The Lioness Adopts Some Cubs

A smile appears on Jessica’s face as she looks at herself in the mirror. Today, was her anniversary of being a Were and of being the slave of her Mistress and Master. She owes them her life for saving her from herself and from the sadist guy who had abused her.

The tight leather outfit she had on was revealing and showed her figure off. She knew it was her owners’ favorite outfit. She checks her collar before leaving her bedroom. She heads towards their bedroom to wake them up.

As she walks in, she notices her Master/ Ardri and Mistress sleeping. A smile appears on her face as she walks over to wake them. She gently kisses her Master on the lips “good morning, Master.”

She crawls onto the bed being careful not to land on her master’s chest. She leans down and kisses her mistress “good morning, mistress.”
Neil wakes up and notices Jessica leaning over him. Her leather-clad body showed off her curves. He reaches up between her legs and pats her on her butt.

Shivers travel throughout her body as she feels her master pat her on her butt. She loves it when he touches her. She enjoys it when he touches her.

Clair smiles when she feels Jessica’s lips touch her. She opens her eyes and looks up into the cat’s eyes of Jessica. Jessica’s dirty blonde hair hung down acting like a curtain.

“Good morning, Jessica.” She returns the kiss.

After a few minutes, Clair stops kissing Jessica, before she blacks out. She knew Jessica wouldn’t mind, but she didn’t want to do it right now. She knew Jessica would do anything she asked of her.

Jessica smiles as she gets off the bed and stands next to it “what would you like for breakfast master and mistress?”

“Our usual Jessica,” Neil answered for him and his wife.

“Yes, Master.” Jessica pivots on her left foot and sashay as she leaves their bedroom.

Neil watches as Jessica walks away. He loved the way her hips moved. She would have made a good mother and bore a lot of children, before what happened to her when she was a normal human.

Clair notices her husband looking at Jessica as she left them. She loved how she walked as well.

“She does have a nice twitch to her hips, doesn’t she?” Clair had a playful smile on her face.

“Yes, she does. You do know what today is, don’t you?” As Neil looks at his wife.

“Yes, I know what today is. It’s the day we rescued Jessica from her abuser and the day she became a Were-Cougar.” Clair remembered the day they had found Jessica bleeding up in the Appalachian Mountains in Tennessee.

A year later, after Jessica had tried to have a life of her own. They had to rescue her because the guy she had gone to live with and serve as his sex slave abused her very badly. He did so much damage to her that her Were healing ability couldn’t heal her as it should.

They killed the guy and brought her back to their home to help her recover. They knew she had a strong submissive side. She would do whatever she was told or let anyone does what they want to her. The only way they could keep her from being abused by strangers was to make her part of them. They bonded her will to theirs, so no one other then them could make her do what they wanted her to do.

They gave her a choice to deny the binding, but she didn’t. She wholeheartedly accepted them. She was theirs to do as they pleased.

Jessica works in the kitchen fixing her owners breakfast. She loved cooking and pleasing her leaders. She fixes her breakfast as well because she knew her owners/leaders would insist that she ate with them.

Neil and Clair walk into the dining room, just as Jessica puts the last dish on the table. She made her leaders favorite dishes and put a bowl of freshly cut fruits on the table.

“Everything looks nice, Jessica. Sit down at your place and enjoy your hard work.” Clair watches as Jessica does as she is ordered.

The Cat’s Paw:
Rankin was pulling into his assigned parking space at the club. He normally arrived early to take care of the books and to place the liquor order. He was the only one authorized to order the liquor for the club. As he is walking toward the back door of the club, his nose picks up the faint coppery smell of blood, piss and the faint cry of a baby coming from the dumpster.

He walks over to the dumpster and slide open the door and looks inside. He notices a light blue blanket covered with blood. He could tell it was wrapped around something. He climbs in and pulls the wrapped bundle out.

Rankin could tell, that whatever it was small. Once he manages to get out of the dumpster. He extends his claws and cut the binding that was holding the blanket closed. When he unfolds the blanket, he finds the body of two young children. Both looks liked they had been beaten badly and sexually abused. One was a girl and the other one was a boy that had the remains of girl clothing on him.

They also smelled like they hadn’t had a bath in weeks. They looked so pale and he could barely pick up a pulse on them. He pulls his cell phone out and dials the number to his leaders. While he was waiting for the phone to be answered, he carries the two young children into the club with him.

The phone rings at the Chattan leaders’ home. Jessica gets up and walks into the den to get the portable phone.

“Hello, Jones residence, how can I help you?”

“Jessica, I need for you to bring the Ardri and Clair down here to the club. I found two children wrapped up in a bloody blanket in the dumpster and they need medical attention right away.”

“I will inform the Ardri and my mistress. Do what you can for them, Rankin.” Jessica ends the phone call.

She heads back towards the dining room to inform her Master and Mistress. She doesn’t understand why someone would hurt young ones.
When Jessica walks back into the dining room “master, mistress there is an emergency down at the club. Rankin found some children someone threw away in the dumpster. They need medical attention right away.”

Neil gets up and so does Clair “you can clean-up when we get back, Jessica.”

Jessica grabs the keys to the Rolls Royce and get in the driver seat and bring it around for Neil and Clair to get in. Once they were heading towards the club.

“Jessica, get us to the club as fast as you can, but don’t draw any attention to us.” Neil knew the only reason Rankin would call them, was because the children he found would need Clair’s healing talent.

“Yes, master.” Jessica steps on the gas. She weaves in and out of traffic to get them to the club faster.

After fifteen minutes, they arrive at the club. Jessica parks the Rolls Royce in the back next to Rankin’s sports car. She gets out and opens the car door for Neil and Clair. All three could smell the scent of blood in the air.

Jessica walks up to the back door and uses her set of keys to open it. She steps aside to allow them entry. Once they entered, Jessica follows behind them.

Rankin spots his Ardri and the Ardri’s mate as they come walking to him. He had managed to clean the two children up as best as he could.
Whoever abused them was a very sick bastard. His abilities told him that the young girl was only eight years old and that the boy was ten years old.

His ability also informed him that the boy’s spirit was more feminine than masculine. That he should have been born female, instead of male. There wasn’t any relationship between the children. They weren’t related to each other.

“How bad off are they?” Clair rushes over towards the children.

Rankin had laid the children on the biggest table they had. Clair walks up to them and wonders who would do this to these children.

“Very bad, ma’am. I managed to stabilize them, but they need food, blood, and healing.” Rankin has done what he could for them.

Clair lays her hands on the forehead of both children. She sends her healing ability into them and scans their memories on who did this to
them. Her Lioness wanted to kill who hurt these children.

“Jessica, call the hunting party. I have the information on who did this to these children. Neil, I am adopting these children as our own.” Clair
looks towards her husband to see if he was going to fight her on this.

“If that is what you want to do, then we’ll do it. I do have a question, luv. Won’t their parents be concerned if they aren’t returned to them?” Neil walks over to look at the children.

He looks down at the two children. His Loin didn’t like what it was seeing. No one should harm cubs like these. He could smell that several men had used these children as their playthings.

“Their parents and several others are the ones who did this to them.” Clair had plucked what happened to them and it made her sick to her stomach.

A low growling sound could be heard in her throat. It made her Lioness even madder.

“Mistress, did you say you want me to summon the hunting party?” Jessica wanted to make sure she heard her mistress right.

The hunting party was the strongest and meanest of their Pride. They never rested till they caught their prey. The hunting party was controlled by the Ardri or the Ardri’s wife.

Clair glances towards Jessica “yes, I want you to summon the hunting party. The people responsible for harming these children need to pay for what they have been doing.”

“Yes, Mistress.” Jessica pulls out her cell phone and sends out a massive text to each member of the hunting party.

Jessica told each member to show up at the club. She knew her Mistress was going to lead the hunt and god help whoever they go after. Jessica walks over to look at the children.

She watches as her mistress healing energies healed the wounds the children had. The little boy got her attention. She could feel that something wasn’t right about him.

All twelve members of the hunting party showed up at The Cat’s Pawn. Jessica watches as some of the meanest and deadliest members of their Pride come walking into the club. The last two remaining panther’s, who normally guarded the Ardri and his mate, Two Were-Tigers that were known for their skill with their swords, two Were-Jaguars that were known to be the deadliest around, next to Tabitha Lin. The two Leopards that were on the run from Africa and the two Caracal that was the scouts of the group. The two Cheetah’s who were their fastest runners.

“Jessica, take these kids back to the house and make sure they are comfortable.” Clair has done all she could for them.

“Yes, Mistress.” Jessica walks over and picks the children up and carry them out to the Rolls Royce.

Neil and Clair look at all the members of the hunting party “there is a cancer we need to kill in our city. Those children you saw being carried out by Jessica were left for dead in our dumpster. Those two were left to be buried in a landfill by their own parents. We are going to hunt them, and everyone involve down and kill them. We will not be turning them over to the police to stand trial.” Clair shares everything she plucked from the kids.

The hunting party leaves the club. They start hunting down the scents and people responsible for hurting the two children. Clair, Neil and two other members from the hunting party head towards the house where the children had been living before they were dumped at the club.

Clair was the first one through and what she saw made her sick. The place was set-up to produce all sort of porn. Neil found a grown man having sex with a young girl in one room. Clair and one other member of the hunting party found three teenage girls and two boys being whipped and tortured in another room while being filmed. In the master bedroom, they find two gown women being gang bang by at least eight guys.

Neil turns into his hybrid form and rips the guy's penis off his body. His loin was pissed for what he was doing to the young girl. Neil kneels down to look at the girl “I’m not going to hurt you. I am here to help you.”

The young girl throws herself at him and holds onto him crying. Neil wraps his furry arms around her trembling abused body and held her tight.
His loin wanted this one as his cub.

Neil's ears perk and twitches when he hears the roar from his wife. He feels the girl tighten her grip on him.

“You’re safe little one, that was the roar of a very pissed off mate.” Neil holds the young girl to his body as he leaves the room.

As he walks out into the main room. He sees three bodies flying out of another room. Clair comes walking out in her hybrid form as well. Her fur had blood on it and she was pissed off big time. Neil has never seen his wife this pissed before.

Screams could be heard coming from the other room as the men inside those room are skinned alive for what they did to the two women. The women had been tied and drugged while the men took them.

“Ardri, what do you want us to do with the bodies and the place?” One of the Were-Jaguars had come with them.

“Leave the place as a warning to others. I want other rapist, gang members, and pedophiles to see what will happen to them.” Clair answered for her husband.

She glances at the young girl cling to Neil’s body. The poor girl looked like they had been abusing her for a long time. Her lioness informed her that her mate has claimed the young girl.

By the end of the day, the hunting party had hunted down all the local pedophiles that they had the scent too. They head back to the house with all the kids, teenagers and women they freed. They had over a hundred people total that they managed to rescue.

Jessica takes the two kids she was given back to the house. She cleaned them and feed them when they woke-up. She puts them in the spare bedroom to rest after she feeds them.

While they slept, she cleaned the house. She had switched to her French maid outfit. She knew her Alpha’s liked it when they saw her. She still had on her thick leather collar with the D-ring.

She was surprised when the hunting party and her owners returned with over a hundred people. There was another girl that her master’s Lion’s claimed as their own. She puts the girl in a room next to the room the other two children were in.

As for the other’s, she helps them get comfortable. She cooks up some food for everyone. While they were eating, she arranges sleeping arrangements for everyone.

Once everyone was feed and escorted to where they were going to be sleeping. Jessica joins Clair and Neil in the main living room. She kneels in front of them “everyone is tucked in. What will happen to them?”

“We’ll track down their family and help them get back to them. Those that don’t want to go back will be looked after by the Pride. As for the three young children. We will be adopting them formally and make them part of our family.” Neil knew his Lion and his wife’s Lioness have claimed the three as their own.

“What of the boy? Do you want to treat him as a girl or treat him as a boy?” Jessica was curious because she needed to know so she could shop for the children.

“Let’s see what he prefers. Dress him in gender neutral clothes till he lets us know what he prefers.” Clair didn’t mind either way.

“Yes, mistress.” Jessica stays kneeling.

“Come here, Jessica.” Clair reaches her hand out to Jessica.

Jessica stands up and takes Clair hand. She lets her mistress pull her to her. She relaxes against Clair’s body.

Clair pulls Jessica down to her knee and kisses her. She holds Jessica tight against her body and continue kissing her. She carries Jessica to the Master bedroom, so they could celebrate her anniversary.

The following weeks are very busy with the Chattan Pride. Neil has his members helping the people they rescue to get back to their families or those that don’t want to go back. They are given the option to stay with certain Pride members that were willing to take them in. Some of the Pride members found their mates among the women, men, and teenagers they rescued.

Neil and Clair formerly adopted the three children their animal half claimed. All the children came from broken families. Their parents didn’t care about them and pimped them out to the illegal underground porn movie producers.

Some of the teenagers were runaways and their pimps brought them to the house or warehouse or empty office buildings that were being used for making illegal porn movies. Some of them did it out of desperation because they needed the money either to live or for drugs.

The ones hooked on drugs were taken to the Pride hospital to help them fight their addiction. The ones that needed jobs were given jobs either by the Chattan Clan or the Hipamika Clan their sister clan. Whatever the survivors needed, it was taken care of by both clans.

As for Jessica, she had the time of her life being pleased by her owners. She loved the tenderness they showered on her and the kinkiness she enjoyed. They gave her a new collar that had diamonds on it. She loved her new necklace and the new custom-made leather outfit Clair had made just for her.

She was going to enjoy as she continued to serve her owners.

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