Liked "Only A Baby Machine" Any Suggestions

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I really liked Suzy Q's "Only a Baby Machine".

Was wondering of any other suggestions of stories here with a similar theme.

I like the mind control where there participant is not willing, but is forced to succumb to their "programming"
The use of sci-fi/technology and magic are good also.

Not a big fan of the "Always want to be a girl and now I am" type stories.


Different Tastes and Druthers

This post makes a very important point about how a writer tags his or her story. I for one automatically skip over any story that is tagged as 'brainwashing/mind control' and almost always ignore stories labeled with 'magic' or 'sci-fi.'

Now I know I am going to offend a whole bunch of people here by saying what I am about to say, but in addition to not being my thing, the heavy reliance on being physically forced or using magic is often used as an easy out, a Deus ex machina or literary contrivance that allows the author to gloss over dealing with some really hard questions and inner personal struggles.

Yes, I know sci-fi and magic sell, otherwise movies like ‘Avatar’ and ‘Twilight’ as well as card games like ‘Magic the Gathering’ and the game ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ would not be as popular as they are. There seems to be a vast majority of the audience here and at TS/BC’s sister site ‘Fictionmania’ who cannot get enough of brainwashing/mind control, magic and sci-fi driven stories. As of late, a clear majority of the stories on TS/BC seem to be trending toward those popular genres, much as Fictionmania did awhile back.

Be that as it may, I implore those of you who are considering writing to give some serious thought to avoiding using those contrivances when and where possible. Readers such as I who enjoy delving into the human drama and personal struggle that is often part of this unwanted dilemma will applaud your efforts and come back for more. The drama and joy a reader finds in seeing how a character survives the struggle and overcomes the Strum und Drang of the issues they must deal with can make a very enjoyable and compelling read as well as stretch the writer’s imagination and skills, which is always a good thing for the reader.

As I said, this is simply an observation. I expect many (most?) will not agree with me or find fault in the way I expressed it. But it is, I feel, something writers who are just starting out should consider.

Okay, I’ll shut up now and sit down. Critics, fire when ready.

Nancy Cole


~ ~ ~

"You may be what you resolve to be."

T.J. Jackson

There is value in using ...

... both magic and science fiction in stories, as long as they aren't used as a "get out of conflict" free card. It's not about what sells at all. Both options provide an author with a way to put people in situations you won't find if you stick to the here and now, and limit yourself to what is realistically possible given the current state of the art in medical science.

There is human drama in science fiction, and in fantasy. People who aren't fond of either genre tend to ignore it, but that's really what makes the story. For example, Tolkien's Lord of the RIngs trilogy isn't ultimately about the monsters or the different races -- they are allies or obstacles, just as you'd find in any work of fiction. The true core of the story is in the interactions of the characters; in Frodo's need to complete the mission, even as he must fight the compulsions of the ring; and in Sam's love for Frodo, and his willingness to do whatever he had to to make sure his Master and friend comes back home, safe and whole.

Heck, even the original Star Trek series wasn't about the monsters or the technology. In the end, it was about the people -- Kirk, the youngest captain in Starfleet, with the full weight of command authority on his shoulders but still gathering the experience needed to wield it well; Spock, the half-Vulcan half-human science officer, trying so hard to cling to the logic his home world valued, but surrounded by emotion and forced to deal with his own friendship with the captain; and McCoy, the chief medical officer with his own conflicts, unable to be dispassionate about his patients, or about the decisions the Captain makes.

In the end, fiction is seldom about the props or the stage set. It's really about life. It's about people who step up and face their challenges (or not), and overcome them (or not).

That's entertainment. *grin*


Of Taste There Is No Dispute

littlerocksilver's picture

De gustibus non disputandem est. I guess this site has several purposes. For many who visit here, the purpose is solely for entertainment purposes. For others, this site not only offers entertainment, it gives budding authors a chance to develop their skills. The value is that we are able to receive feedback, some subjective, some critical and objective. Unfortunately, critical comments are in the significant minority.

I think to categorically reject a story because of a subject category (maybe one of a dozen or so listed) is doing the author and the reader a disservice. Sometimes, it is very easy after just a few paragraphs, to tell that the story is not one that is worth reading. Murder is a terrible thing, as are other types of violence and abuse. If one includes such things in a story, does that mean that the author advocates such activities? Hopefully not; however, we all know (or most of us, anyway) that some subject material is a turn on, a vicarious experience. I feel that the serious authors who contribute to this site are honestly interested in the human experience: the sturm und drang of life. Yes, the writing deals with transgender themes; however, it is the human experience that is important. I recently posted a story/novel that was pretty much real life. I put the various subject categories in the header. One of those subjects was incest. As abhorrent as that might be to some people, it does happen. In this case the incest was not forced, nor did it dominate the story. The story dealt with the main character overcoming her weaknesses. The readers were warned. Yet one reader expressed in rather strong words that he/she would not read the rest of the story because of something she was warned about. The reader missed the point. It wasn’t to expound on the prurient, it was to talk about recovery. The readers comment really didn’t really have any value. It was an opinion, an opinion that didn’t really serve any purpose toward improving the story.

I found the story that generated this blog to be very interesting, and yet very disturbing. It was quite well done. The story generated considerable comment, some of the best I’ve seen in many months on this site. Most of those who commented found what was done to the main character very disturbing. Many did not accept the author’s premise or conclusions; however, that did not prevent them from reading the story and commenting. They knew what the subject matter was; however, they did not summarily reject the story.

A series of stories I posted here do deal with magic; however, magic was not the major point. The characters experience very human problems, and have to deal with them just like any other person does. To reject the story because magic might have been mentioned seems to me to be cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face. I do think that if there were a number of subjects mentioned that I found to be disturbing, I might skip the story due to the preponderance of subject matter I don’t like. What I am trying to say is give the author a chance. You might be pleasantly surprised.


Please do not get offended or BARK at me, Nancy.

I don't really like Magic but I love Science Fiction, if it is not expected to otherwise carry a story weak in plot and substance. I did not like "Baby Machine" mostly because of the outcome. Yet,in thinking about it, MS Frankenstein and Desert Princess used some of the same devices. Hmmmmmm.

Incidentally, I really like your writing, but feel that you are too harsh on my adopted culture. Not all of us are terrorists. I am an American Citizen and a Veteran. I would and have bought some of your work, but it is sometimes difficult to figure out if I have already read a story or not before I buy it. If you are gonna offer a story for sale, then please just say it and don't put most or all of it on BCTS. I get really disgruntled with authors that get pissed off and pull their stories.

Your "Dance of the Baca" was great, chilling, and deep, but I would have grinned with pleasure to see Dr (Evil) full of bullet holes. An Afgani Muslim that I know but do not get along with, calls me a Baca. Grrrrrr.

Much peace


Reality, what a concept

erin's picture

Writing is a solitary vice that leaves stains on paper. Or nowadays on the computer screen.

Sitting alone with a keyboard, the writer creates a world for the reader to enter. Whether that world includes fantastic elements that could not take place in the real world or not, that world does not exist until the writer brings it into Being. Shakespeare, Dickens and Twain sometimes found it useful to include fantastic elements in their stories, the better to illuminate aspects of the humanity of their characters. Kurt Vonnegut used such elements in almost all of his fiction writing.

The current popularity of fantastic elements in film is a consequence of the fascination with the technology now available to make such things seem real. Many more movies are made that do not include such elements as ones that do. It's expensive to make an alien world come alive and not that many people have stories to tell that demand it.

But every piece of fiction is world creation. None of them are real, otherwise it is autobiography and not fiction. Whether it is a world where going to the local Safeway can involve one in a life and death drama with a nation watching, or one in which you can set your foot in the snowlike dust of another planet, fiction is not reality.

The reader explores the reality the writer has created. The abilities of a Sherlock Holmes or a Mary Poppins are not part of our everyday world, they don't have to be. Writers make them real, doing the job for which people heap them with accolades and approbation. Or not.

There is no sharper instrument than a keyboard with a mind behind it, slicing and carving worlds out of nothing. This is possible, this is not: Fiat Lux. Yes, gods and writers both get to feel that particular thrill. Hence the stains left behind.

My advice to writers is to write what you will, for your will is the most powerful force in your Creation.

You may write an intense personal, psychological exploration of what it means to choose one life over another; meticulously researched for adherence to looking like the real world. I guarantee that if you do, much of the criticism, and even compliments, you get will be aimed at pointing out just those places where, in the never-so-humble opinion of the commenter -- you got it wrong.

You may write of an incredible world where colors are gender and no one who is born green would ever dare to wear purple without being considered a pervert. Someone will criticize your fashion sense. You may stretch your imagination to create walking, talking humanoid insects with five genders and someone will mention the square-cube law in a comment.

Reality always tries to intrude on fiction. Keeping them separate is no one's job.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

de gustibus ain't what dey used to be

laika's picture

I do enjoy a good non-magical story. Maybe they contain nothing you won't also find in stories with SF or magic elements, yet sometimes I seek them out specifically. Nancy Cole and Angela Rasch are two authors here who's work rarely if ever ventures outside of what's commonly held to be possible, and they're excellent. Daphne's historical saga Balthezar's Extract was another of these I love, in which the most implausible element was her young herione's Forest-Gumplike encounters with half the famous people of the era. And Melissa Tawn creates compelling tales that as far as I know don't stray outside of ordinary reality. Some of my favorite stories in the recent Christmas Story Contest were ones where I was half-expecting the real Sannie Claws to arrive and magically make everything right, but he never showed and yet they had gratifying and heartwarming conclusions that had magic enough without uh ...... magic. That this can happen is a good thing to be reminded of.

And as for brainwashing/forced stories, specifically without that icky "I always wanted to be a girl and now I am" stuff the blogger mentions (I mean are there really people who can relate to that? Well, besides me...); It seems like FICTIONMANIA is the place to go for that, there seem to be more like that there than here. Comments on these sort of stories at FM often praise how deliciously humiliating and hopeless was the main character's plight of being "reduced" to a travesty of a female life; whereas comments here will damn the perpetrators of these deeds to hell and root for some revenge or escape that will never happen; these commenters not understanding the actual purpose of such a story- that it gives some folks a big fat throbbing boner to read or write or imagine such an involuntary transformation. (I'm not knocking it, but let's call it what it is instead of pawning it off as some exploration of universal existential issues, a cautionary tale about human rights violations {extra points if you mention Mengele...}, or some crap...)

I've noticed that fiction sites like LITEROTICA, that feature stories which are all about sexual situations have an "INVOLUNTARY" tag, to help the reader find stories where the main character is a victim of events, and usually of rape. Maybe something like that, as distinct from the Forced Fem and Brainwashing tags would help at TG fiction sites, if authors would remember to use it.
~~~hugs, Laika

What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.

I think the word is CHOICE!

I agree with you Nancy because my 'choice' is to read those type of stories.

I tend to read mostly my favourite authors only, however if one of my favourite authors wrote a sci-fi or magic story I would most likely read it.

One commenter mentioned the need to encourage new writers which I fully agree with and try to read as many as possible although I will be selective in which ones I fully read.

I will admit I enjoyed Avatar, in my youth was a big H. G. Wells fan and still have first edition Asimov's Trilogy. Now I'm 70 my tastes have changed over the last 40 years which will probably happen to most of us I expect!


Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)


The thing about high tech/magic, especially in TG stories...

In my stories (certainly my more recent ones) I am trying to explore the differences between genders and the reason why the grass seems so much greener in a dress. The problem with real life is that men tend to be so repressed into the limited and restrictive masculine role they are expected to play that the hurdle of reaching the decision to go for the transition is just too damn high, and the potential rewards too marred by knowing that you'll still end up looking to much like a bloke in a dress to be satisfied with the changes after. This being the case it would take a hundred-thousand words just to deal with the dilemma of making the transition to be who you desperately want to be despite the anger of the great uneducated masses and the sorrow and confusion of those who love you and don't understand. It would make pretty bleak reading and wouldn't address the issues I'm interested in exploring.

Magic and scifi give an easy way to reach that point where the guy turned girl (or vice versa if want to go that way) is in a position to make comparisons between his/her old and new lives. I guess to an extent this is why force feminisation also appeals because the guy doesn't have to go through all the angsty 'should I buck society and chase my dream' bit before being changed. I think it's also something that appeals to a lot of blokes (self included) because wouldn't it be nice to have that oh so longed for change happen to us without having to take responsibility for the consequences?

Maybe I should just start a story with the line "Today when I woke up, I was a woman." That way I could leave it up to the reader to decide how the change happened if they were really bothered. But then that would be the ultimate cop out wouldn't it?

I should say here that I don't discount the sort of story you're promoting. I've read some fantastic stories grounded in reality and loved them all the more for that, but there's space for all types here and all I'm trying to argue is that there are some worthwhile stories that need just a slight suspension of belief. Scifi and fantasy have been my bread and butter for reading for so long now, and largely because it massively broadens the scope of what you can explore by opening up situations that the real world does not permit.

If I can let my inner geek poke his head out from behind my skirts for a moment, scifi has provided us with a lot of ground-breaking challenges to morality and social stigmata (Pride of place for me would be Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert Heinlein, especially if you can read the unexpurgated re-release. Although some of the worst pulp literature ever to disgrace the pages of a book has emerged from the scifi genre, quite a bot of it also contributed by RH). Star Trek for all it's laughable faults and limitations holds some records like the first ever televised inter-racial kiss (between Kirk and Uhuru) as well as challenging a racially prejudiced Western world by presenting a bridge crew consisting of a Russian, a Chinese, and African (and a woman at that) and a non-descript alien. They also had one episode where Kirk body-swapped with a somewhat spoilt woman - not very well dealt with perhaps, but still kudos for addressing a topic that everyone else was ignoring at the time.

Maeryn Lamonte, the girl inside

I have to agree

When ever I see those words I usually won't read the stories either. I've only used magic in one of my stories and without it there wouldn't have been a story. I like real life and the angst of transition. If you've read my stories then you will see that sometimes it goes well and others not so good. Some of the best writers on this site write SciFi almost exclusively and I don't even bother to open the page, however when they write a story about real life I gobble it up like a junky. That's just my taste though and I know SciFi sells, but I can't get into it, Arecee

The Deconstruction of Emmet Thorpe

erin's picture

I've had on my hard drive for about two years now the outline and notes for a novel with some version of the above title. It's about a government brainwashing experiment using convicts serving life sentences. I may never write it now. Outlining a project tends to kill it for me.

I did not read "Only a Baby Machine" but did skim a few of the chapters. There are some parallels with my outline and some details that are very similar.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

I used to like forced fem stories

but my tastes have changed and now i much prefer stories where the person had the spark of the feminine all along, however much it may have been repressed or denied. All one has to do to see the downside of forced changes is to read something like "Sweat and Tears" and you can see how horrible it would be. Yes, I know we are for most part, writing fiction here, and no adults, children, or small animals are actually being damaged, and a writer has the right to create whatever they want, as long as proper warnings are attached. But for me, and others here who have lived with horror in our real lives, we rarely want to deal with it in the stuff we read, except maybe as a cathartic exercise. Plus, much of forced fem stuff lacks one quality - we almost never know WHY the person doing the forcing is doing it. The result is much of the time they are just cardboard cut-outs whose sole purpose in the story is to force the changes, rather than be real people. Real people rarely see themselves as villains, and unless they are complete psychopaths (which exist, but are a lot rarer than some movies and TV shows would have you believe) they want and need some justification for their actions beyond "'Cause I could". In the best stories, the antagonist is every bit as complex and "real" as the hero. As for science fiction/fantasy, i believe that when it is good, it is just a backdrop for people to deal with emotions and obstacles, just as if you set the story in a different culture or in the past.

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"



The Loyal Opposition would like to have the word, if you please.

I'm just about the opposite of nancycole regarding magic/sci-fi stories. That is, I tend to skip stories that are *not* magic/sci-fi.

Thing is, I'm not transgendered myself. I'm utterly uninterested in cross-dressing. I can sympathize with the struggle of transgendered people but their personal stories don't speak out to me; I have a hard time placing myself in the position of the protagonist -- I simply can't understand emotionally what motivates them. (Intellectually, yes; emotionally, no)

Yes, magic/Sci-Fi with wanted transformations are just wish-fulfillment fantasies. They bore me. No conflict. But they aren't even the majority. Most of the magic/sci-fi stories deal with unwanted transformations.

Now, an unwanted transformation is something I can understand in an emotional level. I can imagine myself in the position of the protagonist and wonder if I could deal with that situation. It's a high-stress situation, not unlike the typical Hollywood thriller (although usually with more of an internal struggle than an external one). Will John McClane save Christmas? Will Captain Kirk return to his own body? Will Steve Brooks adapt to life as "Amanda"? You get the picture.

I'm not saying that so-called "real life" stories cannot have those elements; they can, and many do. It's just that I learned that the "real life" label in TG fiction sites usually means the class of stories that don't rock my boat. I do follow a few authors who have shown a propensity to write stories with this kind of conflict in realistic settings. Only, they are few and far between; the pickings are much fatter in the Magic/Sci-Fi camp.

Now, forced feminization... there's two main subtypes here. One (probably the most common) is the thinly-disguised guilty fantasy people alluded above. For some people, being forced offers the fantasy of becoming female without the guilt of doing it by choice. Those don't interest me very much; self-fulfillment fantasies don't have real conflict, only false conflict, since the character (and the author, and the intended reader) don't really want to fight back.

A few stories, though, are the realistic equivalent of those high-stress sci-fi stories I mentioned above. I might mention (and recommend) Julie O's stories; they do the very opposite of a fantasy to me -- they creep me out, but, as a good horror novel, I keep coming for more. They are part cautionary tales, and part thriller. Her characters may be victim of abuse, but they aren't passive victims; they fight back as well as they can be expected, sometimes better than expected.

Mind-control stories... in many cases, they simply don't interest me. By definition, they take out the conflict from the equation. There was a long discussion in the TG-Fiction list and FM years ago regarding the concept of "personality death" in stories. I'm in the camp that considers it an unsatisfactory ending, exactly because the conflict is eliminated.

*Partial* mind-control stories, however, can have conflict... as long as there's some chance of the victim escaping control and fighting back. "Baby Machine" is like that for at least the first half. I didn't finish it yet, but I see it becoming less so towards the end, with the protagonist becoming less and less what he originally was, with no hope of regaining anything of his (her?) identity or self-image. The author even hangs a lampshade on this point, by making the preservation of the man's memories one of the goals of the "experiment."
This identity death, in the context of the story, is a kinda dystopian prophecy -- remember, this technology was being offered to governments. Dystopias can be good literature, but they are too depressing for my tastes.

Horses for Courses

If you're into Forced Fem / Maid Service / Sexual Slavery / BSDM etc., then Vickie Tern and Stacey In Love are probably up your street - although perversely the protagonist usually enjoys being humiliated and viewed as something less than human.

I've read a few out of curiosity, but it's not my proverbial cup of tea. I started reading OABM out of curiosity, but gave up when it became apparent that the hope that was always on the horizon was almost certainly misplaced, and the antagonist would achieve exactly what he set out to achieve. It may have been a little more difficult than he anticipated, but apart from Pansy finding a caring husband and undertaking literacy lessons, the story ends with her pretty much resigned to her pre-determined fate, accepting it as there's no means of escape (even regaining literacy is taking a long time, because the doctors did such a good job of mind-raping her).

Very few stories are of the "always wanted to be a girl, am now a girl, everybody likes me, whoopee!" ilk. However, even in such stories it's possible to introduce conflict and tension - my first attempt - The Genie - is a prime example (and only 2,000 words to boot).

However, almost anything else I'll give a fair stab. If I enjoyed it, I'll give a kudos. However, because I read such a lot, I won't always give a comment - usually only weighing in if there's a particular point I want to make, or to get involved in a thread discussion. However, I will ensure I leave a few scattered around multi-parters I'm catching up on, just to give an additional heads-up to the author that someone's discovered their story (even if it's three years after publishing!) and is enjoying it.


Quite often in magical transformation stories, the protagonist doesn't want to be a girl, but suddenly finds themselves as one. Obviously it's a one-way street - there's no way back. Therefore they have to learn to adapt to life as a girl. Usually, they're placed in situations that require them to wear skirts / dresses. Having said that, even if the protagonist did cut their hair short, wear jeans / T-shirts and generally be a tomboy, they'd still have to deal with attention from boys, the pair of protuberances on their chest, the lack of a built-in hosepipe 'down below' - and the ultimate indignity - menstruation. Even if they wanted to be a girl beforehand, the physical changes can take some getting used to, and they probably have personality traits that stand out.

A pair of classic examples come from the Whateleyverse - Nikki Reilly had a slow transformation, initially found it difficult to adapt, and also had the numerous problems of finding herself a really powerful mage (initially without too much control - hence the mischievous hobgoblins), having PMS (thunderstorms in the hallways!) and a hitch-hiker in the head (who just happens to be a really ancient Sidhe Queen). On the other hand, there's Toni Chandler. She really took to being a girl well, but makes your average hyperactive teen look positively sedate by comparison. Not to mention she's a real chatterbox. Then these two opposites were put in the same dorm room. Ouch.

The Retcon / Center universes contain gender transformations, but the TG aspect isn't their main point. In fact, in the day to day life of the stories, the main effect is to increase the characters' empathy, because (a) everyone's in the same boat, and (b) they know how the opposite gender works, because they used to be it!


Or take the typical non-magical, non-sci-fi story where the protagonist is transgendered. There's the initial conflict of trying to keep their feelings hidden to conform to society's expectations of them; further conflict when discovered (if we're lucky, whoever finds them is supportive; if not it's a case of fleeing from the known (severe beating) to the unknown (whatever will happen?) Assuming they find a safe place to begin transition, then begins the internal conflict - are people being nice to me just to be polite or do I really look pretty? - not to mention what happens if phobics find out their history. But throw in plenty of 'ordinary' adventures in between, and you have something like Robin or Bike.


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!


Which is partly why I am wrting my own 'forced fem' story...with the idea that it is neither funny nor pleasant

the power of your story steph.

is exactly why i have recommended it to people who are into the forced fem story. As a side note, has there ever been a forced into being masculine story? Just wondering.

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"



Forced Homme

laika's picture

I attempted a forced masculinization story once, several different drafts. But every time
the transformed lass got big & butch & buff & macho enough he beat up his victimizers.
~~hugs, Veronica

What borders on pure insanity?
Canada and Mexico.

I guess...

Point of forced alteration of body, from the point of view of abusers in-story, is to force someone in a percieved disadvantage. Females are generally less physically capable, they are stereotypically considered smaller, weaker, meeker etc - easier to control, to force into something to see them suffer.

Forced masculinization is going a rather different venue - yes, the person will always feel wrong... But it does not stereotypically force someone into a submissive or demeaning role. In fact, the closest plot I've seen story-wise is when a child is forced to grow up as a boy in spite of claims to feeling like a girl inside.

So, since Forced Masculinisation plot as one mirroring a Forced Fem plot is more than a little unusual, and does not contain the connotations the abusers would likely want to percieve, the way around is to deprive a person of gender entirely. A particularly nasty direction.

Now, if we approach the ForMas from the POV of writers and target auditory, if we assume it mirrors the desire to be female without guilt, with a hidden desire to be male without guilt, it becomes more and more difficult to reconcile the abusers in-story with this goal.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

i do remember one story

that contained the element of forced masculiniation. and that was the story "Twin switch" where a girl and boy were forced to switch roles. The girl was held by the threat of harm to the boy, until she became strong enough to break free and free her sibling.

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"



late to the party but i have some suggestions

I've actually been watching this thread for a couple months hoping that someone would post author suggestions since this is my kink as well. The involuntary transition is my favourite part.
Then I saw the replies were all criticizing this as a lazy approach to storytelling and wish fulfillment of the worst kind. That was unfortunate and made me lose hope that there would be any good suggestions.
Now I've created an account at bigcloset, taken a look more closely and realized that this was posted in the writer's forum so alot of the literary criticism and storytelling suggestions make much more sense.

Anyways, i'm throwing my suggestions out there in case anybody else is interested.
Like people have said, fictionmania and storysite are a good source for these stories. Especially using the mind control tag, the bimbo tag is helpful for more recent stories.

Cherysse St. Claire, Cheryl Lynn, Cheryl Anderson, and Lord Stormbringer all have many good stories in this vein.
She Devil is good as well, but with TOXIS joining fictionmania it's become that the stories were plagiarised.

I've been looked for Clinton Crayle stories but haven't been able to find many. run by Joe Six Pack has several stories with anime style illustration as chapter breaks. Big in Japan, Hiding in High Heels, Demoted & Degraded, "My Boss, the Bimbo" are my favourites,

Cordellian posted A Nightmare in Silk and Lace late last year which is great but has been on a long break since then. Perhaps she needs more praise to be motivated.

Those are my suggestions. Let me know if anybody has others.