The catwalk

The cat walk

the beginning

I was enjoying a beer at the local bar when a beautiful woman approached me
she introduced herself as Wendy
she sat down next to me and offered me another drink.

Can I ask you a question, she said as another beer stood in front of me
sure I answered as I took another sip from my beer
I’m a casting director for a fashion show and I think your perfect.

Perfect for what I came back
perfect for modeling dresses she answered
I almost choked in my drink as she said that
come again I said as I regained my breath.

Modeling dresses she said again
I hope you brought your glasses for I am a man, at least the last time I looked
I know she said, but have you ever taken a close look at your self
your hair is long and very well taken care of
your bodily features are almost a match for any good looking woman
your eye's are beautiful and your nails would make any woman envious.

And, she continued you drink your beer the way we drink wine
I looked at her in disbelieve to what she just said
I still believe your mistaken I said as I turned toward the bar and looked in the mirror
I tried not to show my reaction for she was right, I looked like a damn chick.

She gave me her card and just before she left she said
you could make 20.000 euro's per session if done right, think about it.

A few days later when I was at the bar again
out of nowhere Wendy sat next to me and placed a glass of wine in front of me
with a jerk I turned towards her and said 'you startled me'
sorry was all she said but you didn't call, don't you need the money?.

It's not about the money, it's about the clothes, I answered
have it your way she came back and then left
had I paid attention I would have noticed she took my coat with her when she left
it was only when I wanted to pay the bill I found out
lucky for me I was a regular there so I could pay later.

As I still have her card I phoned her and you can imagine it wasn't a friendly talk
she simply informed me I got my stuff back if I gave it a try
as she had my wallet, my ID and the keys to my house and car
I reluctantly agreed to meet her
she told me to stay where I was as she would send me a car to pick me up.

A half hour later I stepped in a large black van
the door wasn't even shut close as Wendy told me to undress
I wasn't about to comply and she knew it
she came towards me and before I knew what happened
she placed a stun gun against me and pressed the button
I lost all control and fell to the floor of the van.

As I regained my composure she simply said 'strip'
being stunned one's was enough for me, so I stripped naked
as I stood in the van she told me
'you should have done this freely it would saved a lot of trouble'.

She gave me some drink and told me to take it
a few minutes later there was blackness
I had no idea how long I was unconscious
but when I woke up I felt something was wrong
first the smooth fabric touching my body
and second the heaviness on my chest
as I sat up in the bed I didn't recognize the environment I was in
a little unsteady I walked toward a mirror and noticed
I had breasts, not real one's but falsies glued on my chest.

I tried to look for the seams so I could remove them
but couldn't find any seams, they were expertly glued on me
I then focused on the clothes I wore
I was wearing a pink silk night gown with matching panties
then fear struck me and I reached for my crotch
I was relieved to find everything was in order down there.

I found the light switch and turned on the lights in the room
I noticed my clothes weren't in the room
so I checked out the closet's trying to find something descent to wear
but no such luck, all I found were highly feminine dresses, skirts and blouses
not to mention the extremely erotic lingerie and stockings
and the much to high heels, she couldn't be serious about me dressing in them.

But then again here I was, dressed in the night gown
with breasts so large I almost would tip over
I sat back down on the side of the bed holding my head in my hands
thinking of a way to get out of this mess.

I knew for sure I wasn't about to dress like some chick
just because this woman wanted me to
at the same time I was scared of that damn stun gun
being stunned one's was enough for me, I really was at a loss.



having said earlier I knew she had me cornered with the stun gun
so reluctantly I dressed in the clothes given to me.

I put on a shiny red bra to cover and hold in place
the, or should I say my breasts
over that a shiny Burgundy red blouse
a suspender belt with matching stockings were next
I ripped the first pair as I was to rough
but the second pair went on my legs without problems.

Then a semi transparent PVC skirt was next
I placed some heels on my feet, lucky for me they weren't to high
I wasn't issued any panties, so as I wore the skirt
my cock was painfully in view for all to see.

I could walk fairly good on the heels
but I kept my hands in front of the skirt trying to hide my cock from view
but she wouldn't have any of that, a model walks with grace she said
so I held my arms to my side as I walked
painfully aware what was visible through the skirt.

The worst part is I got a growing hard-on
not because I like what I wore but of the constant motion
of the skirt against my cock brought if to life
Wendy paid absolutely no attention to my predicament
and within minutes I shot my sperm against the inside of the skirt.

That triggered a response from Wendy
with firm steps she approached me, removed the skirt and
placed the skirt over my face saying 'you soiled it so you clean it'
she then forced me to lick the skirt clean from my semen
one's clean she told me to put the skirt back on, so I did.

Within no time after I redressed the motion of the dress
brought my cock one's again to life but this time she was there
in front of me telling me to lift the skirt
as I did so she placed a condom over my hard cock
thus collecting every drop of semen I spilled.

After a long day in those damn clothes I had several ejaculations
and gathered a large amount of semen in the condom
I could only guess where that would end up.

The next day wasn't any better, I was dressed in an ultra tight
leather hobble dress with slightly higher heels
I could move in the dress but barely
again without any panties I was stimulated to the max
that day I was taught controlled walking (read shuffling)
I barely was able to move any distance.

I didn't made her happy because the next day I again wore
the same dress and was told that until I mastered walking
I would wear it.

Five days later I finally managed to walk some distance
but lady like it wasn't, and the look on her face said enough
she figured I could use some stimulation in my efforts
she opened the back zipper of the dress and slowly
but surely inserted a well lubricated butt plug in my ass
this should keep you focused 'she said' as she closed the dress.

Since my focus of attention was on the butt plug
my walking in the hobble dress improved
the next day proved that as I was given a different outfit to wear
a clear plastic skirt and blouse with a hint of pink in it
the blouse was a loose fit as the skirt was (as I was told)
an a-line skirt.

under the skirt I wore a petticoat also made of plastic
which made the skirt fuller
the length of the skirt was way to short for my taste
as my cock showed from under the skirt
by now it didn't react to the fabric I wore and it just hung
lifeless between my legs, it did however still drip semen.

But she had a solution, a clear plastic bag was tied around the base of
my cock collecting every drop of semen.

As I stood there my thought went back to the previous days
why didn't I run away, there were plenty of opportunities
and yes I did had some thoughts but then where would I go
I had no money, no id, no keys to my house or car
and wearing these damn clothes would have me raped before I
left the street.

I still looked like a man, she had not started with the make-up yet
so I reluctantly stayed, waiting for an opportunity to arise.

Getting ready

it's now been over a week since I’ve been at her place
as I lay in my bed I was rudely awaken by a woman
who entered the room without knocking.

She carried a case which she placed on the vanity
she literally dragged me from my bed
and placed me in front of the vanity
I knew then it was time for make-up lessons.

Even if I was reluctant to have make-up being put on my face
the woman didn't seem to care
I told the woman it wasn't necessary being rude
it wasn't my decision nor hers of being here.

After some help from the woman I tried my first attempt
of putting on make-up
it seemed I was a natural as I expertly made up my face
the woman was pleased when she looked at me looking in the mirror
it wasn't me but a good looking woman staring back at me
for the first time since I’ve been here I actually liked what I saw.

The attitude of the woman changed as she looked at my made up face
she became all friendly and said 'honey your beautiful'
she gave me a kiss and then left.

For the next couple of hours I tried some different styles
of make-up and each time I was amazed of how It turned out
it then dawned to me, with the right clothes I had a chance to get out of here.

All I had to do was find a way to gain access to some normal clothes
as I had learned earlier my own clothes went to the trash
little did I know there wasn't any chance to do that
for the next day we moved location for further training.


the runway training

it appeared the next location contained a real runway
where I would be trained to walk graciously walk up and down
showing the outfits.

It proved to be a challenge because when fully lid
it wasn't easy to see the actual runway
all I saw was a glob of light, and the outfits I wore didn't help either
it was there I met this beautiful woman named Danielle
and we started talking, I quickly learned she once was a man
or as she put it, a woman in a mans body.

Once she was of legal age she had began the transformation from man to woman
I looked at her in disbelieve and she noticed my expression
it's OK honey she said you wouldn't believe the attention I get
as I walk on the street and I get to wear beautiful clothes
can you imagine the kick you get as the leather skirt brushes your legs
as you walk with the wind moving your clothes.

No actually I can't I answered
all the clothes I wore screamed man in drag with my cock in plain sight
I never got to wear normal (as you could call it) clothes
over the course of the training we became close friends
she asked me one’s if my cock was still working
I told her for some reason unknown to me it stopped working
and was just hanging there, except for peeing that is.

She asked me how did that happen, I wasn't really sure but said
with the fabric constantly caressing my cock it just stopped reacting
maybe the butt plug had something to do with it
I just wasn't sure
she felt sorry and never mentioned it again.

As a professional model she showed me the dos and don'ts
of the runway, specially how to work the lights into my advantage
needles to say I was scared of walking the runway
in whatever I was dressed in, the possibility of people seeing
my cock as I showed the clothes.

Danielle assured me that once I walked the runway I wouldn't
notice the people looking at me
and she assumed nobody would recognize my face.

Then out of the blue she told me I was a beautiful woman myself
I looked at her with anger in my face and said 'don't' mock me
I don't she answered, I wouldn't do or say anything to hurt you
but what I said is true, you really are beautiful
with the right outfit you have men falling all over you.

The world is yours to take if you got the chance to
hearing that I kissed her on the lips
but strangely not the way a man would but as a woman would
softly and gently.

Over the course of my runway training she proved a real life saver
she taught me things I would never have noticed
like place my foot in front of the other making my ass sway
as I walk, and take small steps so I wouldn't stumble while walking
with her help I was ready in no time for my first fashion show.


The fashion show

the day of my first fashion show finally arrived
I was dressed in a pink hobble dress with a clear front showing my cock
the rear of the dress was open and a large butt plug resembling
a pony tail was pressed firmly in my ass.

The moment I walked in front of the crowd I froze in my tracks
seeing all those people staring at me was to much for me
nothing I done could prepare me for this moment
it was as if Danielle knew for she appeared next to me
dressed in a similar outfit, only hers was a bright red dress
she too had a clear front and wore no panties either
and in her ass she had a similar only a red pony butt plug.

The took hold of my hand and together we walked the catwalk
my breasts clearly fake were a shadow of her magnificent breasts
with her nipples pierced with what looked like large roses
when we reached the far side of the catwalk she turned to me
and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

As we walked the catwalk I noticed an elderly woman sitting
at the end of the catwalk
she was thrilled at the clothes I wore but not at who showed them
she stood up and said something to me
before we headed back she gave me a card and then sat down again
as we walked back I felt accelerated.

for the rest of the show and in fact every show we done after that
she made sure we walked the catwalk together almost like twins
after the show Danielle asked what the elderly woman said to me
I told Danielle that if I wanted she had a job for me and then gave
me her business card.

Danielle showed her disappointment but I assured her that when
the opportunity came she would join me to meet the elderly woman
a sparkle appeared in her eyes and she gave me a kiss.

I couldn't help my self falling in love with her
and I think the feeling is mutual
at more than one occasion we snug away from the masses
and we made love together
she was a great teacher as she taught me the art of making love
with a woman as a woman
one's she vowed she would never leave me, and she didn't
she guided me, educated me and defended me from trouble seekers
she was my knight in shiny armor
she even devised a plan to regain my freedom.

She had learned of a special show coming up in a few weeks
it was, she told me my chance to get back at Wendy
making sure we were alone she informed me of her plan
I had a smile from ear to ear as she layed out her plan
I, however had to lay low as not to give away any clues.

She asked me a question I hadn't thought about in a long time
what would I do one's I was free again
I told her I honestly didn't know, part of me would live my life
as a male again
but another part of me and maybe even a greater part enjoyed
what I became.

If I choose to be a male again would I risk loosing Danielle
and if I choose to remain as I am but then with normal clothes
I could experience the feeling described by Danielle
walking with the wind under my skirt, the attention she got.

A more urgent question she asked was would I think about
becoming fully a woman, I mean she added the real deal
you mean becoming like you I asked
well, Danielle responded it's just a thought, you came this far
it's a waste to throw it all away
and, she added, I still will love you either way.



the special show Danielle described came sooner then I thought
as we entered the building we put our plan in motion
we checked out a room that would be perfect for our plan
we placed the items needed for our plan in the room.

All we had to do was waiting for Wendy to arrive
as luck would have it we were scheduled at the end of the show
giving us time to act out our plan.

When Wendy entered the building we had lured her to the room
under false pretend
once there we overpowered her, stripped her of her clothes
which I then put on me, I already knew we were the same size.

Danielle showed me a short clear plastic dress which we placed on her
a heavy collar was then locked around her neck with a padlock
her arms were forced behind her back in a single glove
leg cuffs were next, the chain was long enough for her to walk
but only with short steps.

It was when she was naked we noticed her breasts were pierced
we pondered for a while how to utilize those rings
Danielle came up with a great idea
a large plate stating 'I'm a cock sucker' was attached to her rings
and because of the clear plastic of the dress was clearly visible for all to see.

Next a large clear ball gag was forced in her mouth rendering her silent
a few moments before I was supposed to walk the runway
we forced an inflatable dildo into her vagina and one in her ass
we pumped the dildos so she couldn't force them out.

I hurried to the runway and slipped a piece of paper to the announcer
as she started reading the paper we forced Wendy onto the runway
the announcer was creative with the lines we gave her
because when she came to the dildos she added
'feel free to give them a squeeze'
needles to say she didn't have to say it twice
as both men and women pumped the dildos to the max
while walking the runway I flicked a switch and the dildos came alive.

She barely made it back to the dressing room when she came to an orgasm
only to be held in place by the dildo.

We thought that was the end when the announcer came to the back
stating they wanted an encore
that's where I got kinky, I switched the plate between her breasts
removed her gag and pushed her back in the spotlights.

She was barely half the runway when a man stepped on it
forced her to her knees and filled her mouth with his big cock
as one after another man used her I turned the dildo on it's highest

After an hour I called it an end and while Wendy lay on the floor exhausted
the audience left the building
the whole time this wag going on Danielle was puzzled what stood on the plate
it was only when we retrieved Wendy she noticed.

When Wendy was brought back Danielle saw the plate, it read 'please use me'.

As much as Danielle stood by my side, this, she said was to much
whatever Wendy did she didn't deserve this
maybe. maybe not I answered, but I got my payback
now I demand my belongings and return home, for her I don't care
what happens.

I drove back to Wendy’s home and forced her to give me my stuff
I then released her arms and after I left the keys on the bed
for her to free herself and then left for home
luck ally everything was just as I left it
I removed all the clothes I wore and took a long bath.


Home sweet home

As I lay in the bath I remembered I never took a bath
I always was a shower type, but here I was taking a bath.

After I was finished I dried myself and went to my bedroom
to dress, I tried many different clothes but whatever I put on
it didn't feel right
my clothes irritated my body, even my boxer shorts didn't feel right.

I dressed casual and went for a walk into town
but only after a five minute walk I returned home
I couldn't stand the feeling my clothes gave me
after trying time and time again I admitted defeat.

I removed all my male clothes and started dressing in the clothes
I took from Wendy
I didn't had any panties but I didn't care
after dressing I sat in front of the mirror and started
putting on my make-up
once I was ready I put on my coat and once again
I started walking into town.

This time however I was satisfied as to how I felt
This was strengthened by the people I met
it appeared they didn't knew I was a dressed up male
and for those who did noticed I didn't care
I never felt more comfortable dressing up as I did right now.

As I walked into town I decided to have a coffee
while I had my coffee several men offered me another drink
didn't they knew, I wondered, but in the end I didn't care
I was on a roll and I loved every moment
right there and then I made my decision, I would never turn back.

After a few hours I said my goodbye and went shopping
I bought outfit after outfit in leather, PVC, and some silk
next was the lingerie section, I bought bras and after some
thinking also some panties
I reasoned I couldn't walk bottomless forever.

Stockings, garter belts and heels were next
in the end I had more stuff then I could carry
and I knew I had a problem getting back home
I sat down on a bench thinking what to do
when I heard a familiar voice calling me
there was only one person who knew my (possible) female name
I looked up to where the sound was coming from
and there she was, Danielle.

She was dressed in a gorgeous leather dress which i knew I had to have
and I told her so, she gave me the name of the shop where she bought it
she had perfect make-up and looked pleased to see me
we walked to each other and before Danielle could say something
I told her I was afraid I’d lost her after my payback on Wendy.

I was a little upset but I knew that would pass
but, she continued, what happened to Wendy?
I don't know I answered, I brought her home got my stuff
and released her from her restraints, and that's the last time I saw her
I'm not surprised if she's already got another victim.

After a while Danielle and I picked up my bags and started
walking to my home ignoring the whistles from the passing men
we were however pleased, certainly me, we done a good job blending in.

after hanging my new clothes in the closet whilst removing my male stuff
we sat in the living room sipping a whine
as I sat there I admired Danielle's breasts, I never made it a secret
and Danielle didn't mind me looking.

At the same time thinking about the falsies I had glued to my chest
Danielle seemed to read my mind as she said 'fancy some like mine'
I don't think I can afford it as I think I emptied my bank account
buying all these clothes.

My treat she answered, your worth it
I accepted her offer and within a few days I lay in a private clinic
as I lay on the table asleep Danielle made an additional request
to the surgeon.

A few hours later I slowly woke up from the operation
the first thing I noticed were the mounds on my chest
as my mind got clearer I noticed something different
I was missing something, then it hit me
my cock, it wasn’t where it supposed to be
my crotch was all bandaged up.

I looked to my side and noticed a pair of pink silk panties
on the chair, a little disturbed I pressed the buzzer
I expected a nurse to enter but when the door opened
Danielle entered the room
she noticed the confused look on my face.

She started explaining that since my cock wasn't working anymore
I would be better of without it
before I could respond to it she showed me something.

It was an ID, looking at the ID I noticed it was tagged female
complete with my chosen female name
your good with it Renate, Danielle asked
I remained silent for a moment but finally answered 'Yes'.

I had to stay in the clinic for two weeks but with Danielle at my side
the time flew by
when we got home Danielle noticed the card I got from the elder lady
when we did the catwalk
calling out to me she asked if I did call the woman
coming out of the bathroom dressed in a pink nightgown
I asked what card, having completely forgotten it.

Danielle showed me the card, after reading it it came back to me
I told Danielle I haven't yet
then lets call her, Danielle already had the phone in her hands
I called the number, talked to the woman for a while
and made an appointment for the next day.


the appointment

we reached the house at the given time and it was huge
the house was completely surrounded by trees for privacy
Danielle pressed the buzzer and the gate opened
we drove the car in and the gate closed again.

At the house we knocked at the door
a young woman opened the door
we were a bit surprised, she wore a tiny red latex skirt
with matching latex blouse and super high heels
around her neck hung a heavy duty steel collar
I found it a bit strange but to each its own.

She led us in the house, after about twenty meters in the house
she knocked at a door, we heard enter, she opened the door
and we entered.

The first half hour of the meeting was mostly small talk
about what she saw when I walked the catwalk
then she got to business, she showed me some pictures
of a woman dressed like a pony pulling a cart.

She then told me she wanted me for the position
I had, she told me the perfect body for the position
I was outraged to what she wanted me to be
and I told her so, in fact I was so angry I failed
to see the reaction of Danielle when the woman spoke.

I told the woman I would have nothing to do with her plans
and I stormed out of the house expecting Danielle to follow me
as I came at the car I noticed Danielle wasn't with me
I walked back to the house and rang the bell.

There was no response, the door remained closed
I returned to the car and sat there waiting for Danielle
to join me, but she didn't.

I waited for an hour, no Danielle
two hours passed, still no sign of Danielle
finally the door opened and the same woman as before
walked out of the house towards me
she handed me a large bag and told me
'the little miss won't be joining you'
and I was told to leave the grounds.

Reluctantly I left, as I got home I looked in the bag
in it was her dress, her lingerie, her heels
and her purse.

All her stuff was in the purse except her ID
lastly I pulled a large envelope from the bag
it was addressed to me, i opened it and pulled out the contents
out came a letter addressed to me and another envelope.

I started reading the letter, it said.

Dear Renate.

I'm sorry you must find it out this way
I allays had a fantasy about being a pony girl
in my childhood I dressed as one during Halloween
but haven't got the opportunity to act out in real life
until today, when you declined the woman’s offer
I knew I had to act, at first she had no interest for me
but explaining my feelings toward being a pony girl
made her change her mind.

Her only condition was that I became her pony girl
immediately, this I didn't count on
I allays wanted to talk to you first, to get your blessing
I knew this opportunity only came one's so I had to decide
sadly we can't seeing each other anymore, and that hurts me most
but this is a full time commitment
I already started my transformation into a pony girl
at this point I want you to open the second envelope
here you can see what's done up to this point.

If mistress allows me more pictures of me will come your way
everything I own is now yours
I know you like my clothes, there yours
I transferred every dime I have to your bank
for I have no need for money anymore
in a few weeks a lawyer will contact you
and hands you the deed for my house and car.

I wish you happiness in your live and hope you do the same to me
and maybe we run in to each other some time
there can be no further communication between us
for I’m not allowed to talk no more.

With love Danielle.

I opened the envelope and in it were several pictures
showing the process from woman to pony girl upon that point
I couldn't help but feeling sorry for Danielle
but it was her decision after all
I went to bed early and cried myself to sleep
for I lost my one and only friend.


the house cleaner.

It's been two weeks since I’ve been outside my home
except for the lawyer who brought the papers I saw no one
this day however brought a change
as I came downstairs wearing just my nightgown
I noticed the house really needed cleaning
it wasn't very dirty but still needed a helping hand
me not being the cleaning type made a note to hire a cleaning lady.

It also was the first time since I lost Danielle I decided
to venture into town and get my life back on track
I dressed my very best and headed into town
after some window shopping I stopped for lunch.

As I sat having lunch I noticed a young man sitting all alone
the place was packed yet nobody seemed interested
in sharing the table he occupied
I picked up my plate and walked towards his table
'is this seat taken', I asked
he was startled by my question and after a moment
he answered no it's free.

I put my plate down and sat opposite to him
I took the bull by the horns and said HI I’m Renate
I’m mark, he timidly replied
I couldn't help but notice your all on your own
and I don't like eating alone, I told him.

Neither do I, I’m not the most popular man in town he replied
I’m, as they say different
honey, I told him, if they only knew how different I am.

As we sat there eating our lunch I learned a little bit more of mark
he was a certified cleaner but nobody wanted to hire him
this was my lucky day, I thought to myself
would you like a job I asked him
your serious he asked, you clean and I need a cleaner, interested?.

Thank you, he said smiling from ear to ear, when do I start
come by my place tomorrow at noon and we discuss the details
I gave him the address and elated as he was
he left the diner in such a hurry he forgot to pay for his lunch
the owner wanted to pursue him but I offered to pay his bill.

Twelve o' clock on the dot the doorbell rang
I went to the front and opened the door
what I saw caught me by surprise
a fully in PVC dressed maid stood in front of me
dressed from top to bottom to perfection
I knew it was mark but the name tag said Maria.

he saw my initial surprise, he quickly turned and started walking away
with a stern voice I said 'just a minute young lady'
he stopped dead in his track and turned around
he just looked at me not quite knowing what to do.

I said, a lot softer this time 'please won't you come in'
almost with a whisper he answered 'thank you ma'am' and stepped inside
I was surprised that even his voice was feminine
I figured that if he wants to dress as a woman I treat him such as.

Now maria, I said as he had sat down in a chair
tell me something about yourself
I already told you, he started to say as I raised my finger
I want to hear from maria what her experience in cleaning is
in a soft feminine voice Maria told me what I already knew from mark
but I was having way to much fun in the situation
truth be said, I couldn't keep my eye's of him
perfection in every way possible.

I stood up to fetch us a drink but maria interrupted me
please ma'am allow me
maria went to the kitchen and brought back two cups of tea
he even curtsied as he offered me my tea
he kept surprising me and that gave me an idea.

Maria, I said, I like to change the terms of employment with you
am I not to your satisfaction? Maria asked
just a minute and hear me out I told him
I want you, if your up to it, to become my full time live in maid
I pay you two thousand Euro per month and you have a room for your self
I supply different outfits for different tasks
your task is foremost to keep your outfits clean and in perfect condition
you perform all tasks I demand from you
the time between task you can fill as you see fit.

Now, I said, go home and think about what I just said
I will make up a contract and send it to you
if you agree sign the contract and return it to me
if you agree I expect to see you next Monday at seven sharp
ready for duty, I will then send someone to collect the stuff you want
to bring here for in your room.

If you decide to become my maid I never want to see mark in this house
but everything will become clear in the contract
if however you decline I pay 500 Euro as compensation.
The next day I send him the contract I made up
he still had three days to decide but I had a good feeling about him.

Friday came and a large envelope was dropped in my mail box
it was the contract all signed
I called the shop where I reserved the maids dresses
to finalize the order.

The dresses were to be delivered before Sunday
so when maria came they would be ready hanging is his closet
the room already was very girly and ready for maria to get him
ready for the job.

At night I as thinking what I had done
I hired someone the way he was dressed
I spend money on work clothes on just that
what if he was bad in what he did
well there's no turning back I thought.

Monday came sooner then I thought and seven o' clock sharp the doorbell rang
I opened the door and let maria in
as he took of his coat he revealed a gorgeous pure white maids dress
with as an accent a pale blue apron, choker and maids hat
From under the dress was visible a pale blue petticoat
and to finish the ensemble white fishnet stockings and high heels
his make-up was perfectly applied.

Without waiting for me he walked to the kitchen and brought me a cup of tea
he curtsied as he gave me the tea and walked back to the kitchen
straight away she attacked it and two hours later it was spotless
he cleaned the kitchen in places I never would have thought of.

At this time I took the opportunity to show maria his room
and the various outfits I expected him to wear
I had made sure they were as good if not better then the ones he had
I couldn't let him out dress me but I had to admit
his taste in clothes was impeccable.

As he returned to his duties the doorbell rang
maria went to open the door, it was the company who delivered his stuff
they were a bit surprised to see a maid standing before them
but I doubt they knew this maid was a man.

While unpacking that evening I noticed he didn't bring any male clothes
I expected while in his free time he would return to his male character
but he didn't, he was to remain in his female persona 24/7
he did however brought some normal female clothes for when he went out.

I took advantage of that fact as I took him to a restaurant for diner
he made sure he always walked behind me and entered second
in the restaurant we went to.

After ordering he made sure he started second eating his food
and I told him so, he just said it was his character to do so
after we ate our diner we walked into town
again he walked behind me, a little offended I pulled him along side me
and held his arm tightly and walked side by side the rest of the way home.

When at home he asked if he done anything wrong
I told him we supposed to have a fun night out
but we looked like a mistress and her slave, I can't have that
I’m your employer unless you want something I don't know of.

After a while he said
your a to beautiful woman to been seen with a misfit like me
there's nothing wrong with you I told him
what you wear isn't what you are
I didn't hire you because I felt sorry
I hired you because I needed a cleaner, a maid if you will
and you do your job extremely well
I don't want to force anything more on you unless
your a gardener too.

His eye's lid up as he said, I know a thing or two on gardening
I looked at him and thought I created a monster and I told him
he could fill that spot too as long as it didn't intervene
with his day job.

The next day while in his free time maria started working the garden
I found it very erotic seeing him in this pretty little green dress
I wondered if he bend this deep on purpose just to show of his
ruffled panties to me.

A few days later maria asked if it was alright if he
bought some stuff for the garden
I told him to get what he needed and as he walked into town
still wearing that pretty little green gardeners dress
I wondered what other secrets he has for me.

the attack.

A few hours had passed and maria still wasn't home
I was a little worried what other people would think
seeing a dressed up man buying stuff
another hour passed and I couldn't stand it anymore
I was going to look for him, I was just about to leave the house
when the phone rang.

It was the hospital telling me maria had been attacked
I rushed to the hospital and asked for maria
the nurse brought me to her and the doctor explained what had happened
is she alright I asked, as I asked that I noticed that for the first time
I called maria 'she'.

The doctor explained maria was brutally attacked and left to die
in the bushes
it was only when a woman who noticed her heels laying besides the bushes
and found her laying there other wise she could have died
right there and then
she had been laying there for hours and when they found her
her clothes were nowhere to be found
the dress she wore so proudly was removed from her body
maria had several broken bones and cuts in her face and arms
but the worst thing were her private parts
they were beyond repair.

The doctors fixed it as good as they could but couldn't do more
without thinking I answered 'I can'
after I checked the condition of maria, she was heavily sedated
a called the clinic who helped me and explained the situation
they told me to bring maria as soon as possible
within an hour maria was brought to the clinic.

I told them to fix her, not knowing what I just said
I meant them to fix her private parts.

I left maria in the care of the doctor as I went to the police station
as I got there they already arrested the man responsible
for maria's condition
it appeared he was a fifteen year old boy
because he was a minor they couldn't put him in jail
they had to let him go, I was outraged and demanded his name
they off course couldn't or wouldn't give me that
but as I asked on the street I pretty soon knew all I needed to know
I decided to let it rest for now and went back to maria.

As I entered maria's room I was in for a big surprise
not only fixed her groin to be a vagina they also gave her breasts
surprised I walked back on the hallway and stopped the doctor
I asked him what he'd done, I fixed her as you asked, he answered
I asked to fix her private parts, not to give her breasts
how will she react on having breasts.

Over the next couple of hours I wondered the best way to tell her
but when I entered her room when I was told she was awake
I saw she was admiring the way she looked
she was startled when I entered the room
I explained to her that her private parts were beyond repair
and the fact the doctors misunderstood her request.

I couldn't tell if maria was angry or glad
she just sat on the side of the bed listening to what ever I said
I started to get up and leave, to give her some private time
as I got up she grabbed my arm with one hand while lowering
her nightgown with the other
how will they look, she asked
not quite sure how to answer I opened my blouse and showed her
I didn't wore a bra and my breasts were n full view
something like this I said to her.

She released my arm and as she looked me strait in the eye
she started fondling my breasts
I couldn’t return the favor just yet but I could do the next
best thing
I took one of her hands and guided it under my skirt
placing it on my vagina.

She quickly found I was dripping wet
instinctively she moved one finger in my vagina
one finger became two, and three
then she did something I never experienced before
she was fist fucking me and I loved it.

When she finally withdrew from my vagina I told her
'one day I will return the favor'.

Now, I said to maria, I leave you to yourself as I have some tings
to attend and with that I left
I drove to the address the boy lived and rang the bell
when the door opened I was in for a surprise.

A woman about 26 to 30 years old stood in the doorway
she was wearing the dress maria was wearing the day
she was attacked by the boy
with little interest the woman asked what I wanted
I explained what had happened and wanted to know what she
was going to do about it.

She plainly said it was the perverts own fault he was attacked
I was getting angrier by the minute
I politely asked if she would return the dress to me
as it was my property
she challenged me by saying 'if you want the dress so much take it from me'
and in a split second I reacted on her challenge
I quickly punched her in the stomach and she went to the floor
before she could recover from my sudden attack
I found a piece of rope and I tied her hands behind her back
I took the scarf she wore and firmly gagged the woman with it.

Then I quickly closed the door to get some privacy
with another piece of rope I secured her legs
as she was laying in the hallway I searched the house for the boy
he wasn't there, well next time I thought.

I couldn't just leave now and get a lawsuit on my hands so
As I searched the house I found a large suitcase
and I got an idea

I returned to the woman who tried to get free from her bonds
on the way I found some leather belts
with some efforts I finally had her strapped down to a size
so she fitted in the suitcase.

There were no people in the street so placing the suitcase in my trunk
didn't pose any problems
I went back into the house and looked for anything that would
be of help to me in my situation
first of I took a spare key so I could re-enter the house when needed
in her bedroom I got quite the surprise
in the closet lay a large collection of bondage goodies
I didn't knew if they were hers but they might come in handy.

As I drove home with the bitch in my trunk I realized I wasn't
the mistress type of woman but her attitude towards me
had awakened feelings I couldn't ignore.

The fact I could and would dominate her into whatever I desired
got me all wet
while driving I placed a hand between my legs and finger fucked myself
before heading home I had one more stop to make.
I drove to the place where Danielle was and rang the bell
as I waited for someone to answer I knew I had to be respectful.

Then I saw some movement coming from the house
the same woman I saw the first time opened the door
she wore a floor length red latex gown
formed to tight around her body making her almost impossible to walk
she asked me what my business here was
I respectfully asked for a meeting with madame.

After a short conversation over the intercom I was invited in
I sat down waiting for madame to arrive
when madame arrived she apparently recognized me and all
formal etiquette disappeared.

After getting reacquainted she asked what she could do for me
I told her everything what had happened, the short version
madame was generally distressed to what I told her
after some moments she asked if he was any good to me
SHE, I replied is the best thing what happened to me
besides Danielle I added.

Madame apologized for her poor selection of words and I accepted
now tell me why you need little old me, madame continued
I told her what the police did or didn't do
what his mother had done or didn't choose to do
I need, I said, some professional help with
punishing the boy who attacked maria.

I gave all the information madame needed, including a picture of the boy
and told her he was the perfect specimen for her needs
I want him of the streets forever for what he might do again to others.

I see madame said while watching the boy's picture
I think I have the perfect spot for him
before we departed I had one final request for madame
but before I could ask madame stopped me
come she gently said, she led me to a room
opened the door and told me to enter.

The room was beautiful decorated, real feminine
about five minutes later there was a knock on the door
enter, I automatically said
as I turned toward the door I saw her
standing there in the doorway dressed in a stunning
long white PVC gown was Danielle
she was more beautiful then I could remember.

At that moment there was no trace of her being a pony girl
I stood up and walked towards her
has live been good to you I asked Danielle.

Danielle told me being a pony girl wasn't good for me
it seemed I wasn't strong enough to pull a cart
and since you weren't around madame offered me another deal
and I became her personal slave girl.

I was, I said to Danielle only a phone call away to bring you home
I know she answered, but I was afraid you didn't want me anymore
you know your the only one I want, I think of you every day
the most important thing for me is your happy with your chosen life
even if that means you being a slave.

If you ever want to come back to me nothings changed
every thing you owned is still there waiting for you
and if you do so I got yourself a slave to train
what do you mean Danielle asked, come I show you I said.

As we walked to my car I told her what had happened
and what I had done, not really knowing what to do with a slave
as we stood before my car Danielle didn't want to show her face
to the bitch in my trunk.

So as I opened the trunk I told my prisoner I would replace her gag
I don't want to hear any sound from you, understand I asked
she nodded her head, I removed the scarf from her mouth
only to be replaced by a leather mask with build in gag
she was now silent and blind as a bat.

Danielle looked in the trunk, you see I told her,
she's wearing maria's work outfit
Danielle stood there seemingly thinking about something
she then closed the trunk and we headed back in the house
as we sat there drinking a cup of tea I looked at her
as if reading my mind she told me she had to talk to mistress
I will let you know Danielle said, it's OK I told Danielle
I respect every decision you make, with that I kissed her goodbye
and drove home.


home coming

a week had passed and in that time I brought maria home
I told her she didn't had to return to work immediately
take your time I had said, think to what you want
if she didn't want to continue working for me
I would understand.

Over the next couple of days maria stayed in her room
except for diner I didn't disturbed her
she would have to make the decision.

A few days later the doorbell rang
before I had the chance to get up and answer the door
maria strutted down the stairs dressed to perfection
and answered the door.

Before maria stood a woman dressed in a drop dead gorgeous PVC dress
she led the woman in and informed me I had a visitor
I told maria to bring her in, when the woman entered
a big smile formed on my face for Danielle stood before me
I stood up and gave Danielle a giant hug.

I motioned to Danielle to take a seat and asked maria
to bring three cups of coffee
when maria returned she served us our drinks
before maria had a chance to retreat I told her to sit down.

Maria took a seat far from where we sat
this didn't pleased me, no maria, I said, sit here
as I placed my hand on the seat next to me
maria got up and sat besides me, unsure what to expect.

I said as I looked at maria, this is Danielle the love of my life
I want you to respect her as you do me
before maria could say anything Danielle spoke to her
'hello maria', Danielle started, I heard what happened to you
I hope you are alright, but your given a special gift from Miranda
I hope you can live with it, I want you to know I’m not your boss
nor do I want to be, I only want whats best for you.

The three of us chatted for over an hour before maria went
back to her duties on hand
when Danielle suddenly said, 'I heard you had a present for me'
why yes dear I answered follow me please
I led Danielle to the basement, on the ground lay the bitch
I took home, arms and legs bound with leather straps
a ring gag in her mouth and blindfolded but for the rest naked.

The floor around her was wet, she had relieved herself
ignoring her attempts to get my attention I told Danielle
'here's your present enjoy', before I left her I said
'glad to have you back'.

Not really interested in the bondage stuff I decided to go into town
I told maria to change clothes as I wanted her to join me
for some relaxation
at first maria didn't want to come as work had piled up
but I convinced her tomorrow comes another day.

We had a blast walking in town, we did some shopping
had lunch and a drink.

It was there I saw someone I knew, Wendy
she was again busy recruiting another man to transform
I walked up to where she stood, she was to busy trying to convince
the man to go with her
standing behind her I said 'you haven't learned your lesson have you'.

Startled she turned around to face me, looking me right in the face
trying to identify who I was
I could see she had a hard time identifying me so I helped her a bit
'still filled up down there', I said pointing down
this was enough for her to recognize me.

You could see the fear in her eye's as she hast fully tried to leave
I grabbed the collar of her blouse stopping her from leaving
If you ever try to recruit again I fill you up permanently
and with that I led her go.

I knew I couldn't follow up on my threat but Wendy didn't knew that
I didn't see Wendy again, after inquiring I learned she left town.

After that maria and I went home, as we entered the house we were
surprised to see someone wearing a tiny latex maids dress
cleaning the kitchen.

Maria looked at me thinking she lost her job
I reassured her she didn't, asking Danielle whats up
she said it only lightened maria's job
that pleased maria who started to continued where she left off
the garden, the rest of the day we watched both maria as the bitch
doing their thing
we had our first private moment since ages.

Every day the bitch did something wrong and was punished for it
after a few days Danielle and I looked at each other
and came to the conclusion she did it on purpose
the bitch wanted to be punished so if punishment she wanted
punishment she got, Danielle really started to work on the bitch
but, even that didn't seem enough for the bitch.

Danielle wasn't a sadistic person
and for me, I didn't wasn't even into bondage
right then and there we decided to give her to a personal
more suitable for her taste.

When the bitch was gone peace returned in our house
Maria returned to her full duties but she didn't mind that.

A few days later we got an update on the boys progress
we watched the video madam had send us
the boy came into view, he was completely naked
a full leather hood covered his head leaving him in total darkness
the hood resembled a horses head with removable eye pieces
his nipples were pierced with large rings as was his cock
Danielle recognized it and told me the nipple rings were for steering
and the cock ring was for stopping (or start walking)
he wore hoof like boots and similar ones on his hands.

From what we watched the boy was still fighting his capture
despite the position he was in
we were so in to the video we didn't noticed Maria had finished
and had retired to her room and I didn't like that
I want to know when she has finished her work day
so I walked up to her room and knocked on the door
when permitted I entered her room and told her what's on my mind
and told her I had a new rule in the house
whenever maria has finished her duties
she had to report to me, or us if Danielle was also here
with glasses of wine and drink to a good ending of the day
maria agreed positively to my new rule.

One day another video was delivered to us
we saw the boy had accepted his new role in life
and even was led into town
Maria was truly pleased at the punishment the boy got
that's at least one less to hurt women like Maria.

As for Danielle and me well, Danielle and I got married
we had Maria as one of the bridesmaids
but we went one step further, as we signed the wedding papers
there was one for maria to sign
maria read it and eagerly signed
we had adopted Maria as our daughter.

After the wedding Maria hired (with my permission) a young cross dresser
to lighten her workload, like Maria he was a natural (girl)
maybe one day she would become what Maria had become, a real woman.

What started as a bad thing on a catwalk ended pretty good for all of us.

the end.

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