General Audience (pg)

Nebraska's Safe Haven Law Has Me Wondering......

I have been very upset over the open ended Safe Haven law in Nebraska. For those who are unfamiliar with it, it allows for parents to legally abandon children in a hospital up to age 18. The governor of Nebraska has called a Special Session of the legislature to fix the loophole and limit it to newborns up to three days old. Parents have been coming to Nebraska from other states and dropping off their kids before this loophole is closed. There have been twenty three kids dropped in Nebraska since July. Half are teenagers.

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Good Morning, Mom

Good Morning, Mom
By MaggietheKitten
Edited and fixerated by Holly Hart

A girl on the morning of her fourteenth birthday writes her mom a letter and thanks her for the wonderful gift she's already been given.

Accidental Magic - Chapter 17: Runaways

Synopsis: There are some days when it just doesn't pay to get out of bed... especially when you are being hunted down!
Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

edited by Sephrena Miller
Chapter Seventeen


The tone of this blog

I think I want to share just a bit more here. I have several blogs around the Internet, one for my religious stuff, one for my personal stuff, one for memes and so on, one for me as Joy and this one. But here I think I can open up some.

See, there's a lot of pain in here. I don't know how I as Joy came out as well adjusted as I did, mainly because of some of what has happened. Just like the character in my stories, I worked my backside off to fit into the world of maleness. Just like that character, I now feel trapped with no way out.

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Healing a Princess...27 (Plans, Politics, and Pools)

HaP 27
( Plans, Politics, and Pools)

“You have a gate at Dax.” Lieutenant Kollyns remarked. That is about two day’s ride from Cedar Bay.” He looked up at Rikki and then to Prince Caldric. “If Morpeth would allow it, we could sail our troops to Cedar Bay and enter at Dax. The Elves would never know we were coming.”

While Websense is away

Thank you all for your comments. They're very generous and I love reading them.

I'm in the local library. This is the first time since I posted that Websense isn't running. TopShelf and the other main TG sites have always been blocked, but lately there has been a random dropping of the guard. The odd thing is Stardust, Beverly's Balcony, Tuck, TG Comics and Stories and various other sites are always available.

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Thank You

I wish to thank Stanman for his excellent editing prowess on the remaining stories from Mellissa (prairie_girl_64. The time and patience upon which Stan dedicated his time to do a wonderful job is gratefully appreciated. In the jouney these past few moths since her passing, I have become accutely aware of her strong devotion to sharing her story. I am also aware of her ability to describe in detail her struggles and pain. Mellissa has noted in her journal(s) that she was/is not the best editor in the world.

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Hello again

Hello all! I'm finally getting back to the Mia novel. I had some paid writing work to get done over the summer (Boring technical junk) but now, things are back to normal and I can squeeze in some writing I actually enjoy. :) Anyway, I have posted a new chapter of Mia, I hope you like it.

I was thinking while I was writing that I should include some links to some of the things I mention in the story. Mainly, so you can see what I'm talking about, and to give you insight into Mia's world.

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The real meaning of sacrifice.

90 years ago today the Armistice was signed, ending the Great War. It was carnage on a scale not known before, where over a million British Servicemen and women perished, many in the mud of the Somme. It is perhaps beyond our imaginations to realise how awful this must have been, dealing with daily shelling, the cold or heat, constant sniper fire, poor food, lice, disease and boredom. Then if you cracked under the stress of it all, your own side would shoot you as a coward.

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The Road to One Million

Edeyn I'm developing a slight twinge in the back of my right hand -- the onset of carpal tunnel. So, this quest for a million words in November is going to be literally painful, as well as literarily painful. My wordcount as of 5:30am US Eastern time, 11 November 2008, is 408,600. So, I'm at a landmark, but still got a LOOONG way to go! If you want to drop some cash toward a worthy cause, The Office of Letters and Light qualifies, and you can do it at my fundraising page here:

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney's Fundraising Page

Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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Cache Clearing for Login Problems

A security change in the BC software on Sunday has caused login problems for a few members. The solution is to make sure your cache is clear. Browser caches can be cleared by holding down shift (or control or alt, depending on browser) and hitting the reload button on the browser. ISP cache's are more problematical but this will also clear those in many cases. Some browsers have a cache-clear button in the preferences pane or edit menu. It may be called clear history. You might also need to discard cookies, though waiting a day or so will usually expire any stale cookies.

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Kelly's Journey -3- Tinkerbell

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 3: Tinkerbell
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

As Kelly and her family and friends get on with living, Kelly seems unable get past the funeral as she continues to sing that song. Yet Kelly has a plan unknown to everybody. It is after a fateful costume party that Kelly discovers the girl within.

Fact versus Fiction

I am a fan of all sorts of fiction. I have found several other TG sites and do enjoy the prose. I marvel at the descriptions of the characters though. When I was 19 years old I was 5 feet 8 inches tall and weighed less than 120 pounds. I thought about that and I downloaded a BMI calculator. According to what I can find, I was in the lower 15 percentile of my growth group. It gets worse as I go back to when I was 14 years old. I was in the low 5 percent range. And as far as shaving, I did not start shaving till I was well in my 20's and then not every day.

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About my story

I wrote that and used it to get a lot of crap off my chest. Yes, most of it is true. I do come from a broken home, my father did leave at 15, I was considered the man of the family (raised Mormon, so any male is automatically better than mere girls), so on.

I was in home ec. I could sew and cook, and I loved the gingham apron. I was one of three boys in there.

I did have to conform. I was in Scouts, I did play things like Army with them. I had Action Figures and cars.

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My 2 humans.

It all started this morning. I was resting on the heater, letting the warmth soak into my fur and flesh. I had been well fed had just finished grooming myself, and was thoroughly enjoying not doing anything at all. One of my humans, the girl, was moving about the room, seeming to be almost floating. She picked up something here, put it down there, came by for quick scritchie, moved along to move something else. This human seemed obsessed with placing things in other spots.. Silly humans, but what can one do?

Re-evaluating Priorities

An incident which occurred tonite has made me realize that my priorities are way out of whack. My best pal, my housemate, the one person on this planet who knows me better than I know myself, called me, crying, feeling deserted and alone, and unloved. She was out driving at the time because she felt the need to be alone by choice, instead of an enforced aloneness caused by someone dumping her...again. I begged her to pull over and stop, and she complied, thus removing some of my sudden anxiety. But.

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