General Audience (pg)

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 07 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

A thirst for change: Chapters 1 and 2


“Did you get your new prescription yet?” Cathy asked. Not that it was a real prescription; they wouldn’t give me an official prescription yet. Next year I’d go visit the doctor. It wasn’t till I was 16 that they would start with official hormone treatments. But for now I had to stop the damage that was being done by my birth defect.

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 06 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Manny and Maude - 2 - On the Wall

Little ditty about Manny and Maude, seamstrist and guard travellin’ the Land Beyond.
Maudie's sellin’ sartorial splendor, Manny debutante of Maudie’s mirror.

Oh yeah life goes on...

Warning: Please brush your teeth after consuming this story, for it may cause cavities.
Warning 2: Contains some funky formatting, which I blame upon my imaginary friend, Imaginary Fred.

The First SRS

The First SRS

By Melissa Tawn

The first successful male-to-female sex-change surgery occurred in December of 1952, when American ex-soldier George William Jorgensen was transformed by Danish doctors into Christine Jorgensen. (Two such operations had been performed by German doctor Magnus Hirschfeld in the 1930’s, but neither of them was considered fully successful and so they are generally not counted.) The Jorgensen case received extensive international publicity and led to SRS becoming an accepted medical procedure. Before her operation, Christine had been under the care of Johns Hopkins University endocrinologist Dr. Harry Benjamin. Earlier, there had been another such patient, but that case was classified “Top Secret”.

Murder Mystery Games

Like me, I'm sure that many readers love those stories where circumstances conspire (through accident or design) to force the protagonist into women's clothes. The problem that every author has to overcome is to find a credible device for achieving that. Wet clothes, lost suitcases, mix up of fancy-dress sizes are all devices which, with a bit of effort, can be made reasonably plausible, but even they can be verging on the limits of credibility, and many others are way over the limit.


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Asylum for Undocumented TGs?

An article -- -- in this week's SF Weekly (a San Francisco alt-weekly) says that in the federal court's Ninth Circuit (California, Oregon, Washington, Montana, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska and Hawaii), transgender identity is legally sufficient to allow an undocumented resident ("illegal alien") to claim asylum from persecution in their home country,


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Employee trampled to death opening doors at Walmart

It's amazing this hasn't happened before. Today in search of the perfect sale, 2000 people in line at a Walmart in Queens pushed and broke open a door that an employee was trying to open. The employee was knocked down and trampled.

I hope it was a damn good sale, because the cost was too high.

Our thoughts are with this person's family.


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My First story is written but not typed

hey I am working on a story right now about a guy who has always wondered what it would be like to be a girl. He gets the chance to be a girl for a day. At the end of the day he doesn't want to be a boy again he wants t stay a girl. Keep checking in for more updates.Dan\Kim

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Reluctant Bridesmaid - 05 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©

By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.

Thanksgiving And My 38th Birthday

Today was a day of double meaning for me. I celebrated Thanksgiving with my entire family together for the first time since 2001 and it is my 38th birthday. I know I have a lot to be thankful for with having my family together, but on the other hand I feel down because I haven't been able to achieve the goals I had for my transition. When I originally set out living fulltime in 2005, I had a goal of having my SRS completed by this year. 2008 has been a nightmare for me both personally and professionally.

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Football Girl ~ Chapter 2


‘Hello, Mum. It’s me … Mark.’

‘Mark, you shouldn’t be ringing me, you know that your dad will get angry,’ whispered mum, sounding a bit frightened.

‘Why are you whispering?’

‘Your dad’s sleeping, he might wake up and hear me.’

Football Girl

By Susan Brown

just who is crazy?

In many cultures transgendered individuals are reviled, as are those with different sexual orientations to the majority. On the whole, I suspect most of us are more danger to ourselves than to others. I saw a paper which suggests mental illness and self harming, including suicide is higher amongst GLB individuals. It didn't mention transgendered, but I should imagine it's similar for the same reasons, pressures and stresses from the majority to either conform or be persecuted.

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Healing a Princess...28 (Lakeview)

HaP 28


Monyka pulled the covers up to Tonya’s neck. “I’m going to spend a little time with Kadyr before retiring tonight.” Monyka whispered to her Princess. “Annyka is sleeping in the front room and will be available to you. The Mul Lutala is just inside the front door as well.”

“Don’t be out all night.” Tonya warned. “I want to be on the road to Lake view early.”

Monyka nodded. “I don’t plan on being out late, remember I’m the one that has to get you ready for tomorrow. Although I think I will take a nap in the carriage tomorrow.”

Camp Kumoni : 61

“Come cuddle?” Tricia asked from her cot.

With out pausing, Erika changed course and padded over to the blonde’s cot. It would be easier to fall into Tricia’s bed than it would be to climb up into her own. She lay down and pulled the covers over her. Tricia turned in bed and spooned with her.

“What’s wrong with you?” Tricia asked.

Camp Kumoni
By Anistasia Allread
Not Edited

Reluctant Bridesmaid - 04 of 10

The Reluctant Bridesmaid©
By: Annette MacGregor

This story is based on a dream I've had off and on for a LONG time. To the best of my knowledge, the characters and events depicted in this story are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people or events is purely coincidental.


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