CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault

So You Want To Be A Nurse - Ch. 01

In 1957 Michael Nyland was one of the few male nurses working at Chelmsford Memorial Hospital where he suffered from workplace discrimination from some of the other hospital staff, particularly the doctors and even from the female nurses. But little did he realise that blackmail and humiliation was soon to follow due to the discovery of his secret fetish of wearing female undergarments under his male nurse's uniform.

Jenny’s Story – 12 Loss and New Challenges

Brian got in touch with the women in him... help from Amber women made Jenny visible… Brian’s wish, Jenny’s desire of a girl suppressed …Time and events helped Jenny emerge more than imagined. Brian’s now the one deep inside and Jenny is finding herself… James has come into her life… Life was going so good, but it isn’t a fairy-tale. How would she get through this?

Kayda 6 - Medicine Girl

A Whateley Academy Short Story

Medicine Girl



Wednesday, May 16th, 2015, dinnertime

Crystal Hall, Whateley Academy

When my cell phone beeped to tell me I had a message and I saw the number, I tried really hard not to show it, but I was a little nervous, and I guess that my team-mates and friends noticed.

Can an idea or concept be too dark?

Warning: Wall-O-Text

So, can a story be too dark? You see, I read some stuff from Tigger and some other stories (I don't know why i like 'punishment' stories so much. They usualy make me sad. i guess i'm an emotional masochist) and i thought occured to me.

In stories where a rapist is punished, it's always some random person getting punished by by the victim/victim's family/victim's friends. But I then wondered, 'what if you know the rapist personally'?


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When people justify the fear

A US Marine murdered a transgendered prostitute in The Philippines, and was found guilty and given 12 years in jail.

But what's heartbreaking for me is the number of people defending and even applauding this 'man's' actions. What they say you'd only think that a 2 dimensional Saturday morning cartoon villain would say.


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Lucky Girl: Kota Vignette (Complete)

This is Kota's origin story, to know more about Kota, check out Fate Sucks, which occurs a few weeks after this story. Caution should be taken while reading this as it touches on some harsh subjects and is not a happy story, that is saved for Fate Sucks.

This is a work of fanfiction and does not correspond with the Whateley canon universe in anyway. I'm just borrowing their sandbox.

November 2007

How Far

This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable.

This is a story I wrote recently in a dark place. I'm not really happy with it, but I like it enough that I think with some changes it could really work, and I love the character idea. My problem is do I make it darker, or ease up? Suggestions would be appreciated.

June, 2000
Near Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Fate Sucks Chapter 5: Whateley Version

The part from Kota's POV was written by NeoMagus from Crystal Hall, and was extremely well done in my opinion, really helping cement the character of Prairie Sun and shaping how the story advanced in the future.

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable.

Edmonton, Alberta,
Late afternoon, December 21st, 2007


Vanessa's Secret part 2

Vanessa’s Secret

Jason Morgan

Vanessa tells Michael her Secret as their romance starts to get real. He finds out her real history and what happened to her. He agrees to help her escape Antonio.

Part 2

Vengeance and Beyond (Part III -- Final)

A criminal prosecution of a boyfriend for the rape and murder of his girlfriend is abandoned, leading to community outrage. Someone takes vengeance against the boyfriend and those who aided his freedom.

Vengeance and Beyond (Part I)

A criminal prosecution of a boyfriend for the rape and murder of his girlfriend is abandoned, leading to community outrage. Someone takes vengeance against the boyfriend and those who aided his freedom.

Vengeance and Beyond (Part II -- the Explicit Attack -- Optional)

A criminal prosecution of a boyfriend for the rape and murder of his girlfriend is abandoned, leading to community outrage. Someone takes vengeance against the boyfriend and those who aided his freedom.

CAUTION: The actual crime is described here, and may trigger a reaction. The reader may proceed directly to Part III.

Melanie's Story -- Chapter 14 -- 15

Martin's life gets darker.
(Please note the CAUTIONs.)

Author's note: due to requests for longer posts, I am posting two chapters together:
Chapter 14 -- West Hell
Chapter 15 -- Ending it All

Silver Wings


Silver Wings
By Licorice
and with the irreplaceable aid of Monica Rose

A Prince changed to learn a lesson, but maybe he is not the only one who has much to learn.

My first attempt at a TG story so be kind, and much thanks to Monica Rose for her endless patience and help.

Also apologies, I messed up my first attempt at posting it and made the summary the body. I cannot figure out how to delete it so I've contacted the admins, hopefully they can get rid of the evidence of my rather embarrassing blunder.

The catwalk

The cat walk

the beginning

I was enjoying a beer at the local bar when a beautiful woman approached me
she introduced herself as Wendy
she sat down next to me and offered me another drink.



Author’s note. This is a poem that popped into my head today. Its gonna be tough, as it deals with sexual abuse. Please be careful reading it.

(I cant do music, but imagine a soft, sad guitar playing while you read this)

I’m ... bleeding ...

just when he entered me

Bleeding ...

never will be free

Bleeding ...

cant let anyone see

Bleeding ...

what he made of me

Bleeding ...

and no one can ever know

Bleeding ...

so its go on with the show

The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 10 - Butterfly and the Dragon's Den


BatDD cover.png
Book 10 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Columbia has produced a new and savage cartel,
Can Lyssa face the mission or will demons of the past come back to haunt her?

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be
hyper-violent for some readers.**scenes of sexual assault**


The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 09 - Glamour and Collectors


Book 9 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Lyssa's off to Rome for a runway show that's a blast from the past,
though some are there to do more than just look!

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be
hyper-violent for some readers.**scenes of sexual assault**


James and Diane

Diane and James



They say that tall people have a competitive edge. I can't confirm that, but I do know that short men, such as myself, are at a disadvantage unexplainable by grades or accomplishments. In my last year of law school I got as many interviews as anyone else in the upper 10% of my class, but however smoothly they went, no job offers materialized. Thus, I graduated with no job and no prospect for one.

Sisters 40

Sarah had mentioned the others like her that she had come across, and I had been doing my own digging for any info, good or bad, on one of them. She was from somewhere over our neck of the woods, which meant there was a risk of ‘history’ with some of the other wedding guests, and I rather preferred relaxing outside a few beers rather than dealing with their effects on idiots.

made the maid

Made the maid.

A few nights ago we had a fight about the state of the house or lack there of
I mentioned the house was a mess and if she couldn't keep it clean
maybe we should hire a professional maid to keep the house tidy.
She yelled at me being home all day I could fill that spot.

Kayda 1 - Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight - Chapter 1

Kayda 1 - Buffalo Gal Won't You Come Out Tonight
Chapter 1

A Whateley Academy Adventure

A high school student manifests in a town that fears mutants, and his life changes in significant ways, including gaining threats against his very life.

The Master Race

In Nazi Germany a young jewish woman and her father are being persecuted by Kapitan Schiffer and his men, but when Schiffer murders the father he falls under a terrible curse that lets him feel exactly how periless it feels to be a Jewish girl surrounded by Nazis.

Sisters 34

Back to the nick in a convoy of marked and unmarked vehicles, recovery on the way to pick up the Transit for forensics, Blake on the radio to organise a tow for the other two vehicles. I called the radio room on my mobile.

“Hi Jan, Inspector Powell here. Can you call the duty Super out? I’ll need a word. And the on-call CID Inspector”

“Soon as I hang up, Ma’am. That boy going to be OK? We were getting a bit edge-of-seat here, innit”

Sisters 28

Siân was insistent that night.

“Just because one of them is called Evans it means nothing! How common is that name, especially round here?”

I pushed my empty plate away. “And how many pies has that bastard family got fingers in? No. I know you’re right, but it would be so, so nice to get another of the bastards nailed. That family should never have been allowed to breathe never mind breed”


Subscribe to CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault