Girls Can Be Crazed Maniacs

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I just got another reminder today that girls can be crazed and aggressive. You've got to watch out for 'em! :)

I was out shopping before the winter storm hits here in the Seattle area, and when I got back, I walked through the parking lot from my car. As I was walking, a little girl of around 7 years old started throwing snowballs at me!

I've never seen this girl before. She's a complete stranger but that didn't stop her. She had a mad glint in her eye and she wouldn't be denied. Her aim was horrible so I tried to give her some tips but they didn't work. She compensated for her bad aim though. She just got closer until she could hit me! Oy. hahahahahahaha

A little boy might have had better aim, and he might have hit me more than once, but the little girl gets high marks for the mad glint in her eye and her perseverance. :)

Happy holiday hugs

- Terry

ps My hands were full so I was completely at the little girl's mercy, and she showed me none. ;)


Something tells me....

that you won't be receiving the Nobel Prize for that discovery - also, they don't give a prize for psychology....maybe they should?

Great moment in snowball history - thanks for sharing!


PS - forgot to ask, did she follow your advice/pointers at all?

He conquers who endures. ~ Persius

Hard to Say

terrynaut's picture

She didn't talk except to say, "Dang!" when she missed so it wasn't clear whether my pointers helped.

I have one more thing of note I can add. I did stop to make myself an easier target. I couldn't let such cute behavior go unrewarded. ;)

- Terry