New Author

He shouldn't have teased his sister chapter 1

He shouldnt have teased his sister
by Jasmine monica
A precocious boy annoys his sister and her reaction is completely too far on her innocent brother

chapter 1

Richard was startled by his sister Rose storming into the house in rage. She stamped up the steps and flew into er bedroom. He stood outside snickering at he heard his sister scream in rage. A few things were threw into the wall. She sounded seriously pissed about something.


The story follows a 14yo boy named Max Patrick at the hardest point of his life. He became a mutant.
How will Max cope with his mutation? How will his friends and family react to this change?
Come and discover this story of unimaginable change and challenges in the life of a young boy.
This is a fanfiction for Whateley Academy Universe.

Posted a new Story.

Hello out there.

My names Katherine and I'm happy to meet everyone here.

I am a transwoman myself and have gone through a lot this year. From a Breast Cancer scare, my Grandmother dying, my 14-year-old cat dying, and writing this book.

It all started Back in October of 2018 I found a lump on my right breast. It took my doctor a series of tests and 5 months to tell me that the lump was benign.

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Der Badeanzug, der mein Leben veränderte

Mein Name ist Jess.

Ich bin ein 17 Jahre alter Junge, der einfach durchschnittlich ist.

Ich sehe nicht besonders gut aus und komme bei den Mädchen auch nicht sonderlich gut an.

Was mich allerdings schon immer fasziniert hat, sind Badeanzüge.

Zum Glück weiß nur niemand davon, sonst wäre das Gelächter in der Schule ziemlich groß.

Die Mädchen sehen in ihren Badeanzügen im Schwimmunterricht immer so geil aus, dass ich meine Erektion bei diesem Anblick immer wieder schwer zurückhalten muss.

Feral Saga An Introduction and Caution

Feral Saga Titled.jpg

Feral Saga A Foreward and Caution
by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

Wolverine is a mystery, even to himself. But he is also a survivor. His incredible healing ability has brought him through crisis after crisis.  A loner, he is learning to be a part of a team - the Uncanny X-Men. With the help of Professor X and Jean Grey he is learning to trust and, in the case of Jean Grey, to love (even if it isn’t returned the way he would hope). But what if everything that has helped him survive, or is now helping him cope is turned against him? If his fragile hold on his very identity is shaken beyond anything he could ever imagine? How will the Wolverine survive when he can’t claw his way out or heal himself? Will rage devour him and lead him into the unending madness of a mindless, desperate wild creature, or is there another way - a way he could never have anticipated? Can he find his way before the X-Men are ripped apart?

Obviously, I do not own any of these characters and have not sought permission to use them. This is simply a fanfiction and should not be considered an official Marvel publication. However, I do retain all rights to my content and do not give permission for this story to be published elsewhere without my express consent.


Ladies who Lunch

Today is going to be a “Girly day“ for me, my wife, Jacquie, is having one of her occasional lunches out with the girls, which gives me a chance to indulge in one of my hobbies. As long as I can remember I have I have had strong desires to dress in female clothes, and have whenever the opportunity arose, in secret, borrowed clothes from my mums wardrobe, or even from the occasional stopover guest. However this is all a close secret, I am so far in the closet that I am almost through its back wall.

The Deal - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 - The Mistake

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.


7 AM on a Monday is probably the worst time of a week. Waking up early for school after a comfortable weekend is the last thing I want to do. My eyelids refuse to follow my brain’s instructions as they slowly shut. I begin to drift into slee……

“Aaron! Are you awake? I don’t want you to be late for school.”

I jump out of bed in a shock. There goes my dream. Ugh.

“I’m up!”

The XX-Files

This is a story of Discovery.

(For those of you who read Part 1 before, I’ve done some slight refinements to it, and reloaded it, so you might want to re-read it! Thanks, Cindy!)

Sandy Andros, of the Aero Airplane Company, has been working at Aero for about 5 years. Being 25, and not having lots of attributes of Maleness, like a big, muscled, hairy body, or having a beard to speak of, only being 5’6” tall, and a whopping 120 lbs, looks like, and is, a Geek. In fact, he looks a lot like Gillian Anderson, Agent Dana Scully of the FBI, despite being Male!
He is asked by several of the Women of his area to go to the Firms Halloween Party as Agent Dana Scully with someone else as Agent Fox Mulder, because there is a Costume Contest, and the girls think Sandy, and a handsome Fox duplicate will win!
Sandy finds out something new from this escapade! Can you guess what?

A friend came out

So an old school friend of mine went on Facebook today and announced that they have just just changed their name and they are now transitioning from male to female. Of course I am happy for her and wish her all the luck and happiness in the world but I'm not sure I can see them again. I am afraid of what it will mean for me. I have been so deeply in denial and shoving these feelings down for so long that I am afraid of what will happen if I meet them. As it is the post has shaken so many things loose that my emotions and feelings are all over the place.



A sweet romantic story of boy meets girl(?)

As a freshly minted senior it was really beneath me to notice freshmen but for some reason I did notice the two of them. At first I thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend even if the girl was a bit tomboyish. This was confirmed when I heard that they were called Taylor and Bobby. I really was surprised when I learned that the “girl” was Bobby and the boy Taylor. I could have sworn that Bobby was a girl. Well, we all make mistakes but I still found it hard to think about Bobby as anything but a girl. He gave off such feminine vibes!

Information requested on breast forms

Hello ladies, I'm a 'newbie' on this site and have read some great stories. I've had some writing experience but not in this genre, so I am trying my hand at it. My chief character buys some adhesive breast forms like those advertised on the home page. I understand they have to be removed on a regular basis. Can anyone tell me how often and how long they have to be kept off? Also can they be worn while having a bath or shower or will that loosen them?
Thanks for your help, Theresa

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What if

When I was young I always used to love to read the What If comic by Marvel. When I try to write stories I always see so many different ways they could go with those characters. This led me to think if other people were the same. If they would read a story with the same plot but the story itself turns out completely different.

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The Wager - Part 1

Tom made a stupid bet with a one time friend who turned bad. He could not lose, but he did. Now he is facing a transition to female in order to save his wife and his life. This happy heterosexual man has a long challenge ahead. The story is set in England and written in UK English. My apologies to US friends.


Hello, and good morning to all.

I just joined BigCloset and I am learning my way around. Any help or pointers anyone may wish to offer will be gratefully received.

I am an older married guy who loves to slip into dresses and/or lingerie whenever I can. My wife is not intolerant but does not wish to be around when I do. I have no desire to lose her, so I confine my dressing up to those times when she is not here. I am happy with that arrangement.

I can, however, come to sites like this whenever I desire.

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Life of Avery 1

Join Avery and follow along as the hard life starts to show a silver lining. Things may not be great at first but there is still hope. Dangerous hope. To have hope and lose it may perhaps be one of the worst things of all. Walls of protection firmly in place around Avery’s heart and despite the past hardships and a lot of personal issues. Avery finds people who care and finally starts to feel good about the future. Tainted future. Past experience and unplanned secrets threaten to unravel. Will hope shine or will dispare wall Avery away from the world for ever?

A Trip to the nail salon

My name is Jacob and I’m going to tell you about my trip to the nail salon and what it led too. I am 18 years old and a typically masculine guy. I like sports and I like girls although I’ve never had much luck with them. So now that I set the stage my story happened earlier this year when I was talking to my cousin Carol (45 years old) after I helped her move something in her house.

The Demon and I

Chapter One

My life was boring before I met Kaen, though met is not an entirely accurate way to describe our first encounter. I was David a thirty-five-year-old single warehouse worker. I was just an average middle age man nothing really to look at, in fact, if you saw me you probably forgot me a short time later. At five feet ten inches and a frame that could hide behind a light pole, I didn't really have ladies knocking on my door either. I spent most of my time at work or home watching anime. That changer a summer night last June.

Revenge chapter 1


By Julia

Chapter 1

(note from the author. This story will have intense situations, and extreme brutality. It will also have some sexual situations, but not much. That isnt my style. )

A young and embittered woman is out for revenge against the family that betrayed and abused her. This is intended to be a long tale. I just hope I can make it not cliche or stupid

How to ask about stopped stories

What is the appropriate way to ask about serials that seem to have recently stopped? I can think of three different possibilities:

A: Ask about author in a blog post;
B: Ask about author in comment to last post;
C: Send private message to author.

(There is also D: Consult Magic-8 Ball, and don't bother the author.)

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Pushing the Limits- Part 1

Chapter 1: The Beginning

It all started with a simple job application at the local mall. At 21, Evan was a college student who still had no clue what he wanted to do in life. At some point during the first two years of college, he had decided on a major in communications, with a minor in business, since he figure it might be helpful to have in the long run. Presently, however, Evan was gainfully unemployed and currently living on the money from student loans.

New Story Idea:Looking for Feedback

The story involves a guy, Evan who gets a job at a lingerie store in a mall. Evan ends up getting manipulated by Savannah, the daughter of the shop's owner, who also works at the store . She ends up turning him into Erika, her sissy pet, and pushes his limits. Evan ends up loving it, but gets conflicted since he already has a girlfriend who has no idea. Things start to get out of hand when Savannah takes him to a fetish party and both are placed into some pretty compromising situations.

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Malt and Hops 1

Charles is happy in his own space until he is drawn out into the open

Malt & Hops

Charles was just about resisting the temptation to go on YouTube. He’d been pounding spreadsheets since early in the morning and needed a break. The upside was that he was working from home and avoiding the A38(M) and M6 traffic jam. He intended to take a break soon and get some housework done, as a single man he only had himself to look after but he liked an orderly house.

Breast feeding

Since my transition many years ago every few months my breasts will produce milk.
I went to my doctor and she informed me that it is normal that it simply happens when my progesterone levels drop.
I have a neighbor who is a good friend who recently had a baby and was adamant that she wasn't going to use formula ever for her children. A couple of months after giving birth she became ill and her doctor advised her to stop breastfeeding immediately for the babys health.


The Story of Rudina the Hunter Wolf

A message from the author

((Fresh edit using Grammarly, also I have a bunch of stuff on Scribblehub, which may come here.))

Words of warning:

Because I’m a nerd: I like to world build

I write for my own amusement: I will not apologize for not being PC to Tumblr definitions on what I am, or how I should act

I am a 45+ Transgender Woman: I am way past caring about other people’s opinions of me.

I am a USMC Veteran: I love firearms, I understand discipline (Not the BDSM stuff) and honor.

Curtain Fall Chapter 01

I’ve always been fond of “what if” ideas and I’ve long wondered what would happen if a world altering cosmic event were to occur.One of my favorite stories along this line is “The Day the World Changed” by Morpheus and a book called “Wearing the Cape” by Marion G. Harmon. I highly recommend you try it! This is also my first attempt at story writing so please offer constructive criticism and hopefully encouragement!

Curtain Fall

Chapter One

Rio de Janeiro Blue Chapter 1


Thursday October 19th 2000

The bell above the door to the salon tinkled as I entered, and a young woman bounded enthusiastically from the rear of the shop to meet me.


“Hello. I, er, have an appointment for nine this morning…”

“Yes. It was me you spoke to on the phone. I’m Lucy, by the way.” She beamed engagingly. “So…you’re here for the works, pretty much…”

“Yeah. Hence the early appointment.” I smiled back.

“Hot date tonight?”


The Lord of Petty Revenges (LoPR Part I)

Anthony Danforth has a talent for enacting revenge on those that irritate him in life. He learns a new talent during the course of his schemes and then uses it to enact the ultimate revenge on his annoying neighbour.

Warped Space - Chapter 1

Warped Space - Chapter 1
By Misty Steppes

Welcome to my first story! Be warned, this may receive a rewrite at some point, but I'm not going to do much good staring at it so I might as well let it out into the wild. Enjoy, and I'd love to hear comments or criticism down below.

Just Like Auntie - ep1

DISCLAIMER: These are not real events, these are indeed story's

This is also my first time publishing so have at it and feel let me know how I'm doing.

Ep2/3 is where things get interesting


TG related event in Nicosia, Cyprus

Today, 27th of November 2018 @ 18:30 and on the 28th of November 2018 @ 17:30, Ms Jessica Lynn, transgender activist from the US, will attend/hold an information event at the University of Nicosia and at the CVAR, Severis Foundation in Old Nicosia, Cyprus.
Please see the links below for further information:
Trans activist to speak about her journey at two Nicosia venues this week

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Godmother Chp. 1

"Henry, I got a new assignment for you," my boss told me, slamming a small stack of papers down on my desk, "You ever hear of the 'Godmother'?" I gave him a nod to confirm. "Great, that makes things easy," he said, already turning to leave, "See you tomorrow."

The Observers Group

I wanted to thank the readers of Big Closet for taking the time to look over my first attempt at contributing a story here.

It’s obviously a work in progress and needs much more effort to make the grade. But, this fulfills my desire to give something back to this site. I’ve anonymously been coming here to read all of your stories for a while now and just wanted to give it a try myself.

I’ve got about twenty-thousand words written and will continue to post the chapters here, but I just wanted to thank you for your acceptance and patience.

HL Keys


Out Centre 1

Fourteen-year-old Douglas often feels his twin gets the better of him in their deals. The latest has him trying to ensure he doesn't lose his twin's U15 soccer teams good birth into their playoffs. Their step-mum caught them trying to swap, where Douglas would do his twin's detention. So now he is playing soccer for the first time this year. Of course neither his step-mum or step-dad know this, because they thought it was Douglas's U15 soccer team. Breanne is on the girl's field hockey team.

Out Centre
By Fallen Leaf - Playing in Lilith Langtree’s The Center



I've been reading for years but this is the first time I've signed up and now when I went to post the first part of the story, I messed up. But, in signing up I managed to screw up where I don't have any way to access posting or editing a story. I need help from someone behind the curtain.

Thank you,


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