CAUTION: Rape / Sexual Assault

Something About Sarah

Hello readers, I haven't posted on BC for quite a while, don't know why really but anyway here is my latest offering to you. I have posted all seven chapters together so the story can be read as a novella as I sometimes forget to update chapters regularly. Let me know what you think of this format and also of the story of course. There is a sequel coming...


Mourning Dew -- Chp. 12

Camille Jean Laignaux is in great danger. How will it end for everyone? Who will die in the final battle? Will it be Jean? This is the exciting conclusion of Mourning Dew.

Mourning Dew


Copyright © 2017 by AuP reviner

The Call Of The Haven: Chapter 1

Cassandra's abilities in magic almost perfectly matched her business acumen, being mostly in the realm of organizing and running everything.

Tanisha's abilities were very much in the natural realm, primarily to do with plants, but she also had a fair knowledge of genetics. She put that to use once they had brought the seven vehicles to the new town and they had set up personal tents to give them a sense of privacy.

The Call Of The Haven: Prologue

The cautions I've added are for the story as a whole. The ones for rape and violence are relevant to this part of the story.


Cassandra Jane Starshine led the six other women out of the woods into the waning light of a partly cloudy early winter afternoon.


Lucy stands before the statue she had heard stories about since she was a toddler by her mother before her death. She was supported by her crudely made crutches under her left arm as she just stood there and looked at the statue. Lucy couldn’t believe she was finally here looking at the statue. Her old tatter blood stain dress flutters in the light breeze as she just stands there and look-up at the creature in front of her. Tears slide down her cheek as she raises her right hand to touch the statue.


I walk down the street and get to the apartment building. I walk upstairs to the room numbered 227. I hear moans coming from the other side. I lean right next to the door and wait. A few minutes later the moaning stop and a man in thug attire comes out.

He looks at me for a second and boasts, “Ya motha is a gud fuck, cracka boi.” I held my rising anger in my fist as I just nod. The thug swaggers away.


Charles Edward Fitzgerald, CEO of Jugs (America’s #4 casual dining restaurant) slammed his fist down on his desk. “What do you mean, you told them I would do their moronic show? I gave you very explicit instructions.”

His secretary Francesca shuddered. “I’m so sorry—sir,” she hastily added.

“Don’t apologize, just fix this!”

From The Past To The Future Part 1

Lupita huddles inside her worn cloak for what little warmth it provides as she travels down the road in the pouring rain on top of the horse she took from her uncle’s stalls. It’s been a week since she ran away from her uncle’s house hold. The man had been raping her since she was eight years old. She’s already had one miscarriage when she was just ten years old from him punching her in the belly and causing her to lose the baby. She didn’t want the child in the first place, but she didn’t like it when he punched her and called her all the mean names he had.

Sentenced to Life

This is a tale of revenge and justice. There is no sex or violence except by reference..

Sentenced to Life

Special Agent in Charge Rhonda Peters tried to hide her distaste as she looked at the agent in front of her. She was sure he felt the same though he didn't show it. It was a long time from when they had been fellow rookies at the academy.

The Job 4

He was a big man, and I thought I recognised him from somewhere, but my mind wasn’t working as he slid sideways in the car, pushing the door open and then reaching round it to take another handful of my hair.

I found myself almost spinning on the spot as he dragged me backwards through the now open car door. Something poked the back of my neck, and he was breathing hard, but his voice was under full control.

“Get your legs in and shut the fucking door. Do it now or I cut you”

An Angel Among Us #3

The caution is not for an actual rape, but an attempted one. There is no caution for attempted rape, so I used that one.


Samuel Thomas Kerrigan sat in his recliner in the living room of his tiny bachelor apartment, staring into a nearly empty long neck bottle. There were dozens of identical bottles scattered across the floor around his chair, and eleven more left in the case he had bought earlier today.


Ryan and Alex are stranded on an island with no help in sight. Ryan takes charge to keep the two of them alive, but shows no interest in Alex. Sexually frustrated, Alex attempts to seduce Ryan with her feminine charms. However, if she goes too far the bond they share could be broken with their survival in the balance.

01 Firebird's Child

This early in the Season the weather was still uncertain. It shifted between summer heat and winter cold. Down on the plains, it had been stifling, but it had grown cool as the trail rose into the foothills of the great range. Karl rode with only his white messenger’s cloak about his shoulders. All the better to show off his muscles, to any farm girls that might happen by. Not that he'd seen any farm girls, not since the lovely Lana, down in the Swift Creek village.

The Good Samaritan Chapter 8

The Good Samaritan

Chapter 8: Lessons Learned

That day was one of the most fun times I had ever had, though the girls quickly got bored and wanted to leave. Thinking that if they got chances to drive a car, they might want to hang around longer.

As I was looking around at other peoples equipment as they started coming into the pit area, I made my way over to Aaron and Roger's table. I hinted around that maybe if they and another friend might try to get Clara and the girls interested in cars, that it might be nicer around here.

The Good Samaritan Chapter 7

The Good Samaritan

Chapter 7: Racing Bug

Another month goes by, and things have only gotten better. Last night we went to the restaurnt that Bobby took
us too before, again. When Bobby told momma about he and mom getting married, she was overjoyed. She was also
impressed by the ring Bobby gave her.

At one point just before we left the cafe, momma took Bobby aside and had an animated discussion. Whatever they
were talking about, it was very important to momma that Bobby needed to do something, and very soon.

11th Sun: Chapter 26: [XXX] Massage

I get a text when I step outside. It’s a selfie of Chinta, posing in front of a statue made of diapers. I think that means I should meet her near the statue made of diapers.

I look around for a statue made of diapers, then put my phone into the face of the nearest passerby. She nods like she’s seen it, and adds an expression like she’s seen everything. She’s young. It’s cute.

I give her the closest I can get to a “where is it?” expression, and she points further into the maze. I don’t even try, just set out in that general direction.

Captured by the Amazons - A Jane Bot Tale

Becoming the main character in an interactive erotic novel seems like a dream come true - but failing to read the contract might make it more of a nightmare. Jake never bothered to find out that the main character was female - or that her main love interest was a futa. Two details that will soon bite him in the ass - and maybe a few new body parts, too.

Campfire songs Chapter 32

Chapter 32

The car was a seven seater, but I still ended up with Sasha on my lap strapped together. I don't think the driver was too impressed and he was definitely unsure about our costumes. A good tip when we arrived made him a lot happier. We rushed into the flat as quickly as possible. I can only imagine what anyone seeing us was thinking. Poor Abby was going to have to go out dressed bizarrely to buy us all clothes. We had given her all our sizes and she had written them down as a note on the phone.

Campfire songs Chapter 31

Chapter 31

We were already struggling with the travelling. Without decent shoes and with Sasha being so small, without any of us being that big and strong to carry her for anything but small distances, going far on our feet was out. I stopped us when we were far enough away that my fear of fire was fading. We could all see a large amount of smoke though and a fire engine was probably not that far away. I gathered us all together for a group talk. We were away from the road so there wasn't anything to disturb us.

Campfire songs Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Sasha was adorable. She had only been here a week, so Abby didn't think she had had any truly horrifying experiences yet. Mostly she was being trained. The shirt looked like a dress on her. We rolled the sleeves up and did all the buttons, but I came to the realisation, it was not going to be warm enough. We collected Sally and Jo. They were wearing panties and a short top like Abby, still the shirt was a great addition. We then went through the guest room and found some blankets. Gathered it all by the front door and waited.

The Demon

The Demon
By Anna Na Maus

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

This is a short story that just popped into my head one night. Anyone who has read my other works will know that I try and maintain a high degree of realism, that is not the case here. This is my first attempt at a TG Horror story so I would love to know what you think.

Campfire songs Chapter 26


“This place is a paedophile hotel. I'm getting to look a bit old. If no one is interested in you any more, I think they kill you and chuck you in the incinerator. They tell you that you are going to be rewarded, but I followed one girl who was unconscious being carried downstairs like a piece of meat.”
She did a deep sigh. “Sorry, I didn't want to start with the heavy stuff.”
“Let's start again. Hi I'm Sophie.” I held my hand out to shake hers.
“I know. I'm Abby. Abby Faulkner.” She shook my hand.

Chapter 26

The Good Samaritan Chapter 6

The Good Samaritan

Chapter 6: Terms and Conditions May Apply!

Bobby dropped me off and I headed upstairs to our apartment. Mom was already home and had started on supper for tonight. I ran and gave her a hug. She asked, "Oh my, what has you in such a good mode for a change?"

Campfire songs Chapter 20

Chapter 20

The following day dawned crisp and cold with beautiful sunshine. Steph managed to join us for our Sunday Carvery at the local pub. We then managed a bit of a rehearsal and a nice relax, before Steph borrowed Tracy's car to pick up some friends from Uni. We wondered onto the campsite a bit earlier than usual. Already it was getting busy. Martha was already there with the girls. The pack was there too, but they kept their distance.

Campfire songs Chapter 19

Chapter 19

We had a leisurely morning, a late breakfast and drove home. Organised Lucy and meandered back to our campsite mooring. The weather was behaving itself. 3 campfire Sundays in a row was practically unheard of at this time of year, or so Tracy was telling me. We had 6 songs lined up. Jason hadn't contacted me and I hadn't seen him at the last campfire, so I was less worried about him. Amy was going to do a solo dance when we started with Songbird and then a routine with the girls for Happy and Walking on Sunshine.

Campfire songs Chapter 16

Chapter 16

We got into a bit of a routine. We would get up and do the two Tai Chi forms, outside if the weather was good, try and clear a space inside and do it there otherwise. Mostly we skipped breakfast and just had a hot drink. I think eating out for 2 main meals a day was more than enough food and I couldn't cope with a big breakfast as well. I would then do some strength training while Tracy would have a shower and go to the shelter.


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