Mature / Thirty+

Owner of a Lonely Heart - Part 2

Mary took me under her wing and eased me into Parish Life once she had helped me create a believable back story for my life. We needed a story that had to stand up under the close scrutiny of her parishioners. It didn’t take me long to realise that Mary was an expert at that. I sat back and marvelled at how she tied things together so that were no loose ends.

Then there was the subject of my clothes. Mary took one look at the few I had in my case and laughed her head off.

“Those will never do for the parish ladies,” she commented.

No Rules | Chapter 6

This long-awaited sixth chapter in the sequel to No Obligation holds a few unexpected meetings, surprising discoveries, and a welcome rescue from the horrors of higher mathematics.


No Rules: An Advocate Novel

by Randalynn

Chapter 6: Magic, Mercy, and Mayhem

Penny's World pt3

Penny’s World
As I said this place is about the size of a football pitch
Part Three
Sophie Jones
© 2016

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

Owner of a Lonely Heart - Part 1

As the dawn chorus broke and with a heavy heart, I wrote my goodbye letter to Liam.

Dear Liam,

I am so sorry to say goodbye like this but I can no longer fulfill the role you want me to do at the expense of all my desires. To carry on like I have for the past few will totally destroy me. If I don’t leave now, I never will. I’ve returned all the gifts you have bought me since I came to live with you. I have managed to gather enough money to get me to wherever, find a place to live and start a new life.

Please don’t come searching for me. I will change both my name and appearance. The past has been fun at times but I have so many dreams of my own that I need to try to achieve and if I fail, then so be it.


The Race

A nasty, racist, offensive story with no redeeming value whatsoever. A white teenage girl and her secret black older boyfriend have disclosed to her parents that she is pregnant. Hilarity ensues.

A New Job Twist Part 9

Saturday at six in the morning we are walking back into Fashionable Inc, hand-in-hand. This time Gerry leads me into the trainee entrance. We walk through my old locker room, then she stops me. I want to show you. Not everyone was able to make a cryx – they never are. Follow me.” We open the door out into the hallway toward the classroom. Instead we enter through the yoga room where twenty others are lined up. Then another very gorgeous lady walks in. “It is time,” she says. “You may enter the observation room.” Then she leaves.

Penny's World pt1

Penny’s World
Anyway, it is about ten past seven on a weekday morning
Part One
Sophie Jones
© 2016

This is the story of Penny. A closet Transwoman thrust into the outside world 24-7 when she would rather go and hide away. Perhaps the title should be Welcome to Penny’s Paranoid World…

You can love twice

[12 Years ago]

There I was, full of late teenage hormones, in bed with my girlfriend of the past three years Annie, with both of us ready to do the dirty deed and…

“I’m sorry Annie. I can’t do this. It is not right.”

“Eh? What have I done wrong?” she answered trying to comprehend what had just happened.

“I can’t have sex with you. It just isn’t right.”

The Ugly Duckling

The Ugly Duckling

There once was an ugly duckling
With feathers all stubby and brown
And the other birds said in so many words
Get out of town
Get out, get out, get out of town

Bobby Mason knew that he was in trouble as soon as he walked into the School Playground.
A reception party was waiting for him. At least 10 other boys were lined up with their arms crossed blocking his entry to the school.

The Mumaddy

“’Dad, hold still can’t you?”

“I’m trying. Can’t you see that.”

“If you don’t then I could stick this mascara wand right into your eye.”

“I know. Just get on with it ok? I don’t want to be late.”

“Nag, nag, nag. You are just like Mum was.”

I looked at my daughter sternly.

“Sorry Dad. I forgot.”

I smiled back at her.

“It’s all right. I forget sometimes as well.”

“That’s it. You are all set Amanda.”

“Thanks Lindsey. You are the best daughter I could ever wish for.”

Lindsey grinned back at me.

SRU: A Higher Power -1- Spare Key

Originally posted 2005/02/03

The wizard knew just what Aaron was seeking--and there's more than one kind of key.

SRU: Spare Key

by Lainie Lee


I do not own the SRU universe, I am just borrowing it. The Spell-R-Us store and wizard were created by Bill Hart.


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