Estrogen / Hormones

A Woman's Work

A Woman’s Work
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I had always wanted to be an artist. I guess I felt that I was creative, but what I really liked was the idea of flicking a little paint onto canvas and selling it for $10,000. It struck me that it could be so easy if I had talent.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The first thing that I did was come straight out and tell my family that I was gay. I guess a lot of guys have real difficulty with this, but at the end of the day you just have to get it over with. You have to be straight. As it turned out, it went well. My Dad was not surprised – in fact, he was almost relieved. It seemed to explain everything about me.

Fugitive from the republic

Fugitive from the republic

By Jennifer Reed
This story takes place in the star wars universe. A brilliant general forced to flee during the clone war and assume an identity he never expected.

Chapter 1

Carla and Angela Part 2

Carla wakes up in the middle of the night. She places a kiss on Angela’s cheek as she gets out of bed and heads to the bathroom. She was sore from her wife using the cat-shaped phallus on her last night. The spines on it dug into her vaginal wall and buried themselves into it.
When Angela yanked herself out of her body. The spines raked her vaginal lining, giving her a massive orgasm.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 15

Equality has finally come to the UQ. Now Peter may get to meet his father.

The next few months we a frenzy of hard work for the new parliament. The first task was to make sure the mistake of the past could never happen again. A law was passed that was enshrined in the new constitution that made it impossible to disenfranchise anyone, no matter gender, race or religion from voting.

The Editor

The Editor
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

It was my fourth Marion Potter book and at the end I found my eyes full of tears. It was unusual for me because while I can be as emotional as the next man, I was editing. I was looking for spelling and grammar and inconsistencies. When you are doing that, it is usually hard to get caught up in the story. It should be just words. But they were words that I did not realize had caught me in their web and were now winding me up in silk.

Carla and Angela Part 1

**Warning, Erotic Sexual Scenes**

Carla stands in front of the full-length mirror in her and Angela’s bedroom. She couldn’t believe how her body had reacted to the blue pills she heard about and took. Her face had softened up and looked more feminine. Her features hadn’t changed much and anyone that knew her would still recognize her. However, she did shrink in height and her hair and eye color had changed.

Mother May I

Mother May I
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The word that could be used to describe my mother is that she was a "cougar." According to the dictionary "a middle-aged woman seeking a romantic relationship with a younger man." Although having said that, Jerome was older than the usual.

She had younger men before him, which is why she insisted on a "women only household when I have visitors."

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 13

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to continue with this storyline and to use characters from her story.

The Queen was having her bi-weekly briefing with Em.

"We couldn't have had a better outcome if we tried. I'm going to enjoy the next poll results."

Reluctant Diva 16

Reluctant Diva 16
Inspired by Lipstick Discipline
Chapter 16 – My first date
Even after we had drunk our coffee, I was still trying to sort out my muddled feelings, but I was brought back to reality with a rude jerk. Without ceremony my mother broke in upon my thoughts. “Now young lady, there’s a lot to do before this evening.”

“I’ll get my apron.” I sighed.

A bright boy in the Feminine Queendom Part 8

This story is set after the events that happened in the final Chapter of Beverly Taff's The Feminine Queendom 90
She kindly gave her permission for me to post this.

The election is less than a year away. The Queen has found a leader for a new party to oppose the existing Feminista parties. The probelm now is the police force. Being riddled with hard core feminists they may oppose any changes she makes.

Reluctant Diva 13

Reluctant Diva 13
Inspired by Lipstick Discipline
Chapter 13 – The little details
One evening later that spring Mom returned from work in a strange mood. She was clearly preoccupied by something but as usual was being mysterious about it. I reckoned that this was one of her methods of keeping control of my life. After supper however, all was revealed.

Best Wife

Best Wife
A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

I married my first wife when I was young. All my friends had paired off and had steady girlfriends, and she thought I was great, so I guess I was attracted to her for that reason. We did things with other couples, and as they got married the big question was when we were going to do it. She suggested a date and so I proposed. That was it.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The cabin had been a place full of people when he was a boy. It had always been a place of joy. She never saw it that way, but she went with him because he loved the place so much. Now that she was gone it seemed that it was just empty.

Reluctant Diva 11

Reluctant Diva 11
Inspired by Lipstick Discipline
Chapter 11 – A new ride
The following morning I was looking forward to a quiet Sunday with no new ordeals for me to face. I was in my bra and panty girdle and had just decided which of my tea dresses to put on when Mom briefly appeared in the doorway.
Her cryptic utterance “You might wanted wear something a little more ‘everyday’ this morning.” sounded more like an instruction than advice.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 4

3525 Clam Dig Road, Los Angeles, California:
“Who’s our guest?” Leland watches as Tammy removes the body armor the person was wearing off their body.

“I don’t know, but you wouldn’t believe what they went up against.” Tammy slowly removes the body armor.

When she gets all the body armor off the person. She could see they were wearing some sort of black bodysuit underneath the armor. It had a spongy feel to it as she touches it. There was a hole where whatever hit the person had gone through the armor. The skin was burnt and blistered.

Terry and Dakota’s Family Thanksgiving

Dakota looks at herself in the full-length mirror in her and Terry’s bedroom. She tried one of those blue pills Rebecca took and couldn’t believe what it did to her body. It didn’t change how she looked, except increasing her breast size up one cup size, her hair was fuller and made her hips and buttocks look bigger.

Promotional Advantage

Promotional Advantage
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

John Dabney and I were army through and through. We had served three years each out of OCS. Both of us had chosen careers in logistics, but I found myself in a dead-end posting in personnel records in a well-known garrison in Kentucky. John was in the same camp but in another building complex working on engineering support.

Reluctant Diva 7

Reluctant Diva 7
Inspired by Lipstick Discipline
Chapter 7 – Changes
In one of the history lessons at school I remembered reading about some ancient Greek guy who had to perform one feat of endurance after another to atone for doing some pretty bad stuff. It seemed I was fated to follow the same path, though I beg to point out that the stuff I might have done and was certainly paying for was no way in the same league as his.

Aunt Katherine

Aunt Katherine
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

My mother’s aunt Katherine had always hated men. She had never married, and that had served her well. She thought that her sister had married badly – to a man of course. The wealth that they had inherited was frittered away by my grandparents, where she had kept hers and multiplied it many times.

“No man will ever get his hands on my money,” she would say. And she meant it.

Damsel in the Dress

Damsel in This Dress
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I was one of those people who believed that I could handle everything, until one day I discovered that I could not handle anything at all.

It started with headaches. Initially they were the kind that you could pop a pill to put them aside, but then I got those head-splitting things that they call migraine attacks that force you to sit in a still, darkened room, to get any peace. It seemed as if it could not get worse, but it did.

Mother and Daughter, part 18

“It’s okay to be a little nervous,” the nurse said as Janet fidgeted in her bed, trying to get comfortable. “The surgeons know what they’re doing, and they’ve done it countless times already. You’ll be back up on your feet before you know it.”

“Yeah, I know,” Janet said, taking several deep breaths to try to steady her nerves. “And God knows it’s not like I haven’t dreamed about this every day of my life since- heh, probably since before you were born!”

“Well, I was born in 1994, so maybe,” the nurse said, making Janet chuckle.

Hard Time - Part 2


Hard Time - Part 2
by Melanie Brown
Copyright  © 2021 Melanie Brown

Jason falls victim to judicial overreach

This story takes place in the not too distant future -- Ed

Dear John

Dear John
A Short Letter for John
By Maryanne Peters

Dear John,

When I first sat down to write this letter, I wanted to accuse you. I can always go back and make changes, and I have, but I wanted you to know how much you have confused and upset me. I mean that you have turned my life upside down.

Did you ever give any thought to my feelings?

I could have had a normal life. I could have a been a man. I could have had a family. Now I never can. Now I am just yours. Something for your amusement.


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