Trailer Park Baby Chapter 53 & 54

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Chapter 53: Sarah

Ashley pulled on my arm and asked, "So where do you want to go first?"

I looked down at Dave, and he looked like someone had just hit him over the head with a club.

Dave said, "I don't know."

Ashley stopped pulling and looked at her. "Are you OK, Sissy?"

"Huh, I… uh… yeah, I'm OK."

"Are you sure? You don't look OK."

Dave shook himself. "There's so much stuff and people."

I let out a little chuckle and then pulled them over to a bench on the side of the path. "Let's sit here a minute, until Sissy catches up."

Ashley let out a little sigh, and sat down. I just kept my eyes on Dave as he sat there a bit glossy eyed. I heard Ashley mumbling about rides and other places. I guess that she was deciding what she wanted to ride on.

Finally, Dave shook himself and seemed to be ready to go. As we stood up Ashley asked again, "So where to first?"

I looked at Dave, then at Ashley, "Let's go ride the Colossus."

"Which one is that?" Ashley asked.

"The Ferris wheel?" Dave said.

"I don't want to ride…" Ashley started, and Dave turned her and pointed at the Ferris wheel. "That thing is huge, how high up will we be?"

"Around 200 feet, you can see a long way from up there," I answered her question.

Ashley grabbed my free hand, Dave was still holding my other hand, and started pulling us towards the ride. "Come on."

We went on most of the rides, well at least Dave and Ashley did. I don't like roller coasters, so I only went on the first one. Ashley started to tease me, until Dave whispered something to her.

We took a break after a few hours to get something to eat, and for me to change Dave's diaper. When I changed his diaper, I told him to use the potty. I didn't, and I'm fairly sure he didn't, want to deal with a messy diaper.

Late that afternoon, Ashley asked me what we were going to do for dinner. I suggested that we leave and get something to eat on the way back to the hotel. Ashley started to say that she wanted to stay longer, but was interrupted in the middle by a yawn. Ashley said she wasn't tired. Dave laughed at her and she stuck her tongue out back.

We ended up leaving, and stopping at a pizza buffet near the hotel. Ashley was happy, even though the pizza was only OK. I asked her about it, and she said that her parents always ordered just pepperoni, and she doesn't really like pepperoni.

At the hotel, I told Dave to go shower first, and then Ashley. After Dave had finished and Ashley was in showering, I diapered him and pulled his nightie over his head. "So did you have fun?"

He looked at me, and before I could I do any thing, he had jumped up and grabbed me in a big hug. "That's the most fun I've ever had."

I hugged him back, "Even more fun than last Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Halloween?"

He paused for a moment, "OK, one of the funnest. Uh, most fun things I've ever done."

I laughed and gave him another hug. "I'm glad you had fun."

He yawned, and I heard the bathroom door open. "Is it safe for me to come out," Ashley asked.

I gathered up my clothes and headed into the bathroom, Ashley and Dave were sitting on one of the beds talking. When I came out, I couldn't hear them any more, they had fallen asleep. I moved Dave to the other bed, turned everything off and went to bed.

In the morning I woke and saw that Dave was laying on his back. That told me that he was awake, since he almost always slept curled up on his side.

I carefully got out of the bed and whispered to Dave, "You want to have a little fun?"

He nodded.

I prodded Ashley and told her to get up.

"Huh," she mumbled.

"Come on Ashley it's time to get up."

"Is it morning?" she asked sleepily.

"No, it's time to get ready to go to the game. You slept all day," I said.

She jumped up, "But we were supposed to go swimming…" She looked at Dave, and so did I. He was holding sides trying not to laugh. "Sarah that was mean."

"It was, but it got you up. Now get cleaned up and dressed, while I get Sissy ready so we can go have breakfast."

She grumbled, but grabbed her clothes and went to get washed up and changed. When she came out and I went in to change.

When I came out, she asked, "What about Sissy?"

I looked at Dave, "She can get cleaned up after breakfast, that way we aren't using a clean diaper for just little while. You'll be OK for a while longer, won't you?"

We had a nice breakfast, the hotel had a very good free breakfast set up. It was a bit crowded, so we couldn't really linger around. I liked to sit and relax with a cup of coffee too. I did grab a cup to go as we left though.

After breakfast, we went up and to get into our swimsuits, Ashley called first as we went into the room. Dave and I were giggling at her as she grabbed her swimsuit and went into the bathroom to change.

When she came out and Dave went in to shower and change, she asked me how long we would have to swim, and I said until about three or so.

I looked over at the clock and said, "We'll take a break for lunch, and we can always just lounge around."

Dave came out about then and I went in to change. I came out and they were talking. Dave seemed to be squirming a bit, so I asked what was wrong.

He looked over at Ashley, and said, "It's a bit tight in some places." He went back into the bathroom for a moment.

Ashley looked over at me, "Are we going to be able to go swimming?"

"Yes, Sissy just needs to make some, ahhh, adjustments."

"What does she need to adjust?"

"Ahh, you know that boys and girls are different?"

"Yes, I've helped Mrs. Parks change her twins… Oh yeah, Sissy is a boy. I keep forgetting that."

I looked over at her, "You keep forgetting that?"

"Yeah, it's Sissy, not Dave, that came on the trip with us." She looked at me, and I must have had a look on my face. "Oh, I know that Sissy and Dave are the same person. It's just that she, er he is so different when he is being Sissy, that I just think of him as her. Does that make any sense?"

"I guess," I said, still looking at her. Dave came back out looking a bit more comfortable.

"Everything OK?" He nodded. "Then lets go."

I grabbed my bag, and saw Dave look at it, "No it's not your diaper bag."

Ashley looked at it, "What's in the bag?"

I sighed, "Towels, a book, t-shirts. I thought you wanted to go swimming?"

"Yes," Ashley exclaimed, and off we went.

Down at the pool there was no one else swimming, so we had the pool all to ourselves. The three of us spent about an hour swimming and splashing. I even tossed each of them up a couple of times. I couldn't toss them like Steve had, but I could get enough of them out of the water to make them splash.

I got out to take a break, and just watch the two of them. They looked like they were having a blast. They raced, had breath holding contests, played tag, and otherwise made goofballs of themselves.

While I was reading, I noticed a young woman, about Dave's age, come in and look at the pool. She was fairly short and rather cute. She stood there watching the two of them for a while. They stopped what they were doing and looked at her. I heard her say, "Hi, my name is Tiffany."

Ashley answered her, "I'm Ashley, and this is my friend Sissy. It's nice to meet you."

"Is that your mom over there?" She asked pointing at me.

Ashley giggled, "No she owns the trailer park where we live."

"Oh, you two have fun, I'm going to go talk to her for a few minutes."

The two of them said bye and watched her walk over to me.

I looked up at her as she came close, "Hello."

"Hi, I'm Tiffany if you didn't hear."

"I heard, my name is Sarah."

"Those are two cute girls over there," there was a slight catch to her voice when she said that.

"Yes they are. They are my surrogate kids. I'm acting 'in loco parentis,' accent on the loco." I quipped.

"You must have known them for a long time, for their parents to trust you with them."

I smothered a chuckle, "I've known them both since they were in diapers." 'Even if that meant this morning for Dave,' I thought to myself.

"Ashley said that her friends name was Sissy?" There was that catch in her voice again.

"It's a nickname, short for Cecelia." I wondered where she was going with this.

"Aaaaah," she said.

I looked closer at her, she gave me the odd feeling that she didn't quite believe me.

We chatted for a while. I explained about owning the trailer park, and how I met Ashley and her parents, and using Bob for Dave's dad. I felt bad about lying to her, but I couldn't tell her the truth about Dave, besides I would never see her again.

She told me about growing up in New Mexico, and skiing with her best friend Amy. I was rather amazed with some of the things that she had done as a kid. It was odd though, I got the feeling that she, like me, was hiding something.

Finally I asked her, "So why did you stop by the pool?"

She looked out at the pool, "Let's just say, that a swimming pool led to the biggest change in my life. When I saw the two of them, they reminded me of Amy and I. Well I should be going." She looked straight at me and said in a very serious voice, "Take good care of them, they are two of the special ones."

I did my best not to tear up, "I will, and they are."

She started to walk away, turning to the pool and waving, "Bye girls, have a wonderful day."

I called the kids out of the pool, and asked them if they were ready for lunch. They said yes, and Dave looked at me, "So what did you talk about?"

"Nothing important," I answered.

"Sarah," he stated.

I looked back at him, "I'll tell you about it in the room."

We gathered up our stuff, and headed up to the room. I ordered sandwiches, and then Dave wanted to know what I had talked to Tiffany about. It was funny seeing him trying to look all serious and adult, while wearing a purple girls swimsuit. I almost started laughing at him.

Chapter 54: Dave

After the lady Sarah had been talking to left, Sarah asked if we were ready for lunch. We said yes, and I looked at Sarah, "So what did you talk about?"

"Nothing important," She answered.

"Sarah," I said, I got the feeling that she was hiding something from me.

She looked back at me, "I'll tell you about it in the room."

We gathered up our stuff, and headed up to the room. Sarah called for sandwiches, and then I asked again "So what were the two of you talking about?"

Sarah looked at me and I stared back. It looked like she hiccupped, "Really Dave we didn't talk about anything serious."

I stared at her for a little bit.

She went on, "I told her about the trailer park, and how I met Ashley and her parents. I made up a similar story about you, by the way Bob is now your dad." She chuckled at that.

Ashley and I giggled about it for a moment too. Sarah added that Tiffany told her about growing up in New Mexico. "Like I said we didn't talk about anything really."

I looked at her, "Come on Sarah, what else did you talk about?"

"Nothing really, but I got the feeling that she was hiding something from me. Of course I was hiding something from her too."

"So what was she hiding?"

Sarah laughed, "I don't know, she was hiding it." She grabbed me and gave me a hug, "Don't worry Dave, she just thought that you and Ashley reminded her of herself and her friend."

We sat around and chatted until the food arrived. The sandwiches were surprisingly good. Sarah made us wait a while before we headed back down to the pool.

We got back down to the pool and were pleasantly surprised that it was still empty. Ashley and I played for while. Occasionally someone would step in and either look at, or ask how the pool was. Once I saw the lady looking in at us again, she had a strange look on her face.

I was watching her when Ashley dunked me. While I was under I grabbed Ashley's legs and pulled her under. We both came up sputtering, and then splashed each other for a while.

Eventually Sarah said it was time to go get ready for the game, Ashley let out a big sigh. As we headed up to the room, I promised Ashley that I would make going to the game fun. She gave me a look that said there is now way I'm going to have fun at a baseball game.

We showered, changed and headed out to the game. We got to the game not long before it started, and found our seats. With nachos, popcorn and pop, we were set to watch the game.

Ashley made a big deal of yawning. I looked at her, and said, "You can't tell me you're bored already, you just sat down."

"OK, I'm not bored yet, but…"

I interrupted her, "I said you wouldn't be bored, and I'll prove it. If you look down in front of us," I pointed at a lady wearing a very flowery hat, "see the hat?"

She nodded, and giggled. I continued, "We're going to have a little contest to see who can find the silliest hat. You get to find the next one."

In between silly hats, I explained how to fill out the scorecard, and explained some of the rules that she didn't know about. When she started to look like she was getting bored again, I found another game for us to play, we looked for the skimpiest dressed man and woman - both should have had more clothes on. I told her interesting, at least to me, trivia about the players, and the park.

It took a bit, and thanks to a quick game, I kept her entertained, and even got to watch a bit of the game too.

Sarah told us to wait for a minute or two before we left. We watched as the ground crew came out and started working on the field as we waited. When the crowd had thinned, we started making our way out of the stadium. I grabbed one of Sarah's hands when we caught the crowd, and saw her grab Ashley with her other hand.

We finally made it back to the car, and slowly made our way to the highway. While we were driving back, Sarah asked if we were hungry.

I thought about it for a minute before deciding that I was, but not a lot. I let Sarah know, and Ashley agreed. The snacks at the game weren't really a meal.

We stopped to get something to eat, and the waitress asked if we wanted a regular menu or the kids menu. I was about to say regular, when I realized that I wasn't real hungry, and the kids portions should be smaller. I said, "A kids menu."

Ashley and Sarah both looked at me with surprise on their faces. "I'm not that hungry."

"I'll take a kids menu too," Ashley said. "I'm not that hungry either."

Sarah shook her head, "I want a regular menu."

The waitress chuckled and led us to our table. We ordered our drinks, and she headed off. I looked over the kids menu, before starting to do the activities. I glanced over and Ashley was busy coloring on the menu too.

I noticed that Sarah was shaking a bit, as if she was laughing. I stuck my tongue out at her, and went back to the word search. The waitress brought our drinks back, and we ordered.

After she returned with the food, Ashley said that the ballpark should have these. Both Sarah and I laughed about that. "Next time we'll bring you some crayons and a coloring book."

She stuck out her tongue at me for that. Dinner was what you would expect from a chain restaurant. By the time we were finishing up all three of us were yawning.

In the morning, after I showered, Sarah dressed me in a pair of white shorts and blue shirt. Ashley came out a few minutes later wearing a similar pair of shorts and shirt, except the colors were reversed.

We both started giggling uncontrollably. Sarah gave us a strange look and went to take her shower. We eventually got control of ourselves and started packing up our stuff, so we could leave sooner.

Sarah came out and smiled at us, then finished packing up her stuff. We made one last check for anything that we didn't want to leave behind, and then picked up our bags to leave.

Sarah said, "Let's go get something to eat, then we will come back up here and make one last check before we check out."

Breakfast was good, and best of all free. We finished up and then went back up to get our bags.

Sarah lifted one, "You know, most of the time when you go on vacation the bags get heavier. This one is a lot lighter."

Ashley looked at it and giggled. I looked, "Hey! Be nice."

We put the bags in Sarah's car and went back in to check out. While we were standing there, I noticed the lady from yesterday, Tiffany, over by the breakfast area. She was staring at me again and this really odd look on her face.

She waved, and I waved back, then she disappeared into the hotel. I moved around to the other side of Sarah and tucked in next to her. Sarah put her arm around me.

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