Not What We Expected - 17

NotExpected 17

Not What We Expected

by Tiffany B. Quinn

Later, after the girls had gone home to spend the evening with their families, I was satisfied that I had a solution to the problem that my ‘advisors’, psychologist, and I had been trying to solve for a couple of months now. I had found a natural way to connect with girls my ‘age’. And, as predicted, it turned out to be a great way to learn how to truly become a girl.

I went to spend the evening with my parents where my mother and I had a long chat about my new group of friends. She agreed that the girls were good for me. She had been impressed with the group when we were on the sailboat together.

I ended up staying the night and the next day was spent doing mother/daughter things with my mom.

Chapter 17

Two weeks after the wedding, I got a call from Sandra. It was late Saturday evening.

"We’re home," she informed me. "Where are you?"

"At the condo," I replied. "How was it?"

"It was amazing," she gushed. "I’ll tell you all about it when I see you. Don’t change the subject. We thought that you’d have moved in while we were gone."

"I think you’ll find that I moved pretty much all of your stuff over." I informed her. "With the help of your housekeeper, I tried to put your clothes in logical places, but you’ll probably want to rearrange them to your liking. The housekeeper had me leave some boxes of your stuff in a bay of the garage."

"Thank you Andi. That was thoughtful. So," she asked, "when are you moving in?"

"Soon, I imagine," I replied. "I’ve been talking with your mother-in-law and the paperwork for my adoption is ready. We just have to go to Louisiana to meet with a Judge to finalize everything. When that happens, I guess that I’ll have to move in."

"Don’t sound so excited," she said dryly. "Why don’t you come out tomorrow?"

"No," I declined, "I have plans with my new girlfriends."

Plus, I had thought to myself, you’ll need time to get settled in. While I really wanted to be together with Sandra again, I didn’t want to get in the way of them establishing their new routine.

I continued, "I will stop by your office Monday morning to get you to sign some papers relating to the condo. You will need to get them notarized."

"Oh," she said somewhat surprised, "You’ve been busy. I want to hear about it, girlfriend. Why don’t we meet for lunch and we can take care of the papers and we can talk? Tom be leaving for a meeting in California Monday afternoon and I’ll be all alone in this great big house. We can have a sleepover Monday if you like. I miss you."

"He’s leaving you already!" I teased her.

"We’ve both been away from work for almost three weeks now," she defended her man. "We both will be slammed for the next couple of weeks trying to get back on track."

We chatted for a few more minutes before Tom asked her something and she said that she needed to go.


Monday we met for lunch and in the afternoon I drove out to the estate after leaving the signed papers at the bank. I brought a load of my clothes with me and Sandra helped me to put them away in my new suite when she got home from work. My things didn’t even begin to fill the spacious walk-in closet or the available drawers. At the time, I couldn’t imagine having enough clothes to do justice to the space. Silly me, by the time I graduated from high school, the closet was overflowing.

I placed my pink crystal with its stand on my new vanity. I had stared at it for a moment, wondering what the future held.


Sandra and I had worked together in the spacious kitchen to make a simple dinner after we put my stuff away. While we were at it, she told me a lot about their stay at Kamalame Cay in the Bahamas. They had a private beach with access to all sorts of water sport toys. She had apparently, in addition to sex, introduced Tom to the joys of sailing, a hobby that Sandra and I had shared with my parents.

After cleaning up the dinner we adjourned to the living room to visit. As we got settled, I started digging around in my bag looking for something special. When I found it I held it out to her.

Her eyes grew wide with recognition when she took the absolutely huge dildo from my hand.

"I found this in your underwear drawer when I moved your stuff over," I grinned at her. "It looks like you were in training for your honeymoon."

Blushing fire engine red, she admitted, "It was a long six months after we quit having sex."

"Did you teach him how to most effectively use that huge penis of his?" I asked with a wicked grin.

"Andi!" She exclaimed with a blush. "That’s not something a twelve-year-old girl needs to know."

I gave her The Look.

"Okay," she continues to blush, "The real thing is much better than this." she admitted as she waved the dildo at me.

"Well?" I prompted her.

"Tom was essentially a virgin so I had to teach him a thing or two about how to satisfy a woman. He was very attentive and a fast learner," she said somewhat dreamily, "We did it on the bed, floor, couch, kitchen counter, dining room table, the patio, up against the wall, in the shower, Jacuzzi, and on the beach and in the surf. We did it at night, in the morning and at all hours of the day. I introduced him to all the positions that you and I discovered and I think that he and I developed a few new ones of our own. He didn’t really know much about a woman’s body, so I helped him learn more than how to put tab T into slot S and unload. Does that satisfy your curiosity, Miss Dirty Mind?"

"Well," I said, "What I really need to know is, are you satisfied? I told Tom you two couldn’t come home until he satisfied you."

She laughed, "He did mention that. Let me tell you, he took the assignment seriously."

"Well?" I queried.

"Let’s say," she coyly said, "that I am a LOT more satisfied than I was a couple of weeks ago."

"I guess," I sighed, "I’m not going to get all the gory details, am I?

"No," she grinned, "You are not. But in answer to your question, he is still learning. It took you and I years to perfect our intimacy. I suspect that he and I will too. I miss the tenderness that you and I developed after we got past the newness of raw sex and started to make real love. I suspect that Tom and I will get there with time, but until then, I’ll enjoy the wild sex of new love.

"And," she added with a more evil grin, "to answer your other question from two weeks ago, I am starting to think that bigger just might be better."

She handed me back the dildo. "I won’t be needing this anymore. You might save this until you body develops a little more. You might just find it useful, though I’d probably start with a smaller one if I were you."

It was my turn to blush.


Later that evening, we were in nightgowns sitting on my new king sized princess bed painting our nails and chatting more about their trip. It felt good to be with my best friend again.

"I don’t know if I’ll get used to this huge place," She sighed at one point. "I really liked our condo. It was perfect for two. I am already lonely in this big house with Tom gone."

I grinned, "I guess that you’ll have to start filling it with children. Any signs of your pregnancy yet?"

She grinned and gave me a playful shove, "We have one child already."

"You know what I mean," I told her.

"You’re sure that I’m pregnant," she said. "aren’t you?"

"I will never doubt Grandma Broussard again." I said with confidence. "Right after the wedding, we had a long chat. In the course of the conversation she told me that you and Tom were busy working on getting pregnant while we spoke. She said that you would conceive before the reception."

Sandra got a dreamy look, "I hope that she’s right. My next period should come within the next week. I hope to miss it. And I want to hear more about your chat with Grandma."

"I doubt you noticed it," I let her know, "I put a pregnancy test kit in the cabinet under your bathroom sink when I moved your stuff in. I got one that claims to give results up to six days before your first missed period."

Sandra shot out of my room faster than I’ve ever seen her move.

She came back quite a bit later waving the test strip at me with a huge grin on her face.

"Its positive!" She almost shouted with tears of joy running down her face.

I give her a big hug and shared the joy.

"I think that Tom is in shock." she told me after settling down. "I called him with the good news. I think that I woke him up. He was at a loss for words. He told me that you had told him that we were pregnant at the wedding reception, but he didn’t believe you. We have decided to wait to tell anyone else until I get a chance to see the doctor."

"I told you so," I gloated just a little.

"I shouldn’t have doubted you." She conceded. "After all, you should have seen all the semen he pumped into me on our wedding day. It was fairly dripping all over. That boy has balls to match that huge penis of his. I knew there had to be a winner in there somewhere."

"TMI," I told her with my hands over my ears.

Later that night, sleep was slow in coming. I may have accepted the events of the last nine months, but I would occasionally get hit with a deep sense of loss. I gave in to self pity and cried softly until sleep overcame me.

That night I had dreams of wild sex on a moonlit beach. For the first time in my dreams, I was the woman and it felt good. All I knew was that the guy had one heck of a penis, but I couldn't see his face. My panties were damp when I awoke in the morning.

Sandra saw her doctor later that week and confirmed the pregnancy. The joyous news spread like wildfire.


As Tom and Sandra were both very busy getting back into the swing of work, it was left to me to ride herd on the local wedding planner to pull off that Saturday’s barbecue/reception. The logistics were not quite as involved as the wedding reception in Louisiana, but it wasn’t just a ‘throw a few burgers on the grill and pop open a beer’ affair either.


Friday afternoon, I took the girls out to the estate to check on the preparations for Saturday’s reception and to take another load of my stuff to my new room.

"OMG," squealed three amazed girls when the house came into view. "This place is huge!"

"Would you like the tour?" I asked needlessly.

We parked in the big circular driveway in front of the main entrance. Entering the entry atrium is always extremely impressive to first time visitors. It was designed to impress. The girls were no exception. The entryway is a huge gathering place and contains the grand staircase leading to the second floor where the bedrooms and living spaces are. They just slowly spun around trying to take it all in.

Our first stop was my bedroom suite as we each had a box to drop off there. After dropping my things on the floor by the door the three girls ran squealing over to my huge bed and threw themselves on it.

Jenny exclaimed, "This bed is big enough for the whole family!"

"When’s the sleepover?" Susie wanted to know.

"Look at that big screen TV," Kelley pointed out excitedly.

"You should see the closet," I mention, laughing at their antics.

They all jumped off the bed and rushed to the closet where I was holding the door open for their inspection.

"OMG!," Kelley exclaimed.

"You are SO going to need to buy more clothes to fill this closet," Jenny said in awe.

"And shoes too," Susie excitedly observed. "That’s the biggest shoe rack that I’ve ever heard of."

"And underwear too," Kelley observed as she opened the many built in drawers that were essentially empty.

I then showed them the ensuite bathroom. I’m pretty sure that the girls had thought they’d died and gone to heaven. The Jacuzzi tub could probably fit all of us and the shower stall had two shower heads.

"Life is so unfair," pouted Susie. "How do you rate all this luxury?"

I shrugged my shoulders, "My best friend married well. And I needed a place to stay?"

I grinned at them and said, "And there’s more."

I proceeded to show them the pools, the small ballroom, the study, the huge kitchen and formal dining room. I saved the best for last. Well, not quite the best, but I didn’t think that the laboratory areas would hold much interest for this crowd.

I showed them the TV room.

Well, it’s more like a small theatre for a couple of dozen people or so. It has stadium seating like the big theaters so there’s not a bad seat in the house. The screen takes up one whole wall. The best seat in the room has a panel that controls everything.

"I bet that TV will never be the same," Kelley sighed, "once you get used to this place."

"You might be right," I agreed. "We’ve been pretty busy the last month. I’ve only seen one short show here. It was amazing."

"Can we watch Beauty and the Beast sometime?," Susie almost begged. She was a real fan of the Disney Film. She had tons of the marketing toys that go with the film. I think that she could recite every line in the film from memory. "I bet that it would look awesome on this big screen."

Once the girls settled down, we all changed into swimsuits and spent the afternoon by, and in, the outdoor pool. It was a busy day outside as crews were preparing the estate for the next day's reception barbecue. The girls all stared and giggling at the "hunky guys" that were working around the grounds. We eventually had to move indoors when the crews started decorating the pool area.

On the way back to the condo, the girls talked me into having a sleepover at the mansion that next week.


The evening of the barbecue was beautiful and warm. All of my family were invited to the barbecue. Even though they had watched me morph into a young girl, not everyone in my extended family was happy to see Sandra leave me for another man and there were a few no-shows. We continued to fight that battle for some time. She had been a valued member of the family. There was a strong sense of loss in both families when we dissolved our marriage. Tom, Sandra, and I were very busy all afternoon and evening allaying everyone's concerns. Most of the family felt better by the time the evening was over.


Dad sidled up to me at one point and offhandedly said, "She sure traded up, didn’t she."

I sighed. Dad was one of those family members having a hard time with all the changes.

"Maybe so," I admitted, "but she didn’t leave me for him."

"Are you sure that they didn’t arrange this," he said waving at my new body, "so that they’d have a good excuse to get you out of the way quietly? It looks to me as if she wanted a baby and went to find someone rich who could give her one."

"Dad," I tried once again to make things clear to him, "We were resigned to being childless. This change has been hard on both of us. Neither one of us wanted things to turn out this way."

"Well," he observed, "she didn’t waste any time replacing you."

Looking over to where the newlyweds were chatting and laughing with some of Sandra's business associates, he commented, "She doesn't seem to be having a hard time."

"Dad!" I felt like hitting him up against the side of the head but couldn't reach that high.

"We were starting to have difficulty in our marriage. This is a better solution than some of the likely scenarios. Tom just happened to be in the right place at the right time to pick up the pieces," I said, "I’m okay with it."

"Are you really?" he asked with genuine concern.

"I am," I told him. "I wish that things could have been different, but I’m okay with the changes. If anything Sandra and I are closer than we’ve ever been. Just different. And I have a great new home."

"I still can’t understand how you’ve adapted so well to being a little girl," he commented.

"I don’t really understand it either," I admitted, "Maybe I had time to adjust mentally as the physical changes occurred so slowly. It’s not like there is anything that I can do to reverse it, so I might as well adapt. I’d go crazy otherwise."

"Good point," he concedes. "So, I hear that Sandra got her wish."

"Yep," I smile, "and I’m happy for her."

We chatted a while longer. I think that he was feeling a little better about things. I resolved to spend more time with my parents.

I ended up having similar conversations with a number of other relatives from both mine and Sandra's families. The best was with my eleven-year-old niece. She came over and gave me a hug.

"I’m so glad that you are a girl now, Uncle Andy," she happily informed me. "Maybe you can take me shopping sometime."

In all, it was a good party. It was therapeutic for me and my family and I got to meet a lot of Tom’s business associates and Sandra’s colleagues. Not that they included me in any conversations. I was treated like a twelve-year-old. In other words, after introductions, I was ignored. I spent more time with the kids that attended the party than I did with the adults.


The Monday after the party, we flew down to Louisiana taking Tom's parents with us. They had come up for the barbecue/reception.

This was just a day trip for us. The jet would wait for us while we met with the family court judge concerning my adoption. Tom's mother went with us as our legal representative.

We met with the Judge and a court recorder in his chambers. He had read the brief and had had several conversations with Tom's mother about our peculiar situation prior to this meeting. They were old friends. The Judge and his wife had been guests at Tom and Sandra's wedding.

When we first entered his chambers, the Judge looked me over for a few moments. I was wearing a bright summer dress and open toe sandals with a low heel. My finger and toe nails had matching polish. I looked like the definition of a twelve-year-old girl.

"And you", he addressed me, "must be our thirty-two-year-old little girl. If I remember right, you were the Maid-of-Honor at the wedding."

"Yes, Your Honor," I replied.

He just shook his head. "If I didn't know better I would think that this was some kind of a hoax. I am, however, aware of what Grandma Broussard is capable of."

Moving on he continued. "So it is my understanding that you wish Tom and Sandra to become your adoptive parents for the next six years until you reach an apparent age of eighteen years. Is that right?"

"Yes, Your Honor," I replied respectfully.

"Why would you give them this power?" He asked, "You are of age, have considerable assets, a college education, and can take care of yourself."

"That was in the brief, as you know," I pointed out before continuing. "We feel that it would be easier for me to live the life of a young girl as I grow back into adulthood. I am unemployable as long as I look like a teenager and it makes sense for me to live in harmony with my physical reality. Young girls have parents or guardians. As my new parent's, Tom and Sandra can act on my behalf in situations where a young girl would need a parent or guardian."

"I suppose that's one solution to the problem," admitted the Judge. "But why Tom and Sandra? I understand that your natural parents are still around."

"They are, Your Honor," I replied. "I moved out of their house fourteen years ago and in spite of the fact that I am on good relations with my parents, it would be difficult to go back into that relationship. Sandra is my very best friend and has been for years. I trust her to act in my best interests when needed. She is able to teach me what I need to know as I adapt to my new situation. I will be able to help her and Tom as their family grows. It’s a win-win situation."

Turning to Sandra and Tom the Judge asks, "And why are you willing to participate in this?"

Sandra and Tom smiled at each other and Tom replied for both of them. "There is a special bond between Andi and Sandra. Additionally, I feel somewhat responsible for Andi's current situation. I feel a need to make things as right as possible. By allowing her to live with us, and for us to provide a service that she needs, we will be making steps to make things right. This adoption will make her a legal part of our family, providing her with what she currently needs."

Still speaking to Tom and Sandra, the Judge asks. "You are aware that this is not your normal adoption. Andi will still have complete control of her financial resources without interference from you. But you will still be responsible for providing her food, shelter, education, and clothing appropriate to that which a teenage girl can expect in a loving family. This can be expensive for a girl."

"We understand, Your Honor," Sandra replied. "We are also committing to paying for her education through high school, with the option to pay for college if she decides to go that route again."

"That is very generous," observed the Judge.

"It's the least we can do," pointed out Tom, "given the current situation."

Turning back to me, the judge asked. "And, if I read this right, you agree to be subject to parental supervision including appropriate disciplinary measures as determined to be necessary by your new parents. You will have the obligations of a legal child of Tom and Sandra to honor and obey them like you would your own parents. Is this your understanding?"

"Yes, Your Honor," I replied. "But I understand that there is an exit clause that re-emancipates me under certain conditions if the situation becomes unbearable for any of us."

"There is indeed," the Judge agrees, "but it will require an action of the court to dissolve this adoption if the exit clause is exercised."

Addressing the three of us, the Judge asked. "Are all three of you in total agreement with the proposed adoption?"

We all answered in the affirmative.

"Well," the Judge said with resignation, "I need to get back to the courtroom. Given that this agreement is acceptable to all parties knowing the limits and risks involved, I am pleased to let you know," looking at Tom and Sandra, "that you now have a thirty-two-year-old twelve-year-old daughter. And, Andi, you are now the adopted child of this wonderful couple. The adoption will be recorded appropriately by close of business tomorrow, with your attorney's help. I wish you all the best."

And so that's how I came to be Andrea Marie Broussard.

This necessitated yet another trip to the DMV to change the name on my driver’s license later that week when the paperwork was completed. By then I was almost on a first name basis with the staff there so things went smoothly. The picture on the new license was even better than the last one.

We were home in Wisconsin in time to go out on the town for a celebratory dinner. Being in the role of a twelve-year-old, I had to settle for a Pepsi for the toast to our new beginning. The fact that Sandra couldn’t indulge in alcohol either, due to her pregnancy, made me feel a little better.

I officially took up permanent residence in my princess suite that night.

It would take some time for it to feel like home.

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