General Audience (pg)

Dear Worried of Hartlepool

Dear Worried of Hartlepool,

I have read you letter with some concern.

You appear to have let yourself go slightly. Your wife, being more sensible and of a higher intelligence has left you and you wonder why?

Perhaps, if you had got off your backside and got a job she may have stayed, but it is unlikely.

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Born Twice - Chapter 2

Born Twice
By Alyssa Plant

Chapter two

“May I see your boarding pass please ma'am?” The smiling stewardess behind the little desk beamed.

Becca just grimaced back, handing over the pass feeling entirely rotten. This was some new start. Shouldn’t she be happy? Excited?

Movie "Stardust"

I would not normally recommend a movie on this site , and believe me, this is not an advertising pitch, but I just saw the most wonderful film on a plane. The title is 'Stardust' and it really is a magical movie which includes TG/TV sequences (Robert De Niro as a TV pirate!) and it is one of the nicest films I have seen in a long time, but then I'm a silly sentimental old romantic.

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Rhod`s Trip To America ch 39 Technicolor Lifestyles

Sandy realizes that the girl her dad had a fling with, is a good friend of hers. Sandy talks with her and finds out what happened. Will this help Sandy control her dad? Both Sandy and Em had a very good laugh about it.

Point Of View: And Stories -ll

I want to thank the authors that have given me permission to do a P.O.V. on their stories and characters. I promise everybody that I will only do a P.O.V. on those that I have permission to do.

As you can see from my P.O.V., I have done my best to keep it within the basic story and try to sound like the character. I want to thank everybody for their comment both for and against.

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Rules Are Rules: 54. Ah-Ah-Ah!

Before lunch was over, the PA cracked on. "Students, I want to wish you all a safe and happy vacation. We look forward to seeing you back on Monday. Unfortunately, one of our students will *not* be returning, and I think you all know who I mean."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

A short time out

I will be taking hopefully a short time out from writing another chapter of Hell Yeah it hurt.I'm just in the beginning stages of out lining what I hope to be a 7500 or less word historically correct Tg short story for this months contest.If all goes well I think it will be an educational and fun read.Amy

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Stephanie's Deal - Episode 2

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

So far, Steven has agreed to become Stephanie for a week and a half as a punishment. In this installment, Stephanie accepts an offer that perhaps she shouldn’t.

trapped inside in wis.

i really hate days when all you can do is sit inside and watch tv. we just got over a foot of snow and it is still falling. i am feeling really trapped and down today i really like to just get out. so i have had all day to read alot of stories on this site and find i think that everyone deserves a thanks for all of the stories.

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Coming Out

Coming Out

By: Annette

There are different paths people take. Is this any more convoluted than others?

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. This is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to actual people or places is coincidental. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2008 Annette MacGregor. All rights reserved.

Through The Window

Through The Window

By Susan Brown

As a child, Angela had been quite lucky. Being in a relatively well off family, the children had been educated at home and Angela was able to be herself for most of the time. She thanked God for her loving and understanding parents that allowed her to be her real self.


Rules Are Rules: 53. Kiss Me, You Fool!

"Oh, Marcie, Marcie, Marcie! What I am going to do without you? I'm going to have to go back to my boring old life! So many times I thought you were going to give me a heart attack, but I wouldn't have missed any of it."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 5

" But, I am a boy!" screamed Jill.

"You don't look like one now" laughed Tracy.

"What am I going to do for a month?

"You are an attractive girl. You can figure it out" said Tracy

Chapter 5


Jill screamed in frustration as she tried to draw a straight line with her eyeliner pencil. Tracy knew she would have to

Healing a Princess...18 (Cabin in the Woods)

“You can see an object by not looking at it?” Tonya asked a bit confused.
“I’m not sure how it works, my Lady,” Takoda went on. “But in the dark the sides of your vision works better.”
“Is that how Dwarves and Elves see in the dark?” Tonya inquired.
“How it was described to me, was that in the dark,” Takoda tried to describe something he had never experienced, “Dwarves see things in shades of black and white. The closer something is to light or giving off light the brighter it is.” Takoda paused. “I’m not sure how Elves see in the dark. I’ve never befriended one to ask?”

Healing a Princess

Chapter 18 - (Cabin In The Woods)

by Anistasia Allread

Short Chapters: 12. Not Exactly

The mothers of Kristie and Diana arrived together, and I found myself giving the most craven, self-abasing apologies I could muster. I was sure that both women would have been quite happy to claw me to bits and roast me over a barbecue, but the principal wisely kept me out of striking distance.

The girls returned to class, their mothers returned home, and I wondered whether their fathers owned any firearms. They certainly knew where I lived.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Holiday of the day

New Feature in the Shortcuts!

Holiday of the Day. A world holiday will be associated with every day according to this favoritism list:

Top Priority - The United States (sorry, it's the country which holidays I'm the most familiar)
Next Tier - The United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia
Next Tier - Japan, Greece, Spain, France, Germany
Last Tier - The rest of the world

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Rules Are Rules: 52. Less Than Happy

"If I was your father, and I knew that a group of boys got you to go to a place like this with them, well —" he sighed. "Let's just say I would be less than happy."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Reflections on naming Jewish daughters and Femdom

Didn't you just love Courtney?

Forget the issue of what kind of Jewish parents give a daughter such a goyishe (Hebrew for gentile; literally meaning “nation,” but signifying non-Jew and often carrying a pejorative connotation when Jews carry out all those secret rituals y’all are so worried about) name like Courtney. I know that Sara, Rebecca and Leah, three of the four matriarchs — the fourth being Rebecca - were already taken in this story, but really, Courtney?

Anyway, don't you just wish you had a sister who was so open and accepting, and willing to go with the flow? And don't you just wish you could share a dressing room with her while you both try on expensive lingerie?

Forget it. She's my sister, not yours. Okay, she's not mine either, but this is fiction, after all.

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music to write to

I thought I'd try something tonight by way of an experiment. I'm still plugging away at my Edwardian story so I thought I'd programme some appropriate music for the period, so far it's been Parry and Elgar orchestral pieces, with a chunk of Vaughan Williams ('London Symphony','Lark Ascending','Songs of Travel') - I'm not sure it's working as I intended, I seem to be listening more than typing :)

anyone else tried something similar?

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Point Of View: Professor's View Pt 0

I am Professor Olivia Stacie Turner; my friend call me Post. I am a Psychoanalyst from the far future. I have been sent back in time to gather data upon certain people whose lives due to unforeseen circumstances have caused ripples far beyond the normal scope of influence.

Rules Are Rules: 51. The Lost Boys

As I looked around at their sullen faces, I suddenly felt like Wendy from Peter Pan in the midst of the Lost Boys. "I could tell you a story," I wanted to say, but of course I didn't.

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

How 'bout them Giants?

I don't watch football usually, but I would watch it more often if games were as good as the fourth quarter of this Superbowl. Two excellent teams, two fantastic quarterbacks, head to head competition between the minds of two great coaches. Wow!

The Pats didn't let themselves be outplayed, they just got out-lucked by a Giants team that made no important mistakes. Double wow!

- Erin

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Rambo Granny!

This was sent to me as an email, sadly the picture didn't copy.
Not sure what I think about it, don't believe in violence, but then she didn't start it. Author unknown.


The Rambo Granny of Melbourne , Australia

Gun-toting granny Ava Estelle, 81, was so ticked-off when two thugs raped her 18-year-old granddaughter that she tracked the unsuspecting ex-cons down - - and shot off their testicles.

The old lady spent a week hunting those men down -- and when she found them, she took revenge on them in her own special way, said Melbournepolice investigator Evan Delp. Then she took a taxi to the nearest police station, laid the gun on the sergeant's desk and told him as calm as could be:

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Personal Transgender Activisim

I have a powerful need for contact with other human beings, and in spite of my own personal fear of rejetion, that need drags me out of my apartment and into the public. Inadvertently, I have spent thousands of hours working with a group called,"The City Repair Project", and have made dozens of friends. Oh, I am 61 and they are all in the 18 to 30 Age group, so my social contacts with them are less than what I would like but we have worked on several projects together. The good part of this is that they have seen a transwoman who is socially together enough to be a viable positive force in their organization

It is something that they needed to see, and I like to hope that little actions in many different places by transwomen will ease the way for all of us.

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Small Signs

Something interesting happened today when I went out to eat, at one of those chain steak/buffet places. As is usual on a Sunday it was mostly filled with families, three generations or more.

I was seated next to an extended family who were there along with the grandmother. Three little girls, about 10, 8 and 6 or 7, something like that. The kids were playing and cutting up a bit, not dreadfully so, but a bit annoying. Then the oldest came back from where the three of them had gone off to, and Grandma asked "What's wrong, did the girls run you off?" Well, my head popped up at this and I looked again. Pretty pale blonde hair in a long shag with bangs, pierced ears with a small crystal/fake diamond in each ear, non-descript unisexual clothing - jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers. Could this be a boy?

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Teen Transsexual

I just watched a documentary TV show on BBC America called Teen Transsexual; I hour long at noon MST. It followed a girl while she was 17 and 18. There was a little about her early life. She went on HRT at 16. After she turned 18 she was able to have breast implants. She was very slim and had had very little breast growth from the HRT.

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