Mature / Thirty+



All my life I’ve been a big advocate of acts of kindness. I’ve always said you can never know just how much difference even a simple act can make.

Then one day I learned how right I had been ....

I was having a tough week looking for a job, and on the spur of the moment I decided to go for a drive to clear my head.

I headed out of town, thinking I’d visit a nearby town that had a botanical garden, but as I approached the turn-off, I saw a car in the ditch.

The Power Of Trust: Prologue 2

Continuing the intro to a story that will be about various facets of BDSM. If BDSM is not something that interests you, feel free to ignore it.

If you are not of legal age, whether that is 18 or 21 depending on your location, you should not be reading this. This is because, as stated above, the story will deal with various facets of BDSM and such activities are for adults, not minors.


Changed by a Witch

One morning, Vincent woke up very early. He wasn't used to getting up so early but for some reason he found his eyes opening around 8am and sitting up. He looked out the window, saw the sun shining on he porch and yawned. Vincent then stood up and felt an odd bounce in his step, he couldn't quite figure out what that feeling was but he didn't feel like questioning it too much.


"Why are you calling me? I don't want to talk to you." Vincent said into his phone before hanging up and getting on the train. His ex girlfriend has been trying to get back with him for so angry and knew that he had to pass through her town on his way to work, he sat as far from sight as possible. He got close and he decided he absolutely couldn't be with her ever again.

He was two texts from her, the first one was a picture of her face and the second one said, "Get off in Denver St. Walk to my house. Go in and go to my bedroom."

The Power Of Trust: Prologue 1

This is the intro to a story that will be about various facets of BDSM. If BDSM is not something that interests you, feel free to ignore it.

If you are not of legal age, whether that is 18 or 21 depending on your location, you should not be reading this. This is because, as stated above, the story will deal with various facets of BDSM and such activities are for adults, not minors.


First Dates are Kissing Dates 3

Murmuring with Starlings 3

First Dates are Kissing Dates
By Frances Penwiddy

Murmering  5.jpg

Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2016
Photo collage: European Starling by simonglinn via birdshare

Murmuring with Starlings contains material of an adult nature and is not suitable as reading material for minors.

First Dates are Kissing Dates 1 and 2

A chance encounter in a chat room that leads to electronic meetings and eventually John asks Emma for a date.
But Emma has old fashioned ideas, she’s a Fifties girl and has a Golden Rule; First Dates are Kissing Dates, nothing more, aren’t they?
Well what about the second date, is that kissing only with perhaps an allowed caress, a warm cuddle? Or is it time that Emma took another look and reconsidered her own Golden Rules and perhaps modify them a little?
So Emma, a transsexual girl; (or so she thought until the hospital consultant began to believe that there was more to Emma than simple gender dysphoria), begins her struggle. Should she stick to her rules and allow her head to guide her down love’s rocky path or surrender to her heart?
With her mentor from the transgendered support group and a dozen or so trans girlfriends and their blokes to assist her, not to mention a mischievous muse and an upcoming surgical appointment to rectify nature’s little tricks, Emma has nothing to worry about.
Perhaps a quiet trip on the river in a punt with her new boyfriend might be the way to go? Or should she murmur with starlings?

Homecoming Gift

“There’s a table not far from the Bar,” I said as I led my two friends into ‘The George and Dragon’ that fateful Thursday evening.

We all sat down and I fished a £20 note out of my Wallet.

“Jayne, be a darling and get them in. Mines a glass of Merlot. If you ask the barman nicely, I understand that he has a very nice bottle of St Emillion behind the bar with my name on it.”

Jayne and my other friend Donna were with me to celebrate a promotion and to do a bit of business at the same time.

Two First Times

“If you’re sure... I don’t want to pressure you or make you feel like you owe me.”


“Tell me what you want,” I said. “I can’t promise I’ll do it, but I’ll at least consider it. And I won’t judge you for it.”


He was silent again. Then: “All right... promise not to laugh or freak out?”

Vesta's Hearth 21

Vesta’s Hearth Chapter 21
Frances Penwiddy

Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012

Vesta’s Hearth is a work of fiction, the characters and the Café are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental.

Vesta’s Hearth is not considered suitable reading matter for minors

In the final chapter of Volume 1, Helen goes home to the Café, buys a case of champagne, dances with Adam and buys a nest.


Turnabout Part 7

Thanks again Lizzy Bennet for all of your feedback, encouragement and kind words

Dan and Jessica make a huge decision...but not without drama


It was Charles’ day off, so Marty offered to take us to the airport.

Another Letter to My Mother

This is a follow up letter that I sent to my mother. I know that many people have read my "A Letter to my Mother" and expressed happiness about her reaction, and how I said what I said to her.

This is me cutting her off.

I was assaulted by a transphobe while living with someone as a roommate. My mother thought it was more important to attend a dinner with her sister instead of coming to the hospital to see me after this incident. Then it came out that my mother and her new husband had been running down me to my daughter the entire time she was living with them, which was a period of six months (and pure torture for her).

Virtually Feminine - Part 1 - Mistaken identity


I wrote this story about personal growth through interaction in a Virtual World largely in response to Dorothy Colleen’s challenge to write something about a 40+ transition. I’m not sure it will get that far, but the characters are the right age at least.

I set it in Second Life, as that’s an environment I am familiar with. I was going to go through afterwards and edit all the references to some generic VR World but I think it gives it a more realistic feel by using the names and jargon from a ‘real’’virtual world that some of you may be familiar with. Of course, I don’t own Second Life ™ , it’s a registered trademark belonging to Linden Lab. I’m not associated with them in any way and the views and people described only bear a passing resemblance to anyone real or virtual.’ All copyrights and trademarks belong to their respective owners and I’m not trying to sell anything. Please don’t sue me, as I don’t have any money. Oh, and if you’re reading this Fee and you recognise yourself, I’m sorry.

Vesta's Hearth 19 and 20

Vesta’s Hearth Chapters 19 and 20


Frances Penwiddy

Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012
This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Café are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental.

Vesta’s Hearth is not considered suitable as reading matter for minors.

Reflections 2

Reflections 2
Author Samantha Ann

A short story for Valentine`s day

The story has been posted as Reflections on Valentine’s Day and in honesty feel It could have been improved.

I have reviewed the story and tweaked, pulled and pushed it this way and that to this version, correcting some spelling and grammar errors.

Thanks also to Erin for her advice when I was deciding whether to leave the original story available for readers to compare, both are still available.

Turnabout Part 6

Thanks to Lizzy Bennet for her comments. They are much appreciated.

We were walking into the apartment after dinner with my parents.

“What’s wrong with this outfit?” I was wearing a blue women’s oxford shirt, black skinny jeans, boots and a black blazer.

“Nothing,” Jess said, with a smile. “You actually look really good. Clothes look good on you.”

“Why did she say something then?”

She laughed, "That is a separate question.”

“Why is she pushing my buttons?”

Jess grinned widely. “She installed them.”

Look good in Blue

Emma Price a.k.a Blondie had always been a looker ever since primary school. Only the teachers and her parents ever called her ‘Emma’. With her naturally blonde hair and brilliant green eyes she was the best looking 5 year old for miles around.

Some parents would have put her into what the Americans call ‘Beauty Pagents’ but Blondie was a real tomboy at heart. She was part of our little gang from the very day that her family moved into Kirdford Close. There was Simon, Trev, Alan and me, Joe. She was just one of us.

Reflections 1


A short story for Valentine`s day

- - -
Authors Note: I posted this short story on Valentine`s day and I am not comfortable with the way it looks or reads. I have edited it and made changes to the story and have posted the new version under the title of Reflections 2. Thanks also to Erin for her advice when I was unsure how to proceed with the amendments.

- - -

The mirror on the wall sees all and hides nothing.

Here he comes again he looks sad and seems to have lost his way and all interest in life.

Fantasy Island: A Drabble by Dorothy

Fantasy Island: A Drabble by Dorothy

“Mr. Roarke, When my wife booked us for a weekend here, she said it was a place to explore a fantasy.”


“I’m now a blond big breasted nymphet! That’s certainly not my fantasy!”

Deep voice says “But I never said it was YOUR fantasy we’d be exploring!”


Morning after the Night Before - Part 4 - Finale

Morning After The Night Before Part Four Finale

We come to the final part of the tale of Olive and Samantha to discover what has happened following the events of Halloween.

Once again I wish to give a BIG thanks to my friend Chris for taken his time to review, edit and comment with the whole story and not just this finale Chapter, even with his computer files getting corrupted just before his normal backup, these things never happen after the back up do they, Chris was still able to complete the edit. Also to Commentator for her edit, support and advice.

Vesta's Hearth 17 and 18

Vesta’s Hearth Chapters 17 and 18


Frances Penwiddy

Copyright© Frances Penwiddy 2012

This is a work of fiction, the characters and the Café are fictitious and any resemblance to places or persons living or dead is coincidental.

Helen learns to hate telephones, yearns for a kiss and takes her brand new 50 year vintage Ford Zephyr Zodiac for a spin.


The Final Frontier

The Final Frontier

Part 1

I sat on the worn, wooden, park bench staring up into the sky. A gentle breeze brought scents from fresh-cut grass and roses from the field and garden nearby.

"It's you, isn't it? You're Sam Shepherd." Shaken from my thoughts, I nodded the affirmative at the little boy whose mother stood protectively nearby. "You’re flying up there tomorrow?" The boy pointed towards the sun.

"Yes. Maybe one day you'll be an astronaut as well?"

"Not me. I'm going to change the world!"

I Will Always Be There For You

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Two lonely people find each other,
and discover that true love lasts longer
than they ever knew it could.

I Will Always
Be There For You

by Wendy Jean

Copyright © 2012 by Wendy Jean
All Rights Reserved.



I like to walk to work on the days that aren’t too hot or humid. Virginia Beach weather can be very unpredictable with the exception that from May through October, everyone knows it will be both hot and humid. Today was one of those rare exceptions to the September weather pattern. It was seventy-five degrees and the humidity had dropped low enough to not guarantee the need for a shower by the time I got into work.


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