Mature / Thirty+

We Never Break A Promise Chapter 7

We Never Break A Promise 7
Warm Hearted
Proofed and edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Fiona, with Ged's arm around her, watched Willow sleep in the huge, four poster bed with loving smiles on their faces. Then Fiona said, "We have our baby back with us and the cursed promise that kept her from us was destroyed with that school of hers."

Footprints In The Sea 15 and 16

Footprints In The Sea – Chapters 15 & 16

By Frances Penwiddy

Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015

Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental.

This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X

I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven’t read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so.

Alexa B-Side: #6 - Charlotte's Dilema

Charlotte transferred the wet towels from the washer to the dryer. “What a wonderful Christmas present” she thought, and then kicked the new machine. What was he thinking? He is such an asshole! Leave it to a Neanderthal like Dick to think a washer and dryer were a good Christmas gift. These were the kind of things you went out on Saturdays and bought. But we could never do that she thought. Couldn’t interfere with the killing of defenseless animals!

Turnabout Part 3

Jessica and Dan continue to learn about life in the other shoes - the good, the bad and a whole lot more...

When I woke up and looked over, Jess was up and looking at me. "Hey beautiful," she said, giving me a kiss.

"That's a wake-up call," I smiled. I had gotten used to her calling me beautiful. At first, it felt weird and mocking. Now it felt normal. "What time is it?"


"How long have you been up?"

"About an hour," she said.

"Why didn't you wake me? Weren't you bored?"

"I read the paper. Besides you looked so sexy lying there. “ I was wearing a teal satin nightie with lace around the neckline and hem. I had put it on the night before when we made love. “I can't believe you can sleep in that."

Footprints In The Sea 13 and 14

Footprints In The Sea – Chapters 13 & 14

By Frances Penwiddy

Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015

Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental.

This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X

I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven’t read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so.

We Never Break A Promise Chapter 6

FROM THE EDITOR: This episode does have some violence and other things which may be triggers for those who have problems with these things. While I don't want to deter anyone from reading this episode it IS a pivotal one in Willow's life, if youhave triggers about unwanted body swaps, violence, bad language, please exercise caution in reading this chapter.

We Never Break A Promise Part 6
By Warm Hearted
Proofed and edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Morning after the Night Before - Part 2

Morning After the Night Before - Part Two

After the transformations of Halloween, we continue to observe the changes to Samantha and Olive

Thanks once again to Cressar for taking the time to review, tweak and Edit the story the changes are subtitle and allow the story to flow more smoothly. Any miss read through errors of the story are all down to myself,


“Unfortunately,” Olive continued, “I appear to have misplaced the charger.” Helen just looked and laughed with Olive.

Body Thief

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Xchanged - Body Thief

©2013 — Foxxe Wilder

Micheal Carols, a police detective in the near future runs into a problem while alone at a crime scene. Having been stunned into unconsciousness from behind, he wakes up in a strange woman’s body. Still on the crime scene, he is arrested for interfering with a crime scene as well as being a prime suspect in the theft of some experimental software from the crime scene.

The real owner of the body he is trapped in makes off with his police credentials and system access (coded to retinal scan, voice and thumbprint) and stirs up trouble for him. His best chance is the help of a female jail inmate that knew the original body’s inhabitant and a detective he barely knows.

Power Fluctuations - Story 4

More of the tales of the Fluctuations. Warning, may cause an emotional response.

Transexuals can be made as well as born...

Power Fluctuations

Lisa's Story

By Jerrie526
Copyright© 2003 Jerrie526
All Rights Reserved.

CAUTION! Emotional Subject Matter.

We Never Break A Promise Chapter 5

We Never Break a Promise: Part 5
By Warm Hearted
Proofed and edited by Catherine Linda Michel

Willow sat up in her bed and saw a tiny 4 inch tall woman with platinum blonde hair and golden wings. She remembered recent events and knew this diminutive beauty with golden wings was Wee Lo, her fairy godmother. Willow said, "Good morning Wee Lo. Erin told me about you and how I was named after you. I'm so happy to meet you aah.. Godmother.".

Wee Lo smiled and answered, "You too Goddaughter. So stand up and let me have a good look at you."

Footprints In The Sea 11 and 12

Footprints In The Sea – Chapters 11 & 12

By Frances Penwiddy

Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015

Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental.

This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X

I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven’t read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so.

Aurora, Maritime 5 and Awac Papa Alpha 2 have a pin-up and Charlotte meets a doctor.

Turnabout Part 2

I woke up the next morning and, before I opened my eyes, felt my chest. “Shit,” I said, feeling breasts. “Shit shit shit.” Another day in drag. OK, I knew it wasn’t drag since I was Jess, but it may as well have been.

The alarm went off. Jess rolled over, opened her eyes and said, “So, it wasn’t a dream…”

“Nope. The nightmare continues.”

“That’s upbeat,” she said, getting up to pee. As she walked out, I walked in and sat down. The seat was wet.

“Would it kill you lift the seat?” I said.

She giggled. “Oops…maybe you’ll remember next time.”

Footprints In The Sea 9 and 10

Footprints In The Sea – Chapters 9 & 10

By Frances Penwiddy

Copyright © Frances Penwiddy

Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental.

This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X.

I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven’t read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so.

An Act of heroism and Aurora arrives.

Power Fluctuations - Story 2

The power has fluctuated and so did life. What happened to the souls that were affected?
Find out in the ashes of the Aftermath

Power Fluctuations


By Jerrie526
Copyright© 2003 Jerrie526
All Rights Reserved.

Power Fluctuations - Story 1

Seems like everyone is having their problems with energy companies...

Power Fluctuations

Story 1

By Jerrie526
Copyright© 2003 Jerrie526
All Rights Reserved.

Fluidity In Space: Chapter 2

As the group descended towards the counselor, I practically ran into the hallway. I lept into action and stood defiantly in front of the counselor. My declaration of “crew, get back to your stations immediately” was met with comments about how my “kind” were just as bad as the “splicer-babies”. The situation was much worse than I had first thought, and at the rate that it was escalating, I was sure it would quickly get completely out of hand.

Morning after the Night Before - Part 1

Morning After the Night Before

Feedback and comments posted or emailed have encouraged me to at least consider continuing the story of Olive and Samantha. Thank you all for the constructive comments,
I do appreciate all the feedback received

Thanks again to Cresser for taken the time to edit, comment and tweak areas of the story to improve the flow.


The Queen Of Country Music

Originally posted to Classic BC on February 24, 2004

A tabloid reporter visits a small town in the Ozarks and follows up a strange story.
JayJay, the official town crossdresser, relates the story.
The Queen of
Country Music

By Tyrone Slothrop

When Worlds Collide part 3

Part 3

If Ronnie thinks I’m staying here in the car, she’s crazy! I wait until she’s gone inside and then I jump out and run to the diner and go in right behind her.

What are you doing? Asks Ronnie as I come up next to her. Well shit Ronnie for you being the smart NSA agent that you claim to be, I thought leaving me alone in the car if this was a trap was a bad idea ya know. They could have kidnaped me and you wouldn’t have known. I said with the sarcasm dripping off my words.


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