's cape began snapping in the slipstream. "I just zip out from under the back porch at super speed as Randy, get well away from home then change while flying."

The Bootlegger - Part 2 of 5

[Autumn/Fall 1929]

The Girls didn’t get to hear about the happenings on Wall Street for a well over a week after the first big fall in stock prices. It was only when they went into Albany to do some Grocery shopping did they see the newspaper headlines. Both of them stopped dead and swore.

“That’s going to hit a lot of people very hard,” said Ethel.

“Including us. We had a good amount of dough in the bank just to look respectable. Those headlines were all about the run on the banks and banks going bust including ours.”

Sacrifice, Honour and Legends

Silvermane had reported her pregnancy late and Elgal had celebrated his virility at impregnating his new and very beautiful mare of the once so proud Magellsi clan immediately. He was blissfully unaware Silvermane had chosen to give herself to him because she’d considered, due to his arrogance and stupidity, he was the stallion most likely to be duped regarding her foal should it prove to be a colt.

The Endless Dance Card : 7 / 7

Just speaking for myself, I hate suspense. I don’t like the anxiety of anticipation. Whatever weird, creepy plan Donaldson had in store for me, I wanted to face it and get it over with. If it wasn’t inevitable, I’d put up a fight. If it *was* inevitable, avoiding it wouldn’t help.

Creation of a Death Chaunt and Joiking

I didn’t have any friends at school. I was a loner and more than a bit odd, so other kids tended to stay away from me, and I liked it that way because everything they did, talked about and were interested in seemed trivial and pointless.

The Hunter, Becomes The Hunted Part 6

Paul looks at everyone gathered around him. The assassin or mugger that Marshal Running Bear had tortured and killed hadn’t told them anthing of any use. Even the information that Jessica removed from the man’s mind, hadn’t revealed anything of use.

“I think we need to be more active and start asking the villagers where we can find these assassins.” Paul knew they needed to pull a few pages from his and Kat’s playbook.

The Loyalty Test 2019

Tim Rodgers was so ecstatic when he hung up the phone and went to his computer. He just got done with a productive conversation with the Dean of Business at Northeastern Wesleyan University. He was offered a full-time professorship chair there. The man was going to end the business world section of his life. No more late night at the office, daily meetings to just make some paper-pushers look busy or meaningless paperwork to give to some hoarder to file only to never see the light of day again.

The Bootlegger - Part 1 of 5

[October 1927 – Chicago]
Vincent ‘Bugsy’ Stallone came into his office in a bad mood.
“Those bastards from Justice are getting to be a real pain in the arse. We just lost another shipment of beer between the Port and the Warehouse. It is that agent Ford again. He gets everywhere, the bastard. He must have informants on almost every street corner.”

The blonde-haired woman sitting next to his big polished oak desk looked up from filing her nails.

“What are we going to do? We have customers who rely on us. That’s the fourth this month.”

“Doll, don’t I just know it. Now that Big John and the rest are out of action it is down to the likes of us to keep this city drinking.

“Won’t this just blow over?” asked the woman.

Call Of The Light - Part 2

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 2 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 6 - Rooftops

Louis found me as I was sitting on the roof.

The sun had started the day playing hide-and-seek behind several wispy clouds much to the entertainment of the many crows raising a loud ruckus from the trees lining the paths below. The kids scurrying to the cafeteria and their classes were bundled up tightly in school sweaters and coats to fend off the crisp autumn-chilled air. Not that the cold bothered either me or Louis. I could easily ignore it and Louis, known as Fubar to the kids, wasn’t really here.

His presence was after all only an astral projection.

I Honestly Don’t Know

The idea of having a job and working with more girls who would ignore me and more boys who would hit me terrified me. I was depressed and thinking about ending it all because the idea of possibly another sixty years like the last twenty was too much.

Displaced: An Aethermysts Story


By Daniela A. Wolfe

Ever since he lost his job, Harry has been eking out a meager existence with his fledgling repair business, but when a catalog claiming to sell real magical items falls into his hands, his life is ‘displaced’ forever.

The Endless Dance Card : 6 / 7


“I bet I would be a mad genius for blowing smoke rings,” he said.

“To hell with smoke rings!” I said. “What is with you? I’m sincerely grateful that you did all this for me, Qurakas, but I want out of this chamber of horrors! Now!”

“What if I told you that there was a bigger chamber of horrors outside?” he asked in a very quiet voice.

Virtually Feminine - Part 7 - Consequences

Virtually Feminine - Part 7 - Consequences

Now that I've made my choice, what does that mean? How do I start to come to terms with what that means, and what happens when my ex finds out?

Trixie and Liam - Part 2 of 2

The couple didn’t get much done that afternoon other than clearing a bit of the seed beds as it came onto rain after about half an hour. After a while if got a lot heavier so they retreated into the house where Liam got the log fire going.

The previous owner had left a woodshed full of logs so making the place nice and warm was not that difficult if you knew how. Liam didn’t but, after a lot of swearing and frustration, the fire was burning brightly.

Liam went off the following morning in search of some stout fence posts, chicken netting and a host of other things that would allow them to build a fence that might deter the boars in future. It was soon painfully obvious that his car was not the right vehicle for life in that part of the world. Carrying rolls on Chicken wire in a saloon car was not going to work in the long run.

The Elementalist: Chapter 1

The Elementalist

Chapter 1: Before the Law


With the advent of true virtual reality, Alex escaped into the hyper-realistic world of Eldertale. For he had always wanted to be a woman, but never had the confidence to transition. So what happens when the world he loves comes to an end?

Copyright © 2019 Aurum; All Rights Reserved

Mindful 2 Chapter 6

Following Iona's determination to ensure that all peoples shall share in whatever benefits that universal telepathy may bring, she is bound once again to 'move on' to avoid any attempts by oppressive agencies to somehow gain control of the telepathic spectrum.

Call Of The Light - Part 1

Call Of The Light

Call Of The Light (Part 1 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 1 - Loss

He had been there long enough to establish a regular routine.

Early mornings were Turkish coffee sipped ever so slowly at the corner table in the hotel’s small cafe with a breakfast of cheese, bread, and olives followed by a small confectionery. After a perfunctory nod to the proprietors it was out to wander down by the beach in a battered beige coat with more pockets of various size than fashion sense would ever allow. Safely out of earshot those he passed by would whisper that he must be touched by the Jinn for clearly he was no tourist as he took no pictures nor troubled anyone for directions to the local sights. At dusk he would walk the Black Sea’s coastline without regard for the rain falling from dark clouds nor for the magnificent view when the sun broke free and shone its glory across the waters.

He paid their odd glances no mind for his was entirely elsewhere. And besides, if he had bothered to consider their commentary he would have immediately agreed with them.

Nicolas ‘Nick’ Wright, erstwhile demonologist and magical consultant, was indeed touched. But not by the fabled fiery Jinn.

His problems lay entirely with angels.

The Endless Dance Card : 5 / 7

“We’re in the middle of outer space, so you’d think that SOMETHING weird or out-of-this-world would happen every couple of days. But NOTHING! Nothing ever happens here. You are the single biggest event since we left Earth, and I doubt that anything’s going to top you for a long, long time.”

Mindful 2 Chapter 3

Chapter 3 where Iona learns from her own older British children that her damaged mind might become a danger to her youngest telapthic American childran if they are exposed too early to her emotional damage and psychopathically dammaged mind. Once again, Iona is forced to leave her children so that their impressionable young minds are not damaged by Iona's and she can return later when the youngest children are better inured to her damaged psyche.

Trixie and Liam - Part 1 of 2

[another oldie from 2010 dragged out of cold storage]

[Notting Hill, West London]

The owner of the flat buzzed his caller in through the front door to the house. Thirty or so seconds later there was a discrete knock on his flat.

Liam answered the door. He’d been expecting the person who now stood in front of him.
“Hello Trixie. I didn’t think you were coming tonight.”

“Hi Liam. I had a few things to take care of. Still I’m here now.”
Liam smiled.
“You know I’m always pleased to see you. Trixie.”

Castle The Series - 0002 First Incursion




Jacques died smiling. The token Christian priest in attendance, who had been seriously disturbed by the pagan nature of what he had witnessed merely said, “Of a surety God will assoil him.” He maekt no mention of Jacques’ likelihood of entering heaven, which those there considered to be appropriate given what they knew of Jacques’ beliefs.

Where necessary or possibly helpful to some, there are notes at the end on word usage.

Mindful 2 Chapter 2

Second chapter of the book Mindful 2. I tried to get this book published on Doppler press so that any sales could be benefited to BCTS but sadly I got no responces from Doppler Press to help me put it up. Being as there isn't much time left I decided to post it on Big Closet.


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