General Audience (pg)

Good News About Sephrena Lynn Miller

She has arrived safely in Seattle Washington as is visiting Princess Chelsea. I know that we want to sent her a Private Message, but please remember that she had to get up very early to board the plane and deal with the Time Zone shift. Washington is some three hours behind her home state's Time Zone.

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Drop off

I have noticed that there appears to be a bit of a drop off re reader hits for my stories.

I was wondering if it's because they are bad stories (sob; hits head against convenient brick wall) or if it's just a general trend as there is so much good stuff to read and people have not got the time to read everything.

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Wigging Out

I haven't posted anything in a couple of weeks, and I just found myself writing a message to a company that specializes in dressing boys up as girls ( Having re-read my own letter, and having a streak of narcissistic self-appreciation of my own wit (should I make my own big head joke, or leave it for someone else to do?), I thought it might be fun enough to share.

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I Am Wondering About Something

In the Blog posted about Sephrena flying out to Seattle to see her girlfriend Princess Chelsea, only two of the comments actually wishes her well as she travels.

The others are all about the blog itself. Me, I can't understand why there are not more well wishers. Sephrena has done a lot here and has been a friend to everybody.

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well, not really, more mildly miffed... I've just finished putting together a flat pack coffee table, and it's HUGE - way too big for my living room... the dimensions aren't bad (the top's big enough to hold my laptop, ashtray, teapot, cup and saucer), but the legs are a massive 2.5" square.

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In just a couple of hours, Sephrena will be winging her way

toward the left coast and her first face to face with Chelsea. Lets give her a rousing sendoff!

Best of luck, Sephy and Chelsea! My prayers and hopes for you both go with Sephy.

Good luck huggles from
Catherine Linda Michel

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May I ask for everyone's prayers and good thoughts?

This coming Thursday, my Mom will be going in to the hospital. Because of her diabetes and other problems, my 81 year old Mom will likely be having her leg amputated at the knee. She's a toughie, and a fighter, but I'm worried about her.

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The Price to Pay - Prequel - Afterword

I love the interactivity of this website, why else would I be up at 4.30am wanting to respond to a few comments at the end of my latest little effort at fiction.

The first point to address is what happens to Meryl, the girlfriend of the hero/heroine. Why isn't she around in the main series?

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Stephanie's Deal - Episode 3

Nintendo Wii dressed in pink
Stephanie’s Deal

by Jennifer Brock

So far, Steven has agreed to become Stephanie for a week and a half as a punishment, and agreed to go on a date with a boy. In this installment, Stephanie learns what family means to her, and accepts a couple more social invitations.

Is this the end of the Symphony?

First, I just have to tell you all (18 years in the south and I still can’t say y’all) that I am thrilled by the votes and comments on the last few chapters. They have been really heartfelt and thoroughly encouraging. All the time I spent alone writing, thinking that maybe this would be okay, or even, if the gods smiled on me, pretty good, has been repaid.

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Internet Copyright Laws.

Here's a google link for URLs regarding internet copyright protection. It's gonna take a sharper mind than mine to wade through this mess.

You're gonna have to copy/paste the whole thing into your address bar...I think.

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Are you a gamer?

Hello everyone. I want to ask all of you a question. How many of you consider yourselves gamers? I am writing a novel about gamers and superheroes, and the question came up as to the percentage of guys vs girls game. That got me to thinking that maybe the wrong question was being asked. Maybe we should be asking how many LGBT games and more to the point how many TG sisters and brothers game?

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The Coolest thing Ever!

I just had the coolest thing ever happen. In fact, it may take days for
me to put it into perspective. I had to run down to a little store, because
we were out of cat food, and despite what I wrote to Sue Brown, I have
to bribe my cats with food so they'll like me.

Anyway, I'm standing there, waiting for my Pizza to be cooked (Because

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(With apologies to Martin Luther King for borrowing his words) I Have A Dream.

In my dream, there is a place, a real life place, where those of us who have been abused, deserted, thrown out by their families, whatever, can come to for a fresh start. This is not just my dream, it's the dream of many others. This would include Sephrena's idea about a lottery monthly for someone to receive their transitional surgeries, M-F or F-M.

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Born Twice - Chapter 3

Curling up on the sofa she quietly sobbed and let out her pain. This really was it. This was the pain of childbirth; her second birth, her new life. She was grounded now, this was her place, and she wasn’t just visiting. The reality hit her hard. She could quite possibly never see her family again. And this thought rocked her very being.

Born Twice

Chapter 3

By Alyssa Plant

Seeking Aid from One Who Knows Vienna Well

Dear Friends, I am an American author engaged in the writing of a coming-of-age novel about a young person of indeterminate gender that is set in the early years of the 20th Century. Four parts to the novel, totalling over 70,000 words, have been posted on Big Closet Top Shelf ( as Balthasar’s Extract, the Diary of Evelyn Westcott.

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Sunday Afternoon Chat on BCTS/SD

Hi All, here is the raw log from the Feburary 10th BCTS/SD chat. Remember this is unedited and that the timestamps are Pacific Standard Time. Hugs and love, Cindy

[09:54] * kiai has joined #Main_Room
[09:54] Cindy> very strange
[09:55] kiai> hello again
[09:55] Cindy> usually there are alot more people in at this time
[09:55] Cindy> welcome
[09:55] ScottRamsey> Hello kiai

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BKR Case #101-8 "Boys Will Be Girls" Part 8

"You have crossed the line and now reached the point of no return," Agent Johnson stated.

The look of fear on their faces was clearly evident. They could not move their bodies or say anything. At that moment, they knew that their fates were sealed.

Chapter 8 - Reality Bites!


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