Katherine Phillips

New Walker's Path has arrived!

Hello out there,

I hope you're all doing well! Like I said earlier I have been working on Walker's Path. The new chapter has come out!

This ones all abo-- Well you'll have to read to find out!

You can view the new chapter here.

I really hope you all enjoy it.

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Walker's Path Chapter 4 Made over

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

Walker's Path

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This story is 6 words long.

Walkers Path Progress!

Hello out there,

Made a lot of headway last night. Wrote around 2k words for Walker's Path.

Generally, I write while I'm downstairs and lately I've been spending a lot of time upstairs. That is until we found a rat digging around in our pantry. My dad set out some poison and the rat ate it. It died in a wall somewhere near my room. So needless to say I'm not spending much time in my room anymore.

I'm both happy and sad. Sad because I am not spending as much time with my friends anymore and happy because I'm actually getting some writing done.

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Regarding Walker's Path

Hello out there,

It's been a couple of weeks since I put up a chapter of "Walker's Path" and I wanted to apologize.

We've been having problems with my nephew that I don't really want to get into and I've been having problems getting the medical care that I need. Specifically some trans-related surgery.

I also have a lump on my right breast that has been steadily growing. I found it in October 2018 and got a biopsy in 2019 which showed that it was benign. I'm hoping for the same result and hoping that I can get it removed soon as well.

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Ho, ho ho!

Hello out there,

This week's chapter of "Walker's Path" is up!

It's pretty late coming but Christmas and family were a top priority this week.

I feel like I'm actually fleshing out the characters now. Knitting in the little details that make the characters come alive.

Remember to leave feedback on the story and I'll get back to you if you have any questions or concerns.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

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Walker's Path Chapter 3 On the Floor

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

Walker's Path

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This story is 6 words long.

Settling on a name.

Hello out there,

It was brought to my attention that the naming I was going for wasn't the best and I agree wholeheartedly. "Magnus and the Misfits" isn't a good name especially because it uses the main character's first name. He doesn't like his first name so I really don't want it in the title.

So, I've settled on a name. "Walker's Path"

I really like this name. It really showcases the direction I want to go with the story. I'm afraid that it might be a little too on the nose though.

Please let me know what you think?

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New name and more.

Hello out there,

So I ended up renaming the story I'm working on. It was Magnus Walker and the Misfits. I shortened it to Magnus and the Misfits. I'm still not 100% sure about the name of the story so I'm just trying things out. Promise not to change it around too much.

I posted a new episode which is mostly why I'm writing this post. I like to talk with you all is the other reason. I hope you enjoy it!

With Love,

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Walker's Path Chapter 2 New Clothes

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

Walker's Path

Walker's Path

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This story is 8 words long.

New Story!

Hello out there,

I released a new book/serial today. Magnus Walker and the Misfits. It's inspired by the Tuck series like almost all of my writing.

This one's about an Intersex kid. His girlfriend invited him to stay the night for his birthday.

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Walker's Path Chapter 1 The Misfits

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

Walker's Path

Walker's Path

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This story is 8 words long.

The Rescue

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

The Rescue

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This story is 8 words long.

Prologues a Plenty

Hello out there,

I'm in the process of revamping my "Off time" fan fiction.

Recently, I wrote aother prologue for my book "Adrian". I decided not to use it, so instead of it sitting around collecting dustbunnies I'm repurposing it for "Off Time".

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New Chapter of Rairy Contrary is out.

Hello out there,

Book Cover

A new Chapter of Rairy Contrary just dropped!

Thanks everyone for your interest in this story. It's been a while since I've written anything for it but I sat down last week and advanced the story a bit.

I've been spending most of my time working on Adrianne (The second book to Adrian) and I've made some really great strides on it. I'm 40k words in!

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Rairy Contrary - Chapter 5 - At home

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.

When I opened the front door I expected yelling but it didn’t come. Carol and Rick were sitting silently on the couch.

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This story is 77 words long.

Rairy Contrary Cover

Hello out there,

I ended up playing around in Canva a little bit and created a couple covers!

The first one is your standard book cover.

Book cover

The next one is pretty much the same thing but smaller for instagram.

insta cover

I like how they turned out. I just wanted to share that with you.

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Hello me meet the real me.

Hello out there,

Wow, have I been making some changes.

I've pretty much re-branded myself as Katherine Phillips' Brain on all of my social media. It's fun because I started adding little daily memory slips. A memory of mine is presented and then I snap out of it mid memory. Then I apologize.

I've been interacting a lot on just about every social platform I can. I'm trying to amp up my presence.

I also bought a domain for my author page!


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Small Excerpt of Frozen Core.

Hello out there,

I have an excerpt for you today! This is a story of mine that I converted from 3rd person to 1st person. I really liked this scene so I thought I would share it with you all.


“Ready?” I asked.

“Three,” Andrew said.


“One!” and we launched the game together.

The box area I was in melted away and was replaced by a grassy field that stretched on for miles. In the distance there was a small hut with a fireplace puffing out little ringlets of smoke. The Scene was Gorgeous.

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Camp NaNoWriMo

Hello out there,

I hope all you readers and writer's week is going well.

To get right into it I joined in on this month's Camp NaNoWriMo. I set a goal of 10k words for the month. My main problem has been that I haven't really been writing like I used to.

Back when I was writing like every day. I was sending everything to a Trans Fiction website like BigCloset and using the feedback I was getting from them to help the story along. I found out that this sort of behavior is not something that publishers really appreciate so I stopped doing it.

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PayPal Problems.

Hello out there,

It's me again, and do I have a story for you.

So two weeks ago I got my stimulus check and was really excited to finally have the cash to be able to get my book edited.

I remembered that PayPal had a check cashing service that puts the money directly into your account. I'm excited so I log into the app click the cash check option, take pictures of my check, and select the free same-day option. <----(this comes in to play later)

About 20 minutes later the transaction comes back as declined.

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Writing Stream

Hello out there,

How is everyone doing on this lovely morning? I'm doing pretty okay today, yesterday was pretty trash but I'm feeling a lot better today. Depression blows.

I want to share a small story about myself today.

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That of a Child

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

Authors Note:

This work is set in the early stages of the Coronavirus outbreak. It's a work of fiction and if it offends you I apologize in advance. When I saw the reports of young people in Florida still going to the beach something in me wanted to tell a story about someone clueless as to how pandemics work. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this and have a wonderful day.

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This story is 76 words long.

New Chapter of Rairy Contrary out now!

Hello out there,

So I just released a new chapter of Rairy Contrary. I'm still not used to the formating here. So, for now, everything I post is going to look as is.

I've been having a really hard time writing mostly because of the pandemic. I've been really worried about my parent's wellbeing, have had to cancel Electrolysis appointments, and doing therapy on my phone is really weird.

I was able to harness these frustrated feelings and put them into this chapter.

I hope you all enjoy it,

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Rairy Contrary - Chapter 4 - The Police

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.

I swiped on my mother's name in my address book. I stared at myself in the mirror as the phone rang and shakily rubbed a finger on my cheeks where my makeup was ruined.

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This story is 88 words long.

Opinions wanted.

Hello out there,

I hope you're all keeping safe. I was looking for some opinions. I've been working with an English teacher and she has been going through my book "Adrian" and giving me suggestions. I feel that my book is looking a whole lot better. In this particular instance, I was hoping for an opinion from you all.

So I wrote this originally:

12:07 Nov 24

It was pretty reassuring that both the boys and the girl's rooms had stalls. At least if someone came in I was covered.

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Rairy Contrary - Chapter 3 - Prejudice

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.


Authors Note: I apologize for how short this one is.

Rairy Contrary - Chapter 3 - Prejudice


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This story is 70 words long.

New Year, new problems.

Hello out there,

I hope everyone's doing well.

I've been a bit more depressed lately than usual so I've been throwing most of my spare time into a mobile game. I generally only do that when it's really bad like don't want to participate in the real world bad.

Last year I was able to harness the depression and focus it all into writing and I'm having a hard time doing it again.

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Be Brave

Blog About: 


Hello out there,

It's been a while since I've been here and I apologize for my absence.

I haven't really been writing all that often because I've been so busy learning all about film and how to make them. I've actually written and directed a couple of short films in the last few months. Surprisingly it's been a lot of hard work.

But honestly, that's not why I'm here.

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Nice try. One more time?

Hello out there,

It's been a bit since I posted anything but that's because I've been working on a 3rd Draft on my book Adrian.

I posted the first draft of it here a little over a month ago.

I have to once again say that I really appreciate all of the suggestions and feedback I've been getting.

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The person in the Mirror.

Hello out there,

So I'm at it again and this time wanted some feedback. I've been experimenting with Showing like I talked about yesterday and wanted to run one of my experiments by you.

The scene is Adrian finishing up in the restroom. This scene also happens to be the scene I want as the cover of my book.

Have a look.

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Show, Don't Tell Epiphany.

Hello out there,

You wonderful people once again have helped me become a better writer.

When I posted the first draft of my book on here it was met with a lot of praise. I was so excited and happy. Then there were those of you who were critical and sent me PM's.

You must understand that I'm a person who likes criticism because it gives me something to improve on.

I got one critique, in particular, saying that the Prologue was boring. Another saying that the book wasn't as engaging as the 'Tuck' series.

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Rairy Contrary


Audience Rating: 


Rairy Contrary

By Katherine Phillips

Rairy lives in a rural right leaning North Carolina town. It’s 2016 when the infamous ‘Bathroom Bill’ came out.

The whole town is ran by right-leaning conservatives. Things happen in this town that aren’t supposed to happen in your average town. Things are swept under the table when they shouldn’t be. Those with money are the law.

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This story is 64 words long.

New Rairy Contrary just Dropped.

Hello out there,

It appears Rairy just can't catch a break.

As I write this story I feel so sad. I'm one of those writers that feel's/feed's off the emotions they are writing and reading. So if I read something extremely depressing I can get really depressed myself.

Rairy is not a reflection of myself, but there are parts of me in her. She is so much braver than I ever was.

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Rairy Contrary - Chapter 2 - Agonizing Retreat

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. ©2019.
All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.


Rairy Contrary Chapter 2 Agonizing Retreat

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This story is 70 words long.

Busy Busy Busy

Hello out there,

I hope you're all doing well this evening.

I haven't really been writing and kind of feel guilty about it. You see I've been working with a group near me and we're making a short film. I wrote the script, am Directing it and am doing the Cinematography.

We have two more days of prep till we start filming and we aren't even making any money for doing it. We are on such a low budget that we need to do a potluck for the cast/crew. I'm going to bring my famous chili which happens to be a vegan chili btw.

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Update On 'Adrian - The Saga of Adrian'

Hello out there,

I wanted to let you all know that I did a very minor update to the 'Adrian' book.

So because of you fantastic people, I decided to write a new introduction for Adrian. It's right after the prologue.

So the change is pretty important.

It does five things:

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Off Time - Chapter 2 - Who's Adrian? - The Saga of Adrianne

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.

This is a branch or fan fiction from my book Adrian - The Saga of Adrianne. I hope you can enjoy it for what it is without reading the book.


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This story is 84 words long.

Off Time - Chapter 1 - New Legs - The Saga of Adrianne

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.

This is a branch or fan fiction from my book Adrian - The Saga of Adrianne. I hope you can enjoy it for what it is without reading the book.

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This story is 84 words long.

Rairy Contrary - Chapter 1 - An Asshole

BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author
Katherine Phillips

All the work I post here is in its first draft format. I do this so that you can still read what I'm writing and so you have a reason to buy my books when they are edited and published, alongside supporting me as a person of course.


Rairy Contrary Chapter 1 An Asshole


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This story is 59 words long.

Converting Old work.

Hello out there,

I know I should probably be working on Adrian stuff but putting my mind into a 13-year-olds point of view is a bit tiring.

So I've been working on converting one of my stories from a 3rd person point of view to a 1st person point of view.

I don't know if it'll ever make it here mostly because the main character is not trans and I don't know if stories about cis people are allowed here.

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