CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault

My Awkward Phase, a retelling of my story the Greatest Lie, Chapter 1, Prom Night

Alex Rios’ furtive high school transition is suspected by friends, revealed to a lover and exposed by his enemies. With his intellectual hauteur torn away, he becomes the girl he longed, and was destined, to be.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 33

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over 100 years, Casey adjusts to her new life as a girl. Can Casey cope with everything that comes with being a girl, or will others conspire to ruin her life?

Chapter 33

Stuck in a Rut - Part 32

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over 100 years, Casey adjusts to her new life as a girl. Can Casey cope with everything that comes with being a girl, or will others conspire to ruin her life?

Chapter 32

Stuck in a Rut - Part 31

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over 100 years, Casey adjusts to her new life as a girl. Can Casey cope with everything that comes with being a girl, or will others conspire to ruin her life?

Chapter 31

“Crazy Taxi” 1st Fare: “The Kids Aren’t Alright” (starter)


If you look up my old street on a dated picture form Google, you’d see a children’s paradise. I could ride my bicycle the entire miracle mile of my block without worrying about someone striking me with a car; no one tried to steal my ride and no one offered me anything harder than extra-extra-sour sour patch kids candy.

I look at it now and I have to shake my head in disgust.

It went to shit pretty quick.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 30

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over 100 years, Casey adjusts to her new life as a girl. Can Casey cope with everything that comes with being a girl, or will others conspire to ruin her life?

Chapter 30.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 29

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over 100 years, Casey adjusts to her new life as a girl. Can Casey cope with everything that comes with being a girl, or will others conspire to ruin her life?

Chapter 29.

The Hero, The Mouse & The Cheshire Pt. 6

No one pays attention to a black hair, Asian woman as she walks down the hallway pushing a cart before her. The guard that should have been guarding the door to the room, was busy talking to one of the nurses. Cheshire just shakes her head in disbelief. During her time, an officer wouldn’t be doing what the younger generation was doing now.

A New Life

Kelly wipes the sweat from his forehead. He looks up as people moved about at the park. He was lucky to get a job at Universal Studios Hollywood. He had found himself in Los Angeles, California hoping he could find a job and start a new life. The small town he lived in with his family and what they did to him, was the reason he left.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 28

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over 100 years, Casey adjusts to her new life as a girl. Can Casey cope with everything that comes with being a girl, or will others conspire to ruin her life?

Chapter 28.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 26

Hot Commodity

Hot Commodity

A Kingdom Ship Story
By Iolanthe Portmanteaux

“If the Grays have really left, that means you'll be the only woman on this planet for a good long time. You're going to be one hot commodity. So stay hidden. I will come back for you. Do not let yourself be seen. Do not let yourself be heard. Do not answer any call. I will come back for you.”

Stuck in a Rut - Part 24

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 24.

Luna sat on top of her sleeping bag, looking at each of us. “I’m so happy! I’ve never had an actual sleep over before. What do people do at these things?”, she queried.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 20

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 20.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 19

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 19.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 17

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 17.

Rutting Confusion

Rutting Confusion

This is written in the same universe as Stuck in a Rut by RoseyRedd. I highly recommend you read her story before reading mine.

But if you don't... tl;dr: Everyone born in the past century or so has been a boy. Sometime in their teens, two boys will suddenly become attracted to each other. One will sodomize the other. The one on the receiving end becomes female, and the other is locked into male mode. This is called the rut.

Stuck in a Rut - Part 11

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, full of hopes and dreams and fears and anxieties. But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over a century, what is normal?

Chapter 11.

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.7

Rebecca shivers as she hides in a group of bushes and watched one of the men she had been hired to investigate. The perp she had under surveillance was inside some woman’s house having sex. She glances at her watch to see what time it was and couldn’t believe he’s been in there for at least two hours now.

The Cottage - Part 2

The Cottage
Michele Nylons

TV Hooker.jpg

Chapter Two

Michele uses her family's isolated cottage to crossdress in secret, but her uncle comes to the cottage unaware that she is there too. Finding this delightful young creature who he assumes is a girl, uncle Steven finds it difficult to leave her alone. Michele pretends to be Steven's nephew's girlfriend hoping he will leave her alone.

Zodiac Coin: Scorpio

Zodiac Coin: Scorpio
By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006

Unprincipled legal gun for hire, Sam Ralston, is forced/brined to take on a charity case, a woman accused of threatening an urban drug lord who is one of Sam’s regular clients. The bribe is the Scorpio Coin, and Sam uses it in ways he never would have imagined. The result… read for yourself. The tale also contains the conclusion of the background tale of how the coins came to be.

Zodiac Coin: Scorpio
By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 2

When I get on the bus, I don’t know what I expect but hardly anyone pays any attention. These students are in various stages of self entertainment. Most are on their phones. Some have books out.

There are a few empty seats and fewer empty rows. I pick one of the empty rows and settle in. The bus hisses before it’s on it’s way. I haven’t had any time to myself to process and I won’t find that here either because a boy jumps in the seat beside me.

“You ignoring me, Hill?” he asks with a smile

“ What'd I do now?” his expression is carefree.

The Body Snatcher - Chapter 1

TW: Transphobia

Death is weird..

It certainly wasn’t what I expected.
A little over 2 months ago, I died in an ambulance on the way to the hospital. I’d convinced my friends that I wasn’t that drunk and that I'd be able to drive home no problem. I never made it.

I don’t know what I expected to happen after that but it certainly wasn’t waking up the very next morning.

The House 32


The House

By Dawn Natelle

The promised new arc. And I know how much you all like a good cliffhanger: Dawn

Chapter 32 – The Chip Truck, part one

Dary was looking after the babies on the front porch in the late April sun. A vehicle sped into the lane. It was a van with a huge graphic of a clown on the side, with the words Walter’s Chips at the top. The van stopped, and a chubby native girl stepped out, holding a small child.

Brotherly Love

A novelette ...

Brotherly Love


After a horrible tragedy years earlier, a Christmas miracle will bring love to a hurting family and a better future for a little girl!

Copyright © 2018 by AuP reviner

Never Wanted To Be A Girl Chp.1

Raven was bent over the front of a car she was working on when she is slapped on the ass. She stands up and turns around to see who just slapped her on her ass. She was getting tired of being treated like she was a piece of meat to be used.

She comes face to face with her boss. He was treating her as his own personal sex slave.

“Come with me, Raven.” Dave was feeling horny and wanted to fuck Raven.

“But I have to finish this car.” Raven didn’t want to go with Dave.

Out Centre 7

A rolling boil...


CAUTION - This chapter contains flashback to a traumatic event. There is no graphic description of the event but it is referenced by a character's words while they are having a flashback and reliving it. This is the most traumatic section of this story, and as it is my first I might be being overly cautious in flagging it.

The Puppeteer: Revenge-broker - chapter 03


The Puppeteer-Revengebroker coverart.png
People go about their lives in their own way. Some believe the world is against them. Some believe the world is their's. But when your world has been destroyed, what would you do? What would you pay, to get some part of it back. What would you pay, to balance those scales?
At what price; love? Safety? Sanity? Justice? At what price; Revenge?
*Warning- Does contain hyper-violence*


The Puppeteer: Revenge-broker - chapter 01


The Puppeteer-Revengebroker coverart.png
People go about their lives in their own way. Some believe the world is against them. Some believe the world is their's. But when your world has been destroyed, what would you do? What would you pay, to get some part of it back. What would you pay, to balance those scales?
At what price; love? At what price; safety? At what price; sanity? At what price, justice? At what price; Revenge?
*Warning- Does contain hyper-violence*


Virtually Feminine - Part 5 - Passing time

I'm not quite sure how best to continue telling this story. There were so many parallel streams of my life set in motion after my birthday, each of them so separate from each other that they almost felt like they were happening to different people at the same time like some weird version of synchronicity.

Caution added for references to rape and suicide - there's nothing graphic here but they are part of the story.

Sacculina 1

Yeah! Yeah! I know I haven't finished 'Heir to a Title' but I'll get around to it when time allows and the muse returns.

I saw this scientific article about a parasite called Sacculina that alters several aspects of the infected host's behaviour and anatomy. In the case of this particular parasite it castrates male crabs and makes them behave and look like females. This causes the male crab to carry and hatch the parasite's offspring just as a female crab carries it's own young.
'Ho hum," I concluded, food for thought.

This story should run to about 2 or 3 chapters (I hope)

Meagan's Tail ch3 ...A Beauty or a Beast?

Meagan's Tail

A new Universe, a New story!




Tuesday, July 12 2016 6:50AM
Palos Verdes, California

Shades of Pink

Shades of Pink

Authors notes.
This story started to form after I watched the Movie Fifty Shaded of Grey, and I started to think about changing the bondage element in the movie for crossdressing, so if you think parts of this story remind you of that film, then now you know why, but please bear in mind that my muse took over and this story is very different to that movie.
Please enjoy and comment if you feel like it.

Chapter One: You’re a Good Friend.


Subscribe to CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault