CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault

Angel Season Two Episode 3 (Night Watch)

Angel Season Two,
Episode 3 (Night Watch)

by G.M. Shephard

Copyright  © 2013 G.M. Shephard

While patrolling streets of Houston Christmas Eve, Karen/Michael comes to the aid of a woman being assaulted in the park only to find the police refusing to help her. Her story intrigues Michael finding she's a bit like him.

Severance Pay (Chapters 60 through 66 of 78)

Everything has gone off the rails for Patricia and Cardoza has the Controller. Can she escape and, if so, what kind of life will she have? Elements and Themes listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and and Robyn Hoode for their editorial assistance.

Severance Pay (Chapters 31 through 36 of 78)

Patricia's discovery stresses the relationships among the team. Themes and Elements listed apply to entire story, Rating to this submission. Thanks to Marina Kelly and Robyn Hoode for their editorial assistance.

Twice Foiled Thrice Lustful

Twice Foiled, Thrice Lustful

By Paul Calhoun

It's Halloween season, so I thought I'd bring back one of my most popular casts, though not in the way requested. Filip/Rachelle and Rob meeting is a romantic story, and Halloween is the season for tricky stories! So we have Delmore and Lerman once again trying to prank a friend with a girl disguise.

With the score so heavily weighted against Delmore, one can only wonder what the third installment will do to him...

ALL IS LOST Part 2 of 2

Oh hell! I’m halfway inside this, this horror — it burns my skin like acid and it’s pulling my legs apart as I continue to be drawn in, and now —



With a horrid sucking sound, the mass pulls my head and arms inside it completely.

Part 2 of 2

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Karen's Magnificent Obsession - 20

Karen’s Magnificent Obsession — 20

By Katherine Day

(The play ends and Karen faces another scary encounter. As summer comes, Karen worries that Mark, the love of her life, will be able to find motivation to overcome his injuries. Karen also hopes that she is woman enough for him.)

A Darker Shade Of Red

A Darker Shade Of Red

By Melanie E.

A note of caution: this is a much, MUCH MUCH, darker piece than I typically write. I may even take it down eventually, and I'm definitely not linking it to the rest of my stories. So, be forewarned.

I'm not back, but... everyone needs to watch this.

In my humble opinion, a very well handled and TRUE depiction of how Transsexuals are treated by others AND by the law itself. Frightening, frustrating, and maddening... but true.


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The Womanless Beauty Pageant – Part 10 of 11

The Womanless Beauty Pageant — Part 10 of 11

The only thing worse than being pressured into participating in a womanless beauty pageant, is to finish in last place. The ramifications of that experience turned out to be life changing, for Miss Bobby.

As Co-authors, Monica and I have a couple of very special ladies to thank, both are icons in the TG community.

The first is Vickie Tern. Without her encouragement and inspiration this story would never have been written.
The second is Kelly Ann Rogers; we have learned a lot from her, we have tried hard to apply some of it here. Our future stories will reflect this even better.

As the authors we hope you enjoy reading this bit of fun.
If anyone wishes to build off our FFL cub theme; you have our permission and encouragement.

Marina Joy and Monica Rose


Teenage Robot Stories

Two stories based on My Life As a Teenage Robot

1: Sheldon house sits for the Wakeman's and finds Jenny's spare outer casing. Sexiness, hilarity, mistaken identity and attempts of superheroics ensue. Includes a brief reference to:

A commission to do Sheldon in an XJ-9 disguise again, this time using a test version of her adult body

The Gentle Giant

The Gentle GiantThe Gentle Giant
by Anon Allsop

From the trees I could see them taunting him, his face looked sad and lonely. I paused by a bench, leaning against my cane and watched the youth try and walk away, but the group still followed, laughing and shouting on his heels. I strained my ear to listen to what they were saying, it seemed to have something to do with him asking out a girl well above his social class.

"What makes you think she'd go out with a little wuss like yourself?" A tall boy sneered.

The youth paused and shot back, "I have as much a right to ask any girl out as you do, Kevin!"

"The difference little worm, we have money...your kind don't!" A short stocky boy shouted.

"Stay out of this, Mark!" The sad boy seemed to explode with his anger, "I'll date any girl that that I please! Including your sister if she'd have me!"

A heavy set young man with expensive clothes gave the sad one a push causing him to stumble, "Listen, Ryan, we've got just one thing to say to you...stay the hell away from the Hamilton High girls. If you want to date a girl...there's always the Dells." He gave him another push for measure.

The Angry Mermaid 75 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 75.

This chapter describes how the Western Celts from Brithony decide to join forces with the beleaguered Saxons in order to protect their own interests. In the second part of the Chapter, Drustina decides she will have to make a spying trip of her own and the cost of getting vital information is painfully high.

Drustina has to choose between accepting being raped in order to gather information and take it back alive or to kill her rapist and probably be executed for regicide.

Immortality of Emotion - Part 2 of 6

Immortality of Emotion
by Arcie Emm

Part 2 of 6

We live in a world where emotions can lift people from their sorrows as easily as drown them within. They cause you to strive for something better or hold you back, wielding control both unmeasurable and unmistakable. But what if, for some, emotions held a tangible power, if they could use the emotions of the world for their own benefit? What is the chance that someone would abuse that gift?

Jasmine Takes Control: Finale

Jasmine Takes Charge: Finale

I comforted my Husband/Sister/Mistress, she had been bleeding from the surgery the Gorean had put her through, I had gotten there just as they were starting to cut on her 'clit.'. The Gorean's had already done a breast augmentation, The Goddess had come back to me, and I saved my lover.

Bikini Beach: The Runaway, Part 2/3

Bikini Beach: The Runaway Part 2/3

A young boy has run away from home. Breaking into Bikini Beach in search of food, he is caught trespassing in the morning and given a week's worth of community service. Why did he run away in the first place? Something has prevented Grandmother and Anya from seeing his past. Maybe a detective who is the great grandson of someone from Grandmothers past can help unravel the mystery.

The author is grateful for the help, ideas and editing done by ElrodW. Without his help and support, this story may not have been possible.

Altered Fates: The Boss

This is a VERY dark Altered Fates tale. It contains obscenity, the rape of two girls (males transformed by the Medallion), and the ravings of a very sick mind. (Not me, the narrator, and no wisecracks, please, about not being able to tell the difference.)

This was an experiment; a thought piece to see what would happen if a truly nasty man found the Medallion and decided to use it for his own purposes.

I, Vera

Trans. Plant. Heart. Chapter 3

"Fish! God, no! Not that, not again! Please don't! What will your wife think?"
"Hell, Honey. I'm filming this. This gets my own rocks off," laughed Mamie.

Trans. Plant. Heart.
Chapter 3

by **Sigh**
Copyright © 2013 plaintivesigh
All Rights Reserved.

Alex in Wonderland - 8

Alex always wanted to be a girl.
He gets his wish when he wakes up on an alien world.
Alex in Wonderland
Chapter 8
Noble Prize

“Let’s get down to business Viscount,” I said, deliberately referring to him by title only. “I would like to look at, and perhaps purchase, this book your mother spoke of. I have no wish to involve myself in the power games of the nobility. If you wish to gain my favor, then you would be best served by giving me what I want.”


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