Mature / Thirty+

Bridges 48


I’m looking at my phone and trying to decide if I should say anything when I hear her yawn on the other side of the line and hear this happy, and amazing make my heart ache.

“Good morning beautiful, how’d you sleep?”

My wife, she stayed on the line with me all night on purpose…I pull her pillow into my arms and I hug it hard.

“I slept okay but this…It’s a great morning.”

“Mmm…good, I have to preggers pee so I’ll talk to you later hon?”

(Happy-sniffle.) “Yeah okay, I love you.”

“Love you too Mommy.”

I hear her lips touch her phone before hanging up and I’m sitting there hugging her pillow happy crying and even shaking a little too.

*And Now…

Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 2

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

Chapter 2: "Arrival"

Welcome to Timber Grove, a lovely coastal town where changes happen everyday. Meet Samantha Brown, and FBI agent who has a life changing experience with her secretary before going missing. Follow Agent Timothy August as he searches for Agent Brown, and begins to find that things in Timber Grove are never what they seem.

Author's Note: This story is a re-imagining of "Timber Grove: Season One" which was posted online in 2013. There are over twenty other stories in the "Timber Grove" series, but since this is the debut of the series on BigCloset TopShelf I will be posting the stories in order. I hope that you enjoy how the story begins, and I hope to have it completed soon.

What were you thinking??

WARNING: This fictional story gives an indication that physical violence in the home is socially acceptable.


Karen opened her door and let her son, Donald in. She could tell at a glance that he was very upset. As soon as she closed the door and turned to face him; he burst into tears, collapsing into his Mother's arms.

Welcome to Timber Grove: Chapter 1

A Timber Grove Story.jpg "Welcome to Timber Grove"
Timber Grove: Story #1
by TGTrinity

Chapter 1: "The Sapphire Ring"

Welcome to Timber Grove, a lovely coastal town where changes happen everyday. Meet Samantha Brown, and FBI agent who has a life changing experience with her secretary before going missing. Follow Agent Timothy August as he searches for Agent Brown, and begins to find that things in Timber Grove are never what they seem.

Author's Note: This story is a re-imagining of "Timber Grove: Season One" which was posted online in 2013. There are over twenty other stories in the "Timber Grove" series, but since this is the debut of the series on BigCloset TopShelf I will be posting the stories in order. I hope that you enjoy how the story begins, and I hope to have it completed soon.

Discovering Erica: Chapter 3-11

OR001 Discovering Erica.jpg "Discovering Erica: Chapter 3-11"
by TGTrinity
based on an idea by dgenerateaaron

Aaron is the target of a scorned witches curse, causing him to slowly become a woman. With his loving girlfriend's help, Aaron is soon discovering what it is to be a woman while navigating the changes the curse causes in their relationship.

Author's Note: This will complete the story with chapters three through evelen and the epilogue included. It's my first posting to the site so it took a while to acclimated, but I hope you enjoy it all the same.

Discovering Erica: Chapter 2

OR001 Discovering Erica.jpg "Discovering Erica: Chapter 2"
by TGTrinity
based on an idea by dgenerateaaron

Aaron is the target of a scorned witches curse, causing him to slowly become a woman. With his loving girlfriend's help, Aaron is soon discovering what it is to be a woman while navigating the changes the curse causes in their relationship.

Discovering Erica: Chapter 1

OR001 Discovering Erica.jpg "Discovering Erica: Chapter 1"
by TGTrinity
based on an idea by dgenerateaaron

Aaron is the target of a scorned witches curse, causing him to slowly become a woman. With his loving girlfriend's help, Aaron is soon discovering what it is to be a woman while navigating the changes the curse causes in their relationship.

Ashley's Song

glowing-orb.jpgAshley's Song
by Anon Allsop

This is one of my older stories - I knocked the dust off it and decided it could be placed here on Big Closet.

The ancient woman sat quietly in her rocking chair and looked back at me, her watery eyes unwavering. I looked from her to the little girl, then back to her again. I felt terrible for them; this was the part of the job that I hated.

"Mrs.'am, I'm really sorry to have to tell you this but..." My eyes looked at the innocent face of the little girl. "Uh... this would be easier if she weren't here." My voice was shaking with emotion.

The old woman looked at the girl and asked her to go inside for a while, "Go on." She said gently guiding the child toward the door. She waited until the door closed and turned back toward me saying, "Okay Brian."

The Enhanced: TRI - 38

enhanced graphic.jpg
By Diana M. Howe, Edited by Melanie Howe, Cover art by Monica Plant
Copyright © 2004, 2015 by Diana M. Howe
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction

The Black Cab

The Black Cab

The lift doors opened and two tall slim ladies emerged into the Hotel Lobby. They caught the sight of themselves in the mirror and they smiled at each other. Then as if they owned the place, they walked directly into the bar that adjoined the Michelin 3* restaurant that the hotel boasted. The Maître D asked,

“Are you dining with us tonight ladies?”

“Yes, yes we are,” said one of them.

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 15

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter
by Sharphawlad

Chapter15. Romanoff & Battenberg companions.

Young Battenberg was the first into the doctor’s office. He looked around rather scared and saw Rose & Anne Marie. He stood to attention and passed all the initial tests.

“Strip completely," said the doctor, "Did you not here me I said strip completely. I have seen enough naked men before."

"But sir I am not a normal naked man."

The Policeman and the Ponygirl

I was sitting at my desk going through some paperwork when the door to the office opened and in walked a man in a Police Inspectors uniform.

“Sergeant Dobbs, I understand that you know the Gibbs family?”

“Yes Sir. I guess you don’t know that Nick is, sorry was my adopted brother. He changed his name back to his original one when he met his birth parents a few years ago.”

The officer sat down with a sigh.

“I’m going to need you to go and break the bad news to Mrs Gibbs. It will be better coming from you.”

Heir to a Title - Chapter 13.

Novel 1. Chapter 13.

As she turned through the garden gate, Ellie was mildly surprised to see that her father’s car was not in its usual place. At first she presumed he had been drafted into ‘Taxi’ duties to bring her grandmother home from Poole; Ellie had checked that Charlotte had left the cafe when she turned out of the port gates. When she stepped out of her car on arriving home however, she met her Nana Charlotte at the front door.

“Where’s Dad Nan?”

“He’s at the hospital.”

Ellie’s heart missed a beat.

“What’s wrong, where’s Calli?”

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 4

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 4 A cry for Help.

Angela, "Well I better show you around the town. It is relatively small."

A young girl ran up to Lynn and tugged on her skirt. "Mummy, Mummy." She pulled at William, "I think she wants us to come with her."

The child took hold of William's hand, "Please Help Mummy." They found a young woman unconscious on the floor.

Goddess of the Arts

Goddess of the Arts

Josephus Carter is dying of cancer. Believing there is no grace in death, he abandons his family and friends to sail into the Pacific and die alone. Josephus soon finds himself in a strange yet familiar world. A world with gods, where a Goddess of fate and a God of Labor have called Josephus to take his place as their child a Goddess of the Arts.

The Bridge

Copyright © 2015 Heather M. All Rights Reserved.

Author's Note: I originally wrote this at Susan's Place last year. This is the first piece of fiction I have managed to write in a very long time but, it's not completely fiction. This was my suicide note. The Bridge is allegorical - referencing the place my mind was in when I wrote the story. I'm still in a dark place and still think about the Bridge, almost daily.

Under my Nose

[2001] Aged 10

Our new Neighbours moved in two days before Christmas. Mother, Father and a 10 year old girl named Jocasta. I thought that was a cool name because she is a superhero from ‘The Avengers’.

Her family were invited round to our place on Christmas Day because the Gas people hadn’t connected up their oven in time. Our families became firm friends from that day onward.

We must stop meeting like this!

This is a story for the new year.
[The first time]

The first time I saw Naomi was a couple of weeks before Christmas. It was late afternoon and I was standing in for our receptionist Mary Blanchard who was having a wisdom tooth removed.

The whole place was a hive of activity getting orders shipped before the posting deadline.

She walked into reception wearing a grey and black herringbone three quarter length coat, black leggings and a pair of black L.K. Bennett ankle boots. Her long brown hair cascaded over her shoulders. Her makeup was flawless. Her eyes glistened in the chrismas tree lights.


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