Role Reversal (02 of 10)

Role Reversal
Part Two of Ten
by Ray Drouillard

I wrote this over ten years ago. It was essentially finished, but I somehow never considered it ready for posting. Or, at least, it had gone as far as I was inspired to take it. It kinda begs for a sequel, but it's fine as it is.

It's big. It took some time to edit. Especially since I needed to change the dates so that it wouldn't be so... well... dated.

Much thanks to Terry Volkirch for test reading it way back when. She might even remember the story.

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One fine day, Joe wakes up and finds that his whole life has been turned upside-down.

Day 3;
Saturday, April 3, 2021:

On the third day of my spring vacation, I woke up... Still a girl.

At least I'm getting used to the idea now. I can look in a mirror without jumping in surprise. I took a good look at myself. It felt funny to do that. But, it is my own body, after all.

I really do look like my own daughter. The facial features and body shape are about the same, though feminized, more child-like, and bonier. My head is topped with fine candyfloss blond hair -- much blonder and longer than it ever was before. It hangs past my shoulders, but not quite to the middle of my back. I think I'll keep it that way.

I am more slender than I remember being at the age of ten or twelve. OK, what I really mean to say is that I look like Olive Oyl. It looks like I need to put some meat on my bones. There are a few tasks that are definitely more difficult in this body.

By the time I was ten the first time, I already had a fine collection of scars. I still have some of them. Or, rather, I had them until just three days ago. Now, even the big gash on my leg is gone. It's as if this body was built fresh and brand-new.

The first signs of puberty are definitely there. I wonder how much time I have before having to deal with that. Jan says that it can come any time now.

Well, at least I am somewhat prepared for it. I have been through puberty before, though I'm sure it will be quite different this time.

I really have mixed emotions about the situation. The fact that I can still do any mental activity that I could do before is a big help. The fact that I have more energy and don't have any of those minor nagging pains is a definite plus. In fact, it makes for a clearer mind. I was able to do the entire device driver project last night. I got to bed late, but that's par for the course.

Today, there is farm work to do. I got caught up with my projects, so now I can take care of some of the little projects that accumulate when there is snow on the ground.

But let me back up a bit and give you some history.

Four years ago, I got laid off from a high-paying job. It was kind of a blessing, though, because I was getting pretty burned out. Also, the city life was slowly killing me. Meanwhile, Janet O'Malley Jeblonski, MD, was getting antsy. We had both dreamed of moving out to the country for a long time, but our jobs kept us in the big city.

After some searching, she found a hospital that was looking for a neurologist. One day, we're stuck in the city. The next day, we're talking to real estate agents, going to interviews, and finally packing up.

So, here we are; living on sixty acres with woods, pasture, a creek, a pond, and no neighbors. The old barn is full of hay on top and animals on the bottom. The old six bedroom house that was built for a big farm family is just perfect for a professional couple and their three boys.

So Jan provides the steady money and the health insurance, while I do odd jobs and keep the farm going.

I started by doing the morning rounds. I topped off the watering trough. The round bale that the horses eat is almost gone. The chickens still have plenty of food. I tossed them some scratch grain as a treat. I love watching them gather around when I do that. I grabbed an egg bucket and went to the nest boxes. I found a few eggs on the floor, and some more in the goat manger. I saw Jan peeking out the window at me as I carried the eggs up to the house. A few minutes later, she drove off to work to do her rounds at the hospital. Today is a short day for her.

The goats were all hanging around the milking parlor. I don't know what they want more; the grain, or to be relieved of all that milk. It took a while to get the right rhythm going, but my smaller hands seem to be an asset when it comes to milking. That's especially true for Ginny Nube, the nubian. She's a good producer, but her teats are small and difficult to milk.

John, my oldest son, came out waving a pair of safety glasses. "Dad always makes us wear these when we are working on the equipment."

My regular prescription glasses have safety lenses, but I'm not wearing them. This body has 20/20 vision without correction. I thanked John for his thoughtfulness and put the glasses on. I had to climb a bit more to get on to the tractor. I had a hard time reaching the controls. It was difficult, but I still managed to stab the prongs into one of those six hundred pound bales of hay and drop it into the horse feeder.

Next, I grabbed the fence repair supplies, loaded them into the ute (sort of like a cross between a lawn tractor and a quad), and drove slowly around the fence. There were a few spots that needed repair, but nothing serious. I don't remember remember all this stuff being so heavy. I had to really pull hard to get enough tension on the fence. This all bears a striking resemblance to hard work.

By the time I was done driving around better than half a mile of fence line and fixing all the broken spots, I was exhausted. I think I'll go talk to Jan's pony. That'll make me feel better.

When Jan got home, she found me laid out on the couch. I got the work done, but it took all I had. In my old age (heh), I have learned to cut myself a little slack when it comes to physical labor. Proving something today often leads to being too sore tomorrow to get anything done. I guess I should have followed my own advice.

Day 4;
Sunday, April 4, 2021:

Still sleeping with Jan. What's the big deal with that? She is my wife, after all.

This is weird.

But now I have a nice bedroom set up next to Jan's room. I mean our room.

After getting back from her rounds at work, Jan fixed my room up and decorated it while I was out trying to get some farm work done, or trying to prove something, or trying to still be me, or something like that. It looks like she really enjoyed doing it. It's kind of girly for my taste, but I guess I'll have to get used to it.

I was freshly showered, dressed in a clean set of my oldest son's clothes, and lounging on the couch when Jan came down from the bedroom area. "You know, I think it's time you stopped wearing those boy clothes."

When the babysitter got here, Jan dragged me out to the car. I had quipped to her earlier about how she had always wanted a girl to dress up. I should have kept my mouth shut. I walked out my car and opened the driver side door.

This isn't going to work.

She couldn't suppress a snicker. In fact, she didn't even try. "Where's your license, sweetie?"

Very funny.

I sighed, then went around to the passenger side. Jan drove me to the mall for our big shopping expedition, just us girls. She has dragged me kicking and screaming into clothing stores before, of course. This time was different. For one thing, she came into the dressing room with me to help.

This is just so totally not me.

But that has to change.

The first thing she did was to buy a three-pack of silky panties. She had measured me at home, so it wasn't difficult to get clothes that fit. She took me into the dressing room and made me put one on. The other two were left in the package so that we could pay for the entire batch later. I couldn't help but to notice that they felt slippery when I pulled them up my hairless legs, and fit snugly with no flopping or looseness. I unconsciously went to straighten things out, but there was nothing to straighten out. That fact caused a sense of loss. Sometimes, I really want to be Joe again.

After Jan had loaded the shopping cart with about fifty pounds of clothes, including frilly underwear and some nylons, she got me fitted for a training bra. I really was hoping to put that one off for a while. On the way over to the feminine hygiene section, she grabbed a box of razors specially designed for tender young skin. The fact that I didn't have to shave anymore was one of the better parts of this ordeal. I'm not looking forward to starting again.

But the feminine hygiene section was worse. The last thing I want to do is put a box of miniature diapers in my drawer just to remind me about what I'll be dealing with sooner or later. Later, hopefully.

Jan dressed me in a cute sun dress that I would have really loved if it had been on someone else. I think she's enjoying this way too much. I looked at her and batted my eyelashes. "Gee, Mommy; Is this what I should wear when I'm shoveling crap out of the horse stalls?

Jan put her hands on her hips and said, "Is that any way to talk, young lady?"

But her eyes twinkled.

"Mommy, these clothes are pretty, but if I'm going to be shoveling horse sh..."

"Now that's enough of that, young lady!"

I could tell that Jan wasn't quite as amused as I was. Still, she reflected that I might need some work type clothes.

Here we go, trying clothes on again! What have I gotten myself into, anyhow?

But you know what? It really isn't all that bad. At least, not as bad as I remember. In fact, it's kind of fun to search through the cute styles and see how they look.

But it was still work, and I was hungry. "Mommy, now that we are finished, can we go get some ice cream?"

Now, it was her turn to tease me. "Gee, I don't know. You wouldn't want to ruin that pretty figure of yours by getting too fat, would you?"

"But Mommy, I'm a growing girl and need lots of calories. How else am I ever going to grow a nice set of boobies?" I cupped my hands were they would be if I had any.

It's a good thing Jan wasn't drinking anything or it would have certainly come out her nose. "Young lady!"

"Well, if I can't have ice cream, how about some of that to-futti stuff? The phytoestrogens from the soy beans might help."

Jan just rolled her eyes and led me to the check-out area. I don't think she noticed that the people who were in earshot of us were trying hard not to laugh too loudly.

But anyhow, we did end up going out for ice cream. She had to show me off to some of her friends, after all.

Day 5;
Monday, April 5, 2021:

Today, we explained what happened to the kids. They took it remarkably well. I think they even understood the part about not telling anyone else (not that anyone would believe them, anyhow.)

Well, that's one difficult task scratched off the list. Only about a gazillion more to go. The clients were easy enough to deal with. They are used to communicating via email and instant messenger. We just gave them the same story we gave the kids earlier. I don't know what we're going to do next time someone needs to meet with me in person, though.

But that's not the worse of it. I have a driver's license that says "Joseph Martin Jeblonski", and has a picture of a 41 year old man who's balding and kind of pudgy. OK, a lot pudgy. There is no license, birth certificate, social security card, or anything else with "Tiffany Jeblonski" printed on it.

Why did Jan pick that name, anyhow? It certainly wasn't my choice.

In a few months, I should be going to junior high. Oh, joy. I can probably avoid the whole mess for now, but I'll need some kind of an official identity to get into college, to get my driver's license, or just to go see a doctor.

It has always been our habit to pray over each boy when we tuck him into bed. Before we leveled with them, I had to change my prayer. Now, I can go back to the part that says, "Thank you for this little boy, and thank you for making him my little boy."

Day 10;
Saturday, April 10, 2021:

Time to go to the feed mill. We have lots of critters that want to eat, and the stores are running a bit low. I generally go there myself. This time, of course, Jan had to drive me.

'Hi Keith', I almost found myself saying. I have to remember that I don't know anyone around here.

Jan introduced us, then chatted with Keith for a bit, then asked me "What do we need this time?"

"I thought you printed out the list that Joe emailed to us." I paused a bit, as if trying to remember what was on the list. "Let's see... hundred pound bags of laying mash, corn, sunflower seed, horse complete feed, and chick starter. Two eighty pound bags of sweet feed. Fifty pound bags of dog and cat food..." I paused some more as if trying to remember if there was anything else to get.

"Hundred pound bags, eh? Who does Joe think will be carrying them?" Jan had a point.

We settled for two fifty pound bags of everything. Jan pulled the truck around to the loading dock as Keith started piling the bags up. I grabbed a bag and struggled with it.

"Tiffany! You're going to get a hernia!"

"Girls don't get hernias!" I grunted as I heaved the bag of corn into the truck.

"Yes they do! Besides, you might strain your back!"

Keith hopped off the dock and helped Jan. "I can't let a young lady like you hurt herself."

I just sighed and got into the passenger seat. Jan settled the bill and bought a couple candy bars. "Would you like a treat, little girl?" She is enjoying this way too much.

Day 13;
Tuesday, April 13, 2021:

So... Joe is still sequestered. No one has seen hide nor hair of him. He answers his emails promptly, though. Heh.

The farm work is getting easier. I'm either getting stronger, or I'm learning better how to work with my limited strength and take advantage of my improved energy.

Probably both.

Is this just another way of trying to hang on to my old identity? The glory of a young man is his strength, and the glory of an old man is is gray hair. I guess that means that I was somewhere between strength and wisdom when I got into this mess. That would make a great sig line if it still applied.

Apparently, all the hard work is doing something to this new body. Jan has been commenting about how the boys are really going to love me when I start to fill out. Be still my beating stomach. When the hormones start flowing, am I going to to suddenly become attracted to boys? This is so awkward! I am, after a married ummmm.... man?

At least Jan is taking this all in stride. In fact, she seems to be having the time of her life. She tried to get me signed up for dancing lessons, but I put my foot down on that one. We settled for riding lessons. I guess I'll be getting a horse after all.

Day 14;
Wednesday, April 14, 2021:

Jan just took me to a mother/daughter dinner. She dressed me up in a frilly dress and put a bow in my hair. I tried to get out of it. I tried to stand on my authority as the man of the house, but she didn't buy it. She never bought it before, either. All her friends made over me and swooned about how cute I am. And smart, too.

How do they have any idea about how smart I am, anyhow? I save that for my "Joe the Nerd" identity. I guess nerdiness is just some indelible part of my personality. I can probably have fun with it, once I gain my equilibrium I need to practice my 'ditzy blond' act, so I can drop it at just the right time. Mom always told me that my sense of humor would get me in trouble some day.

But hey, there's something to be said for being liked on sight. I'm so used to trying to compensate for less-than-wonderful looks. Lately, I have been taking on an entirely different set of mannerisms.

There is also something to be said for looking at yourself and liking what you see. I can't wait to see what I look like when I grow up again.

Or maybe I can wait. There is some other ummm... baggage that goes along with that.

Day 15;
Thursday, April 15, 2021:

I slept with Jan tonight.

No, not that way. Alas, that is no longer possible. She gave me hugs and cuddles, but they were the kind of hugs and cuddles you get from mom, not from your bride.

But God had promised me that our marriage would survive, and even flourish I'll just have to stand on that promise and wait for things to get better.

Day 18;
Sunday, April 18, 2021:

I was about to put on a blouse and some jeans for church when Jan tossed a dress and a set of nylons on my bed. I always liked it when Jan wore nylons, but I wasn't too keen on trying them on myself. I told Jan that I would wear nylons if she did. She knew that I had her, so she agreed.

In the past couple of weeks, I have been reading anything I could find that might give me some insight to my situation. Aside from the medical information about gender disorders, it was mostly fiction.

There is some good fiction out there, and there is also some really bad stuff. A lot of the authors like to go into detail about the differences between male and female clothes. Very often, the unfortunate man who has been unwittingly transformed ends up being totally confused. I was luckier than that. Any married man is going to have some some knowledge about women's clothing -- if for no other reason than the experience of removing it. What red blooded husband hasn't removed his wife's bra? What husband hasn't watched her put it on in the morning? Is there any married man out there who hasn't watched with pleasure as his wife bunched up her nylons and slid them up her legs? A lot of the stories also exaggerate the extra sensitivity of female skin. Sure, some parts are definitely more sensitive. It isn't all that big a deal, though.

Anyhow, I had always liked the feel of nylons on Jan's legs, but putting them on my own legs was a different experience. They felt smooth and silky and kind of springy. I could actually get to like this. We'll see how I feel about them after wearing them for a day.

The dress that she chose was demure and frilly. Still, it was short enough to fall just above my knees, and had a tie around the waist to emphasize what little shape that I have. A short pair of white heels and a bow in my light bond hair completed the look.

Church was interesting. I can't really say anything bad about it, of course. Our church has a way of loving you into the fold. That's why Jan and I chose to go there. We were welcomed from the start. It wasn't the official greeters shaking our hands. The people there genuinely have the gift of loving you unconditionally.

It was the same way this other 'first time'. I was welcomed. I overheard our friends asking about me, I mean Joe, I mean... [sigh]

I feel like I'm living a double life. Or maybe it's a triple life. When we go out in public, I'm Tiffany, the cute house guest of the Jeblonskis. When I'm working, I'm Joseph Jeblonski, BSEE, computer wrangler, code slinger, and all around solver of problems. When I'm on line, I'm just Joe the nerd or hobby farmer or Jeep aficionado or gardener or father or whatever.

I guess I should be used to it. With so many interests scattered among so many forums, I already show several different sides of my personality to several different groups of people. This just brings it into the real life that isn't buffered through a keyboard and monitor. Maybe I should create an on-line identity for Tiffany.

Or maybe not.

Day 20;
Tuesday, April 20, 2021:

There has been something tickling the back of my mind lately. There is a difference in me -- that is, the way that I think. There have been so many changes that I never noticed it at first. Sure, I'm more confident in a group of people than I ever have been before, but I attributed it to the notion that they aren't really seeing Joe. Also, knowing that the first impression, based on what they see, is more favorable. They want to like me.

But I also noticed that I can almost read minds.

No, I can't tell what they are thinking. It's more like I can tell what they are feeling, even when they are trying to hide it.

I have finally figured it out. I never was good at reading body language or facial expressions. It took years to do cognitively what most people are hard-wired to interpret from birth. Apparently, this new body has that hard wiring and it works fine. It's a whole lot easier to be at ease among people when I really know the score.

Day 22;
Thursday, April 22, 2021:

We just got a weird package in the mail. Why would a law firm from Florida be sending us this huge pile of papers? This doesn't look good.

Wait a minute! What's this on the address line?

Joseph Martin Jeblonski

Janet O'Malley Jeblonski

Tiffany Sarah Miller

Tiffany Sarah Miller? Is that my new name? How did Jan know that I was a Tiffany? This could be interesting.

The stack contains all the paperwork for the final disposition of the estate of Brian and Sarah Miller. It's all there; signed, sealed, and delivered.

It would seem that I now own a nice little estate right on the coast of Florida, along with some trust funds that are earmarked for college. I also get a generous stipend that takes the place of an allowance. Once I graduate from college or turn twenty-one, whichever comes sooner, I get access to the aggressive mutual funds into which all of Brian and Sarah Miller's assets were placed. Janet and Joseph Jeblonski get custody of Tiffany Miller, access to the little house by the sea, and a generous trust fund for child support.

So I am now my own foster father, if I can get back to being me, or who used to be me, or whatever. It reminds me too much of that old song about I'm my own Grandpa.

There is also a hand-written "If you're reading this, it means we're dead" type letters thanking us for taking care of their little girl, and telling Tiffany that they love her and will be watching her grow up from Heaven.

But we have never heard of the Millers. What is this all about?

Dumb question, eh? I wake up one morning as a girl, and I'm wondering about a bunch of legal papers. Whoever did this to me is obviously capable of fixing things up so that my presence won't attract too much attention or raise any eyebrows. I guess we'll take the papers to our lawyer tomorrow so that she can go through them, make sure everything is in order, and file what needs to be filed. We'll probably have to sign a few papers. I wonder if I can forge my own signature.

So, Jan and I made copies of everything, sorted it all into a stack to file at home, a stack to stick into the safe deposit box, and a third stack to send to the lawyer.

Let's see... what else is here?

There's a birth certificate, a social security card, a license that'll let me drive the quad and act as a state ID card, and a PADI recreational diver card. What? No ham license? I guess I'll have to take the tests again.

Anyhow, I now know that I just turned thirteen this past April 1. Very funny.

Wait... what is this? Buried deep in the stack is a small sealed envelope marked PERSONAL/CONFIDENTIAL. It has all three names on it. Maybe there are some answers here.

Dear Tiffany and Janet:

As you are no doubt thinking, it's time for some answers. We apologize for keeping you in the dark for so long, but it was necessary to provide you with an untainted experience. To forewarn is to inhibit. The answer to your first question is "yes and no". Yes, you will be able to switch back to your old body and no, it will not be permanent.

You can switch back to your Joe body for two hours every day. It doesn't have to be spent that way, though. Before you switch for the first time, you accumulate two hours of "Joe time" every day. The first time you transform, that changes. You still get two hours every day, but only a maximum of one hour is added to your bank every day. If you use two hours, nothing is added to your bank. If you use more than that, the extra time is deducted from your bank. Use it wisely. Save it for things like client meetings and jury duty.

No, you can't switch yet. It will happen later. It'll happen after you really wish it would. It will happen after you fully embrace your new identity. Enjoy the ride!

The answer to your second question is more complex, and we can't reveal it all to you. To forewarn is to inhibit. Sorry about that.

We are from another fold. That is, we worship and serve the Master and Creator of the universe, just like you do. We will eventually be sharing our technology with your world. You are the first to receive this gift. You are being prepared for a mission. Don't expect it to happen any time soon. Remember that Moses started his mission at the age of eighty, and your own age has just been reset by about thirty of your years. In other words, don't plan your life around the mission. When the time comes, you will be where you need to be.

You were chosen for many reasons. You were chosen because you have been tested many times in the past, and still flourish. You were chosen because the both of you have experience with teaching and counseling. Most of all, you were chosen for spiritual reasons. This decision did not come lightly. Nor did it come without a whole lot of prayer. Please agree with us in Prayer that this whole project becomes a blessing to your world.

Finally, please understand that the technology that we offer goes beyond simply offering everyone the ability to change their bodies around. What it amounts to is a cure to just about any disease there is.

There are some special restrictions put on your form shifting abilities because you have no knowledge about the proper use of the abilities, and because there is no one to counsel you. Also, it is important that you embrace your new identity. Restrictions will be relaxed as they become unnecessary.

Meanwhile, don't expect to develop physically at a normal rate. You will go from looking a little young for your age to looking mature for your age before you go to school in the fall.

By the way, you may notice some changes in the rest of your family. They aren't big changes. They are designed to improve the general health of your household. The biggest changes were done to your immune systems. Your allergies are gone, and everyone in your family is immune to the diseases that plague your planet. Also, there is no need to give psychotropics or any other long-term medications to everyone. This is a gift that we hope will help you feel better about the challenges that you face.

So, what's that all about? The space aliens are coming down to share their technology with us? It's ironic that they're coming to Jan and me, when there have been so many cults that have been waiting for the flying saucers to come and either save us all or take a chosen few away to utopia.

But what's this "other fold" stuff? I seem to remember something like that in the Gospel. I guess I'll have to look it up.

John 10:16 I have other sheep, which are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will hear my voice. They will become one flock with one shepherd.

Ah, OK. Nice to know, eh?

And what is this about only being able to switch after I really wish I should? Why do they have to be so stinking cryptic?

But at least I get to get my 'most prized possession' back. I hope Jan is pleased. Somehow, I think she likes me better this way.

But my marriage will flourish I have faith.

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