Mature / Thirty+

Fluidity In Space: Chapter 1

Our multi-generational ship, the UAE Epoch, has been cruising through space for four hundred years now. I suppose it's fitting that I take on the role of captain on our quadricentennial year. I am the first gender-fluid captain of our ship, after all. We've come a long way since our ancestors in the United Astral Exploration unit first left shore so many generations ago. Back then, there was a lot of fighting. It was hard for our forebearers to blend so many different cultures together on one tiny vessel. People fought over religion, race, gender, and sexual orientation.

The Christmas Ginie

December 2016 Spirit of Giving Story Contest Entry


The Christmas Ginie
By Alys Prince

Copyright© 2016 Alys Prince
All Rights Reserved.

Wha' sort of wish d'y' get when you're pished, completely pished.
Pished as a newt. And spirits only give me a hangover.
So much for Gin.


The Trial

This story wouldn't leave me alone. It's not like I don't have a dozen partially completed stories in the queue. I was thinking of fleshing this story out more, but I kinda like it the way it is.


John was tricked into swapping bodies with Tiffany so that he could receive her punishment. It didn't work quite the way that she had hoped.

The Trial

"This tribunal is now in session," the inhuman voice intoned.

I had just fallen asleep, so I would normally have considered this to be a dream. After all that has happened, I know better. This was an attempt by Tiffany to yet again escape the consequences of her actions and pass them on to me.

"The plaintiff will now state her complaint."

Variations On A Busted Flush In Spades

Originally published on February 14, 2004 on Classic BC

Bobby, an older man somewhat wounded by life, meets up with three amazing women on the way to Vegas. He learns about playing poker with strangers.

Variations On A
Busted Flush In Spades

By Tyrone Slothrop

Niamh and Billy


There's something magical about being witness to a new love starting and some couples are so right for each other that you can't help but be caught up in their excitement, even if your own life is uncertain.


This story was originally published on 2/27/2004 on Classic Big Closet.


By Tyrone Slothrop

Chapter 1: Breathlessly, She Awaited Her Lover

I watched as Raoul's shadow darkened the moonlit wall of my boudoir. I could smell the scent of the man, his primal essence entering my spirit as I hoped he would stay long enough to enter me for real.

Escaping the Past - Part 3

Now that Chloe was out in the open things moved along nicely at the house.

Angela more or less took control of Chloe’s metamorphosis from ‘yeah but you are a man aren’t you?’ into something more like ‘what are you doing on Friday?’ sort of appearance. She thinned his eyebrows a bit but not too much so that when Martin had to make an appearance it wouldn’t be obvious that the was a cross-dresser.

Halloween 2 - All Saints’ Day and Beyond

Halloween - All Saints’ Day and Beyond

Authors Note: Halloween Getting what is Deserved I had intended to be a one-off standalone story.

Feedback and comments posted or emailed have encouraged me to at least consider continuing the story of Olive and Samantha.

Thank you all for the constructive comments, I do appreciate all the feedback received

Thanks also to Cressar for his time in editing, commenting and tweaking this story

--- ---
Halloween - All Saints Day and Beyond

Love and Zombies

Life is short, sometimes. Does true love ever die? This story is very dark, it came to me in a dream that should have been a nightmare if it wasn’t for the strange look of peace on the heroine’s face…
Sorry this is a little rough but this is the only day it makes sense to post this here. It's the first time I've been brave enough to post anything, enough of the waffle, on with the story...


Returning Home for Christmas

I was amazed. The house looked exactly like it had done twenty years ago. Now when I finally had got this far I suddenly hesitated. Was I really prepared to meet my father? Could we put all everything behind us and start anew? Could all the prejudice be overcome?

Escaping the Past - Part 2

[Late March]

Martin was in a meeting at a London Trading House when he felt his phone vibrate. He’d set it on ‘silent’ before the meeting. From the nature of the vibration he knew he’d received a text message. His innate politeness stopped him from looking at the phone until the meeting was over.

It was more than an hour later before he could look at the message.

When he did so, he smiled. It was from Angela.

“Martin, come home please. Am sort of stuck”

He replied

“Understood. Tied up until 4. Back ASAP”

The Wardrobe

When Mark Walker accidentally discovers a door at the rear of his wardrobe, he finds an Edwardian scene frozen in time. But the four female mannequins are not just a display; Mark discovers they have an ulterior purpose - and a history.

Author's note: This story is different from my more conventional Big Busts stories, but I hope you will enjoy this Halloween special.


Audience Rating: 



TG Themes: 

TG Elements: 

Character Age: 



Halloween 1 - Getting what is deserved

I wish to thank Cressar taking the time to edit this story and for his comments and input to this story.

The story was intended to be a stand alone and have added further chapters after reviewing readers comments, input and e-mails, all of which is gratefully received

All comments are welcome as a new author I am just starting out. I enjoyed writing this I hope you enjoy reading it.

Edited by author 31/10/16 after feedback from readers, further edited
01/02/17 change to introduction and story layout

( the Copse /corpse stays unaltered)

Escaping the Past - Part 1

Life Beyond… Part 1

[This story was originally written in 2004. I updated it in 2010 and again in 2014 and yet again in 2016 so I thought that it was time it got posted.]

Many of us have seen the people selling the Big Issue plying their magazine outside the Tube stations and other prime locations. They come and go over the years. They sell a copy and pocket a bit of money from the sale. They work hard and for most of them it is the first step in their return to some form of normality from whatever deep dark place that have been.

A lot of people who buy their copies don’t read them but still continue do make their purchases just so that they can feel good about helping someone out.
I usually buy a copy not that I read much of it but at least these Guys (And a few Girls) were trying to get themselves and their lives out of the gutter. You never know when it might be you who finds themselves out of a job and homeless.

Town Princess

Town Princess

Almost every town probably has its rituals.

You know, the stuff that brings the neighbors together, have a bit of fun, remember the important stuff the past or celebrate the future.

My town’s ritual is a bit ... different.

It all started about ten years ago.

We had two stunning revelations that shook us to the core.

The first was the suicide of a teen named Brett Markson. He’d been popular, involved in local charities, always the first to step up when called upon, so his death came out of the blue to all of us.

Mary Celeste chapter 10

Onboard SS ERIN 1100 09NOV17:

Since the Turner sisters seemed upset after the meeting followed by Tom Dodge's stern warning, Tom suggested that perhaps it would be better to escort the sisters back to their cabin to allow them to rest and recover before lunch. As he led Elizabeth (followed by his son and Crissie) back to her cabin, he promised that he would be back at 1150 to escort the two sisters to lunch. (In fact, Tom was very much interested in discussing what had happened before and during breakfast).

White horses dancing on the waves

White horses dancing on the waves - the young woman looks out of the window towards the lake a sad smile on her face - her mind elsewhere as she ponders her last phone call a few days ago to a old friend...

The words " it would be better if you was not so out about your lifestyle to others "  showing just how little her well meaning friend understands things - just like the question "why can't you just stay the same?"  when she was first coming out to her friend as transgender - some times one has to rock the boat even if doing so makes others uncomfortable...

Here Be Dragons

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

You know, there are times when a life goes so far off the rails that things can never be the same again!
Of course, none of you know the least thing about what I’m talking about do you?

Here Be Dragons

By Sunwolf
Copyright© 2014 Sunwolf
All Rights Reserved.

A bridge between lives

A night sky full of stars - it's late - a young man slowly walks back  to the place they are staying at from a birthday party - walking across a bridge high above a small river the runs though town they stop as they look over the side - with tears running down they face all they can think about is how easy it would be to end it - to step off the edge  - end all the pain and suffering - no longer seeing any way out... 

Penny's World pt9

“I cannot let an Englishman, out do a Frenchman, now can I.”
He took my hand gently by the finger tips and lifting them up to his lips kissed my fingertips, then my knuckles, followed by the top of my hand, and my wrist, taking my elbow he raised my arm to kiss my forearm. I giggled as he raised my hand up so he could kiss under my forearm and then the side of my elbow.

Campbelltown Resident Claims Transgender Vaccine Link

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Earlier today I read a clickbait piece in which a mother claimed that a flu vaccine turned her son gay. Though I am firmly pro-vaxx (vaccinate your kids, folks) the idea of a child turning gay or trans as a vaccine side effect tickled me. Maybe I'll expand on this more in a future story, but this fake news article touches on it. Enjoy!

* * * *

4 October, 2016

My First Time

This story began 54 years ago, when my sisters, who were 13 and 16, began dressing their 3 year old brother in girls clothes. At first, I believe they probably viewed it as harmless fun, as merely a diversion. But their brother, who had no one else to play with, loved the attention, and it grew to be a frequent event. When they came home from school, there was their little brother to dress up like a doll.

A Study in Satin - Part 3 - Chapters 13 - 16 (Finale)

Unable to defeat the addiction-withdrawal syndrome of Moriarty's youth potion,
Holmes is running out of the drug, and faces madness and a horrible death.
Unwilling to concede victory to the Professor, he leaves England
in search of the one person who might still best Holmes' archenemy -

"THE Woman."

A Study in Satin
Part III: Dum Vivimus Vivamus
Chapters 13-16

by Tigger

Copyright © 2002, 2013 Tigger
All Rights Reserved.


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