Mature / Thirty+

Arista is.. confident [5.11]


A wise, presumably enchanted, group of entrance-ways once sung:
"This is the end, my only friend, the end."

Rather fitting right about now I guess.. or is it?

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Dirt-brown magic splashing on things,
Several (either literal or metaphysical) tug's-of-war,
and Hannah has nothing left to lose!

Do I need to mention how potentially dangerous that last point could be for everyone involved by now?



Like a lot of other guys, my work is something I endure so I have the money to enjoy my weekends, when I can relax.

Although, the way I “relax” is a little different than most guys ...

See, once I get home on Friday afternoon until I have to get ready for work on Monday, I spend the whole time in women’s clothes.

I dont think its a fetish, at least not exactly, because for the most part, I dont get turned on by dressing up.

What I mostly feel is ... at peace.


The Italian Job - Part 15

I came around after the operation but didn’t open my eyes for a while. I listened for the sounds of anyone in the room with me.

To my untrained ears, the room was empty. I knew I must look a right state so I’d hoped for a few minutes to myself to at least run a brush through my hair.

There was nothing else for it but to open my eyes. I could tell that it was early evening as the setting sun was giving the room a soft, warm glow.

I lay looking at the ceiling for a few moments.

Then a voice came from my left.

A Work, In Progress...Part 1

By Therisa Godwaldt

© 2014 and 2017 Therisa Godwaldt

All rights Reserved

Stigma Of Survival

The chain
That binds truth
In lies.

Of the horrors
In the name of love
And punishment.

Twisting the light
Into a dark parody
Where reality loses
All meaning
Except for pain.

Molding one's soul
Like clay
On a potter's wheel
With deft hands.

Arista is.. suffering too, apparently? [5.10]


There's always two sides to every story, sometimes more, which can get rather messy in all honesty so it's probably better to stick with just two for now, right?

The problem with bad guy's is that, rather predictably, they lie sometimes.
It makes it rather hard to take anything they say seriously... unless they offer proof at least.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Arista explaining the world as she see's it,
Ari being useful at long last
(although not half as useful as John apparently is)
and Hannah has enough dignity left to blush when confronted with the truth about her relationship with the smirking-wonder from multiple, utterly annoying, angles!

The Italian Job - Part 14

Sophia soon put the episode at her now old school behind her as she began a slightly extended summer holiday. It didn’t take us long to find her another school for September and when Benito came home from school we planned all sorts of things to do for the holidays only to have them thrown into total confusion by the arrival at Hartley House of Gina.

She breezed in, as if she owned the place. It seemed that it was something Italian Women just did. She pronounced the place ugly and vulgar and not the sort of place for children.

Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits

Bikini Beach: Ellen's Daughter Visits
By Daphne Xu

Ellen's older daughter visits Bikini Beach, and then returns home. Except that things aren't what they seem. This is an except from the sequel to "A Bikini Beach Summer", still being written.

Hugh Don't Know Jack! Chp. 1 -- The First Meeting

Stories in the Jackie Hallard Universe:

Hugh Don't Know Jack!


Will the police get their man and their money back? Only Hugh knows.

Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

Arista is.. not the Messiah! [5.9]


Have you ever got half-way into a group project and realised that you already regret pairing up with the people your working with?
Too late to change now, history lesson or no, we work with who we have sometimes and just pray we don't get an 'F' in the end.

That being said, even I wouldn't expect a passing grade if one of your team members was basically lobotomized, the other crazy and your starting to envy schizophrenics in general, honestly.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Big people playing big games,
Boat rides being ignored,
Subtext being read
(or not, depending on who you ask),
and Hannah gets to play 'spot the historical figure' bingo, whether she wants to or not.

The Other Woman - Part 2

The Other Woman Part Two

Continuing the story of how a wife meets the other woman in their lives, who happens to be her husband.

This story is dedicated to my friend and fellow author Warm Hearted, who has called me his cheerleader. We have become good friends and confidants, sharing comments and ideas on our stories as well as messaging and emailing each other regularly.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 2

I'm leading Collin down the steps of our secret basement. It is the day. He seems calm – if not confident. As we stand outside of the door, I tell him. “I am required to ask you if you are willing to walk through this door. You will not be hurt by anything you see. But if you feel you don't want to do this, you will be okay. We will honor our five year deal with you.” Collin says, “I want to do this. I am ready.” I open the door for him, and then sit and wait.

The Italian Job - Part 13

Before I could control myself, I started crying.

To my eternal relief, Mrs Wilson didn’t come and offer to help.

When I’d recovered my composure, I said to her,

“You can’t be serious. You really want me to come and tell a load of adolescent girls about a man who does not want to be a man and why he’s having his dick cut off?” I blurted out rather angrily when I’d recovered at least some sort of composure.

I dragged a handkerchief out of my handbag and tried to dry my eyes without making too much of a mess of my makeup. 

Mother`s Day, Father`s Day

Mother’s Day, Father’s Day

Mother’s Day and Father`s Day are in different months in countries around the world; in the UK Mother’s Day is in March and Father’s Day is in June.


Thanks, once again, to my editor and friend Chris, who finds the time in a busy life to review my stories with comments and insights and edits. Busy editing for other authors at the same time, he is also an author in his own right.


The family are gathering together to see Dad between Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

The Stake War: A Tale of Zhor

NOTE: This story is based on "The Fact Sheet for Zhorian Universe Contributors" by Overlord. Overlord invites Zhor fans to try writing Zhor stories of their own. The article is found at

"The Stake War" is an oldie but goody. It has appeared elsewhere, but this version has undergone a new edit and polishing.

On Zhor, the one who loses the celebrated martial contest called the Stake War may taste dregs of defeat that are particularly bitter. After such a draft he might never be the same again. This is a story about a champion of battle who fought and failed. Fortunately, nothing in life nothing is simple. It may be that, for some, a loss, even a loss of the most devastating kind, may yield more in gain than the victory he had sought ever could.

Revised 10-31-17

The Job

The Job

Susan Brown

He was sitting behind a huge desk, one large enough to play table tennis on. A huge 27-inch iMac was to the side with its wireless keyboard and mouse placed strategically in front of him and a telephone on the other side; nothing else.

Sitting opposite him in a slightly lower chair, it seemed slightly intimidating and I assumed that was the purpose of our relative positions.

Tales Of A New Town: Pre-founding

The only violence in this chapter is in the description of Quinn's war wound and Will's on duty injury.

I apologize for not posting anything for so long, I was dealing with bad migraines for about three weeks from late April to mid-May, and my muse apparently decided to take a hike, leaving me with four pieces partially written. This is the first of those I've managed to finish.


The Italian Job - Part 12

After dinner, I told Luca about the auction and the antics of Mrs Federov, he Luca laughed his head off. His board meeting had gone very well so we were both in a great frame of mind. He’d also been meeting with his lawyers about something to do with the children. He was a little reluctant to tell me and I didn’t want to push it.

Our brief period of happiness didn’t last and we were brought down to earth with a bump when two days later when we were just about to leave for the airport and our flight to London when Gina arrived on the scene.

Turnabout Part 12

The saga of Dan and Jessa continues

Jessa learns that sometimes to get what you want you have to let go....

Thanks as always, Lizzy Bennet for your comments and kind words.

A New Job Promotion Twist Part 1

Fifteen years after beginning work for Fashionable, Inc, Michelle has become a successful associate at the company. She just received a promotion, however. She is in love with the power of the cryx. Its song has kept questions that should have come to the surface from being there. What does Fashionable Inc actually sell? What is going on in this sinister company? She will likely learn more in the years to come.

Arista is.. not playing around [5.7]


What is 'right' and what is 'wrong'?
Morality is a personal ideal, a human construct, or so some would have us believe?
It doesn't make certain people or actions any less irredeemable though.

No matter how you try to spin it, forgiveness just isn't possible ever again in some situations.

Events unfold including but not limited to:
Hannah reliving some rather racy fantasies,
Arista tells a story about a magical princess-turned-queen
(fictional elements being both optional and undisclosed),
while John wears lip-gloss for a very short period of time.

The Italian Job - Part 11

I arrived at the house in Tuscany a little before 3pm that afternoon very eager to see what Victor had discovered.

The sound of the Taxi’s tyres on the gravel drive alerted him to my arrival.
He emerged from the open front door of the house with a broad smile on his face.

As I paid off the driver he opened the door of the car for me to get out.

“Thank you for coming at such short notice.”


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