Stuck in a Rut - Part 42

Stuck in a Rut.
By Rosalie Redd

Casey Church is a normal 13 year old girl, But in a world where there hasn’t been a girl born in over 100 years, Casey adjusts to her new life as a girl. Can Casey cope with everything that comes with being a girl, or will others conspire to ruin her life?


Chapter 42

Janie and I danced as I watched Luna cuddle up to DeShaun. They looked so cute dancing together. She was so tiny compared to him. I smiled and nestled my head against her shoulder. I felt a tap on my shoulder, and turned around. I scowled as I looked directly into the face of May Wilder.

“May I have this dance?”, She asked with a smirk.

I looked at May. She was wearing a similar dress to her sister, this one in blue. She was stuffed into this dress, similar to how her sister was. The corseting and push up construction of the dress made it seem that if she exhaled, it would burst, and deny her any modesty.

Hesitantly, I nodded and took her hand. “How did you do it?” I asked, pointedly.

She feigned ignorance, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”, she cooed.

I sighed. “Why are you doing this? I just want to be left alone with my friends and my boyfriend.”, I said dejectedly.

“Do you know what it’s like to have a rival? To have someone that you focus your attention on? To pour all your competitive juices into defeating?”, May stated.

“Well, no...”, I admitted.

“Okay, now imagine all that attention, all that drive, all that focus on your rival. What do you think would happen to it when you change from liking girls to liking boys.”, she said flatly.

“You mean..?”, I began.

“Yes, she loves him. So much so that she will do anything to win, you are now her rival. She will focus all her drive, determination, all her attention into beating you down. You should just give up. You don’t want to be her focus.”, May stated as she looked at me.

After one song, DeShaun came over and cut in. Luna took Janie’s hand and we all attempted to ignore the sisters.

“What was that all about?”, DeShaun whispered.

“It’s nothing sweetie. It’s… nothing.”, I said.

The night went on, and Janie, DeShaun, Luna and I ignored the twins as best we could. Finally, the dance ended. Janie and Luna were staying over again. We headed home with Mom and Dad. We girls headed upstairs and all got out of our dresses together. I was nervous, I admit it. I know we had sex last night, but I was still trembling. I was naked in front of other girls, for the first time ever. Looking back and forth between Luna and Janie, I was crest-fallen. Looking at Luna’s pert and perky A-cup breasts, with her pink nipples and then over to Janie’s full, sumptuous C-cup breasts, with her dark areola and nipples. Then I looked down at my flat chest. I sighed and then sat down on the bed.

I sighed and buried my head in my arms.

“What’s she upset about now?”, Luna asked Janie.

“I think that the weepies are back, and she’s doing the ‘Wah, my chest is flat’ thing again.”, Janie commented.

Luna rolled her eyes, or at least I can picture that she did. I wasn’t looking. “That’s silly. Every girl in the school would kill for her slender waist. Those curvy hips, long legs, and, of course… that ass.”, Luna quipped back.

“Ha ha”, I replied. “Very funny.”, I retorted.

“Seriously though, Sweetie. Don’t get hung up on your bust size. You are slinky curvy sexy. There are supermodels that would sell their souls to have what you have in your trunk.”, Janie stated with a smile.

Then both of them came over and rubbed my ass. I bit my lip and moaned. Mmm, that was so good. It didn’t feel like that when DeShaun touched it back in the rut. This was something new. Me likey.

After a bit, we all just curled up in a ball and slept. Tomorrow was going to be another long, emotional day.

Waking up early, I extricated myself from the pile and slipped on my pjs. I headed for the bathroom to clean up a little. After a very soothing hot shower, I headed back to the room. Janie was up, and petting the still sleeping Luna. OMG she is so adorable when she sleeps.

“Incidentally, what was it that May said to you? I was watching when you two were dancing, and I could see the sour look on your face.”, Janie asked in a whisper.

I sighed and shook my head. “You know the old saying about there being a fine line between love and hate?”

Janie nodded, and I continued. “Essentially she told me that her sister hated and competed with DeShaun so hard that after she changed, that morphed into some sort of odd form of love.”

Janie looked at me, and I could see she was at a loss for words. “H...uh”, was all she got out.

She headed on to the bathroom, and I finished toweling off, and I dug through my dresser. I got out one of my tank tops… some day I’ll actually need a bra, I told myself.

Pairing the white top with some white cotton panties, I sat down on the bed and stroked Luna’s hair. As she made little purring and mewing noises, I giggled. Sooo cute. Okay, okay. I admit it, I’m getting so girly. Sheesh… I pictured the support group in my head. Me standing up and confessing “My name is Casey, and I love cute things”.

Luna turned over in her sleep, and I grinned an evil grin, before kissing her stomach. Her eyes shot open, as she let out an “Eep!”

I giggled… gawd, I giggle too much now. “Janie should be finished soon. Get your shower stuff together. Mom wants to be on the road before it gets too late.”, I reminded her.

“Aww, can I shower with you?”, Luna pleaded.

I laughed… not a giggle, there is a difference. It was NOT a giggle…. okay, it was a giggle, I confess…

“Sorry Kitten, I already bathed. Plus if you joined me, it’d take twice as long, and then you would need another one to get cleaned up from the first.”, I explained.

Luna looked at me and curled her lip. “Rawrrrr”, she said in a cute, squeaky voice.

When Janie returned, I got a fancy towel dance from Janie as she dried off, doing some odd burlesque thing.

I managed to hold a straight face, and then she did a slinky gyration, while putting on of her panties. I threw a pillow at her, and she stopped kidding around.

After she was done, she stood there, looking cute in a pair of black lycra shorts, white ankle socks, black and white chucks, and her school hoodie.

I grabbed a pair of jeans out of the closet, and hopped, pleaded, and wrestled to get them on. When I was done, Janie sat there motionless, her eyes wide, and mouth hanging open.

“What?”, I asked.

“Wear those more often.”, was her reply.

Luna came in, saw me, and likewise gaped. I shook my head, and threw on a powder blue blouse with ruffled short sleeves, and my own chucks.

Janie and I went downstairs to wait, while the Dark Queen of Cute got dolled up… possibly quite literally.

Sure enough 15 minutes later, Luna came down in her usual black and purple. This time a knee length babydoll dress with petticoats. She had on a matching shirt that had laces running up the front, and lacy sleeves. Her ever-present collar was on, and she had grabbed her parasol.

I called over to her. “They probably won’t let you bring that in.”

She blushed. “Oh, right”, she said as she leaned it by the door.
Mom served us all blueberry pancakes, and we hurried up and finished in record time. I looked over to DeShaun as we sat there. “You know, it’s not too late to come with.”, I offered.

He looked at me and touched my cheek. “I can’t, I just can’t. Not now. Maybe in the future, I can go and I can do it… But not yet.”, he said sadly.

I nodded. “I will let you know if anything important happens, or if something is said that you need to know.”

“I know you would.”, he said as he leaned in and kissed my cheek.

Mom was standing a little ways away, and she had a tear running down her cheek. Dad hugged her, and He and DeShaun headed off to the living room.

Us girls followed Mom out to the car. It would be a longer drive, at least a couple hours, but I was in no big rush to get there. I looked at Janie, who was fidgeting with her sleeve cuffs, pulling them over her hands. It was a nervous habit she had picked up since the attack. I think Luna saw it too, because we both simultaneously put an arm over her shoulder. I had declined sitting up front because of this very reason, and I suspect Luna had too.

We did our best to distract Janie with games of ‘I spy’ and counting cows as we drove along the freeway. Janie was tugging at her hoodie again. I gently took my hand from her shoulder, and clasped hers. She squeezed tightly. I noticed that Luna had done the same. She was so brave to agree to do this. None of us had to, but we each felt there was a reason we needed to go. Janie sighed and put her head on my shoulder. I jokingly started ‘99 bottles of beer on the wall’, but then she slugged me in the arm. For a second, it was just like the old days, when we played around.

I thought about the old days while we sat there. Everything was so much simpler. We would joke around, slug each other in the arm. Wrestle around in the mud. Oh my, that has new connotations now. So little time had passed, so much had changed. That made me think of our destination. I dreaded this, but I know I have to do it. If I don’t, it’ll eat away at me. Just like I know that Janie has to face this, if she’s ever going to heal. Luna has her own reasons as well. I know she’s happy with Janie and I but she could have had more, she could have had better. Someone just for her.

Then again, who knows? I didn’t end up with “someone just for me.” I like the arraignment that we have now. But at the same time, it scares me. What if it all backfires? What if Janie got pregnant? Or Luna? How would we handle that? I know I promised no jealousy, but can I keep that promise?

And what happens to me when he has to leave? Will we end there and then? Will it be a long-distance thing? Will he come back for college? Will I have to go where he wants to go? Before I realize it, I’m the one squeezing Janie’s hand tightly. I look down, at our clenched hands, She’s rubbing her thumb along the back of my hand. I lift our joined hands and kiss the back of her hand.

She smiled at me. “I’m alright now. Thanks to you, thanks to both of you.”, she said before kissing us both on the cheeks.

I heard a sniffle from the driver’s seat, and saw that Mom was tearing up again. “Sorry… pollen.”, she said unconvincingly. We all looked at her and broke out laughing. Maybe we would be alright after all.


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