Mature / Thirty+

The Ivory and the Ebony

“Hello. Can you hear me?” asked the young woman.

“Uhhhh,” moaned the figure lying on the ground.

“Lets get you up. You can’t stay here in the wet.”

It had been raining heavily for several hours and there were deep puddles everywhere.

She helped the Woman to sit up. Then she saw the bleeding. It was coming from a nasty gash on the side of the woman’s head.

When Winding Paths Meet Part VII (Chapters 29-32)


Megan’s office - one week later – just before Christmas, 2009

It was late afternoon on a Tuesday. Megan had finished with all of her patients and was completing some notes on her computer when her phone rang.

She answered it as normal, “Megan Phillips.”

“Hello, is this Dr. Phillips?” Hearing the voice, she almost dropped the phone. It was a voice with which she was very familiar, but hadn’t heard in seventeen years. It was her mother.

Heart pounding, Megan asked, “Yes, it is. Is this Michaela Phillips?”

“Yes. Your mother.”

When Winding Paths Meet Part VI (Chapters 24-28)


Late April, 2009 – two days before Susie’s wedding

Susie and Megan met late on a Wednesday afternoon at an upscale restaurant that they frequented on special occasions. It was a bittersweet occasion. Even though Susie and Brad had decided to make their home in the city, the two realized that the wedding represented a serious turn in their friendship. No longer would they be “two single girls” against the world.

Hello David 8

Hello David

David, awkward around boys and unable to fit into their rough
and tumble activities, had felt much more at home with girls and their
generally gentler pursuits. By the time he was seven he’d developed a deep
longing to be one of them and detested the body he’d been born with.

Connie decided to take matters into her own hands and
become the girl that she knew she was supposed to be!

Hello David
Chapter 8

by Sydney Moya

Copyright © 2016 Sydney Moya
All Rights Reserved.

When Winding Paths Meet Part V (chapters 19-23)


Late August, 2008 – the first day of Lara’s sophomore year in high school

It was the first day of Lara’s sophomore year in high school. Unlike the past years, though, she went all out with her femininity. She had picked out a short-sleeve dress and paired it with all the accessories befitting a young high school girl. Megan had taken her to the salon, and Lara had a cut that emphasized the fullness of her hair. She had also grown two inches, and at five feet, eight inches, stood just an inch shorter than her mother.

When Winding Paths Meet Part III (chapters 9-13)


The next morning – Metro Hospital (Mental Health Unit)

Shortly after 7:00 a.m., Megan Phillips made her way from the adjacent employee parking garage to her office on the fifth floor of Metro Hospital’s Mental Health Unit. Megan enjoyed Saturday mornings when she was on the weekend daytime schedule. Incoming traffic to the hospital was light, her schedule was usually light or even nonexistent, and the pace of the hospital was far less intense. Her hospital office, a light and airy space, became a home away from home on most Saturdays.

Move Over

The link for this tale is in purple at the top of the posting. Will Jess get her itch scratched? Will Andi help with the honors? Will Russ ever be forgiven? Will Russ's reeducation help? For the answer to these and any other questions, click on the purple link at the top of the posting below the word 'attachment'. :)

A Pack o' Parodies

None of these parodies are meant to be of the work of specific individuals. I hope none of them seem too meanspirited. Poe's Law may apply. Typos may or may not be intentional.

The Implausible Cheerleader

by: Anastasia Lynn Walker

To think I was a normal boy two days ago... but let me start at the beginning.

Can it get any better?

After a number of years of trying and failing miserably, I was able to get off work and go to France and actually see a stage of the world famous race, 'Le Tour de France'. I'd booked a Gite less than a kilometre from the stage 15 – time trial. With my Chunnel ticket booked and my recently serviced bike packed into the car, I was all set for two weeks in France.

A Change Of Pace

A Change Of Pace
By Barbara Lynn Terry

Part One: Four Weeks Ago.

There comes a time in everybody’s life, when they have to make a decision. Going through the want ads in yesterday’s Sunday paper, I came across a job opening that just fit my style. See, I was laid off from my position as assistant librarian at our local library. So, I had to find work, do I could pay the bills.

Stories from the Shepherd Moon - Interviews 2


Stories from the Shepherd Moon –
Interviews #02:  An Obsession with Royalty

“This is Bryan Seacrest, broadcasting from BBC Solar’s outside broadcasting van, or what we in the news business like to call the ‘OB Van,’ here on the front lawn of the Royal Castle of the Northern Territory here on Elyra Prime. We are covering the investiture of the Princess Amelia Liaran-Kerr-Steele as the new ruler of the Kingdom of the Northern Territory. As you know, this comes on the heels of…”

Penny's World pt5

Penny’s World
Clair raised her eyebrows at me. A smile playing on her lips
Part Five
Sophie Jones
© 2016

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

Owner of a Lonely Heart - Part 3

My journey back to Skipton was not the one that I’d expected when Mary dropped me at the station that morning. I felt an inner calmness and that was strange to me. I’d been excited about getting those dresses made for me but after the incident in the Cathedral, it was as if they didn’t matter any more.

Mary met me at the station. In an instant she noticed that I was different.

“Did Vic give you the tour?”

I nodded.

“It got to you didn’t it?”

“Yes it did. As much as I didn’t want it to, it did.”

Mary laughed.

Penny's World pt4

Penny’s World
I turned over and look at the clock on the phone. 3:10 am
Part Four
Sophie Jones
© 2016

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…


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