Mommy, mommy, mommy

Chapter 1

"MOMMY, MOMMY, MOMMY!" I heard my daughter scream. I dropped everything
and ran outside, thinking the worst. Did she fall, did she hurt herself,
did something or somebody scare her? It took me a minute to figure out
where her pleas were coming from and my panic level tripled, thinking
"Please, please, let her be safe!" Imagine my relief when I saw my
daughter hiding next to her playhouse; petrified by a tiny spider.

I picked her up and held her close and told her, "It's OK, honey, I've
got you, you're safe now, mommy's here," as I tried to put on a brave
face. I knew that these kind spiders are just as scared of us as we
girls are scared of them. It's odd that I am scared of spiders now and I
didn't used to feel this way at all. I just chalked it up to one of
those 'typical female' reactions although I am certainly not 'typical'
and wasn't always 'female'.

Let me back up. 10 years ago I was starting my 2nd year of college on an
athletic scholarship for the mens' swim team. I was super-fit, smart and
attractive (or so I heard), and determined to make something of myself
either through my athletic skills or my education. And then, suddenly,
my world changed. Doing laps in the pool I apparently had some sort of
seizure. Passed out face down I was luckily rescued by a teammate just
in time. The EMTs said another minute or two and I would have been a

Apparently I had a reaction to something in the pool's water, the
sanitation chemicals, probably, that caused my reaction. Obviously that
marked the end of my competitive swimming competitions and, even worse,
my scholarship. That meant I needed to rely on my education but, without
a scholarship, I needed to find another way to earn enough money to
graduate. I had moved out from my family home just before I started
college. It was not a close or, for that matter, friendly family. Dad
was always drunk and mom was always crying because of dad. He was
equally mean to me and my siblings. It was a poisonous situation and I
was glad to leave it. I hated to leave my younger brother and sister at
home but there wasn't much I could do about it.

One day, as I walked to class I noticed on the Student Center bulletin
board I noticed a job listing.

"Short on funds, need to graduate? See me. Medical Studies Building,
room 01. Applicant must be flexible and have an open mind."

I took note of that and headed to class. At the end of my day I headed
across campus to the MSB and room 01 which I though would be on the first
floor. I asked around but nobody seemed to know or even heard of a Room
01. Thinking that was odd that nobody there seemed to know anything. I
poked around and found an unlocked door that said 'basement'. Desperate
for an opportunity to make a little money I took the stairs and down the
dim hallway back in the far corner I found Room 01. I tried the door, it
was locked.

I knocked and did not hear anything so I turned around to leave when I
heard the door open and heard a voice say, "Yes, can I help you?" I
turned around and a man's face appeared so I explained I was answering
the posted ad.

"Ah, yes, please, come in. My name is Doctor Zillow. And you are?"

"James, James Turner. People call me JT."

"Please, come into my office, JT, and we can talk. I was just about to
leave for the day but let me explain what this program entails and you
can decide whether this is amenable to you."

"Um, sure." I said although I was anything but sure of what he was asking
about. I asked myself how come no one seems to know about Room 01?

Sitting down I noticed that it looked just like any doctor's office with
diplomas on the wall, various jars filled with who knows what, all sorts
of medical books and skulls of different creatures on a shelf and a
couple model human skeletons propped up in a corner. He began by saying,
"I suppose you are wondering why my office is difficult to find?"

"Well, yes I was but I was just glad I finally found it."

I noticed he marked something on a paper on his desk. He continued,
"Well simply, I needed an office and this was the only one available to
me so I leased it. The location is actually quite practical as it's very
quiet and people leave us alone so there are few distractions. My field
is a study of the relationship between human attraction and physical
possibility. Just so you know, there are no classes, there is no
curriculum, it is research, practice and result. We are not affiliated
with the medical school in any way, we just rent space. You will be paid
directly from our funds. The college has no financial stake in this. We
require physical flexibility and a very open mind. We will go into more
detail about our program later if you decide this is something you'd like
to do."

I said, "Well I need to ask about the funds before I decide."

"Of course, of course," he replied. "Your basic pay will be determined
by the hours you commit but we start at $25 per hour." That seemed like
a fortune to me at this point but he went on.

"There will also be opportunities to make much more than that depending
on your commitment and progress. I can tell you that it could work out
to a hundred dollars or more per session and the possibility of much more
down the line."

"Um, how many sessions are we talking about."

"That is open-ended and all depends on your results and desires but I can
tell you that some applicants just had a couple sessions and others have
stuck with the program successfully. Again, it is ultimately up to you."

My eyes lit up at the amounts I could earn. I could cover my tuition,
expenses and still have money left over and since I couldn't participate
in swimming anymore I was at loose ends could spend much of my time in
this mysterious 'program' as he called it.

"How often is the class?"

"That depends on you and your commitment but 2-4 hours a day and 4-5 days
week is standard."

I did the math in my head and realized I could easily make $500 a week.
That was more money than I've ever made. "I'll do it!" I said excitedly
although I did wonder what he meant by "down the line."

"Wonderful, that's good news but you should understand the scope of our
program before you decide. Eventually, if it sounds like something you
want to be involved with then you will sign a few contracts."

He pressed a buzzer and said into a mic, "Josie, are you still here? A
Mr. Turner decided to join our team, please bring in the necessary
contracts if you are available."

"Yes, doctor, I'm still here. I'll bring the documents right away." said
a pleasant female voice over the intercom.

The doctor said, "I'd like you to listen to Josie's personal description
of the process, read over all the information she will supply and then,
when you come in, you can sign a few contracts and start the program, if
that's possible."

"Yes, sir, I will. You said it might take 2-4 hours, is that right?"

"Yes, usually it will take about 90 minutes per session but I will tell
you now it could easily last few couple hours more depending on your
aptitude and enthusiasm."

Just then the door opened. "Ah, yes, Josie, thank you. Please meet JT
who may want to join out program."

"Hello, JT, nice to meet you, welcome!" she said. I was stunned, even
though she was wearing glasses and what looked like scrubs I could just
tell she was quite attractive.

I stuttered, "Ah, yeah, Hi, thank you! You can call me JT."

I'm sure my face turned red as she laughed and said, "Yes, I heard. Glad
to have you aboard." She smiled and shook my hand. "It will be nice to
be working with you." She smiled.

"Yes, it will, I mean, thank you I will be glad to be working with you,
doctor, uh nurse, uh ma'am" I blabbered. "Real smooth, JT". I told

"Will that be all, doctor?" she asked.

"Yes, thank you, Josie," as he left the room.

"Welcome aboard, JT. Please just call me Josie."

"Yeah, yes, um, yes, of course!" I blabbed, my cheeks blushing.

"Okay JT, I am Dr. Zillow's assistant and Dr. Zillow, or Dr. Z as we call
him, gave you an idea of the program. It is controversial but totally
effective and, if you are like me, very excited to be a part of this."

"Well my main reason to join is make some money but I have been looking
for some kind of options in my life. Might this possibly lead to
something like that?" I asked.

"Most definitely," she answered.

Josie began telling me what was involved in this "program". Something to
do with fertility and a global necessity although I wasn't really letting
it soak in. I was fixated with Josie. She seemed to have an air of
confidence mixed with a sensual beauty, a glow of some kind.

"So you see this program will eventually become the standard in this
field of Transmaternal Implementation Program System or TIPS,” said Josie
with a cute, chipper smile.

“I was an early subject for this process and it has changed my life for
the better and I’m hoping you will feel the same once you have completed
the complete program.”

“Uh, sure, Ok,” I said. I had no idea what TIPS meant but how
complicated could it be, I thought.

“Please read all the documentation carefully that I give you and I will
answer any questions when you return,” said Josie.

“Ok, I will, for sure!” as I gave her my best smile. I could hardly wait
to see her again. A paying job and a pretty girl to tutor me, it sounded
like a pretty sweet deal for me.

“Um, if I decide to do this could I start right away? I really need the
money. Let me read all the information and think about it overnight.
I’ll let you know tomorrow, okay.”

“You could start immediately after you sign if you like Please read the
materials I gave you and be positive if it is something you feel
comfortable doing. I will tell you now that it will be a life-changing
experience. I was nervous before I started but soon realized it has
changed my life for the better and have never regretted the decision.”

I headed to my dorm room, hoping my awful roommate, Duane, wasn’t there.
We really don’t get along partly because he’s kind of a bully and talks
constantly so a lot of the time I leave just so I can study or chill.
He’s also kind of a macho guy and thinks he is god’s gift to women so he
mostly talks about his conquests.

On the way I had grabbed a deli sandwich and a cup of soup and started
consuming both as I opened the packet for my new job and started reading.
Most of it seemed like some boilerplate blah blah blah so I skipped over
all that. When it came to the heading Job Description I paid more
attention. Apparently I was to be some sort of what sounded like a “lab
rat” and have various tests performed on me so they could gauge the
results. That didn’t sound so bad, just sitting there with various
gizmos attached to my body and head. Initially I would be asked personal
questions and I had to answer them honestly. Easy-peasy!

Following that series was an audio-video class showing images and sounds
which, apparently, I was to respond positively or negatively using a
clicker of some sort. This was going to be a pretty easy way to make some

Future tests would include dexterity, body movements and ingesting some
fluids. Still, pretty easy money, I figured, although I had a little
concern about the fluids. The last segment was a bit confusing.
Basically it said I would need to personally interact with various people
in different situations and my reactions would be gauged for response. I
wasn’t sure what this meant but OK I could certainly handle that.

After my Job Description came more boring legal stuff that I glossed
over. All in all it seemed like easy money although I didn’t see
anything that would be worth $500 but whatever.

The last few pages were mostly about the program TIPS, with lots of hype
about personal sacrifice, common good and saving humanity. I thought it
all sounded a bit overblown and all I really cared about was making some
pretty decent money. Eventually I fell asleep midway through and woke up
in the middle of the night with the paperwork wrinkled with mustard
stains on them. Oops! I salvaged the pages that looked like I may have
to sign and tossed the rest.

For the rest of the night I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about the
offer and finally decided I didn’t really have other options. I was a
little confused when I read about gender modification and was very
confused when it mentioned pregnancy. I figured that this form was
unisex and meant for both guys and girls without being specific. The
hard facts were my swimming career was over and English Lit really wasn’t
a career. I was in need of money and this job could provide it. Plus
this would be a great opportunity to get to know Josie better. I had
noticed she did not wear any sort of engagement or wedding ring.

When I showed up the nest day to Room 01, I was happy to see Josie
waiting for me. She looked expectantly at me so I took a deep breath and
said, “Yes, I think I’m in.”

She looked so happy and hugged me. “You won’t regret your decision,
believe me.”

We made small talk, actually she made small talked while I nervously
tried to be cool or at least not make a jerk of myself.

“Don’t be nervous, JT, Dr. Zillow is the best in his field. Everything
will be fine.” she reassured me as the doctor entered the room.

“Ah, JT, right on time, that’s a good sign. Shall we get started, any
questions?” said Dr. Z.

I was nervous but curious and said, “No, no questions. I’m eager to get

“Well, follow Josie’s lead and she will get you signed up and get you
ready for your first session.”

Josie smiled at me, handed me the documents to sign which I blindly did
then and then Dr. Z waved his arm toward the door and I proceeded through
with Josie following me. I figured that a nice girl like her wouldn’t be
involved in some sort of scam so I happily followed along.

At first she read from a list asking me to tell her what my feelings were
regarding each one. Simple, everyday things like do I like football,
what is my favorite food, what kind of music do I like, what is my
favorite color, common things like that. She made a note of each answer.
After 20 or so minutes she led me to a small room with no windows, a
projection screen on the wall, head-phones and some sort of button for me
to click. She then placed a few sensors on various places on my head and
then placed the headphones on me. As she did I got a whiff of her hair
and she smelled so fresh and clean.

“Okay, here is what will happen. Images will appear on the screen and if
you like something, double click the button. If you don’t like something
you do not click. Got it?”

Seemed like easy money to me. “Got it,” I said. “What if I click just
once?” I asked.

Josie smiled and said “2 clicks are harder to do than just 1 so if you
click once it does not get recorded. Only 2 clicks get counted, OK?”

“Got it!” Easy money!

She dimmed the lights and images appeared. Pictures of animals, flowers,
food, mountains, cars, scenery, sports but also scenes of trash, war, or
fires but sometimes just colors or designs. I noticed music which
sometimes matched the images but sometimes not. After about 10 minutes
the frequency of the images became quicker. Soon it became difficult to
keep up as the music sometimes became sounds like static or ocean waves
or gunfire, sometimes matching the images, sometimes not. I noticed I
seemed to be breathing faster and began perspiring. I kept up as fast as
I could until the screen went blank and the headphones quiet. The lights
came on and Josie said, “Okay, we’re done. How do you feel?”

“Really, done already? Wasn’t it just a few minutes?” I asked.

“No, that was about an hour and a half.”

I couldn’t believe it has been that long but I answered, “I feel fine,
well a little bit confused and light-headed.”

Josie said, “That’s normal and expected, you will be fine in just a few
minutes. Just relax for awhile and the dizziness will dissipate, OK?
Take a few deep breaths and try to relax.”

“Um, yeah, OK.”

The next few sessions went pretty much the same way as before, a list of
yes or no questions and then more images and sounds, although they were
pretty much the same as the last time, as far as I could tell. Each time
I left though I felt “different” somehow. I asked Josie about this and
she said that it was normal.

That’s when I happened to notice that Josie appeared to be pregnant. I
hadn’t noticed it before but decided not to say anything since it wasn’t
any of my business. I did wonder why she didn’t mention it to me but she
saw me staring at her belly. She caught my eye and then told me she was
4 months pregnant. She had gone through the same program and felt it was
definitely worth the time and effort, not to mention the additional funds
that became available by staying with TIPS.

“When I started Dr. Z did everything and I was guinea pig #1. He was so
pleased with the results he asked me to stay on as a paid intern. I told
him I would as long as he would grant me maternity leave and he laughed
and said “Of course, it’s the least we could do!”

Her words definitely made me want to follow through the process, whatever
that might be. I mean she seemed very stable, smart, kind and downright
gorgeous. Dr. Zillow was a bit stuffy but nice enough and obviously
dedicated to his study. The money, of course, was the real draw. This
job was pretty simple although it did mess with my mind a bit but it sure
was worth it for the nice paychecks.

When I left I kept wondering why Josie had become pregnant while she was
going through what I had just gone through. Not that I knew about such
things like pregnancy but if it was safe for a pregnant female than how
dangerous could it be? I just shrugged it off and maybe it was just a
coincidence. Maybe she was already pregnant when she started, that made

Forward ahead to 2 weeks and it was almost time for Spring Break but I
decided to stick around campus. Josie said I could still participate
during the break and I could certainly use the money. The last few times
I went through a session I noticed that the images had taken on a
different slant. The last time most of them sounds and sights were of
flowers, kittens, pretty girls in dresses, honeymooning couples and
babies, lots of adorable babies. I double-clicked on all of it.

The music was not the kind I usually listened to. This was more like what
girls liked to listen too, that soft-rock, Taylor Swift, kind of stuff.
I was surprised when I noticed I had subconsciously been singing to
“Shake it off” and actually liked it.

When I went to the latest session Dr. Zillow was there with Josie. He
asked if I’d be willing to move to the 2nd phase. It would entail
signing another contract and I saw no reason not to. I was making steady
money and Josie and I seemed to hit it off, not like possible
boyfriend/girlfriend but more like sorority sisters, oddly. I didn’t
give that much thought and I eagerly signed up without reading the

For the next session Josie led me to a different room. This time the
screen was on the ceiling, directly over a hospital-style bed. Before
she started the session she verified that I had signed the agreement and
said, “ This phase will be different from the last. I will be giving you
your intravenous drip as part of the study. It will just feel like a
pinch but it’s necessary for this next phase. You will continue to view
images and hear sounds, just as before. I have to make sure this is OK
with you. Do you agree?”

At this point I certainly trusted her so I nodded yes with just a bit of
apprehension. She smiled her wonderful smile and said, “Great, let’s
proceed.” I told myself I would follow her through a wall of burning

I laid back and the audio-visual stimulation started again. I noticed
right away that much was about typical female topics, cooking, cleaning,
applying makeup, dress shopping, hair styling and progressed to families,
then pregnancy and childbirth and children. Very little was about male-
oriented subjects unless they were about husbands and fathers. For some
reason I found myself double-clicking through all of them. If I really
thought about it then I probably wouldn’t have given most of these images
clicks at all but, then again, it did seem like I liked those things now.
I hummed along with a Katy Perry song and thought nothing of it.

When this session was over I saw Josie standing over me, taking notes.
“Well, how are we doing?” she asked.

“Um, fine. I was a little confused by all the images, it seems like they
were female oriented.”

She asked, “Does that bother you in any way?”

“Well, no. Actually I found them all appealing.”

I saw her smile as she wrote something on her pad and then continued,
“The next few sessions will be similar in context. Does that bother you
in any way?”

“Um, no, not really. I liked them all.” I wondered a little bit whyI
felt so attracted to these typical female topics but I assumed it was
just part of the program.

I got off the bed and felt a little light-headed. I didn’t mention it to
Josie, I figured it was because of whatever was in the IV. As I walked
to my dorm room I noticed by body felt a little different, like my center
of gravity had shifted.

My roommate was gone again. I grabbed a towel and headed for the shower.
I stripped down and when I reached down to the water faucets I noticed a
weight on my chest. Looking down while I was bent over it almost looked
like I had boobs. “Nonsense,” I thought. I was just putting on some
weight since I’ve been able to afford to eat better and I hadn’t been
swimming at all. I washed myself but when I began washing my upper body
it really did feel like I now had boobs. My nipples seemed quite
sensitive and they stood out more than I had ever seen before. I
finished washing and toweled off. When I was through I unconsciously
found that I had wrapped the towel up around my chest, like I’ve seen
girls do. I didn’t really think about it though but when I left the
shower room one of the guys passed by me and I heard him utter something
like, “Nice titties, dude!” I quickly got back to my room and tossed my
towel aside. There was no mistaking it, I was growing breasts. I looked
myself over and it seemed like there were other changes as well. My hips
seemed a little wider, my upper thighs thicker, my shoulders and arms
were thinner. Strangely my cock and balls seemed smaller, somehow, more
compact. My face seemed softer too and I realized I haven’t shaved my
whiskers in a week. I also had let my hair grow longer for no specific
reason except I kinda liked it longer now. What the heck was going on?
It had to be something related to my job. Tomorrow I would have to
confront Dr. Zillow and Josie. That night my sleep was fitful. I dreamt
I was somebody’s wife and we had a couple kids. They kept calling me
Mommy. Weirdness!

After my last class of the day I headed over to my job. I never noticed
before but my walk seemed different. My steps were shorter and my hips
seemed to sway no matter how I tried to hide it. Also my jeans were much
tighter around the hips then they were before. Oddly, I seemed much
happier than usual and by the time I got to work I was smiling for no
particular reason.

Josie saw me and noticed my mood. “Well hello, JT, you seem happier than
usual. Feeling OK?”

“As a matter of fact, yes, I feel better than I have in a long time,
thank you for noticing.”

“I’m so happy for you, JT, and I must say you are looking very nice too!”

“Really, you think so?” and I think I subconsciously tipped my head
slightly and thrust out my chest assuming a totally feminine pose.

“Yes, yes you really do and you are letting your hair grow out, it looks

“So, do you think some things are changing because of the sessions I’ve
been attending.”

“From what I see and hear, positively and definitely yes!” Josie seemed
quite pleased at my subtle changes.

Up to that point I hadn’t notice my voice but it did seem different,
higher, softer, more feminine.

While Josie attended to some paperwork it suddenly dawned on me what was
happening. “Um, I’ve noticed my body seems to have changed quite a bit.
I don’t know how or why but it seems like all this time you have been
turning me into a girl?”

“Well, you read and signed the contract, right?” she asked.

“Well, I didn’t really read it, I was more concerned about earning
tuition money.”

“I see,” she said as she frowned.

“So what I signed allows you, well, you and Doctor Zillow to turn me into
a girl. That’s crazy! How, why?”

Josie took a deep breath and bit her lovely pink lower lip and patted her
pregnant belly. “You see this? 2 years ago I was pretty much in the
same state as you, another struggling male student in debt, needing some
miracle to come along and make things better. Like you, I came to Room 01
hoping to be hired so I could earn some money.”

Her words left me stunned. “You mean, uh, er, what, you used to be a guy
like me and now you are a pregnant female and now the same thing is going
to happen to me?”

Josie paused and said “Um, yes, that is what is happening to you. I
thought you understood the contract and you signed your consent form."

It was true, I did sign the consent form but I guess I didn’t really
understand what exactly this entailed. “OK, I understand that I signed
off on all this but what about all this focus on getting pregnant?”

“Well, like I was saying, I was pretty much like you, another broke guy.
I took the same test as you, passed the qualification criteria and, after
going through Dr. Z’s process here I considered myself a 100% female and
able to become a pregnant woman. I am 6 months along now and believe me,
it’s the best thing that ever happened. We think you will agree,

This made no sense to me. Why would a guy want to be turned into a
pregnant woman?

She continued, “You know the initial test you took. Well you aced it, so
to speak. By double clicking on certain images, reacting a particular
way when hearing certain sounds, and your tastes in colors and music your
test scores scored off the chart. You showed the doctor that you were,
in essence, the perfect candidate for this program.”

“But Josie, why go to the trouble of turning guys into gals?”

She paused a few seconds and then said, “It isn’t well known but the
fertility rate has been dropping steadily for the past 10 years.
Something needed to be done to ensure our species revival. For some
unknown reason many women are becoming barren. Combine that with mens’
lower sperm counts and it’s understandable why this has become a major
issue for our species survival. It’s validated the contention that human
fertility has dropped to the lowest point in recorded history. The
numbers say that the human race, as it is now, could become instinct near
the end of this century.”

“Doctor Zillow discovered a way to select certain males candidates using
the same test you took. The ones who passed were asked to continue to
the next phase. Some wouldn’t sign, which was to be expected, but a
surprising number of males agreed and currently there are now 5, 6
including me, who have been successfully transformed into complete,
functional and fertile females. They have assumed female personas and 2
of them have either given birth or are currently pregnant, present
company included. There are 2 mothers who are pregnant again and one who
has delivered her second baby. Those two mothers were from a sister
program in Europe. There has been a 100% success rate. So you see, we
aren’t asking you to be transformed into the other gender for fun, this
is a serious undertaking but, in the end, one that will be gratifying for
you as well as being admired by all for doing your part in human
survival. Plus you will be generously compensated financially.”

I was stunned. What she was telling me made some kind of sense but was
difficult to grasp the resulting rewards.

“So that IV you were giving me...”

“Female hormones, but not just hormones. Using CRISPR gene editing
technology Dr. Zillow has refined the markers to maximize the control of
male hormones while dosing extremely high levels of female hormones. It
used take a 18 months or so before a former males could be considered 80%
female but could not conceive, carry and deliver a living fetus. Dr.
Zillow’s treatment remedied that and now it only takes 8 weeks to become
a fertile female. That’s why you have noticed the changes so suddenly.
Still it took me 12 weeks before I could safely say I was 100% female and
capable of impregnation, gestation and delivery. Some girls it takes even
longer, depending on the markers.”

“This is crazy. How is this possible? What happens when it’s time to, wait a minute, you mean ALL the changes are done in 8
weeks? Are you telling me that in, what, 8 weeks, I will have, um,..”.

“Yes, you will have a vagina, a functioning uterus, ovaries complete with
viable ova containing your own DNA. In other words you will have a 100%
female body able to have a menstrual cycle, conceive a fetus using sperm
from a male partner or artificial insemination, carry that living,
breathing fetus to term and deliver and nurse a baby that is genetically
half you. Pretty remarkable, I’d say.”

I was stunned!

Bit was obvious how happy she was in her new life and mission.

“Using nano technology your body will be modified using all of your

own parts to create new ones. You will feel discomfort, for sure. It’s
weird to feel your body reshaping itself inside you but it does, and it
does it rather quickly, in a matter of weeks. There is no surgery, very
little recovery time, no need for dilators or even organ-rejectingdrugs.
It’s the same you, just a re-assembled you as a female using the power of
Estrogen, among other things."

“I suppose there is no chance of backing out of the deal.” I asked.

“Do you think you want to?” she asked.

I wasn’t sure what to say.

She also pointed out that I had signed but admitted I had not read all
the information I was given to review. Obviously I was expected to
follow through.

“I guess I’m just asking, for now.”

“Well you can back out but you will have to pay back all funds and the
changes that have already happened will most likely be permanent but that
is different for everyone.”

“Will I be pretty, like you?” Oops I didn’t mean to say that out loud
but I was certainly thinking about it.

She gave me a big smile and said, “Thank you for saying that but how you
look after depends a lot on how you looked before. I’d say that judging
by your looks now I’m quite sure you will be a very pretty girl. The
software is programmed to ‘assemble’ for lack of a better word, faces and
features that has been determined to be appealing to most men.

“Wow, you really think I'll be pretty?”

“Sure, you are handsome now so why wouldn’t you make a pretty girl, a
beautiful brunette, even.”

Well I guess I could consider this was good news, that I was probably
going to be pretty but, permanently? I’d have periods, cramps, all that
female stuff plus get pregnant. I guess that means I’d have to do it
with a guy! I might soon be attractive to men and then want one to make
me pregnant! I was getting dizzy with all this news.

“And by the way, if you read all the fine print it says that if all goes
well, meaning you become a fertile female you will be receiving a $10,000
bonus. You will also receive $2,500 a month for as long as you stay with
TIPS. In addition to that, a successful pregnancy is $20,000. If you
happen to deliver twins or more each additional child will be worth
another $10,000 each, so you see this program will ensure that you and
your future children will have monetary support from this program.”

That amount of money was hard to fathom. Obviously I will have to follow
through and complete the program but I have to decide if shedding my
previous life and persona and start a new life with a totally different
outlook is a good choice. What do I know about being female? I mean,
I’m a guy through and through, or I was 2 weeks ago. What if I finish
the program and find out I don’t like being a woman or am not attracted
to guys? I asked Josie if we could skip today’s session so I could think
about what it all means.

“Of course, but the timing is critical so we would like to know your
final decision by tomorrow.” Then she added, “If you leave the program
now we can’t insure that the changes that have already occurred will
totally revert to your former self and, as I mentioned before, all the
funds that you have already earned will need to be reimbursed.”

I swallowed hard. This would certainly be a life-changing decision
whichever choice I made.

To be continued

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