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by Angharad
“I’ve been set up.”
“Cathy, if I might call you that, you haven’t.”
“How do these two know each other?” I pointed at the two children hugging and showing each other their toys.
“They were in hospital together, on the same ward.”
“What makes you think I’d be any use to ‘Patricia’, here?”
“You know what it’s like to be transgendered.”
“I know what I felt like, but how do I know what anyone else feels?”
“Nurse could you keep an eye on these two a moment?” He pointed me towards his office. “Look Cathy, I’ve been seeing Patricia for two years. The paediatric psychiatrist asked me to see if there was any physical reason for her transgenderism: you know, genetic, endocrine, the usual stuff. I could find nothing, but we had this three year old boy convinced he was a girl, and more feminine than the real ones.
“I assumed he was probably gay, and he may well be, they often are–but, he still insists he’s female. I’ve watched him for hours, and I’m beginning to think he might be right. I’d like your opinion.”
“What? You want me to spend some time with ‘her’ and tell you what I think?”
“Not quite, if I had my wish, I’d like her to walk again. I’d also like her to stay with a sympathetic family. We’ve tried four so far, they all bring her back saying they can’t cope. Then she was pushed down the stairs by another child, a boy who’s a bit of a bully. She’s been paralysed ever since. It’s a couple of months now.”
“I sympathise with her, but I don’t know. I’d need to speak with Simon, my fiancé, Tom and Stella. We’d also need to find out what Mima thinks. I’d hate for her to feel pushed out. A disabled child is hard work and very time consuming and Stella is expecting in a couple of months. It might just be too much.”
“As far as we can tell, Patricia’s injuries have healed.”
“You think it’s psychosomatic?”
“It could be. She isn’t going to improve in the home, she sees it as place of danger.”
“How do you know mine isn’t just as dangerous?”
“I think I’d have guessed by now.”
“Could you have her for a weekend and just give her a break?”
“Can I think about it? I can see my career going down the pan.”
“Perhaps you should see it as a diversification for a few years.”
“How am I going to finish my PhD with children distracting me?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t finished mine, mainly because I keep meeting children with greater needs than just a piece of paper.”
“Just think what it must be like in Gaza at the moment, with all these traumatised kids.”
“I know what it’s like, I was there for a few weeks during the first intifada.”
“I’d have thought with your name you’d be…” I blushed, “Sorry, that was very rude of me.”
“You thought I should be Jewish, you’re right, I am. I’m also a supporter of Save the Children. I was there in my holidays, helping them and other medical charities.”
“I take my hat off to you.”
“I don’t believe in an eye for eye, I prefer the gentler teachings of Rabbi Hillel, be kind to your neighbour.”
“Is that while standing on one leg?”
“You know who I mean?”
“I’ve read bits and pieces and belonged to a peace group while I was at Sussex.”
“Not all Jews, especially secular ones, support what certain governments do.”
“I know, I read the Guardian.”
“So what about Patricia?”
“I need to think about it, especially with this case still hanging over me.”
“I understand that, but I’d be really grateful if you could seriously consider having Patricia for a weekend. Jemima would enjoy it and I know Patricia would. She’s a nice kid.”
“When does she go back to the home?”
“Straight after this appointment.”
“Can I use your phone?”
“Of course, you need to dial nine to get an outside line.” He walked out and left me in his cluttered little office. On the desk was a picture of a woman and two children, which I assumed were his family. Then I saw another, it was of a man carrying an injured child with a background that looked like a refugee camp in Palestine. I looked hard at the picture, it was Dr Rose and he was crying the child had blood on it’s face. Did he really need that to keep him on his toes every day?
“Hi, Stella, can you patch me through to Simon?” I waited while she handed him the phone.
“Hi, Babes, is there a problem?”
“Sort of, Dr Rose has a young child here who had a similar injury to Mima, only she’s still not walking. He wondered if we could have her for a couple of days, she knows Mima, they were in hospital together. There might be an element of psychosomatic illness involved.”
“Hmm, a psycho, eh?” He paused, “With you, that would make two psychos.” He laughed at his own joke.
“That’s not all I have in common.”
“You haven’t banged your head as well have you?”
“No, silly, this little girl used to be a boy, at least officially.”
“The child is transgendered, or claims to be.”
“Well, surely they are if they say so, they’re hardly old enough to play mind-games, are they? Anyway, when are they coming?”
“Where are they going to sleep?”
“We could put the two of them in the spare room, next to ours.”
“Have you spoken to Tom?”
“No, because I needed your support first.”
“You’ve got it, and Stella is nodding too.”
“Tell her, thanks.”
“Ring Tom.”
So that was what I did, thankfully he was just about to dash off to a meeting and I caught him quickly. He said yes before I could explain half of it, “It’ll be nice for Mima,” he said and rushed off.
“How long would it take to get her bag packed and her stuff delivered to my house?” I asked the doctor.
“It’s three o’clock now.” He waved to the support worker from the home, and she came in. “If I gave you an address, when could you deliver Patricia?” he asked her.
“She has a bag of stuff in the car, just in case you wanted her in again. I suppose I could take her straight wherever you want me too. I’d need to tell them at the home,” said the young care worker.
“I already did, well that it was possible. If you follow, Lady Catherine (he winked at me) back to her place, then you’ll have the address as well. It’s all in here,” he handed her an envelope. “And you, your ladyship, are any details I feel you need to know about Patricia. As far as I know, she doesn’t have any special dietary requirements. Her only medication is laxatives, not moving about doesn’t help her go.” I nodded.
“When you’ve had enough of her, phone the home and they’ll come and get her. She’s a lovely kid, and her and Mima get on tremendously, least they did here.”
“Tell me, have I got, sucker written across my forehead?”
He glanced behind me, “No you haven’t, but I can see where your wings are behind, you’re a positive angel, and I can’t thank you enough for this. If anyone can get Patricia walking again, it’s you and Jemima.”
“I’m not promising anything but to look after her as best I can. If I remember correctly, it was supposed to be one of your lot who used to do miracles,” I threw back at Dr Rose.
“Nice one, maybe he did or could, we’re not as convinced as you lot. But I know an angel when I see one, and they perform little miracles all the time.”
“Yeah, but on my grade, that’s restricted to dormice.”
“Au contraire, you’ve performed one already–Jemima, if you remember.”
I looked at my watch, and said, “Gosh look at the time, must fly.” Dr Rose nearly fell over.

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Cathy was right.
She was set up but in the nicest possible way. An interesting twist right out of left field. You do like making life difficult for yourself, Angharad. Fortunately your problems resolve themselves into our delights.
On a more prosaic note - are there really children as young as Patricia who so clearly display strong transgender tendencies? As a total ignoramus on the topic I would have thought it was more connected to the onset of puberty, though perhaps in its early stages.
Early on
No, not uncommon for a child of 4 or 5 to express him or herself. Even the extremely biased Dr. Phil show on the subject admitted that such children tend to express themselves early on. Given the quality of her grammar compared to Mima I would have expected her to be 5 or 6. I hope Mima can be corrected, her elocution drives me bonkers!
They know they can survive
Early gender dysphoria
Yes, Geoff, it can be known at a very young age. I don't remember very much of my early years, but I do know that I was diagnosed as being gender dysphoric at the age of four, way back in 1970.
The Prophecy Is Coming True
The prophecy is coming true. The things that Cathy's mother told her are coming to pass. She is starting to become a parent even when she least expects it. I think it is really heartwarming that everyone would agree to take Patricia immediately after Cathy explained the situation. Social Services had better not mess things up or Dr. Rose will go lower the boom on a few bureaucrats. They should fall down and kiss Cathy's feet for her willingness to take on two small children with special needs. I applaud anyone who has room in their hearts for these special angels.
Re: TG Kids...
Barbra Walters did a great piece on the news show 20/20 on Trangendered kids and I think some were mentioned to be that young when first diagnosed.
I haven't got the links, but the entire piece (or is that pieces) that she did, can be seen on YouTube. Try doing a search for Barbra Walters, 20/20 or Transgendered Kids.
Barbara Walters 20/20 links --- Transgender Kids
See: for the article on Jazz.
You can also look at:
Youtube of the story:
Cathy Is
Gonna make one swell mummy to her children. Her heart won't let her be anything but.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
have to agree
That one sentence comment says it all.
At least it's not...
bait and switch.
Hopefully the drops have a positive effect on Mima's hearing. Though, she seemed to hear th eother kid fine. Hmmm. She's a tad young to have developed the teen's selective hearing syndrome. And, she's not married, so she can't have Spouse Ear yet. Not hearing quietly spoken words is worysome though (speaking as one who's been all but deaf in one ear for over a quarter century)... Hope the minor bit on the outer ear can be addressed, and they can find the underlying issues.
Thanks for the interesting continuation... Mima may be less work, now that she has a playmate. :-)
Barbara Walters 20/20 Transgenered Children
The only Item I could find with 20/20 Barbara Walters interview with transgender children was at this address: I found nothing at U-Tube that showed young children, most were middle Teens to about 35 years old. This is the U-Tube address about coming out Trangendered young women at this address: Richard
Make sure you comment
There are places to comment in these stories. Please make sure you do.
Are you in the states?
There was a whole bunch on her stories when I followed the links. A six year old, an 8 Year old and a 14 year old. The stories are moving, and accurate. Lots of people are commenting. Don't get left out.
Barbraa Walters 20/20
20/20 did a real good job. The hour program was split into five parts. Go to youtube and serch for "My Secret Self". Very informitive.
Still managing to keep up with this wondeful tale.
Puts a whole new meaning to the expression "Something for the weekend?"
Darn I'm on a dayshift tomorrow, so it will be after 8 when I can next check in. Sometimes patience can be annoying.
Please keep writing big A.
Major Epic
Dear Angharad (Still not sure how a Canadian with Only a little Cornish background should properly pronounce your name)
Dear Angharad; I have been thinking back to your comments when you started this epic work, about your uncertanty as to where the story line would go and how you would handle the nearly daily commitment. I can tell you quite honestly that you have far exceeded any expectation I had. I am sure that you never contemplated all the story lines and character development you have taken on. However , that being said, you may just have opened up one of the most significant, important and demanding story threads yet. Lots of luck and good wishes on this endevour. I really appreciate all your efforts to date as I believe a lot of people all around this world do. Thanks again and God speed. Another Brian
A Laugh a minute !
Lovely repartee, Angharad. I JUST loved the last line - having been called an Angel and with wings, "I must fly" she said !
knowing what i was
i remember quite well going back to age 3-4, I was different from other boys & thinking I was & prefered being around girls. that all came to an end when i wanted to wear a dress my grandmother had bought about a month before as i was allowed to play dressup with my cousins
My 1st day of 1st grade i wanted to wear tht dress. My stepdad came into room (was drunk as usual) exclaimed i wasnt a girl, then proceeded to beat the hell outta me. I ended up @ hospital with two places needing stitches. over 70 in one leg :( well the hospital had to notify authorities, I ended up @ my grand-parents for 6 months ... missed 1st 3 weeks of school & nearly held out entire year cause I was born in FEB & they thought perhaps I should ... least that didnt happen
so, YES I believe some of us can & do know what we were at a very young age. I didnt have words to describe anything cept i thought i was a girl, I sure didnt have words like gay,gender, trans(anything) in my vocabulary. In fact I was well past my teens before i had ever heard term transsexual. Rene Richards was making waves in tennis world. I had read an article bout her in a magizine and thought this person was kinda like me, but, I didnt quite relate, cause here was this tennis star (minor) with I figured loads of money I didnt have, so I figured it was a pipedream to think i could of done something like her..drag queens I knew about, but i just couldnt see myself dressing up that outragiously..i had tried being with a gay person, but i def didnt like kissinga male & I def didnt like being next to this hairy person. I had to be very secretive about crossdressing, I was pretty sure me being in the Marine Corps and many of my peers making comments bout just being gay woudlnt have liked my little secret one bit ROFL ..I was well into my 30's on MSN chat when i met someone that TS and just had her surguries...when discussing what she had done was when i started looking seriously what was needed & oooooops well this is becoming a book not just a comment
I just enjoying this series alot, I cant write that well & these damm comment boxes dont seem to have spell check so I'll leave Angharad & others to the writing 7 me to snuggling up in my blankie & keep reading
Some of Cathy's child rearing practices will be called into question. Since Cathy is female in physique she can get by with Mima taking a shower with her. Patricia though? Who knows.
Well her mother saw two angels with her last.
That last sentence.
Well Cathy wanted a family. Who better for Patricia then Tom and Cathy