Estrogen / Hormones

Batgirl: The Twinflower Part 4

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Batgirl: The Twinflower
By: Kokopo618

Bella doesn't know how long she was in that room, and her memories of the intervening time are fuzzy, she comes to consciousness on a soft couch.

"Wha- what?" She says quickly adjusting into an upward position.

"It's okay, it's okay, you're safe, are you warm enough?" Bruce says comforting Bella.

Ashley, part 17

“See you tomorrow!” Melissa giggles as she gives me, Cameron, Petra and Lydia a hug each as we head out of school and into the car park. Cameron takes her goodbye hugs next, then Petra, and finally Lydia turns to me with a devilish grin and gives me a long, soft kiss on my lips, which attracts a lot of attention and good-natured jeering from nearby students and a lot of disapproving stares from nearby teachers!

Batgirl: The Twinflower Part 3

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Batgirl: The Twinflower

"Excuse me, Linnea?" Bella says politely.

"OMG Bella hey," the girl replies, stranding up from her seat, giving Bella a girlish side hug. As Bella releases from the hug, she notices the large bandage across Linnea's nose. "My nose, I know, but I figured, new city, new nose."

Family Business Part 1

“So, where are you going on vacation, Mouse?” Diana looks at her friend as she packs.

“New York, New York. My Uncle Jack has an apartment I can stay in while I’m there and my Aunt Anika is going to pick me up at the airport.” Mouse has never been on vacation by herself and she was surprised that the Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service was allowing her to go to America.

A New Life-Kelly's Revenge Chapter 8

“Cut! Kelly, put more expression into your character. Remember, you’re just learning that you are a mutant.”

“Yes sir.”

“Alright, ACTION!” Director Edges watches as Kelly plays her part.

Kelly plays her part and interacts with the actors in the scene without any problems. She keeps her mind on her acting, instead of the information she was given about the doctor that gave her the big breasts. She manages to get through the current scene and move on to the next four scenes.

Replacing Chloe

Replacing Chloe
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

There was no doubt about what he was looking at. Live on Wade Ransby’s phone, a video call from Rachel, a video showing Chloe’s dead body, naked and only wrapped in a bathrobe, lying in a shallow grave. Rachel was holding a shovel, her face wild with fury.

“The bitch is dead, and everybody is going to think that you did it,” she shouted. “Because no crime is perfect you will be caught. I will make sure of it.”

Office Story

Office Story
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

As a successful transwoman, I find the whole idea of forced feminization – shall I say – distasteful. For me the idea of being forced to appear as the opposite sex is a reality, or it was. For the first 22 years of my life I was forced to live as a man, when to my very core I knew that I was a woman.

The Translator

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The Translator
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I was furious that the agency had made such a mistake, but somehow, I found it hard to express my anger to him. He seemed small and harmless, but he was still a man. I had been very precise in my instructions: We were a group of women speaking to female Muslim refugees about women’s’ issues – our interpreter had to be a woman.


The After-effects of Chemically Induced Acute Gonadal Dysfunction
A Scientific Paper (of a sort)
By Maryanne Peters NSD MN (Hons)


The above is an extract from a story that appeared in the Des Moines Register on April 1st 2018. The publication date made many readers consider the story a prank, but among medical researchers the presence of Acute Gonadal Dysfunction is well known, although research is limited by its rarity.

For Daddy

For Daddy
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

He called me “Daddy” in the emails and text messages I received from him. I guess I thought that it had been so long since we had been together as father and son that he would still think of me like that. But really, that made no sense. My son was over 18 at the time. He would have only been 11 or 12 when I left his mother.

Spinal Tap

Spinal Tap
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The device was a simple spinal implant. Something injected into the fluid of the spinal column, carrying the capacity to deliver tiny electrical impulses. These impulses were so small that the minute battery had sufficient capacity for one hundred single tiny surges. But directly in the spine those surges translated to bursts of incredible pain. Julie felt that one hundred such jolts would be all that was needed to adjust behavior. In the case of her own son Chris, she had used less than fifty.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“Actually, I thought you were a woman when you first applied,” said Elspeth Mabey, as she sat in her drawing room sipping her tea. “You put your surname first, you see: Bonnie Keith. And here you are, Keith Bonnie.”

“I have been in Europe, Ma’am, where they write their names that way,” the newly recruited driver replied. “Were you looking for a woman?”


A Short Story inspired by a Captioned Image
By Maryanne Peters

I put it down to good policework. My policework. Checking the scenes thoroughly. Interviewing the witnesses. Understanding the clues. Good policework. Dedication.

My father was a policeman. I respected him and I respected the work that he did, but he did not achieve great heights. He said that it was about the satisfaction of doing good. That is the measure of achievement that a policeman should be aware of, not their rank or salary bracket.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The slap bought me back to consciousness with a stinging pain on my cheek.

“Wake up, Doctor Daly.”

My eyes had real trouble focusing as my surroundings seemed so unreal. In front of me was a attractive middle aged woman dressed in traditional dominatrix style, a sort of vinyl outfit with fishnet stockings and heels, her dark hair pulled back from her snarling face.

“What is this? What is going on? Who are you?” I gasped in disbelief.

Our Son Nick and Old Lace

The parody is the last refuge of the frustrated writer. Parodies are what you write when you are associate editor of the Harvard Lampoon. The greater the work of literature, the easier the parody. The step up from writing parodies is writing on the wall above urinals.” - Ernest Hemmingway.

Turnabout is fair play.” — Angela Rasch

The following parody has many references to Cary Grant and his movies. . .above and beyond the obvious. Should you get bored with this story, or if the story runs against your grain. . .use it as a puzzle. . .try to pick out all those references.

This story also contains several un-attributed quotes. We apologize for trying to be someone or something we’re not. We suspect the nature of the story supports this decision.

Bordello Boys

Bordello Boys
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

My mother said that she prayed that her children would not be male. A brothel is no place for boys.

But I was a boy, and so was my real cousin Dee, and my pretend cousin Jay.

Dee was older than me by three years, but Jay was only a few months younger than me, so we played together. Dee looked after us a bit, I guess. Both of us looked up to Dee.

The Loft ~ Chapter 8

Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


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The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau

All Rights Reserved.

(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau and Joyce Melton.)

(Image Source: 193656564 © -


Chapter Eight


To Alleviate Suffering

This has been a Hatbox story. It will be posted as a free story for a short time.

Jim and Heather had formed an eight-step pact during high school. They would attend Vanderbilt together and take those classes that would best prepare them for the MCAT. Once they had their undergraduate degrees they would get married, and apply for admission to Yale. After accepted, they would study to become surgeons, work diligently, and graduate with honors. They would then return to Nashville and work for the largest hospital in Tennessee (the highly regarded HealthWing.) Heather would become Director of Medicine, and Jim would become Chief Surgeon. All goes according to plan except for one small change. A few months into their years at Yale, Jim decided that a career as an RN would be a much better fit.

Years later, Heather uses her administrative position at HealthWing to make mandatory changes in the nurses’ dress code.

Mother Love

Mother Love
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I could never hate my son. How could a mother hate her own child? I remember the first moment that he was laid upon my chest – purple pink and wet from my womb – so small and fragile. How could he grow up to be just like his father?

Sought After

Sought After
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peter

“Seeking an older sissy” was the posting on that sissy site. “I'm done with flighty, younger, gold-digging fembois, I want an intelligent but servile older sissy to serve me.”

The Loft ~ Chapter 7

Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


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The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau

All Rights Reserved.

(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau and Joyce Melton.)

(Image Source: 193656564 © -


Chapter Seven


The Pageant Trap

The Pageant Trap
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

You can probably guess how it began. It’s in the title. It was a beauty pageant, more than one in fact, but the first one had to be a “Womanless” Beauty Pageant.

My mother had been a beauty queen. She married my father who was an athlete and a pro ballplayer when they met. To his great satisfaction he had three sons. I was the youngest. We were all brought up to play sport as our father had. None of us had the slightest interest in domestic things. We wanted nothing more than to be like our dad.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

My uncle was a religious man. When I say religious, I mean that he claimed to be a Christian. He claimed to live his life by the principles preached by Christ and his church. He claimed to be good.

When I say my uncle, I mean that he was the husband of my aunt – my mother’s much younger sister. That meant that he was not my uncle by blood nor was he more than about 10 years older than me.

The Loft ~ Chapter 6

Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


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The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau

All Rights Reserved.

(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau and Joyce Melton.)

(Image Source: 193656564 © -


Chapter Six



A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I should explain right at the beginning why Daddy did the things that he did to me. You see, Daddy is not my real father. That is the whole problem, and the reason why things fell apart. He told me that he did not want to believe that I was not his, so he ignored the fact that I did not look anything like my two older brothers. He loved me, and now he loves me more.

Mother Daughter Bonding

Mother Daughter Bonding
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

"I don't know about this," I said. “It’s like Stan and Kevin might have the wrong idea about us. Just because we like dressing up as women now and again does not mean we are gay, or anything like that. I'm straight, just like you Dad.”

"Sure," my dad replied, but did I sense a little uncertainty? "It’s just a fantasy thing. We have to explain that to them. It’s a release mechanism. I used to do it before I was married, and well, since your mother died, I just slipped back into old habits.”

The Loft ~ Chapter 5

Greg has long fought her need to transition to the girl she is. Now, she is going to college and starting a new life as Angie. This is her story of discovery and the friendships that evolve in…


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The Loft

By Shauna

Copyright© 2020 Shauna J. Rousseau
All Rights Reserved.
(Cover image designed by Shauna J. Rousseau and Joyce Melton.)
(Image Source: 193656564 © -

Chapter Five



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