Mature / Thirty+

The Devil You Know Ch. 02

White Blouse Blue Satin Pencil Skirt Sheer Pantyhose Black Belt and Black High Heels.jpg

The Devil You Know
Michele Nylons

Part two = Happy Ever After

Brian forces Mike to go with him on a business trip intending to use Mike's alter-ego 'Michele' as his plaything. Michele turns the tables on Brian, much to his delight.

The Devil You Know Ch. 01

The Devil You Know
Michele Nylons

Chapter One

White Blouse Blue Satin Pencil Skirt Sheer Pantyhose Black Belt and Black High Heels.jpg

Mike is caught wearing lingerie and pantyhose under his work clothes by his brutal boss Brian who threatens to expose Mike's crossdressing peccadilloes. Mike is forced to invite Brian to his house for an innocent visit which soon goes awry.

From The Past To The Future Part 6

It’s been two months since Lupita found the boy and they still didn’t know the boy's real name. Black Wolf had gone ahead and gave the boy a new name. Haloke was what Black Wolf and Lupita were calling him. Black Wolf had the tribal police run his fingerprints and face to see if he had been kidnapped, but nothing had come back about him.



Author's note: Yes, I know I have several incomplete stories, but my muse sent me this one today, so I'm sharing it.

They say you always remember your first love, and I sure do.


We both lived in the same neighborhood, and became part of the group of kids who hung out together whenever the opportunity came up.

I guess we were lucky, in a way. We were part of the last generation of kids who were sent outside to play on their own, no adults hovering over us.

Love & Supernova 29 - Swan Song


The beginning of the end is the end of the beginning (unknown philosopher).

The whole world witnessed it. A red supergiant star, Betelgeuse, exploded in a supernova. That star had only one terraformed planet, Betelgeuse VII. 96% of the population was rescued and relocated to a sister planet, Betelgeuse S, located at ten light years away. Press in the whole galaxy commented about this event.

When among Dragons... Chapter 14 Acceptance

When among Dragons... Chapter 14 Acceptance

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me
and Gabe as my editor and friend

Looking at the glimmer of the embers in the fireplace which were now almost gone Garrus gathered his thoughts before heading up after Drew. Back in his room he looked around to find Drew lying on his bed, rolled together in the fetal position close to the wall, holding a pillow to his head, sobbing.

Take Two Girls - Part 4

The discovery of the money gave Lucy another problem, Andrea. She'd promised that she'd live with her until the Cowes week event. Now, she had enough money to do as she pleased with her life without her parents trying to tell her what to do ever again.

It was then that she realised that was exactly the reason why Andrea was crying. Andrea must have realised that Lucy didn't need her anymore. The visible change in Lucy over the past weeks thanks to Andrea had been there for everyone to see apart from Lucy herself.

Slowly it began to dawn upon her that Andrea had made her take stock of her life. She didn't know what she wanted to do with it but it, whatever it was, was on her mind now instead of being pushed back into the darkest recesses and filed under 'tomorrow'.

Had Andrea and her no-nonsense approach to life had made her grow up at least a little bit?

That and a thousand other questions raced through her mind. It was only when Andrea touched her arm lightly and said,

"Earth to planet Lucy, come in please?"

Fantasy Femdom Story

This is a story about an ultimate fantasy of mine…..

After a long wait it had come to that day I was both dreading and so looking forward to. The kids and puppy had been dropped off the night before with my mum and we were all alone at home getting ready for the weekend.

Love & Supernova 27 - The Last Day


What would you do if you know that tomorrow is the last day of your life?

Very soon, the sun will go supernova. There are ten days left. The planet, Betelgeuse VII, is being evacuated. The last survivals are being rescued and moved to a new planet, Betelgeuse S, located at ten light years away.

Penny's World pt 19

Penny goes to White Gate Farm with John and the girls

Penny’s World
Part Nineteen
Sophie Jones
© 2018

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

The Angel of Chicago: Part 17

I'm sorry this is a bit late. I kept feeling dissatisfied and re-writing. It felt too passive. Finally, as I lay in bed waiting for sleep, I realized a solution. I started on it first thing this morning. This is the result.

The Angel of Chicago

Part Seventeen: Probative Action


Rodford Edmiston

Light's Promise - Part 6 (complete)

Light's Promise

Light's Promise (Part 6 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 21 - Aleppo

Fred hit a ramp that veered off to the right and the helicopter swung around to be seen clearly from the passenger window.

“Hey, the chopper is the other way!” I said more shrilly than intended.

Derek snorted. “Fourteen kilometers of proper highway versus eleven through the Old Quarter and possible crowds? Chill. Fred knows what he’s doing.”

Pathfinder: "The Trio": Side quest

Pathfinder: The Trio: Side quest

(Author’s note: you should probably read the previous stories first)

It was a new morning in the large town of Fiddler’s Vale, and three recent arrivals debate their next move.

Goruza, Emerald, and their new friend Milah sat at a small table in the dining area of the inn they had come to the night before, talking as they ate breakfast.

Emerald asked Milah, “You’ve been in this town, where do we go for help in rescuing Besh?”

Take Two Girls - Part 3

Lucy let out a startled, "You can't be serious? Do mean to say that you put me through all that for a joke?"

"Lucy, everything I've said today has been deadly serious. Come back into the lounge and think about what I said while dish up dessert. Ok?"

Lucy followed Andrea out of the bedroom and still somewhat in a daze, she sat down at the table.

Andrea disappeared into the kitchen and returned with desert.

"Here you go, Crème Brulee de la Maison," said Andrea as she placed a dish down in front of Lucy.

When among Dragons... Chapter 13 Lessons

When among Dragons... Chapter 13 Lessons

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me

Please note that my editor did not yet get to fully review this chapter. I may update it with corrections later.


“Oh, but the evening has barely begun, hasn't it? Well then… let's get started…“

Horst looked at both of his children and smiled.

Light's Promise - Part 5

Light's Promise

Light's Promise (Part 5 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 17 - Song

It wasn’t working.

Trying to infuse the book with more energy just caused the pages to flake more quickly and fall away. The hills surrounding the lake rumbled and cracked, colorless fractal lines spreading outward.

When among Dragons... Chapter 12 Family matters

When among Dragons... Chapter 12 Family matters

When among Dragons... Chapter 12 Family matters

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend

With a loud crack and a flash of light, a portal formed right next to the half-siblings. While this was totally unexpected to them, at least this time they knew what was likely happening. Someone walked through the opening that looked eerily like a hole in space.

Light's Promise - Part 4

Light's Promise

Light's Promise (Part 4 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 13 - Beacon

Tsáyidiel knelt upon the stone with two sets of dark wings covering an otherwise bare and human back. The air was warm, and the bright sunless sky stretched above with fluffy clouds hinting at towers and walls. The grass tickling at bare toes was the first indication that my attire had changed.

One look and it was decided that if the subconscious had chosen this outfit, me and her were going to have a chat. At length.

Love & Supernova 24 - Rescue Operations


A man found a thirsty dog near a fountain. Since he had no bucket and no rope, he went into the fountain and took water in his shoe and gave it to the dog to drink. In that moment, he felt very happy and his sins were forgiven (from a Muslim story).

The Angel of Chicago: Part 13

One reason I didn't set this in the Masks universe was I wanted to explore a different set of circumstances behind people with powers. Part of that difference is that this world is darker than the Masks world. The villains are savvier, the crooked politicians more successful, the press less fair. The differences have been minor so far. Be warned that the next few segments will be pretty dark.

The Angel of Chicago

Part Thirteen: A Hand Forced


Rodford Edmiston

Love & Supernova 23 - Angela Northern


UV Ceti is the most cruel stellar system in the galaxy. It is an anarchy, pirates, fugitives, criminals and mafia factions hide in the dark, fight for power and manage their illegal business, far from getting unified. In the last years, there is a person who gain power. Angela Northern. Nobody knows where she came from... or if she is a woman at all.

The Angel of Chicago: Part 12

The Angel of Chicago

Part Twelve: Agreement


Rodford Edmiston

"We've pulling back from our efforts," said General Conyers, sourly. "Delaying the schedule. They've learned about the repository, but only from documents more than thirty years old. They have no idea what we're doing now, and we must do what we can to reduce the chance of them finding out."

When among Dragons... Chapter 11 Discoveries

When among Dragons... Chapter 11 Discoveries

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend

Garrus hummed, still focused on each other’s ministrations.

“As much as I’d love to, I’m not sure either of us can lift the other, at the moment.“

A hint of sarcasm shone through Garrus’ humor.

“I'm afraid I’ve got to ask you to…“ he harrumphed “… step down.“


by Ellie Dauber (c) 2003

The Ace-High Lounge was in its early evening lull, between the “I’ll just stop off for a quick drink on the way home” crowd and the “Let’s go out tonight and have a few drinks” crowd. A few people were scattered here and there through the room, trying to decide which group they wanted to be in.

A beefy man, about forty, in a police uniform, walked in and headed quietly over to the bar. “Your boss around?” he asked the bartender.

“In the office,” the bartender said. “You want I should get him?”

Parents' Day

Andy took a deep breath as he stepped through the front door of the imposing building. He’d never before done anything even remotely like he was about to, and didn’t mind admitting to himself how nervous he was, even if he tried his best not to show it as he approached the reception desk.

“Can I help you?” The receptionist- a slender woman in her early twenties- asked.

“Hi,” Andy replied. “I’m- I’m Andrew Moore, I’m here for the interview today?”

“Okay,” the receptionist replied. “Do you know who you’re here to see?”

Take Two Girls - Part 1

[at a Student House in South Leeds]

"Fuck shit and double fuck," exclaimed the attractive young woman as she stormed into the sitting room of her house.

"What's up dude?" asked another of the occupants who was clearly 'high' after consuming his third joint of the day.

"Yeah, why the swearing Luce?" asked the third member of their household who was pouring over a laptop computer.

"I called home to wish my Mother a happy birthday only to find out that my frigging father is throwing a huge party in the summer for his fucking fiftieth birthday. It's going to happen during 'Cowes Week'."

Love & Supernova 21 - Forced Transformations


A wolf was hunted by other wolves. Knowing there is no way out, the wolf dressed like a sheep, started to eat grass and decided to hide inside a flock of sheep. In the end, the wolf got killed by a sheep who had no idea who she killed (ancient saying).

Light's Promise - Part 1

Light's Promise

Light's Promise (Part 1 of 6)

by Erisian


Chapter 1 - Brotherhood

A cool breeze hinted at Autumn’s approach being only weeks away, although the direct sun had yet to relinquish its warm grip on Summer. The campus had been busy with the rush of vans and cars signaling the arrival of students both new and returning in a frenetic dance of luggage, computers, personal accessories, and even some fancy stereo systems. Almost all attendees had moved into their respective cottages and gone through the required orientations for the upcoming school year. I say ‘almost’ because we were missing one very important student.

My niece, Danielle, had yet to arrive.

Penny's World pt 18

Penny wakes from her coma to find her world has changed

Penny’s World
Part Eighteen
Sophie Jones
© 2018

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

When among Dragons... Chapter 10 Time well spent

When among Dragons... Chapter 10 Time well spent

by Machara and Chryos Stormwing

Special thanks to
my love Chryos who creates this with me,
Gabe as my editor and friend

Garrus deadpanned.

“… right. Dem waffles.“

He couldn’t keep a straight face however and started grinning, his mouth watering.

All hard feelings then seemed forgotten and so they went to the table and ate.

Castaways Choice

This is a repost of an old story that seems to have disappeared from the site.

This piece takes the form of an interview between Ellen Hammond (EH) and Rosemary Donaldson (RD).

[EH] My guest today is the former politician and civil rights campaigner Rosemary Donaldson. Welcome to the show Rosemary.

[RD] Thank you for inviting me Ellen.

[EH] You have had a very varied and incident packed life. How do you think you would survive on a Desert Island?

[RD] How big is this island?

[EH] As big as you would like it to be?

Into The Light - Part 6 (complete)

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 6 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 20 - Power

Saturday and Sunday were a blur. True to her word, Jenna escorted me to each meal plus all the exams they kept throwing at me. In addition to the ones on Friday, they assigned World History, U.S. History (yeah, they made them separate tests), Chemistry (ugh), Biology (double ugh), Physics, Theology, and even Computer Science. Yes, they added a few to the original list Rabbi Kirov had previously rattled off.

By the time I finished the last one I was readily convinced I was an ignorant idiot. Whoever was organizing these damn things was expecting college graduate level knowledge as far as I could tell. And theology, really? Why bother giving me that one? Other than general knowledge from reading the Bible in high school and whatever myths I had enjoyed in my role-playing game years (alright, so at least I had some passing familiarities with a few pantheons), I was fairly lost when it came to the finer questions regarding various sects and their unique interpretations of whatever scriptures their groups had declared to be holy. My exam booklet was entirely blank across vast sections other than a comment I wedged in the middle of a question about Sodom and Gomorrah where I wrote, ‘Angels are real. I met one. She was nice’.

Let’s see them grade that, ha!

Role Reversal (10 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Ten of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Thursday, June 16, 2022:

Snrxl and I had a nice chat last night. I told him about how Butch is doing such a good job of embracing his role, and he said that Butch wasn't the only one who needed those experiences to properly embrace his persona. After our training session, I did the usual ten seconds and down for the count thing. I have come to really enjoy that.

The Angel of Chicago: Part 6

I've been a bit busy the past couple of days - including dealing with a plumber - so this is a bit short. I just hope it's readable.

The Angel of Chicago

Part Six: Collisions


Rodford Edmiston

Melody and Arielle didn't have much time to catch up.

"Unfortunately, Dad wants to see you as soon as you are unpacked."

"Give me five minutes," said Melody, even as she turned and hurried towards the bedroom.

"Five minutes?" said Arielle, laughing. "How unladylike!"

Role Reversal (09 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Nine of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

cover image

One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Sunday, June 12, 2022:

I woke again in Butch's loving embrace. For the third time in a row, I was unable to sneak away quietly. He was already awake, watching me as I pretended to sleep.

Into The Light - Part 5

Into The Light

Into The Light (Part 5 of 6)

by Erisian

Chapter 17 - Manifestation

Impenetrable fog surrounds everything, deafening all sound, all sensation; walking yet going nowhere, for within the clouds there is no path.

A distant voice’s call; a response choking upon the barrier of thickening mist threating to suffocate all…


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