Project: Night Bird Chapter 14

Cora takes a sip of water; from the water bottle she had requested. All the photos she took and recording of the meeting she had listened in on. She transferred those files to the portable tablet one of Mrs. Blake’s assistants gave her.

She had everything set-up and ready to go in the conference room. She was just waiting for everyone to show up. She stands up out of her seat and stretches some. The bullet that struck her right leg, left a really big bruise. The suit had stopped the bullet, but the kinetic energy passed through to her leg and now it was hurting.

She drunk some tea made from the herbs George had put together for her. They were for the pain she felt after she gets hit by bullets and such. It took the herbs a while to kick in, so until they do. She’ll be feeling the pain.

Some drawings had been brought to her so she could look over them. She compares them to the pictures she took. Cora was rather impressed by how closely one of the drawings matched what she captured. She reaches for her water bottle and takes another sip from it.

The first one to enter the conference room was the woman she helped escape. Lucy comes walking in. She had her bionic arm at this time. Following behind her was Katey and her co-pilot Jessica. Captain Burns, Major Kingston, Mr. Webber, and two US Marshals that just recently joined the team.

Lucy looks towards the young Native American woman that rescued her. She was still dressed in the skin-tight bodysuit like before, but she was missing her mask. She also looked tired. There were bags under her eyes.

“You look tired, Cora.” Lucy sits down at the conference table.

“Just a tad bit.” Cora would have loved a cup of coffee, but the tea she drunk for the pain. It didn’t mix too well with coffee.

Once everyone was seated and comfortable “good morning ladies and gentlemen. For those of you who don’t know me, My name is Cora
Black. I’m a private investigator working for Aero Flight Industries. Yesterday, I managed to follow some tracks from the used car lot I was dropped off at.”

“Excuse me Mrs. Black, but just how were you able to follow and identify those tracks?” Major Kingston was curious about how Mrs. Black was
able to do what she did.

A sly smile forms on Cora’s face “I posse unique abilities that I can’t go into. Let’s just say that if I hadn’t found those tracks, we wouldn’t know about this meeting.”

Cora puts the images of the helicopter she took pictures of on the screen. She shows different close-ups of the helicopter.

“Damn, that helicopter matches the drawing.” Jessica couldn’t believe how detailed the drawing that was pictured next to the image Cora took.

“Katey and Jessica, do you recognize these pilots?” Cora shows the pictures she took of the pilots.

Katey and Jessica look closely at the images “the first one is Alex Peresviet. He’s a hotshot helicopter pilot from Russia. He went freelance
and will work for whoever can meet his price. His Eurocopter has been heavily modified and is as good or better than any of our Apache helicopters. As for the woman with the messy pixie cut strawberry blonde hair with the ends of the hair frosted. She is Gianna Reddick. She is another Russian pilot that went rogue along with Peresviet. Rumor has it, the two of them are lovers. She’s as deadly as Alex is.”

“Have you had a run-in with them before?” Captain Burns looks at Katey.

“Yes, the bastard and his girlfriend came after me when I was over in Pakistan,” Katey remembers the bastard trying to shoot her down. She
tricked the bastard and managed to sneak away.

“Okay, so we know that they are part of their flight support. What else did you find out, Mrs. Black?” Major Kingston was curious about what she found.

“Marshal Quin and Marshal McShane, who are you transporting on route 87 today with sixteen full armed escorts?” Cora looks at both US Marshal’s for answers.

“Were not escorting anyone today on route 87.” Marshal Quin knew no prisoners were being transported.

“Did you say today?” Marshal McShane looks at Cora.

“That’s what the information I have, said. Why?” Cora was curious.

Marshal McShane looks at the time “we need to intercept whatever they are sending to that location right now.”

“We’re on it.” Jessica and Katey get up and rushes out of the conference room.

“Mr. McShane, what are you escorting that needs sixteen fully armed guards?” Major Kingston and Captain Burns were curious.

“They are guarding thirty million in gold.” McShane knew about the transport, because he helped pick some of the nastiest guards for it.

Night Bird Hangar:
“Chief Jordan, bring our baby out.” Katey and Jessica had sprinted down the emergency stairs and ran the distance from the building they were into Night Bird’s hangar.

“Already on it, ladies.” Chief Jordan had received a text from Mr. Webber to prepare Night Bird for launch.

Jessica and Katey run into the pilot's locker room and change out of the clothes they had own and into their flight suits. Once they were changed, they run outside to Night Bird.

“He’s ready to go to war, ladies. Good hunting.” Chief Jordan stands back while Katey and Jessica climb inside the cockpit.

Night Bird was already powered up, so Jessica starts the rotors as she programs the navigation computer and links in with Aero Flight's satellites to locate the transport. She spots two targets inbound towards the transport.

“We need to hurry and get there, Katey. There are two targets bound to that location.” Jessica prepares the weapon systems.

“Alright, hold on.” Katey increases Night Bird's speed as she takes off.

Route 87:
Four black SUV’s and an armored truck drive down route 87. Two SUVs were in front of the armored car and two were behind the armored car. So, far everything has been going fine. Marshal Jung and Marshal King will be glad when the assignment was over. Both Marshal’s were taking time off to recover from all fatigues they have been going after lately.

Marshal King notices they were starting to slow down. King tries to give their SUV’s more gas, but it stalls out. All five cars came to a dead stop on the highway. King tries his door, but it wouldn’t open. All the others in the SUV’s try their doors, but they wouldn’t open as well.

Marshal King and his partner hear the sound of a helicopter. The SUV they are in starts rocking back and forth.

“What the hell is going on?” One of the Marshals in the SUV tries to see what type of helicopter was hovering overhead.

Night Bird:
Katey and Jessica spotted one of the helicopters they were looking for, hovering over the armored car. It was the CH-53E Super Stallion hovering over the armored car. It had cables dangling from it and two guys on top of the armored car.

As they got closer, the proximity alarm started going off. Jessica notices the Eurocopter that incoming.

“Katey, we got incoming.” Jessica notices missiles coming towards them.

Katey breaks off going after the Super Stallion and heads towards the Eurocopter. While she was flying, Jessica fired the railgun at the missiles coming towards them. The targeting computer took out all the missiles coming towards them.

“Jessica, arm the lasers.” Katey dodges as Alex fires his Gatling gun at her.

“Arming lasers.” Jessica powers up the lasers.

The Eurocopter comes around for another attack. Sparks start going off in the cockpit. Jessica starts losing some of the weapon systems as they begin to shutdown.

“Katey we're losing some of our weapon systems.” Jessica couldn’t figure out why they were losing their weapon systems.

“What weapons do we still have?” There was smoke in the cockpit.

Katey evacs the smoke out of the cockpit. She was making Night Bird hard to hit as the Gatling gun from the Eurocopter kept firing at them. She still had their high-resolution cameras and their targeting computer.

“The lasers are out and the railgun is locked in the forward position. We still have missiles.” Jessica wonders what the heck hit them. They were protected from EMP and if it had been EMP, the rest of the copter should have been affected.

“What’s the location of the super stallion?” Katey pulls back on the stick and flips Night Bird behind the Eurocopter.

Jessica locks on with the missiles and fire at the Eurocopter. Just as the missiles were getting close, the missiles drop out of the air. The Eurocopter had pivoted around to faced the missiles.

“What the fuck!” Katey couldn't believe that sparks were dancing on the skin of Night Bird.

“What the hell was that?” Jessica had seen it as well.

“Jess, where is the super stallion?” Katey managed to get behind the Eurocopter. She fires the railgun at the Eurocopter. It may be stuck in the forward position, but it was still operational.

“It.s disappeared. We have lost satellite tracking of it.” Jessica is slammed against the left side of the cockpit, as Katey rolls Night Bird.

Alex fires one of his cluster missiles at the black helicopter that has been avoiding his attacks. Whoever the pilot was in that helicopter, was good. He was also impressed that the new weapons he had used on it, hadn’t disabled it like the others he had an encounter.

The cluster missiles go straight towards Night Bird. It opens up as more missiles launch from it. Katey heads down towards the deck as the missiles follow her.

“Jessica, I could use some help here.” Katey figures they were locking onto their heat signature, which they shouldn’t have a big one.

“Launching countermeasures.” Jessica launches countermeasures to try to discourage the missiles.

Some of the missiles are taken out by the countermeasures. Normally, Katey would use the railgun to take them out, but it was stuck in the forward position. Katey skims the surface and the missiles hit the ground.

“Jessica, give me the location of the Helicopter.” Katey wanted payback.

Jessica tries to get the location of the Eurocopter, but can’t find it. She tries the satellite link-up, but the connection was spotty at best.

“I can’t find him, Katey. He has bugged out of here.” Jessica couldn’t believe she lost contact with the Eurocopter.

“Let’s head back to base.” Katey couldn’t believe she failed to stop the super stallion from getting the armored car.

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