What are BC's story posting policies?

On this thread I'll try to answer as many questions as I can.

A few notes:

Remember that any post is one of fifty on the front page. The bottom 5 to 15 posts are "in the white" -- they have white backgrounds to the title -- meaning that they are stories posted more than a week ago, blogs, forum topics, weblink announcements or old announcements from me (or Bob, sometimes). The top 35 to 45 posts on the front page are "in the yellow" -- they have yellow backgrounds to the title -- meaning mostly stories less than one week old, plus a few announcements, forum topics or weblinks I have chosen to float up into the yellow.

Every story posted pushes more than forty other stories down. Stories below the top 5 to 8 are less likely to get hits. Taller story blocks push other stories down further, real estate wise.

I reserve the very top spot for announcements from me, including Hatbox/Doppler Press announcements. Sometimes I will take the two top spots for announcements. If I'm not using it, then the most recently posted story goes in the top spot.

The part of the story that appears on the front page is called the teaser. It includes the title, in red on white or yellow; the categories in blue; a box with a peach background containing the title and author and maybe a graphic or a "text teaser" (I call this part "the squib" to distinguish it from the whole title-and-box teaser). Below the box are links to comments, pming the author and a read more link.

Graphic images used in teasers should not be more than 400x400 pixels. I try to keep to this myself. If you upload your graphics to BC's server, it will automatically limit the size to those dimensions or smaller. Two people have permission from me to use larger graphics inside their posts but they limit the use in the teaser to 400 pixels wide. Graphic images hosted elsewhere than BC's own server should NOT be used in the teaser as this can cause the front page to hang.

Don't use the blockquote HTML command in the teaser to set off the squib; it puts in an unnecessary blank line above the text inside the blockquote and makes the box look tall and unbalanced. Try to make sure your HTML commands are nested properly abc-cba, as a construct like abc-cab will give some browsers fits. End your teaser with a break command that looks like this: <!--break-->

The squib ("text teaser") should be one to eight lines of pithy comment or extract, the shorter the better almost. Two lines is nearly perfect, one may be too short. The best squibs ask a question the story answers.

Always, always, always include your name as author (or the author's name if you're posting for someone else) in the teaser box.

I may alter teasers that do not meet these formats. I've always done so, not by whim but by how much time and energy I have to make the front page look good and load properly.

Any other questions? :)

- Erin