Folks, my girlfriend needs your help. She is struggling with feeling like she isn't any good as a writer. Can anybody spare a moment to send some good wishes her way?
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Folks, my girlfriend needs your help. She is struggling with feeling like she isn't any good as a writer. Can anybody spare a moment to send some good wishes her way?
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We all go through this!
Anyone who writes and is completely secure in their talent is probably to egotistical to be any good anyway! Most of the writer's I enjoy most are always questioning themselves and their talent. I, for one, know that I have a very long way to go as a writer, but I still try to do my best. I feel I am much improved since I had Angela Raasch (sorry Angela, if I spelled it wrong!) as an editor. She taught me a great deal, but I still have a ways to go.
There are some writers here that I am not crazy about, but they sometimes have such cool concepts for their stories (and no, I will never mention a name-writing uses a part of your soul, and I respect anyone with the courage to post a story). I do appreciate some of our great writers here, and I always try to watch what they do, and I do my best to learn from them.
Editors are wonderful people, and they give you a chance to improve your writing before everyone sees it. Dorothy is a darn good writer-take advantage of the available talent there beside you. Good luck! If I can ever help, PM me-I make a pretty good proof reader!
My wife pointed out, I ain't pretty, but I can read well! She's mean!
Who is she?
. . . .
Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until they speak.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Just tell her
That writing is like setting up a bunch of dominoes to fall in sequence. You learn how to do it better every time you do it.
It isn't so much pleasing other people as it pleasing yourself. Tell her to write what she feels, and if it needs editing or other help to either ask or accpept when people offer help. There is nothing wrong with that. We all did it, do it, and try to help out others who are where we were at one time.
Learning is part of living. Sometimes it isn't fun, but we do it anyway.
Writing is the same way.
Either you do it, or you don't.
Tell her not to give up.
I can empathize
I too, am very critical of my stories. I tend to post them right away, as soon as I finish writing. I am my own worst critic, and very seldom reread what I wrote. This is normal, Margeret Mitchell would never have published Gone with the Wind, except for a young woman's taunt. She gave it to a Macmillan agent in a suitcase and several garbage bags, later she changed her mind and wanted it back, but the agent had already started reading it and could not put it down. Hope this encourages her to publish her story, even on-line and get feedback. The kudos are what keep me going, even 1.
for those who didn't know
her name is Kylie, and she wrote "No matter what" that you can find here: She also co-wrote with me "A college outing."