Privacy is important here at BigCloset and how that relates to Private Messages and Email is pretty simple.
Don't quote extensively in any public forum, here or elsewhere, from any PM or Email received from someone you know to be a BigCloset member without prior permission of the original sender.
Doing so would be a serious violation of privacy and not a good thing to do but besides all that, it could leave BC's liability in a civil case up in the air -- meaning mine. Please, don't do it.
This applies to messages received by accident, content relayed through a third party, and pretty much any means of side-stepping this policy that appears to exist is hereby noted as non-existent if a well-intentioned and reasonable person would think that the behavior in question was not in accord with the intent of this policy. Anyone who knowingly and willingly violates this policy should also know that this paragraph is intended to shift liability in such a case to the performer of the privacy violation and not BigCloset, the operator(s) of BigCloset, the volunteers who help out at BigCloset, the carriers of the content of BigCloset, and anyone else associated with BigCloset as contributor, reader, donor or any other capacity.
When in doubt, don't do it. Please.
Anyone who does knowingly and willingly violate this policy will be considered to be in violation of the BigCloset "friendly place" Terms of Service. Each incident will be considered individually but ignorance of this policy will not be considered as a major reason for it's violation. It's just common sense, after all. Please, keep BigCloset friendly.
Erin (Joyce Melton)
P.S. There's not going to be a public discussion of this rule. Send any comments directly to me. Here's a link to send me a PM: Erin.
P.P.S. As an extension of this policy, don't quote extensively any comments or content (stories, blogs, articles, topics, forums, pages, weblinks, books, etc) from BigCloset in Email or other outside forum or media without prior permission from the original author. Extensively means any amount more than a handful of words that could be used to identify the original author. Story titles are excepted, they can be quoted even if longer than five or six fingers, er, words.
- Erin