Estrogen / Hormones

Mother 1


Mother 1

An 11-year-old boy is living a happy childhood. He had a loving mom and Dad. He has friends and is respected and liked at school. He loves playing football and helping his mother cook. He thanks God every night for the blessings he has.
This was until his life was turned upside down.

Go Your Own Way - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Saturday morning Avery awoke to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking. Mom was fixing a nice breakfast so, presumably, he would have a full stomach to make a full confession. When he went into the dining room, she put a full plate in front of him and inquired, “Can we talk after breakfast?”

He gave the only answer he felt would satisfy her, “Yes, ma’am.”

“Thank you, Honey. You know ….” Her cell phone chimed. She looked at the screen and the blood went from her face. “Hello?”

Snake Oil

Snake Oil
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“Doctor Nutbrown’s Incredible Remedies” was emblazoned on the side of the wagon that rolled into the town of Pratchett, Arizona.  Holding the reins was Doctor Thaddeus Nutbrown himself, if that was his name, and beside him the pretty woman Susan, Mrs Nutbrown, if that is what she was.

“You can set yourself up beside the livery stables,” said Sheriff John Bigelow.  “Just so long as you understand we will have no cheating in this town.”

Family Business Part 6

Zoey tosses and turns as images filter through her dreams warning her of upcoming danger and past dangers. The image of her father being tortured to death in his home office, while she watched from her hiding spot. The thundering sound of the gun going off. She felt the pain her father suffered and then nothing as his life slipped away.

A loud clap of thunder wakes her from her dreams. She sits up in bed and looks around her. It takes her mind a few seconds to register where she was. She looks around the plain-looking room, as she sat in bed while the covers pooled around her.

Life is Like a Wheel

Life is Like a Wheel
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Part 1

I went to the hospital to gloat. It sounds a shitty thing now. Why do people do that? Gloating seems like the worst thing; not just enjoying the misfortune of others (there is a word for that) but showing it … even letting the victim see your smug satisfaction.

Let the Music Play Chp. 11

The next two weeks the band does four gigs and head home. Even Lisa was worn out from the pace they had been keeping. She had to buy a new box of drum sticks from a music store after their third gig. One of her sticks had split right in half while she was performing. Luckily for her she had a spare on hand.

She looks over towards Lindsey and notices she was sound asleep on the sofa across from her. Kaja was sitting at the small table with her laptop opened working on inventory and sales. Jamie and Cindy were in the back of the bus asleep.

Family Business Part 5

Lilly wakes up and stretches as she stares up at the ceiling above her. She felt so energized and rested, which was something she hasn’t felt in a while. She slides out of bed and slips the robe that Mouse gave her to wear.

She wonders if Mouse was already up and about as she heads towards the kitchen. When she walks into the kitchen, she spots Mouse talking to a young girl dressed in a black lace bodysuit and faded blue jeans. The blue jeans looked like someone had painted them onto the girl. She had dark brown hair that was cut short.

The Helper

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The Helper
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I had not realized how far the house was from the main road until the taxi finally drew up beside it. It was a large house with a veranda on all sides, even larger facing the sea. Mr Golbenkian was waiting for me near the front door. He was seated in his electric wheelchair. I had not met him before then, but his warm brown eyes were as friendly as his voice on the phone.


A short Story
By Maryanne Peters

You may know the story. If you are reading this, you may have heard it more than once. I was a troublesome son. My mother took drastic action to curb my bad behavior. I resisted. I struck out and I hurt her. It was not what I wanted to do. I was out of control. I see that now. But she was desperate. That is why she called in her friend; to put an end to my bad behavior.

My Stepsister

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My Stepsister
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I have to say that when my Dad married Dawn, I was a bit unsure. I could see why he did. She is a good-looking woman, and I mean a really good-looking woman. The problem was that her son Mark looked just like her – a younger version that is.

Sarah book 1 part 5 The beginning,

After witnessing a murder. Young Robbie Dunkirk sees his family also murdered. He calls his mothers estranged twin sister. She comes up with a plan to hide Robbie. HE becomes his twin sister Sarah.


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

I never thought that there was anything odd about Matt. I would not say that we were friends, but we worked alongside one another for three years and we always talked. I knew that he was married, and I had even met his wife, once, when we met on the street after work. She was plain as I recall.

Peter to Penelope

Peter to Penelope

By Alison Mary Murdoch

Edited by Kelly Blake

A Twist of Fate…

Being the Duty Paramedic at a highway station 12 miles North of our regional hospital, I received an emergency call.

"A boy injured in a fall from a trail bike...”


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

The Oval Office seemed somehow smaller than she imagined. The curved corner-less walls gave it a surprisingly warm feel – it was after all, the shape of a womb. The color was apricot – warm and sweet. The trim was matt white – clean and tidy. There was a lounge area that looked softer than soft. But at the windows was the business end – the empty desk.

They remained standing as the President entered. He took his seat and did not invite them to sit, so they remained standing.


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A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

He wanted to be angry, but whatever she had done to him seemed to make that impossible. He felt not only weak, but devoid of energy, and placid too. He knew that he should not be, but he seemed in a word: Incapable.

Compared to her, he was. She was a brilliant surgeon. He had been nothing; a sales representative for a medical supply company. A charmer. A rake. But that seemed so long ago.


Consulting Ariana
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

When you first set forth on your career, you wonder whether what you can do is going to make a change in the world, or whether the world might change you.

I was a young man with a college degree, but with a major in the Race Relations which it turns out is not really that useful. But I did have a minor in Business Studies, and that was enough to get me an internship with a small consulting firm.

Mother and Daughter, part 17

“…And that’s another week done, then!” Sade teased Ellie as they made their way out of their university campus. “Now the REAL hard work starts, heh!”

“Meh, I wouldn’t call it THAT hard,” Ellie replied with a sad smile. “Well, not PHYSICALLY hard, anyway…”

“Yeah, I get that,” Sade said softly. “But, you know, end of one era, beginning of another?”

“Yeah,” Ellie replied. “And I am looking forward to it, really, I just-“

“It’s okay, I understand,” Sade whispered, giving her friend’s hand a gentle squeeze as they headed to the nearest tube station.


A Vignette
By Maryanne Peters

She used to be Pete. We were friends then. We practically grew up together. My brother was older than me, so he ignored me, and Pete had older sisters. We hung out together. We played ball – shot some hoops and I pitched him some balls. He didn’t have a strong throw. We climbed trees and played in the creek on hot days. He was always around at my place playing e-sports games.

Pete was as normal as any other guy. At least he seemed that way. That was before he started calling himself Petra.

Emma and Sam

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Chapter 1

“Hi… Mind if I sit here?”

Glancing up, I found a cherubic face looking down at me with her coffee cup in hand. She had a gloriously broad smile and sparkling green eyes to match.

“Sure…” I smiled up at her.

Smile in the Photo

Smile in the Photo
A Short Story for John (from a Cap by Becca?)
By Maryanne Peters

Can you fall in love with somebody you see in a photograph? Stranger yet, can you fall in love with a child in a photograph, imagining her to have grown into a creature with all the beauty and warmth in that image, but now with the body of a woman? It seems very odd, but it happened to me.

The Trickster

Twenty years ago, St. Elm Hospital, Santa Monica, California:
Agata and Ghalen Jefferson look at their first grandchild through the glass window in the nursery. Their second oldest daughter and her husband had just had their first child.

“She looks so much like her mother, Ghalen.” Agata looks at her granddaughter with a huge smile on her face.

“I know, wait until Brenda has her child.” Ghalen couldn’t believe both his girls were pregnant at the same time as each other.

Cross Country Disconnect – 26 Romance In the Air

Cross Country Disconnect – 26
Romance In the Air

By Jessica C

Gary made a bet that he didn’t win...
Gary becomes Caryn and becomes Sarai’s girlfriend…
Sarai would remain as my best friend…
Breann in my life…

Jacinta, part 19

I fidget nervously in my seat as I watch the drama unfold in front of me. I’m sat in an audience not unlike the spectators at a Roman Amphitheatre, only instead of watching two gladiators fight it out, we’re enthralled by the sight of two middle-aged men sat opposite each other. One of the men is one of the most famous (and infamous) television presenters in the country, while the other is my father- and the prize on offer is far greater than any ancient gladiator could ever have dreamed of.

The Scam

The Scam
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

“My guess is that you have done this before,” said Hayden Staples. “It all seems very rehearsed.”

“That shouldn’t concern you,” said the girl he knew as Roxanne, but now speaking with a voice that betrayed the harsh reality. “We only have to agree on a price to keep our little sexual encounter a secret.”


A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

Part 1

“I’ll tell you what we are going to do,” said Dr Felton. Gina had referred the problem to her superior knowing that she would have a solution. “This boy cannot be concealed here, so he will need to hide in plain sight as one of our spa team.”

“But we have no men on our team,” said Gina. It was she who had found Miguel and promised to hide him. She was the source of the problem. Everybody stared her down.

Just Bros Being Bros

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By: Kokopo618

"Hey, what's up dude?" I ask, walking in to the kitchen, seeing my roommate make his protein shake that he makes every morning.

"Nothing much, just about to head for the gym," He says dumping protein powder into his flask.

"Cool, cool," I say still looking at him. He's got an amazing body, I mean, I'm a guy, but damn. I guess going to the gym all the time pays off.

"What's wrong, Ryan," Jack says, turning to me.

Ian, part 17

“Thank GOD,” Mac says in an over-dramatic way as he, Ben and I head out of our college, all three of us tired after a long week, but excited at the knowledge we have the next three weeks completely university-free.

“Took the words right out of my mouth,” Ben chuckles.

“Oh come on,” I protest. “It hasn’t been THAT bad, has it?”

“So you’re telling me you’d rather have another 3 weeks of classes than 3 weeks of holiday, then?” Ben asks, making me grin slyly.

The Object of Sex

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The Object of Sex
A Short Story
By Maryanne Peters

When Culley’s wife died I was there for him. I can’t say that I was there for all of my friends, but I was there for him when it mattered. I don’t like sadness. I will do almost anything to avoid it. But I suppose he was my best friend. I am not completely selfish.

Batgirl: The Twinflower Part 5

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Batgirl: The Twinflower
By: Kokopo618

Looking out the window of the batmobile, Bella absentmindedly fiddles with her hair, twirling her finger around her long red locks.

"I just don't get it," Bella says.

"We will catch them," Bruce says, "it will just take time."

"And how many girls will die before then?" Bella says accusatorily, "sorry. It's not your fault. It's just so frustrating."


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