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hot to cold

WOW what a differance a day makes yesterday it was 55 degrees and today as of now it is 26 degrees LOL I hope for more heat to help melt the ice that has built up on the roof edge need to get rid of it before it backes up inot /under the roof tile and cause damage already has a leak so I had to climb up and shovel and sprinkle some ice melter yeasterday wheil it could do the most good and WOW I can see a few tile's shure has been a weird winter good thing for my lap kitty good source of heat and helps me relax hope everyone stays safe and warm


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Creative Endeavors in the Field of Writing

For the last while, instead of writing stories, I have been perfecting a long held skill. That being the creation of barriers that stop me from writing those stories. Something, I'm sure in which I am not alone, but I thought I would write about some of my current favourites. If for no other reason than to start at the beginning of an idea and take it to an end.

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going to my ex's church in woman's pants

Well, I think the title of this entry is self-explanatory, but I will explain anyway. See, I was feeling like taking a little risk, so I wore my ladies pants to church on Sunday. I have worn them around my ex before, and she hasn't noticed the difference, so I decided to give it a shot. Nobody seemed to notice, and things went well. It was rather... fun to do. Meanwhile, I am still working on Phoenix, and have decided that my attempt to focus solely on it didn't work that well. I seem to better in short bursts, even if that means its going to take me longer. Ah, well.

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The Angry Mermaid 12. - - - Y Morforwyn Dicllon 12.

This chapter describes the first skirmish of the forthcoming war and explains how Drustan helped to win back ther castle. More wounds and scars for the 'tic-tac-toe' kid.

The Angry Mermaid 12


Y Morforwyn Dicllon 12

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.


I just got home and had been thinking about you ever since I left the door to go to work. I Love You Jonelle-Elise, You're that part of myself that I never knew was missing until we became US.

Happy Valentines Day My Beloved.
My Beautiful.
My Angel.

Eternally Your Bailey.

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3 Years Later ...

Hi, everyone!

Sorry it has been 3 years. I could go into where I've been, but you'd find it boring. Suffice it to say I just have not had the opportunity to write, draw, or dress. (I take care of my disabled mother and my murdered sister's two boys and it is nigh impossible to get away for TG related stuff.)

To herald my return, I have created a new Holiday Cartoon for Valentine's Day!

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Valentine Walnut

How does a smitten junior-high jock get on the close side of a cold embittered lad who's the splitting-image of his stunning classic tween star heart-throb?

This Valentine's Day quickie was 60% inspired by a middle school incident which I might expand on in a larger story. Please excuse this draft's grammar; I was scurrying to get this out on the appropriate day!

Take care!

U.K. reportedly to allow same-sex unions in church

The following was on for Europe web site! Richard

U.K. reportedly to allow same-sex unions in church
Move would bring Britain closer to countries such as the Netherlands and Canada

The British government is drafting plans to allow same-sex civil unions to be celebrated in churches and other places of worship, according to media reports.

Lynne Featherstone, the Liberal Democrat equalities minister, will soon outline plans to lift the current ban on civil partnerships being conducted in places of worship, The Telegraph reported.

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Come Join Us In Chat!

A few of us are over in the chatroom, shooting the breeze. If you enjoy chatting with fellow transsexuals, crossdressers, and fans of TG fiction, come on over! We don't role-play in the room, although there's a separate role-play room you can open/join. Fetishists and chasers are not welcome in the Main Room, unless you seriously behave yourselves.

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Friendship and support???

Well somehow I got chatting to Cathy Michel on Skype last night and ended up being chased by my own grey wolves.
What a bummer.

Sorry Cathy if I had to close down so suddenly. Sometimes shit just really happens and there's no way around it but to pull back and just wait for IT to go away. That's what happened for me last night. I'll get back soon. Beverly.

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Odyssey II Part 7

Part 7

Monday morning Larry arrived at Bill's home at 7:oo am to begin his lessons on farming. Bill greeted him with a firm handshake.

"Yu're a brave man, Larry," Bill chuckled. "Wantin' to be a farmer ain't an easy job and the hours be long. I'm right proud to be teachin' ya. First, Ah'll take ya on a tour of the dairy barns. If ya got any questions ya just ask."

"Thanks Mr. Dougherty," Larry smiled. "I've got a notebook and camera to take notes and pictures to help me remember things."

An amazing blog I found last night

In the few spare minutes of time I had last night, I stumbled upon a blog that brought me to tears, but yet warmed my heart.

It's a real life story about the type of kid I write about, but this one really hit home to me because I don't live to far from where this child lives, and it's hardly a supportive place for a child with gender issues.

But she has an amazing mother, and supportive father and brothers. But mom has caught hell for letting her daughter be herself deep in the heart of the Bible belt.

The blog spot is called Cammie's Song:

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A small break

Well, some of you probably can tell I am an avid reader/commenter/blogger here. (Take my word for it, if you don't) But I may have to pull back on my interaction here for a bit, so I can focus on my phoenix story (right now, at about 12,000 words, and just getting started...) The other project I would like to focus on would be taking a role in the formation of a "Best of Big Closet" book.

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Bum Job!

It seems that a British woman has died after having a questionable medical procedure done in a hotel in the US. Given that most of us who entered 'femaleness' after puberty may be slightly lacking in the hip area, do beware of anything involving silicone - it's very dangerous stuff. I remember seeing it being done to young Brazilian trannies years ago and wonder how many are still alive now?

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In six weeks...

...I will have been a member here for four years. One wonders if Erin had known then how much I would clog up her servers whether she'd have told me to go hike? I doubt it, because this is essentially a friendly place, which she works hard to maintain and which was brought home recently to me. As many of you will know, I've had a real snorter of a cold, which has left me quite a bit under par. The number of well wishers has been very gratifying and humbling.

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A DATE, & maybe A PLACE for the Second West Coast BCTS MEET

We have A DATE, but only roughly, A PLACE

We had the date for our Second West Coast BCTS Meet narrowed down to Saturday April second, Sunday the third, or Monday the fourth.

I pretty much took Monday out of the running, because some of need to go to work on weekdays.

I suggested that Saturday looked best, as Saturday afternoon and evening was mid-weekend, while Sunday afternoon was crowding it for anyone who had to return quite a distance.

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Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 19

Galactic Marshal II


I thought that I had better inform Sam about what had happened. I contacted him and filled him in.

“OK, Jonnie, you did well. I need you and George to come here in a few days to file an official report. Oh, by the way, please come as your male self. I’m still getting comments about the two Amazons that were on the station.”

Sinful Pleasures 3

Sinful Pleasures 3
by Lesley Renee Charles

Matt Smith was walking down the street on his way to lunch when a colorful new store happened to catch his eye.

'I wonder what they sell in that store' he thought to himself while pushing his auburn hair out from the front of his emerald green eyes. 'I guess I will take a look and see what they have.'

High School Senior "Comes Out" in Assembly

Just found this on another website. Maria Carrillo High School senior Kayla Kearney comes out to her high school, in an assembly honoring Martin Luther King Jr. Jan 13 and 14, 2011.

A very gutsy girl, and very well-spoken.

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Last night I almost gave up.

Over the last few weeks I've been feeling more and more like there's no point in continuing, with my transition, or my life. It seems that every time I manage to make some progress, something happens to set me back, not only in my transition, but also in my personal life. Last night it almost got me.

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Interesting developments afoot...

Well, another chapter posted. So that is caught up for now.

In other good news, one of my cousins who I haven't spoken to in almost a decade wrote me out of the blue. She wants to talk and all the time. Apparently she has known about me for a while. Well she told her sister who told her mom who told her dad who told her brother. Apparently, they all don't care about that at all. I am family and they are good with that. Even more... they think my mother is like Hitler for keeping everyone else out of the loop.

So I am stoked about that.

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TG Fiction dot NET is new AGAIN!

Hi Everyone! I posted this a few mins ago @ Crystal's CyberBoard and @ Fictionmania HyperBoard, so please forgive the redundant posting if you read all boards.

A couple years back, I created a new site design for TG Fiction dot NET and posted here asking for feedback, and got some great responses. Well, I'm trying out a new skin/layout over @ TG Fiction dot NET..

It's really a modification of an existing skin, but pulls the site together much nicer, with a friendlier, less jarring interface.

Please take a look and let me know what you think!



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by Lesley Renee Charles

I remember playing with several girls in my neighborhood when one of the girls decided that we were going to play dress-up in adult clothes.

She went to get several clothes from her parents. I remember coming back with a suit and tie and man's oxford shoes. She also had several dresses and high heel shoes from her mother. I remember being attracted to the woman's clothes, especially the high heels. They were so beautiful.

The Consequences Of Conformity

I remember my early years as one half of a set of Fraternal twins, as a time of great confusion for both of us. I was born the boy of the pair named Christopher Ray McClain. Christine Rayanne McClain was the girl of our pair. From the age of four, we were both aware that there was a great cosmic mistake made. I felt I should have been Christine and she felt she should have been me. We would play with each other and exchange our toys. I would play with the dolls she had and she would play with the trucks and toy soldier's.

More Successful As A Woman?

Something has been jabbering away at the back of my mind for some time and I'd like to share it with the Lurker Psych people here. Am I being paranoid, I don't think so, because what better way to study people of our ilk than in one of our sanctuaries?

The initial 3 or 4 years after transition were pure unmitigated hell, because of the loss of my old life, especially my family. However, the last few years have been much better; the pain having finally dulled to a manageable level.

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Somewhere Else Entirely -10-

Garia begins to settle in her new quarters as part of the Royal Family. Master Gerdas learns more than he expected, and it dawns on everyone that steps have to be taken to manage Garia's other-world knowledge effectively and safely.

Somewhere Else Entirely

by Penny Lane

10 - Astronomy, Cutlery, Murder

Miracle of Science

Miracle of Science
by Maeryn Lamonte

Guys just don’t go for secretarial jobs. I mean however much we strive for equality, in the real world the best qualifications for such work are the ones nature gave you — assuming of course you’re young, female and stacked like an overloaded forklift.

James Sandford was none of these. Going on fifty, recently out of work and running out of cash, he was desperate. Desperate enough that when he saw the advert — no discrimination, no prior experience needed — he figured it was worth a shot, even though he was the only guy there.

The thing is when you work in a leading high tech solutions company even a secretarial job isn’t necessarily what you’d expect…

The Angry Mermaid 10 - - - Y Morforwyn Dicllon.

In which Drustan gets sucked into Politics and war.

The Angry Mermaid 10.

Y Morforwyn Dicllon 9

Mabina. The youngest daughter and Twin to
Drustan Her twin brother.
Grandpa Erin the twins grandfather.
Giana The twins grandmother
Caderyn The twins father.
Herenoie The twins wise and beautiful mother.
Morgaran The Twins oldest brother.
Aiofe The twins oldest sister. Famous for her beauty.
Tara The twins second oldest sister. Famous for her grace.


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