White horses dancing on the waves - the young woman looks out of the window towards the lake a sad smile on her face - her mind elsewhere as she ponders her last phone call a few days ago to a old friend...
The words " it would be better if you was not so out about your lifestyle to others " showing just how little her well meaning friend understands things - just like the question "why can't you just stay the same?" when she was first coming out to her friend as transgender - some times one has to rock the boat even if doing so makes others uncomfortable...
To her it was simply - she had to start being her real self - there was no other path - as she said to her well meaning friend when her friend said she was all ways taking the hard road - who says I see any other path? She knows that she can be blunt to people at times - some times that's whats needed to get the point across - like when she told her mum " you can have a dead son or a alive daughter as that is simply what would of happened...
She thinks back to the TV show she was on last year ( a 20 m Doc on new Zealand TV about her disabilitys /her travels and the search for some thing in her life (including being transgender and the start of her transition from her old (unhappy) life to her new (happier) life) sometimes she thinks why she give the ok to the TV people - in her heart she knows why - it's was never about being a TV star or even being on TV but to help people understand that transgender people are just people trying they best to find they way in life - just like any one else in life does....
Yes she outed herself to the world (on nz TV at that) - knowing that there would be at lest some backlash from hateful people towards her and possibly friends /family but some times people have to take a risk to help change the world...
A thought that runs through her head as she thinks about the last year or so - you know you are helping to change the world for the better when you start getting death theats from people who want the world to stay the same
Yet on the other side she has had people call her brave /a hero (she never knows what to think about being called such things - they not terms that sit well with her ) some people had come forward to her - some in person - some on line - to say how seeing the tv program helped then with a better understanding of what it's like to be transgender - that transgender people are not sexual pervents /jokes or other nasty things that transgender people have offen been protrade by in the media as being - offen in movies /daytime TV shows - during the making of the TV show she had to explain things to the tv crew so her story would be told right - to any other people she just would say no to any TV suff as she would never be able trust then to not twist the story to get higher rating as what often happens
The young women is a very private person with trust issues so it was not easy to find her self in front of TV cameras - still she went forward with it knowing if it would only help one person it would of been worth it...
She knows the numbers well - the ones that try to end it seeing now way out - once she was there - now she does what she can to help others find a different path - like she has done in her life
Still as she looks out the window towards the lake at the white horses dancing on the waves - the sounds of the fast food restaurant she's in just back round noise to her - she ponders both how far understanding of transgender issues have come yet how far they still have to go - the sign to the bathroom a sharp reminder of that....
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Hi everyone first up -a
Hi everyone first up -a thank you to the people who left comments - I'm still finding my way with my story telling - so I hope I'm doing a ok job with it (as there's many ways to tell a story )
A Note on the name of this story - the term - white horses dancing on the waves - is a name for the white tops of waves when the wind hits the top of the waves as it looks to some as there are white horses dancing in the waves - just added the meaning so people know what I'm talking about with the name
This is likey to be my last story on here for about 2 months or so as I have things off line that will keep me busy and off the Internet - like a 7200 km bike ride over 40 days doing 180 km a day starting in just a few days so will be to tired /busy to be on line for more than a few minutes now and then (but please keep the comments coming - will read then when I can : ) (this girl is going to need all the sleep she can get : ) so no more late nights spent typing up suff (like tonight - it's 00:29 in 24 clock time)
And now it's time for this girl to try to get some sleep : )
Good night every one...
White Horses Dancing On The Waves,
is a story of not letting social views stop you from being who you are. Too many transgender are in the closet, because, quite frankly, they have no othr place to go. Society has dictated that a male child must grow up to be a man and a female child must grow up to be a woman. But, the words man and woman are generic at best. Does a physical body determine who you are? NO! Society has got to stop dictating to people how they should dress and act according to their physical sex. A physical body has nothing to do with who you are, any more than, "the sun is blood red and goin' down" (Tanya Tucker; The Georgia Sun Is Blood Red and Goin' Down). So, come out, come out, and be who you are openly, proud, with your head held high.
With confidence and forbearance, we will have the strength to move forward.
Barbara Lynn Terry
"If I have to be this girl ion me, Then I have the right to be."
Where's the edit button if
Where's the edit button if there is one? I some how left out a bit of the story opps - (it sometimes happens with my disabilitys : )
On Your My Stories Tab...
...you'll find "edit" as one of the options for each of the items listed there.
(As least that's how it is on my page.)
Just a photo
Just a photo incase any one was wondering what I look like out in the world - the girl behind the storys so to say (well about 6 +months ago when I did the photo : )
I love the image
"white horses dancing on the waves"
its so beautiful, I can see them ...
No matter what
This is a very nice story. Sweet and to the point.
People who don't want things to change don't realize things change every day. Today is today, yesterday has occurred and tomorrow starts another cycle. The clouds will look different each day. The wind strength changes not only daily but minute by minute. The sun is never in the same position because the Earth has moved in it's orbit around the sun. It rains one day and not the next. It's cold one day and warm the next.
The world changes, life in the world changes. Only humans are capable of refusing to acknowledge change taking place. Only humans claim to be an intelligent species.
Others have feelings too.