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Butterscotch 13 - Closet - On Patreon

Butterscotch has been running on Patreon for several weeks, free for all to view, and Chapter 1 has now been posted on BC.

Meanwhile, chapter 13 is up on Patreon, a week early for Patrons. All chapters will eventually be free here on BC but if you subscribe on Patreon, you can read ahead. :)


A Wish Unwanted - Chapter 1

No good deed goes unpunished. When I agreed to help my best friend fix her life with the aid of a wishing stone, I knew there might be potential magical ramifications. I just never thought they'd include me trading my lightsaber and gaming dice for ballet shoes and pom-poms.

Off the Front Part 1

Marley looked up from behind the wheel she was truing as she heard the bell attached to the door. "Great, two bimbos," she thought as she watched the two young women enter the bike shop. She put the spoke wrench down and wiped her hands on the the worn denim apron then walked out to the sales floor. It was a Wednesday afternoon and she was closing the shop, which meant besides fixing bikes she had to deal with customers, which was far from her favorite activity. She removed the shop worn apron and hung it on a peg, "Can I help you?" Marley asked.

My life in pantyhose

This is my story about my life in pantyhose and how it all began.

I grew up in a house with my single mom and my sister who was a two and a half years older than me. It was the summer of '86 and I was 8 years old. Back in those days it wasn't a big deal to leave a child my age at home by themselves. I lived on a street that had plenty of kids my own age and many of them were my friends. If I was home by myself and needed any help I had plenty of adults to go to.

Looking for a Whateley story that happens just after ...

Looking for a Whateley story that happens just after ...

... Whateley timeline Christmas 2006 and the story by Maggie Finson and Babs Yerunkle

... Christmas Elves: Fey and Jade's Holiday Havoc

Cavalier and Skybolt pay The Don (Sebastiano Lorenz Valensuera y Ramirez) a visit and I believe that this was the cause of his downfall not just as the head of the Alpha's bit for top of the Academy

Can anybody remember the title of the story?

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Just read the latest AuPreviner story and it kind of struck a nerve with me that is neither good or bad. Abortion was mentioned and I'm Pro-Choice in regards to the fact that it should be up to the individual whether they should Have one or Not have one. It should not be political. But it is here in the USA anyways.


The Titan Queen chapter 1

The Titan Queen

By Cynthia Jeanette

It is six months since Sybilla had her children, and it’s been years since she was transformed into a girl. Sybilla is still angry at losing her male life, and the crown that was supposed to be hers.

Chapter 1
An imposing winged female stands on a podium with her people towering above a sea of other winged people. The crowd before her must number in the hundreds of thousands at least. She was wearing the fearsome crown of her people and a blood-red scarlet robe. It was clear she was very angry.

Annie, Get Your Gun! Chapter 1 - An introduction, and into the wayback machine we go!

Annie, Get Your Gun!

By: Renee Elysse

Chapter 1 – An introduction, and into the wayback machine we go!

Most of my friends and family know me as Mike Jacobs. What I now think of as my “male persona” involves being a successful executive, outdoorsman, handyman, and one of the “guys’ guys,” so to speak. I enjoy the company of beautiful women, wine, and song, as well as hunting, guns, cars, watching football, and playing hockey, among other things.

Mom Always Wanted A Daughter to do Ballet

Mom Always Wanted A Daughter to do Ballet

but she had to settle for me instead!
Bal 16.jpg
A bit of humor in photos and not to be taken very seriously from Mark Rawlings

A Series of Unfortunate Mishaps - Part I

“Mom,” I called downstairs, “I don’t have any underwear!”

A few moments later my mom was standing in my doorway looking at me. I was late for breakfast having ignored my sister the first time she told me to get up and now my sisters were downstairs eating while I was still wearing my pajamas.

“What’s all over your floor,” my mom said while she glared at me.

“Dirty clothes,” I said.

“So,” she said sternly, “you do have underwear - only they are all dirty as you haven’t put them in the hamper like I’ve told you to do a hundred times.”

Lady Valiant - Come Join The Patreon

Lady Valiant is an ongoing body swap sexy adventure superhero comic I've been doing for a while now. Check it out. Also, we have a patreon.

I’ve not made a post about the Patreon for Lady Valiant yet, but I’ve decided now is a good time to tell you guys about it.

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The Rise of the Warrior Queen Matilda / Chapter 1

The Rise of the Warrior Queen Matilda

Chapter 1

Mark Jones was installing a new game onto his PC called (Join a Warrior Clan) Mark said to himself “I better go and get a cheese sandwich and a bottle Pepsi why I wait” Mark got up and went into his kitchen to get what he wanted to eat and a drink.

Mark went back into his computer room and put down his plate of cheese sandwiches on a table near his computer desk and he put down his bottle Pepsi on the table he sat down by his PC and started reading the game information he got with the game.

Transformed into a Busty Puppy Girl

A young man living in Japan orders mysterious tablets that will transform the user into their ideal self. His ideal is to become a living, breathing character from an ero-anime: an animal-eared girl with huge breasts! However, things don't go smoothly...

Dana's Story, Part 1

Dana’s story starts early in life and without a lot of drama. Although slow starting, it builds quickly then enters the deep currents that our hero(ine) finds herself floundering in. Heavy TG, no violence. This work is a fiction of my mind.

A Middle-Class Beginning

New Tale to Tell


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He remembers the giant trucks closing from behind in the merging lanes. He remembers his nerves on edge, the conflicting instructions from mom and dad. He doesn't know if he lifted his foot from the accelerator or not. Doesn’t know what caused him to lose control. He remembers his mother's scream... followed by light bursting in his brain… sudden darkness...nothing...

By Justin M.

Holly Potter - Heiress of Slytherin - Prologue

This is my first story. It is a fem!Harry/dark!Harry, with a twist. Holly Potter was raised in the muggle world. How will she adapt to becoming a witch, and how will lives be changed along the way?

What Goes Unseen

(Hello! I am a first time poster so I'm a little nervous and excited! This first short story of mine is actually somewhat true. I hope you enjoy!)

- What Goes Unseen - Part 1 -

"You look a little nervous back there, are you alright Chris?" My mother asked while driving me to high school.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I replied while avoiding eye contact.

My first bodysuit

First bodysuit, first transformation, first sex

Hello, it's my first ever try to make a story - so do not judge me too strong. And I hope you will forgive my not perfect english. So. let's the tory begin :)

I always wanted to understand how it feels to be a woman. I did not want to do surgery and hormone therapy, and crossdressing was not so good idea - just a man in dress, maybe attractive one, but man.

N21 1.1

Our Protagonist finds himself exiled to a space station with several other "undesirable" people in a world where conformity is paramount.

This story started out based on a lucid dream, but quickly grew away from that, into wherever it's at now.
Some say the muse is a spirit all of her own, others say she is just your imagination.
One way or another...
I have a very strange imagination.

"A Moth On A Sloth: Why a Sloth is Green" A Story of Evolution and Cooperation

A MOTH ON A SLOTH: Why a Sloth is Green

A Tale of Evolution and Cooperation (Symbioses)


There is a moth on a three toed sloth.

There is a fungus on the skin on the sloth.

There is algae in the fur of the sloth.

They all form a family,

that lives in a tree.


The moth and the fungus and the algae and the sloth all take care of each other.

You see none can survive without the other,

Super Bimbo (not finished)

John is a boy who is bullied a wants to be a hero when he is asked to clean out the attic he finds a magic genie and gets wish and wishes to be a hero but the outcome is not what he thought it would be....


A Short Story
Possibly inspired by an old movie
By Maryanne Peters

The voice on the other end of the phone surprised him. It was not at all masculine. Had he not been calling a man, he would have thought that he was talking to a woman.

“Is that Eve?” he asked.

“It is I,” she said playfully. “Eve. The first of women. At your service.” He liked her already. She would be perfect.

“Would you be available for a longer-term hire?” he asked. “Maybe starting this afternoon and finishing around 1:00 in the morning?”

Looking for a couple of stories

First one is a new girl is at school and saves a boy turns out she is rich they both switch genders and fall in love I believe it takes place in England
Second story a boy lives across the street from a stripper and is feeding her cat he has a medallion that allows him to change into into the last person wearing the cloths they end up losing the medallion and he is stuck as her twin
Thanks charlize


Help looking for a movie

Hi all
In the 1980s I saw a movie story sypnosis young French boy discovers he is TG sometime in the 50s mother helps him become her found her way to Paris and ended up working in either Madam Arthur's or le caurosel cannot remember if the film was about coccinelle or capucine can anybody help with film title.


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Twice Removed issues

This is just a note to let everyone know that there will again be no Twice Removed this week. I've been trying to get the new chapter done, writing and rewriting several times but it just doesn't feel right and since the story will be coming to a climax soonish I don't want to rush it by putting out something I'm not happy with. My muse has been going crazy on MSPD and I Wish lately but she's kind of being a bitch where Twice Removed is concerned.

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Gina's unexpected adventure.

Gina’s unexpected adventure.

Gina stood in front of the door nervously about to press the doorbell, why nervously, well, her attire was a little unusual. The short pleated skirt, the knee high socks, the 4”heeled MaryJane shoes, the white crisp shirt with a school tie, covered by a loose overcoat, were not the usual wear for a 25 year old man. Truth be told neither were the two pigtails, the read lippy and fingernails, and the brassiere with modest but definitely noticeable breasts.

Modern Day Mythology (part 1)

What happens when someone gets a hold of something that is well beyond their ability to truly understand it but still decide to make something new and amazing with it? Will it work as intended, or can it backfire and blow up in their faces with unintended results? Follow along with a group of friends who find out the answer in ...

Modern Day Mythology

Leona MacMurchie


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