The Gentle Giant
by Anon Allsop
From the trees I could see them taunting him, his face looked sad and lonely. I paused by a bench, leaning against my cane and watched the youth try and walk away, but the group still followed, laughing and shouting on his heels. I strained my ear to listen to what they were saying, it seemed to have something to do with him asking out a girl well above his social class.
"What makes you think she'd go out with a little wuss like yourself?" A tall boy sneered.
The youth paused and shot back, "I have as much a right to ask any girl out as you do, Kevin!"
"The difference little worm, we have money...your kind don't!" A short stocky boy shouted.
"Stay out of this, Mark!" The sad boy seemed to explode with his anger, "I'll date any girl that that I please! Including your sister if she'd have me!"
A heavy set young man with expensive clothes gave the sad one a push causing him to stumble, "Listen, Ryan, we've got just one thing to say to you...stay the hell away from the Hamilton High girls. If you want to date a girl...there's always the Dells." He gave him another push for measure.