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Still kicking

Okay... So the one chapter I was worried about, as I hadn't written it at all and it needed new research to fill in a few holes is done and I plan on getting to it sometime this week. That will be nice. As I have been doing these I realized that I had missed something in them and thus I needed to toss in a whole new chapter. It answered a few questions for me in terms of plot and such but also raised a few new questions.

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Becoming Robin Interlude - The Gowns

BecomingRobinBk2 ©2010ZoeTaylor.png
~* The Gowns *~

It's almost entirely likely that the next chapter will feature Robin and Linda's first fittings, but I couldn't resist showing off what I have in mind for the two of them as a 'finished product' since the wedding itself will be taking place in the Spring, and Book Two will come to a close with the holidays (in-story).

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Writing Bike - the Daily Dormouse

I'm delighted when people write to me and say that reading Bike has inspired them to have a go at writing themselves. It's nice to think it's an inspiration, although as Bonzi pointed out, it might also mean that Bike is so badly written, they all think they can do better. He could be right.

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Force of Will

Will Slater wants to be as popular as his older brother John, the high school’s star quarterback. He thinks he’s found a way to make his dreams come true. The trouble with dreams is that they tend to go off in directions you'd least expect — and for most folks, trying to steer a dream can turn it into a nightmare, or take you places you'd never thought you'd go.


Force of Will

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2010 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.


Please help. When I wrote Something to Declare,I was listening to folk music. When I wrote the two strands of Points of View, it was Sibelius, mostly. Here I am writing a Cold Feet altercation in a Welsh pub, and it's Budgie's heavy metal riffing.

Do I have to play the soundtrack of my writng?

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Transgender Day of Remembrance

I've never posted a blog before but I found a good news article that I felt was worthy of posting here. I never see any Canadians posting our news so I thought it might be time, especially given todays significance.

Alright I fixed the link and went straight to the CBC. I just thought it was a good article on some basic recognition...

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It seems all you authors know the proccess

Being totaly green, I dont even know how to post a story on this website.
Speaking as a virgin on this website, my attempt to post a viable story on this site proved fruitless (due to my own ignorance,may I add) not to worry,its back to F.M for my storie's. (Read but never reccognised)aah well.


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High Anxiety

It’s hard to believe that it has been over thirty years since some of my darkest hours. I was in a horrible work situation and also trying to lose too much weight too quickly through a diet of mainly caffeine laden diet cola.

Out of the blow I started having full-blown anxiety attacks. They were of such force that I thought I was being hit by an electrical charge when the adrenalin rush started. It got so bad I couldn’t leave the apartment where we lived with our two-year old child.

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Things that go bump in the night

Things That Go Bump in the Night
by SamanthaMD

“George” said the woman lying next to her husband in bed.

He continued snoring gently.

“George!” she said more urgently.

Then she gave him a kick. The snoring stopped.

“Wassup?” he said sleepily

“They’re at it again”

“At what again?” he said totally disinterested manner.

Transgender people learn at US school to speak as the person they are…

Here's an interesting article I ran across about voice classes.


I also find it interesting that this is reported in The Canadian Press and not in any US press.



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First Commercial 3-D Bioprinter Fabricates Organs To Order

"An engineering firm has developed a 3D bio-printer that could one day be used to create organs on demand for organ replacement surgery. The device is already capable of growing arteries and its creators say that arteries "printed" by the device could be used in heart bypass surgery in as little as five years. Meanwhile, more complex organs such as hearts, and teeth and bone should be possible within ten years."


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Photo Opportunity - Part 2

Photo Opportunity
Part 2
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2006 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.



The Waldron's spare room isn't really much more than a cupboard with a bed in it but it was at least a bed and I was missing mums inquisition, which is always a bonus. Mind you, I told Mrs. Waldron that I spoke to mum but in reality there wasn't a reply when I called - I did leave a message tho'.

I didn't sleep well; maybe it was the cider or the passive hash smoking, whatever it was I felt really crap when I woke up. And we've got school and I haven't got my uniform or books, sugar!

Might I Ask A Favor?

Most of you know me as Gwen, but recently I realize that when someone uses that name on me it is particulary jarring. Gwen (Gwinn) was my male name, and my ear does not hear a difference between the two. In real life, everyone knows me as Khadijah. I won't bother you with the correct pronunciation as my throat can not form the sounds either. I heard a woman say it properly the other day. NOPE, ain't happening! LOL

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Revisiting "Deception Of Choice".

I am re-reading Fleurie's, psychological thriller, "Deception Of Choice", um because I decided to. As it turns out, the story was originally published in the same month that I was originally outed. Being outed was not something that I wanted, but somehow the system propelled me along as surely as being fired out of the torpedo tube of a submarine. I had intended to stay with my family, and hopefully die not that long after the last one married. My job would be complete.

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MORFS, Massive Ontogenetic Regulation Failure Syndrome

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I have to apologize. I have not been commenting much lately, and that isn't like me (I have left kudos, though...). I'm just going through a seriously depressed time. So many bad things happening. I'm holding it together, but I feel like crying all the time, and I didn't want to bring anyone down with my comments. It gets worse with some writers (Bailey, Portia, I'm sorry-you always seem to get the tears going for me!), but I am reading, when I can drag myself out of bed. I'll be fine, eventually, just gotta work my way out of this.


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TG day of rememberance

Well, today is the transgender day of remembrance. Have things got better? Probably. I mean, I have gone around Edmonton in a skirt and not drawn any serious negative reaction. And there is a bill in our Parliament that will finally put an end to discrimination based on gender expression or identity, assuming it ever comes up to a vote and passes. But things are less good in other places, and even here, I risk the loss of my child if I move forward. (Even if the ex would be wrong legally, it would be up to me to go to a court to get access, and I simply cannot afford it).

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Day Of Remembrance. Buffalo gathering.

I'll be traveling up to Buffalo for the observance, along with some others from our local support group. It's being held at:

******12th Annual International Transgender Day of Remembrance******

Nov 18 2010 - 7-9pm
Unity Fellowship Church
1420 Main Street
Buffalo, NY

"Trans people are still being killed."
An evening to reflect on our shared humanity of those who have suffered from transphobia, hatred and violence.

Please join us for refreshments and discussion groups after the vigil.

I hope to see many of you Western New Yorkers there.


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----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------


by Talespinner

Copyright © 2009 Talespinner
All Rights Reserved.

Jaiden, a hard worker and an astute student, was being prepared for a life he didn't want.
Everyone around him seemed to have plans for his life. But Jaiden wanted something more.
He had a deep dark secret...

He was not who everyone thought he was.

no more Photo

As somebody (in good intention no doubt) changed my posting of Photo Opportunity to include everything available there is no point in me posting anything else.

Please, if you are on the organising commitee check what you are doing.

Instead you can read more of Mary


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Unexpectedly Mary Chapter 3

Chapter 3

Day three, or is it four, depends how you count I suppose, duly arrived and started much the same as the previous one. After the usual morning routine he dressed in his cycling togs before going to once again partake of breakfast. By the time the tent was down and the bags packed and installed on the bike it was heading on towards nine and strangely the intrepid explorer was feeling both excitement and trepidation at the prospect of leaving Detwang. It may have only been two nights but he was already feeling some attachment to the place. Well he'd get a last look at the place on the way out, the computer clicked on as he moved off and the next step of the adventure was underway.

Laughter is the best policy

On Joanne Barbarella's suggestion, I created a joke section on my new website, which because I can't use a database (it's the ISP, not my inadequacies), ten different subjects one on each page.

I'm quite chuffed with them and although there's nothing brand new there, there are some good ones.

However, they don't represent all of what I have, so having now got the bare bones down, I will be adding to them as often as I can and will be including a video section too!

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Tropical Twist


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Five airmen survive the crash of their bomber on a remote tropical island. Unfortunately, the island is inhabited by 800 dangerous tribesmen who don't like white-faces. Oh, and there's also 200 Japanese soldiers. That's not going to be the worst of their problems, though.

Tropical Twist

by Penny Lane

A Daughters of Time story set in the Pacific during WWII. Remember, the Moebius Institute is still 30+ years in the future.

Tropical Twist - 1

Five airmen survive the crash of their bomber on a remote tropical island. Unfortunately, the island is inhabited by 800 dangerous tribesmen who don't like white-faces. Oh, and there's also 200 Japanese soldiers. That's not going to be the worst of their problems, though.

Tropical Twist

1 - Down

by Penny Lane

A Daughters of Time story set in the Pacific during WWII. Remember, the Moebius Institute is still 30+ years in the future.

More warning about the new Facebook thingy, 'Titan"?
In the above article, Dan Gillmor at Salon warns about a couple of issues
One if them is the part about the conversations feature which includes a complete archive of everything you’ve ever electronically exchanged with your friends and loved ones on Facebook: What a treasure trove for divorce lawyers and law enforcement.

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The Redhead and the PM - Sort of a Heads Up

The Redhead and the PM is forty (40) chapters long. I have it set up for 21 postings; however, some of the final proofing for the latter chapters is not completed. Specifically, some of the UK unique things haven't been gone over by someone who knows. I made many errors in the first few chapters out of ignorance. That's because, as much as I try, I haven't learned enough British unique language and geography features from my five trips to England, and watching PBS. So, the posting will take a while. Right now, just the first twelve chapters are mostly ready to go.

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bit of a mixed bag

Well, its been kinda a good news/bad news day. To start with the bad news, I got a reply of sorts to the reply I had sent to the fellow on the christian support group. Unfortunately, it was less than charitable, or at least that is how I saw it. At the moment I was reading it, I was on a down, so it was like a slap to my face. But, (and this is the good news) fortunately, some christian friends of mine were online, and comforted me. Then, to make things even better, I got a gift from Richie (our fellow author here on BC) - a pair of very nice wigs.

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Gaby Book 7 Chapter *18* Cos Choice

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *18* Cos Choice
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?


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