General Audience (pg)

The Softening of Jessie - Part 3

As Jessie stood to his feet though something welled up inside him and he found himself fighting back tears.

"Come on Jessie...come on you wuss!" Jason taunted him.

Jessie couldn't fight it...the tears welled up and he began crying.

"Oh hell no! You're crying dude? What a freakin sissy!" Jason exclaimed.

Panic engulfed Jessie as he ran away bawling uncontrollably.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 3

By AshleyTS

Saving mankind from Homosexuality & Transsexuality

The Pope has urged the Catholic Church to stop the slide into blurring of sex roles and to stop the destruction of mankind through homosexuality and transsexuality. He rubbishes gender theory which is an artificial concept.

He doesn't however rubbish the myths and fairy tales his whole empire is built on. How much longer have we got to stand by while these out of touch imbeciles pronounce on issues they neither understand nor have any right to speak about?

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The Unicorn's Gift - Part 12

Things of lasting value,
always rare, too few,
seldom found among those
that people say are true.

In all these many lands,
for a thousand lives of men,
we all have this in common
It lives in every ken.

Naught there is of value,
is had without a cost.
All truth is dearly purchased
or its value soon is lost.


Sarah Lynn Morgan
The Unicorn's Gift
Part Twelve

Two steps forward, three steps back

I received another call from my brother. My mom is now spending every night in the hospital. He will not be coming out for Christmas. He has a good chance for a turn around, but he needs to walk around to get his body moving. This is needed to get bodily functions moving normally. There is fluid build up in the lungs. Pneumonia has not set in yet. They are going to try to find the next blockage.

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Logging in

Strange. I visited the site just now and got a message that I wasn't authorised to access that page. I logged in and got the usual 'Home' page. As an experiment, I logged out again, and lost the 'Home' page. Never happened before. Does this mean that only people with usernames and also logged in can access the site now?

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The Softening of Jessie - Part 2

Jessie was different. It may not have been a huge change but there was a definite difference. "I think I may like the new Jessie," Amanda exuberantly told her mom.

"Before you go to school, I need you to take this pill. It has all of your regular vitamins you take to build your strong body but in one pill."

"Why the heck is it pink? Ha, pink is for sissies and girls...but I guess if it saves me from all those other pills...ok, give it to me. Freakin pink pill...whoever made that needs some help." With that Jessie was off to school.

The Softening of Jessie

Part 2

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 1

"I can't do this anymore," Amanda cried on the way home. Jessie, her 13 year old son, was uncontrollable. She had no idea where he went or what time he was coming home.

"How did I mess up so horribly?"

"You didn't mess up dear," Susan countered. "He is just like his father. It is in his genes. I am not going to see another life wasted though. When we get home I need to show you something. It is something I have been thinking a lot about and something I have been doing hours and hours of research on...and I think it is our solution."

The Softening of Jessie

Part 1

By AshleyTS

The Softening of Jessie - Part 38

“Huh? I’m a boy of course!”

Ashley snickered a little at the pretty girl who still did not have a clue to what was going on.

“So there is nothing wrong with two boys kissing then?”

Jessie thought about that for a minute. Two boys kissing would mean that they were gay. He wasn’t gay was he?

“Oh my! Ashley, am I gay? Is Jason?”

The Softening of Jessie

Part 38

By AshleyTS

Something Feels Strange - 4

Something Feels Strange…

Feels Strange

As I fade away, the last thing I hear is Mom exclaiming, “We forgot to get some sleepwear!”

“And a swimsuit,” Laurie adds.

I hope that whatever they get won’t be too racy!

“And makeup,” Marla interjects from a distance.

Chapter 4: Familiar Territory

The Softening of Jessie - Part 37

Suddenly Jessie was overcome with emotion. It hit him from out the blue with the intensity of a Mack truck. He was helplessly caught in its grasp. His eyes met Jason’s once again…then he glanced down to Jason’s lips. His lips looked so good…so inviting.. They looked undeniably yummy. Jessie couldn’t think straight…he felt a magnetic attraction pull him closer to Jason’s face. Wait, this was not right…was it? He so wanted to feel Jason’s lips on his…he just wanted them to touch for even a brief moment. That would be ok right? It didn’t matter, he had no say in the matter. He felt as if he was not in control of his actions any longer. He glanced at Jason’s eyes once again as their lips got closer. Jason’s eyes had almost a glazed look on them, Oh they were so handsome! Caught up in the moment, Jessie let his emotions fully take over as his lips met Jason’s.

...We're talkin' about Jason's Girl!...

The Softening of Jessie

Part 37

By AshleyTS

Kelly's Journey -8- Exodus

Kelly's Journey
Chapter 8: Exodus
By Stanman63
Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To Terry Naut
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Kelly and her mother attend a dinner party at the Woods where Johnny shows definite sexual interest in Kelly. After a tiff where Johnny and Kelly a dinner party at the Woods, Kelly and her boyfriend once again sate their passion. Afterwards, Kelly becomes confused about who she really is and her inability to resist loving Johnny, causing her to make a choice that changes everybody's lives.


There is a natural rhythm to our lives. Some of these rhythms are influenced by external factors while others are influenced by small chemical changes in our bodies.
When and where these changes occur is anybody's guess. The most prominent changes take place in that time zone known as...


life this christmas really sucks

well this christmas i get to spend it sleeping on the floor at my sister with all my stuff in storage. also i have to spend my birthday on christmas eve all dressed as a guy since i have to share the basement with my siblings and it will be my golden birthday this year as i will be 24 on the 24th. so yeah no dressing as my self instead i have to wear all guy clothes and i hate that. so yeah im kinda homeless till january so i have to crash at my sisters house till some time mid january.

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Something Feels Strange - 3

Something Feels Strange…


“I’ll have to work on that idea,” is what comes out of my mouth as I start to remove the jeans. Still avoiding looking down or in the mirror.

Chapter 3:  Resignation

You Are What You Read?

Here are two reading lists, one of men's "must reads" from Esquire, and one of women's from Jezebel. Can we assume someone's gender orientation by whether they've read more of one list than the other?

[credit goes to Slog for this one]

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Phone update to my friends here

Well I just received a call from my brother this afternoon (Friday, the 19th). Right now it is wait and see mode. My dad will be let out this Tuesday in time for Christmas. They want to make sure he is regaining his strength before he is released. They will do the biopsy on the liver before he is released.

They have to analyze it to determine what type it is first. We won't know that answer for a week. So, I will be down there from Christmas to New Years. I won't have access to a computer during that time. My parents refused to get involved in that.

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Fem Ring

It started out a normal enough day.

I got up, put on my pt uniform and headed out for the base. It was in the middle of winter, so we had to wear our sweats. Considering it only started getting cold, I didn't have my sweats on hand so I spent fifteen minutes looking for them. I don't normally mind, but it was raining so I would be cold and wet today. After finally finding my whole pt uniform, I went to start my car, but the battery was dead. Arg!!!


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