Blood Moon Part 6

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Betty had gone back to her bedroom to get the choker she had been holding onto for her mate. She had been waiting till Sparrow left to bring it downstairs and put it around Isa’s neck. She knew Isa was going to have to go out and select one for her.

“I got something for you, Isa.” Betty notice her beautiful mate was standing by the counter drinking a cup of fresh brewed coffee.

“What’s that?”

She was looking at her new mate with a curious look on her face.

“I have your mate’s choker.” Betty brings it from behind her back so Isa could see it.

Isa looks at it as Betty held it in front of her. It was a platinum choker with floral vine going around the outside of it. It had rubies and sapphire chips on it for flower petals.

“It looks nice.” She leans forward and kiss Betty on the lips.

“Mmmm,” Betty reaches up and puts the choker around Isa’s neck. It automatically locks around her neck.

Betty stops kissing Isa and look at her as the choker glows and seals the latch so it can’t be removed.

“Oh, you are sneaky my little flower.” Isa fingers the choker and feels where it had sealed itself.

“Well, I knew you wouldn’t mind. After all, we’re mates now and you made me the dominate in our mating.” She pulls Isa to her and kissed her.

Betty removes the robe Isa has on and let it drop to the floor. Her hands roam around on Isa body caressing and pinching certain area as pleasurable sounds come from Isa’s mouth.

Isa was in heaven as she felt Betty’s hand pinch and caress areas of her body that were so sensitive right now. During their mating ritual, each
side of their nature had to determine who was going to be the dominate or were they going to be equal in their marriage. Betty’s cat had ended being the dominate part of Betty’s nature. So, Isa became the submissive in their relationship. Betty’s cat nature didn’t like to share and her nature wasn’t the type to want to be equal to her mate.

Isa was tired of being strong and having to carry her lovers. She wanted her lover to be strong for her. So, she became the submissive in their relationship. As she is enjoying the tender touches of Betty’s hands on her sensitive body, her cell phone starts ring. It was the ring tone she assigned to Lisa. Isa’s maternal instincts kicked in immediately. She pulls away from Betty’s hands and run upstairs to Betty’s room to grab her cellphone.

“Hello Lisa?”

“Isa, please help me.”

Lisa was hiding behind a dumpster keeping a lookout for the human guards that Master Digfann hired to guard him during the day. The metal collar around her neck was tight and was restricting her breathing. The chains still dangling from the wrist cuffs were making noise every time she moved. The skimpy outfit she had on barely provided her any warmth. She had bite marks on her neck and along her arms and between her legs where Master Digfann allowed his guest to drink from her.

“Where are you Lisa?” Isa was worried about Lisa.

She should had taken her when she had the chance. She had helped her escape Master Digfann’s dungeons below his club. Lisa had been given to Master Digfann as payment for the money her father owed to Master Digfann.

“I’m hiding in the alleyway near the Merchant Tire Store.” Lisa shivers as a cold breeze blows against her pale skin.

“Alright, can you make it down to St. Luke’s and see preacher Aengus?” Preacher Aengus was a good friend of Isa. He helped her when she escaped from Master Digfann.

“I think I can make it. Isa, I need to get out of town before Master Digfann wakes-up. I killed his favorite because he hurt me really bad.”

Lisa knew she needed to change the maxi-pad between her legs soon. Hugh had shoved himself into her ass hard without any lubrication and tore the skin and muscles around her anal opening. Lisa didn’t even like anal sex, but because she wasn't equipped the other way, most of the men Master Digfann gave her too either used her mouth for their pleasure or her ass.

“I’ll get there as quickly as I can Lisa. Your about three hours ride for me.”

Even if Isa broke every speed limit, it would still take her time to get to Lisa.

Isa didn’t see the portal open behind her as Hokee came walking out of it. She tugs on her free hand.

Isa felt her free hand touched and looked down and saw Hokee standing next to her.

“How did you get here?” Isa was curious.

“I ported here.”

“Lisa, can you hold on please?”

“Okay.” Lisa heard Isa had asked someone a question and then a young girls voice.

“Can you get me to my friend Lisa, Hokee?”

“Yes ma’am.”

Betty comes walking in when she hears Isa’s voice talking to Hokee. She met the little girl once and knew if she was here, then her mother must already know where she is. She looks towards Isa and wonders why she ran off when she did.

Isa spots Betty coming into the bedroom “I can’t explain right now Betty, but I need to go and help a friend. She’s in trouble and if I don’t get to her, she’s going to die.”

“I understand. Go and do what you need to do to help your friend.”

Betty wasn’t going to stop Isa from helping her friend. What type of mate would she be if she did?

“Thanks sweetie.” Isa gives her a kiss.

“Hokee can you send me to my friend and bring me back, please?”

“Yes ma’am. Get dress and meet me at the end of your driveway.” Hokee turns around and walks downstairs to head outside to wait for Isa.

“Lisa, give me ten minutes and I’ll be with you in a few minutes.”

Lisa was curious, but if Isa said she’ll be here in a few minutes, she would.

“Alright, Isa. I’ll stay where I am till you get here.”

“Alright Lisa, see you in a few minutes.” Isa hangs up and changes back into her leather skin tight suit. She grabs her keys off Betty’s dresser.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes Betty.” She gives her kiss as she runs out of the bedroom and outside to the driveway where her motorcycle was.

She spots Hokee at the end of the driveway waiting on her. Isa turns her motorcycle around and rev up the motorcycle as she squeals down the driveway.

Hokee opens a portal just as Isa gets near her.

Isa goes through it and she felt the weird energy of the portal as she exits on the other side of the portal. She was just down the street from the merchant Tire Store and hears Lisa scream. Isa guns her motorcycle and speeds down to where she sees two men pulling Lisa out by the chains still attached to Lisa’s wrist cuffs.

“Let her go.” Isa comes to a screeching halt and points her gun at the two men.

One of them turns arounds and notice Isa.

“Well, isn’t it the half-breed. The Master will love to have his bitch back on your knees like he did last time.”

Isa didn’t even blink or return his taunt. She just pulled the trigger and shot him in his head.

She switches to the other guy that still had Lisa’s chains.

“Do you want to meet your maker as well?”

The guy let’s go of Lisa’s chain.

“Lisa, get over here and get on my motorcycle.” Isa could smell blood coming from Lisa and saw streaks of blood sliding down the inside of
Lisa’s legs.

Lisa walks as fast as she could to Isa’s motorcycle. She had tears streaming down her face from the pain she was feeling. She was hurting as
she climbs behind Isa and wrapped her arms around her waist.

Isa backs her motorcycle up and puts her gun away.

“Hold on tight Lisa.”

Isa guns her motorcycle and heads back down the street as bullets wiz by her head. Lisa was holding tight as Isa races down the street. A portal opens directly in front of her. She goes straight through the portal and emerges on the other side of the portal. She needed to put the brakes on before she goes through a white picket fence. She stops right in front of the picket fence just as her front tire touches the fence.

“That was close.” She felt Lisa slumped against her back.

Isa puts the kick stand down and carries Lisa into the building in front of her. The sign on the side of the building said it was a clinic. As she walks in, she spots two young women and an older woman standing behind the counter.

“I have an emergency here.”

“Bring her down to examination room 1.”

The older woman opens the door that separates the waiting room and the examination rooms. Isa carries Lisa to the examination room and lays her down on the examination table.

“I’m going to need for you to wait outside ma’am.” The older woman looks at Isa with a serious look on her face.

Isa looks at the name tag and a smile comes to her face as she recognizes the name. Margaret Houlihan from MASH 4077. Isa paces back and forth for about twenty minutes, before Margaret comes out of the examination room.

Margaret spots Isa as she steps out of the examination room.

“Ma’am, she’s going to need surgery to fix the damage done to her anal opening and inside. It’s a good thing you got to her when you did.
Whoever raped her, damaged her rectum. She was still bleeding.”

“Do what you can for her ma’am. She’s my friend.”

“How old is she?” Margaret thinks she might be at least sixteen or seventeen years old.

“She’s seventeen years old. If you need her parents to give the okay, you’ll have to dig them up from their graves.”

“No need, I see you’re a pack member’s mate. Doctor Hunnicutt will be here in a few minutes and he’ll take care of her. You’ll have to explain
to the Alpha on what happened to her.”

“I figure that much.”

“Just do what you can for her ma’am and call me when you’re done.”

“We will ma’am. What’s your cell number?”

Isa writes her number down and gives it to Margaret. Afterwards she walks out of the clinic and looks around to see where she was and to see
if a jewelry store was nearby to buy Betty’s mate choker. She walks down the sidewalk and just looking around and spots a jewelry store. She walks in and over to a case that has a selection of mate chokers. She looks at them and see if any stands out. None of them really spoke to her. She wanted a special one for Betty.

Isa spots a store clerk “ma’am, do you do special orders?”

“Yes ma’am. We do special orders for chokers. Would you like to have one made?” Carol was hoping she might be.

“Yes, I would like to custom order one for my mate. Can I see a piece of paper, please?”

“Sure.” Carol hands her a piece of paper and a pencil.

Isa starts drawing the one she wants custom made for Betty. She makes a list of gems she wants in it and what type of metal for it to be made
of. Also, to make it metamorphic as well. That way, when Betty changed forms, it didn’t choke her or break.

Carol looks at the design and the gems. She adds it all up and gives Isa a price.

Isa pulls her card out and pays for it upfront in full.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Isa heads back outside and just does some window shopping till she hears something from Margaret.

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Isa to the rescue

Thank goodness Lisa was able to call Isa and get her to help her. I wonder what Sparrow is going to do when she finds out that Hokee opened a portal.

If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it.”
― Toni Morrison

Re: Isa to the rescue

Yep, a very good thing that Lisa was able to call Isa.

As for Hokee helping Isa by making the portal going each way, I doubt Sparrow will be upset over it, Hokee helped save Lisa's life.