Trailer Park Baby Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Sarah

Dave pulled on his clothes and ran out the door. I noticed that he had forgotten a few things, like his keys and wallet, again. I gathered his stuff and walked to my front door. Sure enough there was Dave walking back to my trailer. He looked very angry, but also very cute. He had forgotten to take the pigtails out of hair. When he reached the door I handed him his stuff and said, "Dave your hair is still in pigtails." He either ignored me or wasn't paying any attention, because he stomped back to his trailer the pigtails bouncing up and down. It made him look like a little girl in a snit.

I was worried, I wondered if I had pushed too far too fast. But I really hadn't expected him to mess in his diaper. I really hadn't expected him to wet it either. Oh well, there's nothing I can do about it now. I started cleaning up. I was about half done when there came a knock at the door. I was surprised to see Mrs. Peterson back. "Judy, what can do for you?"

"Did I just see Sissy go into Number Two?"

"Hmmm. Come in, and have a seat. I suppose that was Sissy you saw, but I lied earlier when I introduced you to Sissy. That is the tenant of Number Two. His name is Dave, not Sissy. I told you that his name was Sissy, because I didn't want to embarrass him too much and Sissy was the first name I thought of.

A few weeks ago Dave was surprised and scared by Thor..."

"But Thor wouldn't hurt a flea," Judy interrupted.

"I know that, you know that, Bob knows that. Hell everyone, but Dave, knows that. Well it seems that when he was a kid, a neighbor tormented him with a big dog.

Anyway a few weeks ago Thor scared him and he wet his pants. I rescued him and cleaned him up. The only thing I had here that he could wear though was a diaper."

"A diaper," she interrupted again.

"Well, what else was I supposed to do? To make the story short, today Thor knocked him down, I rescued him again, but this time he was covered in mud. I cleaned him up and dressed him what I had on hand, a diaper and the nightie you saw, well actually there was two nighties. When he left I tried to stop him, but he left with his hair still in pigtails."

"So I guess you won't be baby-sitting Sissy again, and I don't have to bring over my daughter. I swear though that I never would have guessed that he wasn't a young girl. So what are going to do now, he didn't look very happy when I saw him."

"I don't know, maybe I'll take him out to dinner or something. I meant to have some fun, but I guess it got out of hand. Don't tell anyone, please."

"I won't, but he sure does make a cute a little girl. I'll keep an eye out for him if you want, I can see some of the bullies trying to pick on him if they can."

"Shit, I hadn't thought of that. Some of those boys are rough, and if they catch him, who knows what they'll do."

"The kids around here to know to avoid the trouble makers and stay away from them, but he doesn't know anything about them he'll be ripe for the picking. Like I said, I'll keep an eye on him. Well I've got to go."

Over the next few days I kept a look out for Dave, but I didn't see him much. I found a new rent check in my drop box, and I saw him go to his mailbox. His car would occasionally be gone, but I never saw him leave. If I never saw him, hopefully the local bullies didn't see him either. Eventually though they would catch him, probably at the mailboxes. That gave me an idea, I'd have to get a couple more cameras though, and these would have to broadcast.

I went into town and got the "Nanny cams". Hooking them up surreptitiously was a problem, but Bob helped. We got them up and running one night, picture and sound. Now to wait for something to happen.

After a week of waiting, I broke down and went over to Number Two and knocked on the door. "Dave are you in there, I'd like to talk?"

The door opened and Dave looked out at me, "What do you want?"

"I want to apologize. I'm very sorry if I embarrassed you, I certainly never meant for anyone to see you. If I had known she was going to stop by I wouldn't have had you sitting there. And that last thing, about you needing diapers, that was totally uncalled for, I shouldn't have said it, and I want us to be friends. So what do you think, can we be friends?" I got all of that out in a rush and waited for Dave to answer.

"Sarah, I wanted to be friends too, but now what am I supposed to do, it seems that every time I see you, you end up putting me in diapers. I know it's not your fault, but it's embarrassing. I want to accept your apology."

"Well Dave we're talking right now and there isn't a diaper in sight, and I tell you what. To make up for everything I'll take you out to dinner tonight, someplace casual. Your choice," I was kind of desperate, I wanted to keep diapering him, but if he kept hiding I couldn't.

"Okay, I'll take you up on that.” He paused for a moment and then continued, “The Outback, is that okay with you? I just love fake Australian decor.”

"I'll be by around six to pick you up," I said as I walked back to my trailer.

"See you then," Dave said as he closed his door.

I went over to Dave's at six o'clock to get him and was surprised to see that we had chosen identical Polo shirts, "Great minds think alike."

"Ummm, yeah right," he answered half-heartedly as he looked around.

"Bob, Thor's owner, has him inside right now," I said as I grabbed his hand to pull him out of his home.

"Good, that dog needs to be tied up," Dave said while locking his door.

We chatted, as we drove into town to the Outback, about nothing in particular. At the restaurant, I led Dave in and he was distracted as some baseball player made a spectacular play.

"Just you and your daughter," the hostess said when I asked for a table. Dave paying attention to the ball game didn't hear this.

I stifled a laugh at her comment, "Yes, just the two of us, nonsmoking please."

"Right this way," and she led us off to a table. I grabbed Dave's hand and pulled him with us. "Here you are. Can I get you something to drink while you look at the menu?"

I answered straight away, "A Coke."

Before Dave could say anything she asked, "And you, sweetie."

Dave rolled his eyes, "I'll have a Coke also." Once she had walked away, he continued. "I get that everywhere. If it isn't `sweetie', it's `honey', or `dear'. Usually it is older women that are the worst, they always seem to want to treat me special.”

"You didn't hear what she said, when I asked for a table, did you?"

"No, Jim Edmunds just made a great catch in the game. Why, what did she say?"

"She asked if it was just me and my daughter."

"Damnit, she didn't really say that did she," he asked, the continued in a softer voice. "I don't really look like a girl do I?"

"Yes she said that, and I imagine that she thought it because we are dressed alike, and with my height you look even smaller."

We ate dinner, and talked about baseball. That was strange, because he liked the game because of the statistics, baseball fanatics of that ilk can tell you about the most obscure facts and figures of the game. I like baseball, for the randomness, and athletic ability of the players. A split seconds hesitation can mean the difference between making the play or not. We debated our opinions in a friendly manner.

As we left the restaurant, the hostess called out, "Have a nice evening ladies, come again." I had to grab Dave before he went back in to correct her.

As we got into the car I asked, "Well, Dave what shall we `ladies' do for the rest of the night?"

He gave me a very nasty look and said, "I suppose we could do something else, but I don't have any ideas."

"How about if we go to my place and watch a movie?"

"Sounds good," he agreed and off we headed back to my house.

During the drive I thought about all of the movies I had and what one I could show that might cause Dave to have an accident. The obvious ones were right out. I’d have to tie him up to get him to watch Cujo, or a werewolf movie. Hell, I'd probably have to tie him up to watch 101 Dalmatians, or Beethoven. Then it hit me, "Dave have you seen any of the Harry Potter movies?"

"No, are they any good? I heard they were pretty good, but the last thing I need is for something else to make people think I'm a kid."

"They're good. And now I'm starting to understand that other problem."

We arrived back and went in to watch the movie. I got us a couple of Cokes and started the video. We sat watching the movie, Dave seemed to be enjoying the film. Then just about an hour into the movie it happened. Fluffy showed up. Dave squealed, "Oh, shit."

"Dave, I'm sorry. I forgot that Fluffy was in this movie. I thought he was in the second movie."

"Shit, shit, shit. I just pissed all over your couch."

"That's okay, it's an old couch. I was going to replace it soon anyway," I hit the stop button and grabbed his hands. "Really Dave it's okay. Let's get you cleaned up."

He looked up at me tears almost in his eyes. "Are you sure? I mean I made a mess all over your couch."

"Yes, I'm sure. Come on get up. I'll help you clean up," I said as I pulled him up off the couch. He didn't even resist until I got him into the bathroom.

"I'll just go home and get cleaned up," he said as I started to pull off his shirt.

"Don't be silly, it's my fault you had an accident and it's my responsibility to help you clean up." By this time I had his shoes and pants off him.

"No, I can just go home," he said half-heartedly. By this time he was completely undressed and I pushed him into the shower. While he was showering I tossed his clothes and the cushion cover into the washer. When the shower stopped I went back into the bathroom and dried him off.

Once dry, I picked him up and carried him into the nursery. He buried his head into my shoulder and was sobbing. I put him on the changing table and put a clean diaper on him. "I found something else my niece left."

I pulled out a pair of shortalls, with Minnie Mouse on the front and a pink T-shirt. I knew these would fit him; I had bought them for him just the other day.

He looked at them and sighed. "They'll do. They are better than the nighties."

I helped him into the clothes and watched him waddle back into the living room. I followed him; he looked so cute, almost like a toddler.

We sat back down on what remained of the couch and I restarted the movie. He seemed to be enjoying the movie, although he jumped whenever Fluffy appeared. After the movie I got up and tossed his clothes in the dryer.

He pouted a little, when I told him it still would be a while before his clothes were dry. He perked up when I suggested we watch the second movie and it didn't have any big dogs in it.

When we started the movie he was yawning. I watched during the movie and about halfway in, he fell asleep. I waited a while longer and then picked him up and carried him back into the nursery. Very carefully I undressed him and changed his slightly wet diaper. I pulled the Carebear nightie over his head, and put him into the crib. He never woke up.

I turned the buzzer off on the dryer and stopped the movie. I changed for bed and checked on him one last time; he was sleeping like a baby, which I guess was appropriate, given his attire and bed. I woke in the morning and could hear Dave calling my name. It was kind of weird; he was calling out, but not loudly, like he wanted me, but not to wake me up. I lay there ignoring him, to see what he would do. He stopped shortly.

I waited a little while longer and then got up and went about my usual morning ritual. After flushing and washing my hands, I could again hear Dave calling out for me. I went down to the nursery to get him out of the crib. It struck me just then that I was going to a nursery to get a 21 year old man out of a crib and possibly get him out of a wet or messy diaper.

I entered the nursery and lifted him out of the crib. When I set him on the floor he took off like a bolt to the bathroom. I guess I hadn't waited long enough before I got up. I headed into the kitchen and started a pot of coffee. He walked in a few minutes later. I noticed he wasn’t waddling although he still wore the nightie. "Good morning."

"Morning Sarah, I'm glad you got me when you did, I don't think I could have held it much longer. Where are my clothes?"

"Your clothes are on the dryer. Would you like some coffee?"

"Sure, I'll go and change," he said as turned to walk out.

Damn, I thought I should have waited a bit longer. Oh well, there is bound to be another time, I'll just have to find another movie with a dog. I wonder if he would react just to the barking, I'll have to sample Thor's bark and see if that will do it. I yelled down to Dave, "Cream or sugar?"

"Both please,” he said as he came back into the kitchen. "I put the nightie on the washer, is that okay?”

"Fine, do you want any breakfast?"

"No, I should be heading home soon anyway."

"What's your hurry, have another deadline at work?"

"Yes, but it's Friday, and I always have a deadline. Besides I've already finished the article, I just need to proofread it and send it off to my editor."

"Well if you’re in no big hurry, we could always finish the movie. I don't have anything I need to get done."

"Okay." And we grabbed our coffee and went back to finish watching the movie.

"That was good and so was the first one, except for the dog. I think I'll go see the third one this afternoon if it's still around," Dave said after the movie was over.

"It should be still around; it only came out a couple of weeks ago. I haven't seen it either, want to go together?"

"Like a date?"

"No, not like a date. Like saving money on gas by going together. You're a little young for me."

"Good, `cause I didn't really think that dating would be a good idea."

"So we're going to go?" When he nodded, I continued, "I should warn you though. There is a dog and a were-wolf in this movie. Still want to go?"

"Damn. I would like to go, but I certainly don't want to wet my pants in the theater."

"Well there is a solution, you know. You could wear a diaper. Under your pants no one would notice."

"Ummm, I'm not sure. I would really like to see the movie, but wearing a diaper in public. People are bound to notice."

"Well you think about it, and I'll call the theater and see if it's still playing," I said then went to make the call.

When I came back into the room, Dave asked, "What's the word?"

"There is a 4:15 show. I can disappear around then. Do you want to go?"

"Yeah, if I can without it being obvious I'm wearing a diaper. I can't believe I just said that."

"Okay, come over about three and we'll get you ready. See you then?"

"Yeah, I'll see you then," he said and then he left.

I finished up all of the things I usually did in the mornings. The whole time I was thinking about Dave wearing a diaper to the movie. The more I thought about it, the more I thought about getting him to go dressed in my `nieces' clothes.

The problem was that the diaper manufacturers had been steadily making the diapers thinner and thinner. Twenty years ago, you couldn't have hidden a diaper behind a house, now they're damn near invisible. I started puttering around the nursery, when I found what I needed. Diaper doublers, something else that manufacturers had made about obsolete. Two of these tucked into the diaper should make it too thick for his pants; he tended to wear them tight. Now how to convince him to wear the shortalls.

I'd have to think about it for a while, but first I needed to make a phone call. "Bob, what do plan doing around three-thirty this afternoon? Because I suggest that you be outside where you can see my place around then.” … "Why because you should get a show about then."… "No, I'm not telling, just do it."

Another call got Judy to come by about 3:15. Now to wait all day.

Just before three, there was a knock on the door. It was Dave. "Hi all set to get ready."

"I guess so. I'm not real happy though."

"Don't worry. I'm sure no one will notice. You know what I'm so sure, that I'll give you a free month's rent if anyone asks you if you're wearing a diaper, or mentions that you look like you're wearing one."

"If you’re offering, I'll take you up on that." And off we went to the nursery. Once there he undressed and I picked him up and put him on the changing table, fastening the safety strap. Now I was sure he wouldn't see the diaper doublers. One diapering later, I released him and stood him on the floor.

He grabbed his pants and pulled them up, but could not fasten them. "Sarah, my pants don't fit. I can't go like this." He turned and I could see that with the diaper on there was no way he would get them fastened.

"That is a problem. Do you have any bigger pants at home?" He shook his head. "Well I see two solutions. One you can, not wear the diaper, and take a chance at wetting your pants. Or you could wear my niece's clothes."

"If I wear your niece's clothing, I'll look like a boy wearing girl’s clothes. I don't want that people will laugh at me."

"Dave when I took you to dinner, the hostess thought you were a girl with you dressed in your own clothes. You may not realize it, but you look like a young girl."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do, but I tell you what. If you go wearing my niece's clothes and anyone says you are a boy, I'll give you another months rent for free. That's one month if any one mentions the diaper, and another if anyone says you are a boy. But if you get away with it, you have to do something for me."

"What will I have to do for you?"

"I don't know yet, but it will be something that we can both agree upon. Okay?"

"All right, but this sucks."

"Don't worry, no one will notice. Now let's get you ready." A few minutes later Dave was standing there wearing a diaper, shortalls, and a pink T- shirt. His shoes didn't really match, but sneakers are sneakers. "Your wallet doesn't go with that outfit, let me carry it." I stuck it into my purse along with a spare diaper when he wasn't looking.

I pulled him into the bathroom and pulled his hair back and quickly braided it into a single ponytail. "You know if you didn't wear your hair long, you would look less like a girl."

"Yeah, I know, but my father always hated long haired boys, so as soon as I could I let mine grow." Just as we finished, there was another knock at the door. That should be Judy, I thought. "Come in," I yelled.

Judy walked in, "Here's my rent. Hi Sissy, how are you today."

Dave's eyes got huge, "I'm fine."

"Let me get you a receipt for that," I led Judy into the office and Dave went and sat on the couch.

"How was your vacation?" I asked.

"It was good," she answered. Then in a much softer voice, "That's really a grown man?"

I nodded, "Where did you go?"

"Branson. It's amazing. I wouldn't have thought so, until I saw it for myself," she replied.

"I've never been there, but I hear it’s pretty. Here's your receipt. I have to take Sissy home now."

We walked back to door. Outside I could see Bob standing off in the distance, "See you later Judy."

"Bye Sarah. Bye Sissy."

I looked over at Dave and he looked like he was about to cry. I shut the door and walked over to Dave, "Don't worry. I'm not going to call you Sissy, but you don't look like a Dave. What should I call you?"

"I don't know, but not Sissy."

"You ready, because we should be leaving."

"All right, before I change my mind."

Out the door, we walked over to my car. Dave got in and I looked down to Bob. He looked back with a puzzled look on his face. He can be so dense at times. I’ll explain it to him later.

I drove to theater and went to get tickets. "Two for Harry Potter," I said to girl selling the tickets.

"Is that one adult, and one child?"

"Yes, thanks."

"Screen four, to your left. Enjoy the show ladies."

Dave looked at me and pouted, "She called me a child and a lady."

"What did you want her to call you?" I continued before he could answer, "How about something to drink and some popcorn?"

"Okay" and we walked up to the counter.

"A jumbo popcorn, a large coke and a..." I looked at Dave.

"A small coke, please."

The kid at the counter them and handed Dave his, "Here you go sweetheart."

I paid and got my drink and the popcorn, while Dave stomped off. As I got to the ticket taker, I could hear her say to Dave, "Here comes your mom, does she have your ticket, dear?"

I gave her the tickets and she pointed down to the theater, "Enjoy the movie."

We watched the movie, and Dave squealed a couple of times and buried his face in my arm once or twice. When it was over I leaned over and asked him if he was wet. He said yes.

When we got out into the lobby, it was full of people. I felt Dave tense up, and I reached down and grabbed his hand. He held on tightly as we made our way to the door. At the door a man about Dave’s age held the door open for us. I thanked him as we left.

Walking to the car I asked Dave if wanted to get something to eat. He said yes and we headed to a McDonald's where I got him a girl’s Kids Meal. He didn't look happy about it, but didn't say anything.

As we were finishing, I noticed Dave was squirming around in his seat. I didn't say anything and neither did he. On the drive home, I intentionally hit every bump I thought I could. At a set of particularly bad railroad tracks, I heard Dave swear softly. "Anything wrong?" I asked innocently.

"I had to go to the bathroom."

"Had. As in past tense?"


"Why didn't you go before we left?"

"How? I am wearing a diaper; it wouldn't have been easy to go. Besides there were a bunch of girls hanging around the restroom there."

"Well it's a good thing you were wearing one then. It's not leaking is it?"

He felt around, "No I don't think so."

"Speaking of the diaper. No one noticed it did they, or that you are not a little girl. Looks like I won the bet. I'll think about what I want and let you know."

We got home and I took off his diaper and cleaned him up. He got dressed and went home.

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