Hello out there,
It's me again, and do I have a story for you.
So two weeks ago I got my stimulus check and was really excited to finally have the cash to be able to get my book edited.
I remembered that PayPal had a check cashing service that puts the money directly into your account. I'm excited so I log into the app click the cash check option, take pictures of my check, and select the free same-day option. <----(this comes in to play later)
About 20 minutes later the transaction comes back as declined.
I didn't know why at first then I realized that I forgot to change my name with them. I have an old account and I didn't have a scanner at the time when I changed my name at the court. I didn't use PayPal for the longest time so I forgot about it.
So I go through the process of changing my name in PayPal and then try to cash the check again. It was denied.
I was confused. Why would it be declined again? I tried to bring it up with PayPal and they refused to talk with me about it and pointed me to the bank that does the check cashing transactions.
Enter IngoMoney. I contact them and apparently when I tried to cash the check the first time it created an account with them automatically with my dead name. So I had to go through the process of changing my name again with another company. I tried to do another cash check transaction and it was denied again. I called them and they told me that I need to wait 48 hours.
By this time It's already been a week so I figured why not wait another 48 hours?
The end of the 48 hours was last Friday. I tried to cash it again and it was denied. (I waited till it was pretty late in the day just to give them as much time as they might need.) I was so pissed off that I decided to wait out the weekend and contact them on Monday.
Monday comes around (today) and I ask them why my check cashing was denied. Here it comes, yeah, they told me that cashing the check would be a risk. I asked why I was a risk? They said that they can't talk about why their security denied me. So I called them out as being transphobic. I couldn't see any other reason why they could deny me. I told them that I would take my complaints publicly on twitter.
So a huge rant later on twitter and they send me messages for me to DM them with my account email address so we can get it all figured out.
Three or so hours later I get this message from them:
You recently contacted us in reference to a check processing issue. We are pleased to inform you that your account has been reviewed and you are now able to load checks using the Ingo Money Service.
Was it because I am transgender? I mean them changing their minds so quickly has to mean something.
Anyways I tried to do the check cashing again and low and behold the same-day free option has been removed. So I choose the 10-day free option. Normally it takes like 20 minutes for a transaction to go through but this one went instantly as denied and told me to use the free same-day option. I tried again and that option was still not available.
I choose the $12 option because there's literally no other choice but the $12 or the 10-day free and obviously the 10-day free isn't working.
The cash check goes through finally and here I am frustrated as heck because of the crap I had to go through and was forced to take a non-free option. I figure at least it's done with.
I do plan on complaining about the $12 and who knows if I'll get the money from that back.
I'm so extremely frustrated and need some way to cool off. I think I'll watch a movie or something. Love you all and thanks for listening to my rant.
P.S. Today I was Karen and sometimes you need to pull out that inner Karen to get shit done.
Well I'm sorry for your misfortunes but I'm going to ask what might be a dumb question or or just doesn't work in the USA. Why did you not just just take it to your bank and put it in your account ? In the UK they are required to complete the transaction in 3 working days.
I am a male lolita.
So what is lolita fashion http://lolita-tips.tumblr.com/faq
Bank Account
I don't have a bank account. I did try to get an online bank like Ally but they wouldn't accept my application for some reason. I went with PayPal since I had an account already. At least PayPal is an easy way to get money to others without having to use western union or some other company.
No mobile banking app for you bank?
In my limited experience the banks I've come in contact with here in the USA have mobile bank apps. My bank, Bank of America, has a very easy to use app. If I take a check to the ATM and deposit it, it takes three days to clear. If I use the app (Much the same process you described for PayPal) it clears overnight.
I know the U.S. Bank and Wells Fargo have the same kind of app as well.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann