The Elementalist: Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Before the Law

“Rivulus!” Alexa shouted sending a powerful blast of fire from her left hand, exploding as it set the large troll ablaze. Sure it wouldn’t be enough to kill it, but the lingering burns could help compensate for its absurd health regeneration.

Luckily, Alexa was prepared to dodge as the troll swung it’s spiked mace down trying to crush her head. The strike was easily avoided with a quick lunge to the right, leaving the troll’s guard open. Seizing the opportunity, she counterattacked with her short sword, cutting deep into his arm.

Of course, like all trolls it wasn’t slowed down by the gushing wound that began to close within seconds.

“I’m done with you,” Alexa said as she lunged backwards to create some space. “Rufus Fulmen,” which caused red lightning to shoot from her fingertips. The troll tried to keep fighting, but the last spell overpowered it, collapsing in the brown grass.

Alexa smirked as she started looting the troll to collect her prize. Although a troll is powerful, the elf knew she could probably fight three of them at once without much difficulty. The only reason she was wasting her time on them was she needed their fat to brew some powerful healing potions.

“I guess I don’t really need to, but there have been enough times I wished I had the extra healing.” she mumbled to herself. As an elementalist she had a strong affinity for the four basic elements: fire, water, earth, and air. However, since she had focused heavily on her fire and air abilities to unlock the mysteries of lighting, her healing was definitely below average for someone of her caliber.

Since Alexa usually fought alone, she wanted to be well rounded. That’s why she became an elementalist in the first place, but experience had taught her to favor a strong attack. Of course the mages were always going to have more powerful magick attacks than her, but they were abysmal at defense and completely incapable of healing.

“This is still so gross! Whoever thought this was a good idea should be fired.” she complained while carving the fat out of the troll’s midsection. She was using a dagger for this, it helped keep her sword from going dull with skinning and butchering. Though, it meant her face was that much closer to the putrid smell. “But at least I’ll only need to do this a few more times.”

Although Alexa thought about just buying the ingredients from an apothecary shop or even the finished potions, they were both way overpriced. Instead she was fighting trolls in the plains near the Petra Mountains.

It only took around five minutes before she came across two trolls walking together. Alexa knew she could take them on like she had the lone troll, but instead she wanted to try out that spell she’d learned yesterday.

“Ira de Natura,” Alexa said pointing both hands at her target. With that, a powerful wind created a vortex around her targets with such force lightning began to arc inside. As she channeled it a few more seconds, the intense heat and pressure caused the air inside to ignite. “Holy shit! I wasn’t expecting that.” she said ending the spell, leaving two more trolls to be gutted.

While she harvested the second one, her alarm went off. A floating display showed it was 6:30am, “guess it’s already that time.” Alexa sighed. Rushing through the process, she definitely left some fat behind, but she was running out of time before she needed to get ready for work.

After gathering the fat that was easy to get, she pulled a stone with an intricate inscriptions out of her enchanted bag. “Focus Domici” she said, causing the inscription to glow with a bright blue light before she was standing just outside the tavern, a good place to log out.

Taking off the headset, Alex prepared himself for another soul-crushing Monday. He had to go to the most boring job before he could return to the comfort of his home and the fantasy he always longed for.

Sure magick and adventure were great, but that’s not what really did it for him. Instead it was the hyper-realism of Eldertale. Naturally, the irony of the most realistic TVR (true virtual reality) game having magick, elves, and all sorts of fantasy creatures wasn’t lost on him, but it was true.

Honestly, it’s amazing the game was only rated M given its contents. Obviously there was the gore of combat which many shooters had nowadays, but no other game carried it this far. Enemies had bones you could feel crushing when you hit them with a mace, muscles you could feel splitting when you cut them with a sword, and the blood when you nicked a vein. Of course, there was even that foul odor when you burned a body or gutted a troll. Truly, it was more gruesome than most people cared to think about.

No, it wasn’t the gore that did it for Alex; instead, it was the physical sensations he felt while playing. He could truly feel the weight of Alexa’s breasts like they were his own, the long hair tickling the back of her neck, and so much more that really isn’t appropriate to discuss in polite conversation.

Fortunately, this isn’t polite conversation, actually it isn’t a conversation at all, except for the one in Alex’s mind. Yes there are brothels, and yes he went to one once, and only once. The developers definitely didn’t skimp on realism there either. He never planned on going back to the brothel, but it was still fun that one time.

The realism of being a woman without the judgement of his peers was all Alex had ever really wanted. Life until he’d discovered Eldertale had been a farce. Doing enough to survive until he could finally die, because Alex lacked the confidence to transition early and he’d seen few people successfully transition at forty.

“That’s probably why I never had kids or even a serious relationship.” Alex sighed while getting in the shower, “less people to lie to.” He could only get through his morning routine by not looking at himself, well as much as possible, since he still needed to shave without cutting himself.

Alex didn’t hate his appearance because he was bad looking, actually he was quite handsome from all the tennis he played. He was never good enough to go pro, but he was number six on his college team. Since it was one of the few things in the real world he actually liked doing, he’d stuck with it all these years and his body showed it.

But Alex just couldn’t appreciate his looks. He’d hated his body ever since puberty conspired against him. His dysphoria had even grown worse since he’d started playing Eldertale.

The unbelievable realism of that game always left Alex disappointed when he took off the helmet, remembering who he really was. The feeling was not unlike waking up from a vivid dream only to realize the utter bliss you were just experiencing is gone. Fortunately, unlike a perfect dream, he knew Eldertale would always be there for him.

As he buttoned his dress shirt, Alex was relieved to have his body hidden from sight. His career as a senior accountant for one of the Big 4 meant his work days were almost always a suit and tie affair.

He’d gotten a degree in accounting because it was easy enough to get hired once he finished his CPA. Actually, he’d have made partner a long time ago if he put in a little more effort at work. But just showing up was such a challenge for Alex, there’s no way he could do everything required to brown-nose his way into another promotion.

“There,” Alex said while cinching his tie, “just nine more hours.” His drive to work was filled with the usual, YouTubers discussing news, lore, and strategies for Eldertale. He really liked immersing himself in the game, so he didn’t care it was the same things he’d heard a hundred times. Yet, after listening to several videos, he found something new.

“Eldertale is facing extreme backlash from community activists and special interest groups as an increasing number of violent crimes sweep across the nation. A senate committee is having an open hearing Tuesday to discuss measures to regulate the excessive gore, violence, and adult content associated with the TVR (true virtual reality) MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role playing game). Experts predict that regulators will force the studio to remove the hyper-realisitic elements from the fantasy world.”

“Well that sucks.” Alex said, trying to compose himself, else risk crashing in the heavy traffic. “Let’s see what others are saying.” he said swiping through his subscribed channels. The last video had only been posted 14 minutes ago so he knew others should be talking about it soon. “There.” Alex clicked on a video titled ‘Regulation and the Future of Eldertale’

“Lawmakers have broadened their powers since they regulated microtransactions and lootboxes over twenty years ago. For this reason, along with how new TVR is, I believe regulation will be passed. For now it’s too soon to say how far they’ll go, at least until the committee meets tomorrow, but this very likely could be the end of adult content and gore from Eldertale . What this means for the future of the game, I don’t know, but we can only hope they don’t go too far.”

Alex kept listening as he pulled into the parking lot. It was a gas station about two blocks from his office. Normally he wouldn’t smoke before work, but he kept a few prerolled joints in the car for bad days. “This is definitely a bad day.” he said as he searched his center console for his ‘medicine’. Since he smoked so much at home he wasn’t worried about getting red eyes, he’d just need to wash his hands and spray some cologne to deal with the smell.

“So it’s probably over.” he mumbled to himself like a crazy person, “even if they don’t ban the game they’ll gut it to where it won’t give me what I need.” he said with a long exhale. “But maybe if it’s just the brothels since I don’t really care about that, but will they really stop there.” half the joint was already gone. “They’ll probably go for the gore, I mean it’s gross, but it’s also so immersive. And what if they go for the sensations, it’s mildly erotic so they might?” the joint had already burned out, but his anxiety was even worse.

“Screw it,” Alex said pulling out his phone. “Hey Frank, yea sorry it’s short notice, but I can’t make it in today.” he said waiting for his boss’ response.

“Why not? It’s not busy season, but quarterly filings are this month. We need you here.” Frank said.

“I understand, but look, my stomach was bothering me pretty bad this morning. I didn’t worry too much, but on my way in I had to stop at the gas station.”

“Why, what’s up?” Frank asked, seeming a little concerned. Although Alex didn’t know if that was concern for his health or Frank losing a man for the day.

“I ended up throwing up. I don’t know, maybe it’s something I ate or if I’m coming down with something, but I don’t want to cause problems for the office.”

“Alright, well... let me know if you’re doing better tonight or definitely first thing in the morning.”

Alex rarely called in, so he knew it wouldn’t be a problem. “Sure thing.” He said hanging up while he lit another joint.

He didn’t even bother listening to news about Eldertale on the drive home since it was obviously all bad. Instead Alex drove to the silence of his loud thoughts.

When he got home he smoked a little more to take the edge off. His nerves were shot and he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do with what little time might be left of Eldertale.

Alex even thought about quitting his job, but knew it was wildly irresponsible. If he gave his two-weeks notice… maybe, but what if the regulators took months? He had a six month emergency fund, but it was such a dumb idea he dropped the thought.

Instead he signed an online petition and emailed his representatives. Alex knew it wouldn’t make a difference, but at least he could say he tried.

“In the meantime, I’ll just buy a few potions and go dragon hunting.” Alex said as he slid on his TVR helmet. Like usual, there was a small shock as the helmet synced with his nervous system. It was still a miracle how they made this, a team of the best neurologists had discovered how the brain interprets all physiological responses. Their research was designed to help people with severe nerve damage use robotic prosthetics; however, an eccentric entrepreneur found another use for it.

Somehow the Oculus Synapse reroutes electrical signals meant for the body into the powerful on-board computer. The best part is it does it non-invasively. The prototypes weren’t so elegant, but the commercial model is everything it was advertised to be. It can even trick your brain into tasting and smelling things that aren’t even there.


Alex poked the screen with his spectral body bringing up the character selection. Although Alex had several powerful characters to choose from, the elementalist was his go-to. She was the first character he’d ever created for a TVR game, and for some reason he just felt the most comfortable as her.

‘WELCOME ALEXA’ the screen showed before she was back outside the tavern. She quickly checked her map before deciding, although the troll fat would be nice, saving a few gold didn’t have the same appeal given her imminent time limit. So she brewed the two potions with the ingredients she had and walked to the apothecary to buy the rest.

“If it isn’t my favorite customer,” the middle-aged woman said with a big smile, “are you looking to buy or sell this time my dear?”

“It’s good to see you Autumn, I’m actually looking to buy some potions.”

“Well isn’t that unusual, normally you just sell me your extras. So what kind do you need?”

“How much for three greater healing potions and two draughts of magicka?” Alexa asked.

“Well I’m low on the draughts of magicka at the moment. It’s been hard to get the moss, but I could do it all for 350 gold since you’re the one asking.”

Sure the designers had done their best to make all the npcs seem alive, but technical limitations meant only certain npcs could have this level of realism. Although all of them supported good speech recognition, most didn’t have enough thought nodes to appear human.

Despite this, Alexa had come to appreciate how the radiant questing worked in Eldertale. It was supported by a dynamic market that reacts to supply and demand. These systems had merged beautifully, which is why Autumn had mentioned the moss.

“That seems a bit high, even for you.” Alexa said calculated, “could you do it all for 250 gold?”

“No. As I said I’m running low on them so that’s already my best price.”

“Perhaps if I bring you a supply of moss and you could do it all for 150 gold.”

“Hmmm” she pondered aloud, “I can do that, but I’d need ten pounds of feymoss within three days for it to be worth it.”

“Would you be willing to throw in two pounds of troll fat.” Alexa said hoping to get a better deal.

“No, with the three day loan, that’s the best I can do.”

“What if I bring it by early?”

“I do need the feymoss,” she said still thinking, “but only if it’s by this time tomorrow will I include your bonus.”

“Deal, I’ll return with your moss.”

“You better, I know where you like to shop.” Autumn said laughing while she gathered the potions.

Alexa immediately put one potion in her small pouch with the other two she’d brewed, along with one of the draughts. The others she put in her enchanted bag for later. Although she’d planned to go hunting for dragons, she couldn’t pass on the chance to get twenty gold per pound for feymoss.

Even more impressive than the lofty sum for feymoss, was how Eldertale’s system made this possible. It only happened because of Autumn’s shortage plus the trust Alexa had cultivated with the shopkeeper over the last couple years.

Still, as exciting as digging in the swamps would be, Alexa wondered if one of the merchants were selling it closer to the usual price. So on her way out of the city she stopped by a merchant selling alchemical ingredients.

“Hi Braun, I was wondering how much you were selling feymoss for.” Alexa said.

“Feymoss is 15 gold per pound.”

“Could you do it for 12?” Alexa said knowing ten was definitely out of the question.

“No, feymoss is 15 gold per pound.”

“Come on Braun, work with me. I’m willing to go up to 13 gold a pound and I’ll get ten pounds.”

“Sorry, feymoss is 15 gold per pound.”

Alexa left disappointed. Not really because she couldn’t just buy the moss, but because it was one of those times she’s reminded this really is just a game.

Walking to the stable outside the gate she saw Shadow, her black horse with a white blaze, which helped bring back some of her cheer. Mounting her steed after she’d led him to the trail, they were off with a quick canter.

Shadow was capable of galloping very quickly compared to other breeds, but with how far the swamps were, she didn’t want to tire him out. Alexa’s mind wandered during the four hour ride, fortunately that was only two hours in the real world, but it was still more than enough time for her to think about all the changes in store.

Alexa could feel her hair flying in the wind behind her, her chest lightly bouncing with every step Shadow took. ‘Would they get rid of this too?’ she wondered, her bottom lightly bouncing in the saddle, fearing they would remove even those sensations.

“Just how far will they go?” Alexa asked herself. “What’s the point of any of this if they go too far?” Fortunately, she was stirred from her brooding as the path turned into a trail leading through the swamp. Knowing the terrain ahead would be rough for her steed, she tied his reins to a nearby tree. Loose enough for him to get away in case he was attacked, but tight enough he wouldn’t wander off.

Alexa followed the trail for another ten minutes so she could get closer to the center without too much effort. After she thought she was deep enough in the swamp she drew her sword, preparing herself for the monsters that called this place home.

Walking off the trail was dangerous here. Although the monsters weren’t near as strong as Alexa, they tended to fight in groups and were hard to see. If she were a shaman she could cast life detect on herself, but those mysteries were locked to her. Instead, she was depending on her reflexes and exceptional hearing as she continued walking.

After about ten minutes she thought it was odd. “I should have seen at least some feymoss on the trees.” Alexa whispered to herself, “and why haven’t I been attacked by now?” The swamp was notorious for its frequent encounters, so it was unheard of to just wander around unscathed.

Fearing she’d gone in circles and was too close to the trail, Alexa checked her map. It had a powerful enchantment that always showed its location as a little blue dot. Yet, she was deep inside the swamp, far from the trail or the edge. Actually, she realized she’d been getting close to the Eldretree growing in the center.

“This was supposed to be easy” she complained realizing why there was a shortage. “There isn’t any here and it isn’t worth going to the swamps even further from the city.” Alexa continued wading towards the Eldretree, figuring if there was any left it’d be near the heart of the swamp.

It took her at least another ten minutes to make her way to the grove surrounding the Eldretree, still on guard as she became increasingly paranoid. Alexa had never gone five minutes in the swamp without being attacked, even if she stayed on the trail. Now she’d gone almost thirty, most of it in the waters?

The sun had begun to set behind the dense treetops, but she’d gotten so close to the Eldretree she didn’t want to turn back just yet. A smarter person would have given up on this fool’s errand, people tended to die in the darkness of the swamp. Between the poisonous nocturnal spiders and bad visibility it really was a death-trap, but Alexa was so close.

By the time she reached the Eldretree the sun was fully blocked by the trees. “Lumen” Alexa said creating small orb of fire that floated above her head. The light created countless shadows dancing on the nearby trees. Fortunately, she could see the massive Eldretree now, rising high above all the others. It was as wide as as a baseball field and rose at least 400 feet.

Of course, with her light, she couldn’t see the entirety of it. She tried to compose herself so she’d quit flinching from all the moving shadows while she circled the massive Eldretree. As she reached the far side, Alexa regretted not listening to her instincts. Her dim light merely acting as a spotlight on herself.

“Why you in my swamp!?” the giant beast demanded.

Alexa had been playing Eldertale since it first came out. How else are you going to get such a good username? Yet, she had never seen that thing, she’d never even heard about whatever that was. From what she could tell, it looked sort of like an orc, except much, much larger. It’s head resembled a boars with giant tusks protruding from his lower jaw. Although, her light wasn’t enough to let her take in all the hideous details, it was more than enough to frighten her.

“I got lost on my way, I will leave at once.” Alexa stammered, she still wasn’t sure what that was, but it definitely did not look like something she should fight alone.

“My swamp!” the beast yelled as it backed away from the Eldretree.

Alexa could see that it had been cutting into the Eldretree, probably sharpening its massive tusks. “I know, I’ll leave and never return to your swamp.” she said while trying to back away. Although, she actually planned to come back with some friends.

“No, mine!”

Alexa wasn’t sure what it meant, but as it kept walking towards her, it obviously wasn’t good. “Terra Mantellum” she said as hardened earth created a thin barrier around herself. “Ira de Natura” creating that vortex of air and lightning until the air combust where the beast was.

“That hurt… you die.” it said, before charging at Alexa.

She barely managed to get out of the way, totally unprepared. However, the muddy ground beneath the soil prevented her from rolling to her feet. Instead she was left defenseless as it ripped a small tree out of the ground, and swung it like a club.

“Aer Murus” Alexa said in the knick of time creating a powerful wall of air on her palm. The force of the swing still shattered the invisible shield and even part of her earth armor, launching her back several feet.

“Oh shit.” Alexa said gasping for air. She knew that attack would have killed her if she didn’t have both of her shields up. Reaching into her small pouch she drank as much of the healing potion as she could before the tree was coming down to crush her.

Diving sideways she dropped the rest of the potion in the water, barely dodging the unusual weapon that splintered on the ground where she had just been. “Purgo Torrens” Alexa said feeling a rush of healing water course over her before it slowed down continuing to heal for some time.

“What do I do? This things going to kill me!” Alexa said, “I can’t outrun it and it can kill me in just one or two hits.” Luckily it seemed distracted by it’s now shattered tree as it started ripping another one out of the ground.

“Rivulus” Alexa shouted causing the fireball to explode on the beast. “Rivulus, rivulus, rivulus.” she said, repeatedly sending the fireballs at the beast.

“Stop that!” it shouted, not seeming hurt, just really annoyed. Alexa thought it was more upset that the tree it wanted was now on fire than the fact she was basically just shooting spitballs at it.

“Rufus Fulmen” Alex said as the red lightning coursed through her fingertips. The beast didn’t seem to mind since it kept charging at her. Prepared this time, she leapt behind the tree causing him to ram into it. However, he hit it so hard it came crashing down nearly crushing her back.

She scrambled to her feet, trying to get some space as it swung the tree catching her in the side. The force knocked Alexa back several feet before hitting the ground. She collapsed on her knees, but thankfully she wasn’t dead, at least not yet.

Unable to move, she couldn’t even reach for her potions. “Purgo Torrens.” she coughed hoarsely, spitting up blood from the strain. Although it wasn’t enough to heal much, it gave her enough strength to reach for a potion. Before she could even take the top off, the beast swung his tree down.

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