CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault

Campfire songs Chapter 20

Chapter 20

The following day dawned crisp and cold with beautiful sunshine. Steph managed to join us for our Sunday Carvery at the local pub. We then managed a bit of a rehearsal and a nice relax, before Steph borrowed Tracy's car to pick up some friends from Uni. We wondered onto the campsite a bit earlier than usual. Already it was getting busy. Martha was already there with the girls. The pack was there too, but they kept their distance.

Campfire songs Chapter 19

Chapter 19

We had a leisurely morning, a late breakfast and drove home. Organised Lucy and meandered back to our campsite mooring. The weather was behaving itself. 3 campfire Sundays in a row was practically unheard of at this time of year, or so Tracy was telling me. We had 6 songs lined up. Jason hadn't contacted me and I hadn't seen him at the last campfire, so I was less worried about him. Amy was going to do a solo dance when we started with Songbird and then a routine with the girls for Happy and Walking on Sunshine.

Campfire songs Chapter 16

Chapter 16

We got into a bit of a routine. We would get up and do the two Tai Chi forms, outside if the weather was good, try and clear a space inside and do it there otherwise. Mostly we skipped breakfast and just had a hot drink. I think eating out for 2 main meals a day was more than enough food and I couldn't cope with a big breakfast as well. I would then do some strength training while Tracy would have a shower and go to the shelter.

The Good Samaritan Chapter 5

The Good Samaritan

Chapter 5: Pieces

The next morning I woke earlier than normal, feeling like my insides were in a knot. This morning's assembly, was going to put me in the spotlight, front and center. I didn't think I could deal with this sort of thing. I decided the first thing to do was to take a long bath to try and relax.

Pantie Raid In Hell

Andrew Miller had it all.
Fast cars, money, women, and a bad attitude to go with it.
But sins have a way of catching up. If not in life than later.
Waking up in hell there is one thing for certain: this story will not have a happy ending.

Campfire songs Chapter 9

Chapter 9

There wasn't a mad rush to the food tables, more of a casual shift of attention that gathered steam as people started loading up their plates. When we meandered our way there, we had to wait in a queue. Tracy made a show of publically giving me a card from Martha. I guess I had my invitation.

Campfire songs Chapter 7

Chapter 7

We had to rush out without trying on the clothes. She had reserved a table in the local pub, The White Hart. She helped me with my wig, taking it off and reattaching it and securing it down. She applied a little bit of make up and promised me it was waterproof. Then we grabbed our coats and purses and we were off. I took what little money I had left. I knew it wasn't going to last and I had no real way of replacing it, but just this once I wanted to buy her lunch, show her my appreciation.

Anita, Chapter 1

Chapter 1

By Portia Bennett

Introduction: In a sense there is a connection to this story and several other non-magic stories I’ve written. Two characters from Mike and Ashley show up briefly. They would be Mike and Ashley. This story, Like “Mike and Ashley”, “Discovery”, and “Cynthia and the Queen of Knight” takes its storyline from the work of someone else. In this case, a production by an Italian fellow named Joseph Green. The story is 16 chapters in length plus an epilogue. I’ve done as much tweaking as I can. Any errors are mine and I will gladly accept constructive criticism; as long as you’re nice.

We meet Anita Okoye at Fort Campbell, Kentucky as the trial of a man who drugged and raped her comes to an end. Anita had a stellar military career, and if she had stayed in the service, she probably would have gone very far in her career. However, after a very traumatic assault and rape, she decides to look elsewhere for a career. By the way, Anita is gay, and that is certainly not a negative issue..

The Good Samaritan Chapter 4

The Good Samaritan

Chapter 4: New Lives Begin

After that, I began to settle in as Vicky, though some things were hard, clothes for one. Vicky had lots of clothes that seemed both immodest and conservative at the same time. Sometimes my choices were looked on as too prim and others as being whorish. And don't get me started on the makeup.

Funny enough, what I thought was appropriate, Stephanie seemed to like the best and Vicky wasn't happy with. So everything became a balance between mom, Vicky and myself.

Campfire songs Chapter 4

Chapter 4

“NO Way. Your face, your nose. I don't like saying this, but Laurence had a really ugly nose, it sort of dominated his face. You do have the same eyes though.” She leaned forwards and sort of squinted, really examining me closely. My green eyes are relatively unique, but I was beginning to get a bit worried. I didn't know her that well. I couldn't tell her stories from a shared past or talk about a weirdly shaped birthmark that she would have no knowledge of. Maybe my disguise was a bit too good. At least I could explain what happened to my nose.

Natural Affection

Walter had built the perfect life for himself. A loving wife and a daughter he could be proud of.
Fulfillment in a job he was good at. Nothing to worry about.
But the world around him is dominated by all-powerful rules and things can go sideways fast.
For Walter, it might mean a new life. One where he has to fight for what he had and for what he doesn't want to become.

Author's note: This is the first story in my "undesirable classes" universe. While RPG like rules apply the world itself mirrors our own in technological advancement.

Please read and comment, guys and gals and others.

There are many on here, myself included, who have faced, are currently facing, or will eventually face severe crises in their lives. I think we, as a community of like-minded individuals, should have a contingency plan in place to support and aid our peers. I'd like to, with the permission of the moderators, form a support group where anyone, at any time, could come and safely find the support, understanding, and guidance they need to face life's challenges.


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In the Face of It All

In The Face of It All
(c) 2017
Haylee V

Even though something inside is grieving
Laugh, clown, laugh!
- Abbey Lincoln


The clock on the wall silently ticked away as Francis sat on his bed, thinking. Just where, exactly, had things began to go wrong? When had his life began to horribly unravel?

Was it when he first realized, at four, that he was different from the other little boys in his play group?

The Good Samaritan Chapter 3

The Good Samaritan

Chapter 3: Police Involvement

It was a few days later that Dr Beka and Dr Albie said I was going to be allowed to go home. Mom was with me again, she was there as much as her jobs allowed her to be. I was trying to convince her that she needed to quit all except the one she liked doing, and we were arguing about it, when HE knocked on the open door of the room.

The Good Samaritan Chapter 2

The Good Samaritan

Chapter 2: What Hell Hath Roth

I had flashes of conversations with Victoria, she told me to call her Vic, and it seemed we were going to be
good friends from then on. In other flashes, I heard worried voices asking questions. I heard Vic's mom,
Stephanie, crying for her to come back.

Inner Demons, AKA Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl - Chapter 3.1

Inner Demons - AKA Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl
© 2017 Haylee V

* This is a true account of my life experiences. All persons portrayed in this story are based on actual people I've met throughout my life, and the events portrayed actually happened. No malice is intended to those individuals involved, and names have been altered to protect the identities of the people portrayed. *

Inner Demons, AKA Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl - Chapter 3

Inner Demons, AKA "Journals of an Angry Trans Gurl"
© 2017 Haylee V

* This is a true account of my life experiences. All persons portrayed in this story are based on actual people I've met throughout my life, and the events portrayed actually happened. No malice is intended to those individuals involved, and names have been altered to protect the identities of the people portrayed. *

Corey and Celia, Chapter 1

Corey and Celia
Chapter 1

I’m screaming from under the covers of my bed again. My shriek pains my own ears. It's a shriek that chills the blood. I rarely sleep at night. When I do, the lights are 'on'. I must have fallen asleep in the afternoon. The darkness and silence envelop me and fill me with fear. I can feel him in the room. Feel his presence. It’s like he’s watching me. Stalking me. Celia rushes into my room. Mom’s working late again. My younger sister pulls me into her arms. I tremble with fear. I didn’t use to be this way. This—afraid. Ever since… Him… His ghost haunts me. It’s been a year since we were rescued. Celia now dwarfs me. She’s bigger and now she’s my protector. I begin to sob as all of the fear melts with Celia’s presence. “Shhh. I’m here. Shhh. He can’t hurt you anymore." All the treatment and therapist in the world can’t free me from him. Even in death, he assaults me.

I calm down bit more, “I’m so sorry.” Her apology takes me back to our captivity. Celia was the lucky one. She was left unharmed… At least physically. She hugs me tighter, hoping to squeeze the memory from my soul. It just brings it to the surface…

On The Run Part 1

Darit’s anal opening and mouth hurt from the ten men he had been force to service tonight. His Russian handler had dressed him up as an exotic dancer and took him to an apartment where the party had been held. He was forced to dance and made to beg to be used like a slut. The men didn’t even used lube at first. The first guy to get up the courage to have sex with him force his way into his anal opening. Another guy came up in front of him and shoved his penis into his mouth and nearly choked him. Between the two of them he was manhandled.

WildFire Chapter 9

Sasha couldn’t help to think there was more going on here. They had left the warehouse with the men still tied up waiting for Sasha’s aunt to send her team in. They had met her aunt a few times and knew she was a dangerous person.

Dusk and Jack had met Sasha’s mother and father and knew for a fact that both were dangerous. They had watched them spar against each other and saw how deadly the two were. They knew Sasha father was Special Forces and an instructor, but they couldn’t believe
Sasha’s mother. She was just as deadly as her husband.

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished – 1 - Started in Central Park

No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - 1 - Started in Central Park

By Jessica C

A Good Samaritan is mistaken for a rapist...
Results are life changing and come with rape charges.

Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 2

Case File 2: The Profiler Chapter 2

Author's note: This chapter contains a scene of forced sex. While I have done my best to make it readable, I leave this warning here for my more sensitive readers in case I have failed.

Once the team was together and introductions were made, we began to go over the outstanding cases.

Then I said, “looking at what’s outstanding, I think we need to focus on the case Megan mentioned. Megan, what does your profile mean in terms of what this guy will do next?”

WildFire Chapter 5

Roy and his second had tracked down the girl Adam had hired them to grab. She was pretty and they figure they wouldn’t have a hard time grabbing her as she came out of the recording studio. She would have had to walk to the nearest bus stop which was around the corner from the studio. They had spotted her running towards the studio this morning and waited patiently for her to come back out. They were surprised when she came out with the band and got into the car with the lead singer and the guitar player from the band.

“Now what?” Craig looks over towards his boss.

The Sirens Chapter 8

Angel floats around on an inner tube in the pool. D.A. had let him go swimming with the rest of the kids from the other MC. He wasn't a good swimmer so he was just floating. His feet were still wrapped up. Helena had wrapped his feet with water proof tape, so it was alright if the wrapping got wet. She also redid his wrapping around his chest with water proof wrapping as well, so he was permitted to go in the pool wearing the one-piece Brenda had brought him.

Never Pull on the tail of a Wolf (revised) Chapter 2

Jack had been watching Julia as she stood by the fence watching him and his friend Alex spar. Her recovery had been progressing greatly since she has been seeing Dr. Bailey. Gina on the other hand was still having a hard time, but she was getting better. At Julia’s request and Dr. Baileys suggestion he had Julia’s breast reduce so they weren’t putting too much pressure on her spine and made her look and feel a little bit more normal. After he watches Julia turn and walk away from the fence with Sphinx next to her. He stops sparring with Alex.

Safe to Play Chapter 1

It would seem that my life came crashing down on me on one fateful April evening. My sister Allison and I are walking home when I hear a squeal for help to the right of us. I may be a bit on the small side, but with my baseball bat in hand I head in that direction where I saw three boys beating up a girl and had her pants all the way off as if they were trying to force her into having sex with them.

Playing her way 2 - Chapter 14

Playing her way 2 - Chapter 14

© D.L.

Susan knocked on the partially open door and poked her head through the gap. The female police officer who had just approved her entry looked on ready to intervene if the patient demanded that the visitor leave.

"Hi," Susan smiled and waved at Zoe. "I know the hospital doesn't like flowers or cards cluttering up the place, so I brought chocolate."

Theresa's Trick

Vincent was getting ready for bed, he laid down and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he felt something very strange and before being able to check he opened his eyes and it was morning. Feeling very rested and comfortable, he sat up and stretched, ""

Jennie's Potty-Training chapter 41

Synopsis. When Aunty Cath learns from her sister that David raped Baby Jennie, she decides to set a trap to catch the sexual predator.

Chapter 41. Truth Will Out


Subscribe to CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault