General Audience (pg)

I'm All Weepy

I've just come from seeing "Mamma Mia". Yes, I know it has no TG content, but I'm a silly sentimental old tart. Probably many of you have already seen it but I think it's a lovely movie and Abba didn't get the credit that they deserved both for their lyrics and their melodies. I cried all the way through. Silly me, but I loved it,

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Off Armageddon's Reef

David Weber the Sci-fi author of Off Armageddon's Reef has an interview up at The novel has some TG in it but not as part of the main story. David Weber is the author of the popular Honor Harrington series as well as others. His books has strong women as their heroines and tend to be military sci-fi. I know that in the past his books has been mentioned and thought the interview would be of interest. One thing he did say that I agree with one hundred percent is that the only bad thing with writing is it leaves you with less time to read! Enjoy all!

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Parallel Blog -5-

Writing for a character that seems to have a mind of her own is a hoot. It's some of the most fun that a writer can have. Drew/Annie in TIP is such a character. One of the funniest things about writing for her are the things she seems to think but isn't willing to write down. After all, she's supposed to be telling the story and some things are just too embarrassing. ;>

I've got the next one almost done and plan to post it Thursday or Friday. And for the furriners who don't play baseball, well, stay tune. ;>


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Hi everyone!l

Just a quick update on my story writing goings-on. I am working on a story for the All Souls Day Contest and I'm hoping to have it up within the week. After that, I have some older stories I wrote a little while back and I'm thinking of posting those -- unless a new idea creeps into my head, and that does happen!


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The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.11 - Skirts!


"You must be effing mad!," I said harshly to Taran when we had reached the safety of the female loos," they're bound to find out who I am."

"You'll be fine, Alun's positively drooling all over you, just keep your shoulders back and your boobs out," she said, laughing.

"You are just so dead!," I hissed at her, on our way out, before resuming my painted smile as we walked back towards our two companions.

The Price To Pay - Vol. 2.11 - Skirts!

by Alys

Sharphawlad's Blog

Thursday 16th of October. I got an E-mail from a member on here requesting me to consider posting on this site. Well I have been a member for over three years and in that time I had not even considered posting. A short while ago I got in a discussion With Maddy Bell. The result was I sent her some of my fan fiction. From this you may realise I like the Gaby series. I also Like the Tucker-Valerie by Ellen Hayes and have quite a few fan-fiction in that series not sent in anywhere yet. Other peoples work I like are the Education by Karen & Penny. Christina Chase.

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Courtney's Diary

Edeyn Okay, so the latest entry in Dear Diary didn't quite fit, to me. I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong until I looked at it again tonight before bed. Hah! Yes, I fixed it. There is a bit in there that changed, so those that read it may want to look again.


Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Wasn't it Jim Henson who said, "Without faith, I am nothing," after all? No, wait, that was God... Sorry, common mistake to make...

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