Estrogen / Hormones

Laura, part 26

“Okay,” I whisper to myself, before taking a deep breath and focusing on the words on the page in front of me. “Doctor, what should I do with this liver?”

“Well, fry it with some onions and some beans!” Comes the reply from George, one of my fellow students.

“…It’s a transplant liver, doctor, for humans,” I say in a deadpan voice, before grimacing. “Ah, shit, sorry, that should be ‘it’s a human liver for transplant’.”

Chapter 27 - You Can Never Go Home Again

Link: The Road to Hell Title Page and Description


To give him a room of his own, Hank and Joyce Edwards worked every spare minute to convert their den into another bedroom. Previous foster children had shared a room either with Tracy if they were a girl or David if a boy, but the family quickly realized that Joss didn't really fit either and did their best to adapt.

The Woman he Deserves

The Woman He Deserves
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I said it to Hannah: “How can she do that? It is like she is tormenting him.”

It was supposed to be a double date, but Tammy had insisted on bringing a friend. A man friend to make five at the table. Then she spent the whole night playing footsie under the table with Rafe (that was his name), while Jack was right there. I could see it, and I was damn sure my date Hannah could see it too.

But Hannah’s response left me cold.

Stephanie, part 24

“Hi you two!” Gary says, greeting me and Kayla with hugs as we enter his home and drop our travel cases in the hallway.

“Hi dad!” Kayla replies with a giggle, before we head through to the living room and flop down on the plush sofa.

“Hi you two!” Charlene- Kayla’s mother- says as she emerges from the kitchen with four warm (and very welcome) mugs of tea. “Did you have a good train ride from London?”

“Yeah, it was great, thanks!” Kayla replies. “Didn’t get mobbed by TOO many fans, hehe!”

Carla and Angela Part 7

Dean Street and Grand Ave:
Carla had followed the guy named Fredrick Cazalet to a restaurant in lower Manhattan. She knew from her contacts on the street, that in the back of the restaurant a bunch of guys got together to play poker. He was also the guy she punched the day she rescued Autumn.

As she is sitting in her car watching the place. She thought she spotted some movement in the back alleyway. She grabs her expanding pike bo-staff and exists from her car. She moves quickly across the street and heads towards the alleyway.

Ian, part 19

“It’s weird how this has become just, like, normal again,” Lee says as we pull on our coats and head out of the flat, locking the door behind us as we go. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love university, but you know? I kinda, like, got used to it being summer, having all the time to myself… Am I making any sense?”

“Maybe a little,” I reply, smirking as my flat mate rolls his eyes. “But I kinda get what you mean, I think.” Even though my summer was a hell of a lot busier than yours…

Chapter 16 - The Hand of Fate

Link: The Road to Hell Title Page and Description

CAUTION - Indirect Reference to Suicidal Thoughts
CAUTION - Intense scenes involving a minor
CAUTION - Highly Emotional Content


Josh was 'sick' the next week, which wasn't far from the truth as he was lost in a near constant fugue state. Friday came and he was taken down to Dr. Biggs's office and got his first three-month shot of puberty blockers. The next Monday, he went back to school and met Tracy at the bus stop.

Carla and Angela Part 6

“I can’t believe you traded down from your Hellcat to this car.” Autumn looks at the inside of the Hyundai Sonata GLS they had gotten.

“My Hellcat sticks out and would have been spotted if I used it to stake out your father. This car blends in better and is low-key.” Carla was happy that Terry had several cars she could use for surveillance work.

“But I thought you just got your Hellcat?” Autumn was confused.

“I did, I just need a car that won’t get spotted.” Carla was thankful Terry could help her out.

Carol's Unusual Life

Carol at Age Fifteen:
Carol looks at the four needles she managed to get from a friend that sold drugs. She was tired of waiting until she was sixteen years old to have the surgery to get her vagina. She heard what these drugs could do and wanted to be a true girl now.

She puts two of the needles into her left arm and puts the other two needles into her breasts. One needle per breast. She was glad she had the house to herself because otherwise, she would have to wait until everyone was asleep.

A New Identity

“Oh, my aching head.” Bill gets up off the floor of his apartment and walks towards the bathroom.

His head was pounding a minute and he was half awake. He brushes his light brown hair out of his eyes. When he goes to pee, he notices something was wrong. First, the toilet looked bigger to him. Secondly, when he goes to grab his penis, he notices it was gone. He starts feeling his bladder ready to release.

Family Counselling

Family Counselling
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Scene 1 The Consulting Rooms of Dr. M T Shieff

“I am sympathetic to your position, but I also have ethical considerations.” As he spoke Doctor Martin Shieff was thinking about a solution that could accommodate this young man. He liked him. His daily fodder was the anxious and the depressed but here he faced somebody who seemed to be in control, albeit directing his considerable intellect towards antisocial behavior.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 5

Heading to SWAT Headquarters:
Robyn rides down the highway as she heads to work on her motorcycle. Her ribs were doing better, but she still couldn’t go out in the field, until she was fully healed. Unlike her other sisters, she didn’t have a bodyguard, guarding her. Her mothers could track her motorcycle and she could call on the LAPD for help.

Tau Beta Gamma

Tau Gamma Beta
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Hayley had been all lined up to board with a relative who had a place right near college and I was all set to be in the Pi Theta Kappa fraternity, being a provisional member, but things had not gone right for either of us. What do you do in a crisis? You get drunk.

“I learned something about Pi Theta Kappa today,” I complained. “They are a bunch of arrogant pricks! In particular, that Dylan Hobbs, who seems to be the leader of the pack. He has it in for me.”

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 9

Tammy snuggles closer to Leland as he slept. They spent last night going over the security footage and didn’t learn anything. The footage Nyx had was scrambled as well. They need to give the footage to someone who could unscramble it.

Normally, she would have Becky work on it. But Becky and her wife Sunny were visiting her folks. Nyx had gone back to her hotel room and was seeing if she could reach a friend of hers back in Georgia. According to what Nyx told them, this friend of hers was extremely good at de-scrambling videos and such.

A Thing of Beauty

A Thing of Beauty
By Maryanne Peters
A Sequel to "Beauty Boy":

I sometimes think I am just a thing to him. A thing of Beauty.

I know what beauty is. It is my trade after all. I was a boy then, looking for a trade that did not require me to sweat or get dirty, and preferably involved in surrounding myself with beautiful things. Why should that be restricted to women? They do not have a monopoly on beauty.

Don’t Mess with The Wolfhart Family Part 4

Fit For Life Fitness Center:
“Higher ladies.” Sandy looks at everyone in her exercise class.

Some of the women were new and some were ones that have been taking her class for a while. She notices a light brown hair teenage girl that was new to her class. She was a little awkward in her movements. It was like the girl didn’t know her own body.
Sandy continues to watch the girl until her class is over. She walks over to the girl “I noticed you were having some difficulties. Is everything okay?”

Lolita Revisited

Lolita Revisited
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I never thought that this kind of thing happened for real, but there are strange people out there.

I suppose my mother was strange too. She always had a hankering to see me dressed as a girl. She told me that she did it when I was a baby, dressing me in pink just because she liked to hear people say: “What a pretty little girl”. Any chance to put me in a dress for Halloween or fancy dress she always said: “Go as a princess. Let me get you the outfit.”

Carla and Angela Part 5

Autumn tries on several outfits as she and Carla shop. They had left the Voodoo lounge and went to some stores Carla knew well and trusted. She knew what to look for and what style best suited her body frame. All those years of playing women characters have helped her become familiar with what was practical for ordinary women to wear and what was needed for a special occasion and such.

Sasha - An Introduction

Hi, my name is Sasha Anderson. I just turned 12 years old last week. I'm
four foot ten inches tall, and almost 90 pounds. You may have seen photos
of me on the internet. I am a contestant in America's Hottest Teen
Transsexual Pageant, under 13 category. It's an online beauty pageant for
young transgirls. Some nasty people online have accused my mom of setting
me on the path of being a TS porn star and escort. But it's way more
complicated than that. This is a path that I choose for myself. She

After Linda 3

Carla and Angela Part 4

Carla moves carefully from the bedroom to the bathroom. Angela used the cat-shaped phallus on her last night at least four times. She was moving very, very slowly and couldn’t believe how much Angela was enjoying the phallus. When she looks at herself in the mirror. She noticed that a silver choker with a cat’s head in the middle of it appeared on both their necks.

Learning What It Means to Be Tammy Beck Chp. 8

Nyx changes out her chest plate for her armor. She’ll have to rebuild her older armor chest plate. While she is getting the replacement, she runs the list of local supply places you could get what was needed. She knew that the material needed to repair the other armor was special.

It was going to require specialized equipment as well. She does some research to see if she could locate some companies that would either carry the equipment. A long list appears on her computer screen. She tries narrowing it down, but there were just too many places.

The Purity of Judgment

The Purity of Judgment
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

They were about as unalike as two men can be. Milo Laconda was tall and dark, powerfully built and with a swagger and deep throated laugh. He was recently divorced and that had knocked him back financially, but he was up and running again with the business and product that had he had developed – Laconda Plumbing Supplies – suppliers of the “Laconda Flush”.

A Suite of Changes

A Suite of Changes
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The hotel was grander than he had imagined. The lobby was large with glass lift wells going up several stories to reach a high cathedral ceiling with mezzanine balconies and large staircases between them. The reception area seemed a mile away.


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