CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault

Freebie’s for this week on Amazon

I skipped a freebie week, so we’re once again doing a double up:

The e-books for: “Are You Happy” and “Desert Rose” will be free for this week from Amazon.

Are You Happy” is kind of a depressing delve into the madness mind of Stephen Thomas and his “guardians’: the Elvin princess Ayle and a grim reaper-in-training who never makes it, “Skully”. The reader is asked to ponder if they’re a part of Stephen’s broken psyche or if they indeed exist.


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It’s been awhile…

Warning: Don’t read this if you’re squeamish there’s a lot of nasty things that are going to be said. If the moderators think I’ve went too far in explaining what has happened to me then they are free to remove it. I just wanted to get this out into the open.


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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters


Todd was a sexual predator but probably would have considered himself the complete opposite of that. He might well have styled himself as prey – bait to tempt the cougars. He cultivated that image. He was not aggressive in picking up women. He was not physically imposing so he had found a style which he prided himself made him irresistible to women. He was charming and polite and almost innocent – the kind of young man a woman would like to take home.

The Light Between - Part 5

The Light Between

The Light Between (Part 5 of 8)

by Erisian

Book 5


If you have yet to read the saga - the tale starts here:

Into The Light

Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 16 - Sins

Countless nights spent staring into a fire’s dancing flames or into skies darkened by midnight’s gloom flooded everything, twisting as a barbed arrow within the chest. Abandoned by a father whose infinite radiance had turned as cold as the snow he’d left her in, a young girl had wrestled with inner scars which seeped anew from every self-perceived failure. Even her uncle - though he had at least stayed - always bore into her soul with hooded eyes of penetrating and absolute judgment.

Only Siabh had held her tenderly. Only the fae priestess had softly offered words of love and support.

But some nights those hadn’t been enough. And as the long hours crept towards dawn the child had whispered the same questions over and over:

Does my mother also think me worthless? Is that why she never came for me?

Is she ashamed of me too?

Lilith's Despair Chapter 1

High in the tower of the newly created wizard city, Lilith sat in front of her hearth. No longer did her eyes shine with happiness and excitement. Her mood had soured since she withdrew from the world for a second time. She watched as the flames of the hearth consumed the wood, much like the world outside the city. Humans had reacted violently to the news of wizards and the verification of the existence of angels and demons. Lilith felt lost and without a direction to follow.

The Paypig

Trevor looked in horror at the gaping vagina before him, the same one he had impotently obsessed over and fantasized about for so many years, he couldn’t help but think: where had everything gone so very wrong?

The Interpreter - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four – Toast and Marmalade

The Professor knows that Valerie is sitting on secret but remains infatuated with her. What will he do now that he has the tools to blackmail her? At the same time the FBI and MI6 are closing in our beautiful ingénue and Soviet spy. Can Yuri save Valerie and will he have to sacrifice himself to do so? Please heed the cautions.

Lilith's Despair: Prelude

Author's note: I am still working on my edits of The Return of Lilith. It has been taking me a lot longer than I planned it too. I hope that these edits will make the story better overall. I decided today that I was going to take a break from editing and knock out the prelude to the next adventure of Lilith and her family. This one will contain some violence against women and some graphic descriptions of rape and abuse. I wanted to warn you up front since this will be a common theme throughout the book. I hope you enjoy the new adventures.

S(m)ister Wife Part 3

This part has a forced sexual encounter. I know this type of story is not too popular here, but part 1 and 2 have had 3000 hits between them. So it is being read.

Bob came back an hour later reeking of beer. Carol fussed over him while I finished the steak dinner we were making for him. The smell made my mouth water. Carol and I were to just have a salad. Bob says we must keep our slim figures, she told me.

Seeking Redemption

Seeking Redemption
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

People do not understand rape. Nobody wants to talk to a rapist about why they do it, unless it is to judge them. A rapist cannot even go to a shrink. They say: “If this is in the past then we may be able to discuss it while respecting confidentiality, but if you are contemplating future offending, then I must report any impending crime.” Contemplating? It those days it was all I could think about. But what do you do?

Unlucky Day

Unlucky Day
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

Darlene who manned the public counter knocked on the glass door that separated Sheriff Abner Holding’s office from the space where he two deputies sat, when they were not out on patrol as they were. He could see that there was somebody beside her.

Her called for her to open the door.

The Other Side of Me - Part 28

The Other Side of Me – Part 28
by Lily Rasputin

As much as I might have preferred to sit on a bench and tongue wrestle with Mike all morning, both of us had classes and responsibilities that we couldn’t completely ignore. So, after another ten minutes of really wonderful public displays of affection, I peeled my face away from his and sighed.

“Guess we should take a break for now, huh?” He asked, sounding about as disappointed as I felt.

I nodded. “Probably. I have to meet with Shelly and talk about some stuff. But I could meet you for lunch if you wanted.”

You're My Wife Now Part 4

I have been asked to finish this story on several sites. This story contains sex and violence

My life continued to get worse. Paul was sent away and I never had him to comfort me. I had no idea when he was coming back. I asked Frankie where he was. All I got was.

"Why are you sweet on him you little slut? Just fucking remember, your my wife now, not his."

Just Me: Sins of the Father (Part 1)

A Whateley Academy Tale
Sins of the Father
by Domoviye

 Part 1


Tulsa, Oklahoma

John looked down at the sleeping woman, teeth clenched, his shoulders tight. He didn't say or do anything for a long time, just watched her sleep, longing to reach out and hold her, hating what he was about to do, struggling to hold it off for just a little longer.

He couldn't wait anymore, he had to do it now or he never would.

The Dink

This is a sci-fi story that contains forced crossdressing and sex. The character is one I have used from my earlier stories. He explored femdom worlds in two stories. This is the third. He investigates a world inhabited by giant mutant men.

I lay spread-eagled on a huge bed. I had just woken up from being knocked unconscious. How long I had been out I had no idea. The strangest thing would have been what I was wearing. This is if I had been on our earth. The one where Biden was U.S. president and Rishi Sunak was the prime minister.

A Just Punishment

The streets darkened and shadows fell across the landscape as the sun set into the horizon. Gregory Steeles zipped his jacket feeling the temperature drop slightly. This was his favourite time to walk around town, enjoying the shift into evening. A gradual change from bright, cheery sunlight to the dark, hidden shadows of night.

The Mallrat Chronicles (1)

Darkness in the Northpark Cinema

Behind the mall there is a cinema called 'Northpark Cinema' . It's haunted, but it's not haunted by a ghost or a demon. No, what is haunting it is something more sinister than that. The first story I'm going to include in this collection of stories is one that has changed my life. Nobody believes me when I tell them this story, and I doubt you would. The story opens on a cool, crisp October day.

Getting It Wrong

Getting it Wrong.

It had been a wonderful evening, I had pulled a nice guy and we'd been for a meal. Then it had all gone wrong. Feeling all romantic and full of lust and dying to road test my new fanny we went off to his place for a cuddle and I hoped for more.

We cuddled and snogged for ages, swapping spit and whatever people do when they are randy. I'd always thought I was asexual but not since I had a vagina, this girl was going to make up for lost time.


Parker looks at her reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of her closet door. She couldn’t believe her parents had accepted that she had wanted to be a girl since she was little. True, she has to see a counselor about how she feels. But she didn’t mind.

The counselor she has been seeing wants to see how she looked as a girl today. Her friend Tony was coming to pick her up to take her. He stood by her when she came to him about how she was.

“Parker, Tony is here to pick you up.” Mary sticks her head into her daughter’s bedroom.

The Assault

Mike gazed around the small living room of Susan’s flat. It was in a run-down tower block. He was quite used to this. Women like Susan never had much money for “nice things”. That’s what made them such a pushover.

Mike would flatter them. A little sugar always got the flies. It worked with real women, but with women like Susan, it was always easier. They were just craving for a man to approve of them as a woman. He knew just the right things to say to push their buttons. Many of them were lonely. They lost most of their friends and family doing what they do.

The Cartoonist

Amanda couldn’t decide what she was going to wear to the comic con this year. This year they were bringing in some of the best comic book artists and having them interview a potential artist. She puts her portfolio together of some of her best drawings of comic book characters.

She hopes this time, she’ll get some job offers for her talent. Her parents were disappointed in her, first because she wanted to be a cartoonist. Secondly, they didn’t like the fact that she wanted to be a girl. She has always known she should have been born a girl, but she wasn’t.

You're My Wife Now Part 3

"Go back to your room and clean up. I'll send Paul up to you later,"
Frankie said.

I staggered to the stairs. I felt Frankie's "deposit" trickling out of me. I clip, clopped up the stairs. My head was swimming. Terry was
screaming in my head.

"You just came from being fucked by a man, you must be gay now,"

I was thinking. "I have to act like this, or I will die. I must think l and a woman to stay alive."

Comfort Women - Chapter 4

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Chapter Four – Just Another Comfort Woman

The experiment has produced a surprising result: the four strongest men have feminised the two weakest who now live full time as Comfort Women. But Colonel Flagg wants to introduce a new dynamic into the study which is likely to cause catastrophic results. Will Bill Brody defend the honour of his personal Comfort Woman Samantha Steele when the other men demand their fair share of her charms?

Comfort Women - Chapter 2

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Chapter Two – Just For One Day

The six desperate men of Villawood Montana have the freedom of a town they can't leave while all around them are the trappings of normality but there are no women. No women to give them comfort. But Wesley Meakins hides a secret and it will be the undoing of him and Sam Steele.

The Brothers Grimshaw (Solo)

The Brothers Grimshaw

Chapter 1

Wade and William Grimshaw were twins, Wade being the eldest by twenty minutes. They were not identical twins. In fact, the differences could not have been further apart if their parents had demanded them on a wish list.

You're My Wife Now Part 2

I started to explore the room. I looked out of the window and opened it a few inches. I could see the wall in the distance. It was hard to judge how high it was. I was guessing twenty foot. This place was like a castle. It must have cost a fortune.

“Don’t even think about it.”

Paul’s voice made me jump.

“Eighteen foot high. Topped with razor wire. You can’t see them, but he has dogs outside the inner wall. They are semi-feral. They will hunt you down and all that will be left are a few bones.”

“Why the hell does he need all this. Why does he want me?”

The Wish Disc Part 15 and 16 of 18.

Part 15

Monday morning Sarah went off to work and I sorted out the cleaning, dusting and a bit of washing before getting a light lunch and making ready for a trip into town.

The teller in the bank called the manager when I went to deposit the cheques and he asked me about them, ‘purely as a matter of prudent banking, in case I started to deposit similar amounts in future’.

I told him that the bulk of my cheque was for the sale of paintings I had done and that I would possibly be depositing similar amounts once I had put on a show in a gallery.

The Kidnapping of Sissy Samantha

This was written for the enjoyment of a reader on another site. It is a (sort of forced) sissy story. It contains sex.

Sam’s head spun as he woke up. His mouth felt so dry. He forced his eyes open and immediately took a sharp intake of breath. Above him was a pink canopy. As he blinked, he noticed his long lashes.

He tried to sit up and realised his hand were tied to the bed. He looked down at his body and got his second shock. He saw he was wearing, what he assumed was a dress. He couldn’t see much past his huge breast.

Suddenly Female


Suddenly Female
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2022 Melanie Brown

Part 4 - Tom gets a medical exam

This is the 4th and final installment of Sudden Romance. Links to Part 3 will appear at the bottom of the story --Ed

It's Me Dolores

It is me Dolores
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

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It was a part of the swamp that I did not know well. It was well off the beaten track, and I had prepared myself even to stop and camp overnight with some gear packed into my kayak. I was aware that there were some houses which could only be accessed by water in that reach, some of them old and some more recent structures which sought the privacy of extreme isolation.

Revenge is a dish best served cold. Chapter 1.

Cameron is an 18-year-old boy who learned how to keep his head down. A computer genius but didn't have the chance to shine until now.

When Cameron is accused of sexually assaulting Sophia Anderson, he's left alone and helpless with only his mom and friends believing him.

After he was found guilty, Camren was left with two options. Go to jail and end his life or go to a new rehab program created by the government and leave us a new person. Cameron chooses the second option, but they failed to mention one tiny detail to Cameron that will change his life forever.

How will Cameron's life change? What's his plan to take revenge on Sophia?
Find out in this story created by me, Lajien ✌dbl5o1p-b727055c-e459-4d8a-844f-2b962c115c91.png

Revenge is a dish best served cold (Teaser.)

Cameron is an 18-year-old boy who learned how to keep his head down. A computer genius but didn't have the chance to shine until now.

When Cameron is accused of sexually assaulting Sophia Anderson, he's left alone and helpless with only his mom and friends believing him.

After he was found guilty, Camren was left with two options. Go to jail and end his life or go to a new rehab program created by the government and leave us a new person. Cameron chooses the second option, but they failed to mention one tiny detail to Cameron that will change his life forever.

Living on a Song and a Prayer, Part 1

Living on a Song and a Prayer: Part 1
By Camospam, Wendy K. and Gabi.
A Non-Canon Second Generation Whateley Universe Adventure



“Chur, all good. But umm, where? I’ve never done anything like this before. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.”

Start at the beginning.

“The beginning of what?”

When did you first notice you were mutating?


Subscribe to CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault