Mature / Thirty+

Forsythe Saga - Done Deal

Maxine continued her task of trying to understand the business and how Adrian worked. A lot of it seemed like magic to her but slowly his approach to doing business became clear.

All the time, the bid to buy the Hotel in Devon was on the table. Adrian’s lawyers tried to get a decision about the bid but for a while, they were fobbed off by the phalanx of Amercian Lawyers and Accountants that seemed to be pouring over every aspect of the UK Company’s operations. Adrian was perplexed as this should have been done as part of the ‘due diligence’ before the deal was signed. He wondered more than once if there was something in the books that was very dodgy.

Six weeks after the bid had been put on the table, the reason for the delays became obvious. Two of the former UK company directors were arrested on suspicion of money laundering and employing illegal immigrants. Jon Lord was also implicated in the wrongdoing.

Undercover Angel - Chapter 2


Chapter Two - Hell Motel

Tranny on the run with a suitcase full of cash is a dish two young robbers can't resist. Rachel has to escape the Motel unharmed and is still unaware that she is being tracked by Tony Leotardo's henchman Steve Marshall. She also is slowly becoming aware of her sexuality as a trans woman.

Undercover Angel - Chapter 1


Chapter One - On The Run

When Mike Harris steals over two million dollars from a mob boss he has to go on the run and assume a secret identity. He transforms into his female alter ego Rachel Coulotte. But being a sexy attractive transvestite can have consequences, as Rachel discovers.

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 4 / 6

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 4 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“Do you think the medallion can turn me back into Jack?”

Grady hesitated before he answered. “If that’s what you want.”

“Of course that’s what I want! Why wouldn’t it be?”

"A Few Good Panties" Parody

A Few Good Panties Parody

(Apologies to Tom Cruise and the A Few Good Men movie)

Kaffee: Did you order the red panties, Colonel?

Jessup: Son, we live in a world that has lingerie, and that lingerie needs to be worn by men. Who's gonna do it? You, Lieutenant Weinberg? I have a greater supply of panties than you can’t possibly fathom. You secretly yearn to wear panties and yet you curse crossdressers. You have that luxury.

Fair Trade

pantyhose -workshop edited.jpg

Fair Trade

Please heed the cautions before reading. A non-TG story about a couple who take a back road shortcut and break down near a lonely abandoned gas station. Two passing bikers offer assistance but their services require a fair trade.

Possession at The Old Vicarage

Most of my mates still can’t believe that I’d managed to pull a drop dead gorgeous, university educated girl from an upper middle class family who spoke with a veritable bag full of plums in her oh so entirely kissable mouth and she actually married me. I get on with her family though her parents don’t totally understand the way their daughter chooses to live, permanently pregnant and surrounded by kids, even if she is living in more affluence than they are. Hey don’t look at me. I just do what I’m told and earn the money.

Cynthia and the Wonderful Corrections - Chapter 2

Cynthia and the Wonderful Corrections - Chapter 2

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the fourth and final story in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around”, “Marti and the Doppelganger”, and Marti and the Doppelganger – a Follow Up”. Several of the stories in the Cynthia Chronicles left some unanswered questions. In “Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling” two of the antagonists are regressed to childhood. Now we will learn what happened to them. In “Randi and the College Professor” Randi and Frank Deere adopt Betty, a bit of a rogue witch. Betty was regressed to early childhood, but she kept her powers. As it turns out, Betty was a real blessing. We also learn a bit more about Cindy’s first born who is the first new wizard in probably close to a thousand years. Then there is a question that has been floated about. What about death?

Remember Betty? She was the young witch who tried to break up the romance between Randi Lewis and Frank Deere. She didn’t know there were other witches and had never had any formal training until she found a book of programmed learning for witches. She doesn’t understand her power and makes some significant, far reaching mistakes. Betty is given a second chance, and now she is the adopted daughter of the two people she tried to break apart. Things are going quite well as we shall see.

Forsythe Saga - Yet another new job

Maxine is on the phone to her boss Sally on the Bank Holiday Monday evening. The events described in this part run in a parallel timeframe to those described in ‘Doing Business’.

“I want to do things right Sally. To me, that includes working out my notice. I don’t want to suddenly up and disappear. What if at some time in the future, I need to use your research team? I don’t want to burn my bridges and all that.”

There was silence down the phone.


“No, I’m not some monster that you created. I’m trying to be reasonable and behave like an adult.”


The girls came round later that afternoon, it was my turn to have them. Now don’t get me wrong I love my daughters, and I really enjoy our Sunday activities, but I do find the three hour Saturday afternoon Monopoly sessions rather dull. This week was different. The girls had a new set. New to them anyway.

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 3 / 6

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 3 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“I hear you need some help getting your car back,” Grady said,
and his voice resonated in her chest. In that moment,
it was the sexiest thing on earth that any man had ever said.

“Yes,” she replied, hoping he could detect all of the heat and desire
that she’d loaded into that word.

I'd like to think about it

The CD aand T1G elements only come in halfway through the story please stick with it through the preliminaries. I apologise in advance for any medical inaccuracies, and hope any do not spoil your enjoyment.

I'd like to think about itI'

the band

“Sit down, Teri. It’s good to see you.”

I straightened my skirt, making sure I smoothed it before I sat. I wondered just how wrinkled it would be when I stood up.

“How are you doing?”

“Fine, sir. Just fine.”

“How’s Juliet?”

I frowned. “Juliet, sir? The last time I saw her was at the lawyer’s office. That was seven months ago. I see the kids once a week, but I have to pick them up at her mother’s house.”

My boss frowned. “I’m sorry. I just saw the ring and, well, thought the two of you were trying to work things out.”

Marti and the Doppelganger – A Follow Up, or What Happened to Those Raccoons, Anyway Chapter 10

CHAPTER 10 – Getting Close to Graduation at the CIA

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the third, the penultimate, in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around” and “Marti and the Doppelganger”. The latter left many unanswered questions. Some of those will be answered, some probably not. There are many references to previous stories in the series. If you are confused by some of them, just put it off to my senility. The Cynthia Chronicles takes place in a universe very similar to ours. Unfortunately, it might be too similar.

For any who read “Myrna and the Genetic Disaster”, this is the same story, only with the political rantings and scientific explanations removed. There may also have been a few edits and additions.

This is the tenth part of ten. I had considered reorganizing the last few chapters of the story as there is quite a bit of skipping around and going back and forth in time. I decided the heck with it and left them as they were.

We will see how things go with Tammie and Wanda. Their relationship is one made in heaven. At least some would find that metaphor appropriate. Sydney and Marshall Hendricks find love rather quickly. We will learn a lot more about them in the next story.

Some Days Are Better Than Others

You are being far too hard on yourself. I know you used to give a lot of your time to homeless kids via that church program. When you were outed and kicked out of the program for being yourself that did NOT, and I repeat NOT, devalue what you had done for those kids. Neither the church nor their program deserved you. The kids didn’t care that you were trans, what mattered to them was that you cared about them.

Forsythe Saga - Doing Business

[Sunday Lunchtime at Exeter St David’s Railway Station]

Adrian’s driver, Cliff was waiting for him as he got off the train from Bristol.

“How did last night go Boss?” asked Cliff as he got into the car outside the station.

“I think she will go for it. As Sally said, she has a great brain and she looked pretty good last night. As I’d hoped, she has gone away to think about things.”

Then he changed the subject.

Adrian had worked late into the night following Maxine’s tip about things starting to move. He’d made a couple of long phone calls to contacts of his in the USA before going to bed.

“Any news from Georgia? They should be online about now even if it is a Sunday?”

Arm Candy

Agnes, an attractive woman who appeared to be about thirty, had dressed carefully but conservatively for her interview. The job was working in a children’s day care centre managed by a twenty-eight year old woman who introduced herself as Sharon. She didn’t provide a surname, but Agnes already knew who she was and a lot about Sharon because she’d done her homework for the job. Agnes considered it incongruous that the manageress of a large nursery looked ill kempt and like she could do with a good meal.

Marti and the Doppelganger – A Follow Up Or, What Happened to Those Raccoons, Anyway. Chapter 9

CHAPTER 9 – A Post Visit Discussion and the Procyon Family Talks about Their Future

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the third, the penultimate, in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around” and “Marti and the Doppelganger”. The latter left many unanswered questions. Some of those will be answered, some probably not. There are many references to previous stories in the series. If you are confused by some of them, just put it off to my senility. The Cynthia Chronicles takes place in a universe very similar to ours. Unfortunately, it might be too similar.

For any who read “Myrna and the Genetic Disaster”, this is the same story, only with the political rantings and scientific explanations removed. There may also have been a few edits and additions.

This is the ninth part of ten or maybe eleven. I had considered reorganizing the last few chapters of the story as there is quite a bit of skipping around and going back and forth in time. I decided the heck with it and left them as they were.

Ronnie and her mother discuss the past weekend, especially, how good it was for everyone. The raccoon family continues to learn about their new environment. Their neighbor is a bit upset with them. They’re innocent..

Marti and the Doppelganger – A Follow Up Or, What Happened to Those Raccoons, Anyway. Chapter 8

CHAPTER 8 - The Trip to Chico

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: This story is the third, the penultimate, in a series within a series. The overall series is the “Cynthia Chronicles”. This story is directly connected to “Simoné and the Second Time Around” and “Marti and the Doppelganger”. The latter left many unanswered questions. Some of those will be answered, some probably not. There are many references to previous stories in the series. If you are confused by some of them, just put it off to my senility. The Cynthia Chronicles takes place in a universe very similar to ours. Unfortunately, it might be too similar.

For any who read “Myrna and the Genetic Disaster”, this is the same story, only with the political rantings and scientific explanations removed. There may also have been a few edits and additions.

This is the eighth part of ten or maybe eleven. I had considered reorganizing the last few chapters of the story as there is quite a bit of skipping around and going back and forth in time. I decided the heck with it and left them as they were.

The girls take a short road trip to Chico, California to visit Rhonda and her family. There is a lot of bonding.

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 2 / 6

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 2 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

Jackie began to feel the weight of what had happened to her. Here she was,
going God knows where, to do God knows what with God knows who...
half-naked in a silly Christmas outfit in the middle of summer.

SWTOR: End of the script

T'aa Onasi knows everything that is going to happen as she finds herself on the way to Tython.
However, she just got forced to switch with the real owner of this body, and wonders how she is going to cope. Can she change things? Will she be fighting against a fate that she does not want and how far will she be forced to follow the script? Not at all, a little, or the entire script?

Suddenly everything is not as it seems. What is real is slowly not real. Real is relative.

LGBTQ+++ & ++?

Margaret Towers, personal aid to and long time friend of the President was as always shewn in to his office without him being warned she was coming. The President's bodyguards didn’t like it, but it was on his orders, and the only person who’d made her wait had been fired on the spot.

Forsythe Saga - You did what? - Part 2 of 2

My job in Chichester was with an existing four-person research team. This was very much an ‘on the quiet’ part of Sally’s group of companies. My task was to add a wider perspective of views to reports that the others were compiling for her. She’d told me that once I’d gotten my feet under the table so to speak, I’d be given my own projects to work on. This made me feel both proud and slightly scared at the same time. Sally had put a lot of faith in me so it was now up to me to not let her down.

On the way down to Sussex, Sally briefed me about the other members of the team. They had all been poached from large financial institutions in London or from Academia. They were enticed by London sized salaries and being able to live in the Sussex countryside.

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 1 / 6

Santa’s Helper (Sexy!) With Boots : 1 / 6

An Altered Fates Story
By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

It was one of those cheap Halloween costumes, the type that’s sexy this or sexy that.
Sexy policewoman, sexy nurse, sexy maid, sexy devil. What they all had in common
was a short skirt to show lots of leg, a low neckline to show lots of cleavage, and
tight panties that were meant to be seen.

The XX-Files

This is a story of Discovery.

(For those of you who read Part 1 before, I’ve done some slight refinements to it, and reloaded it, so you might want to re-read it! Thanks, Cindy!)

Sandy Andros, of the Aero Airplane Company, has been working at Aero for about 5 years. Being 25, and not having lots of attributes of Maleness, like a big, muscled, hairy body, or having a beard to speak of, only being 5’6” tall, and a whopping 120 lbs, looks like, and is, a Geek. In fact, he looks a lot like Gillian Anderson, Agent Dana Scully of the FBI, despite being Male!
He is asked by several of the Women of his area to go to the Firms Halloween Party as Agent Dana Scully with someone else as Agent Fox Mulder, because there is a Costume Contest, and the girls think Sandy, and a handsome Fox duplicate will win!
Sandy finds out something new from this escapade! Can you guess what?

Arrat - The Myth of the Amazons Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Although I was left to my own devices, I could never be bored. Once you have the Interface installed there are always things to do. I had been given a basic tutorial which meant I knew how to unlock doors, go to the bathroom, switch on lights and, more importantly, look up how to do other things. There was an endless amount of education that was available for free and a bewildering amount of stuff that you had to pay for.

Arrat - The Myth of the Amazons Chapter 3

Chapter 3

I woke up on a bed, naked with no sheet covering me and what I saw sent me into an immediate deep depression. I wouldn't say my body looked particularly feminine. I didn't have any breasts to block my view which I had been told previously but was still a nagging concern. I didn't see any exaggerated curves and all my excess fat was gone, which was good, but it gave me a clear view of my privates.

Sexual Innovations in the Underworld, 2 / 2

Sexual Innovations in the Underworld, 2 / 2

By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

I smiled at her. “Periods? Babies? Monthlies? I’m not going to have any of that.” I laughed.

“Oh, no?” she asked. “And why is that?”

“Because I’m a man!” I told her.

“Are you?” she retorted.


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